Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker (7 page)

BOOK: Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker
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“Baby,” Wyatt says in his commanding voice. “I can see in your face you got me all wrong. You’re drunk. I’d prefer if you were sober for this.”

Heck, those words are sobering me up right now. I look up into his golden eyes, and I see nothing, but heat and desire. I can’t believe that look is for me. I don’t care how many times I have protested to Heather that I don’t want this man. That is an outright lie. I have always wanted Wyatt.

I wish I hadn’t had so much to drink. It was sort of stupid of me to drink so much. I need to be alert. Another reason I know I am tipsy, I should have landed that slap to Wyatt’s face.

“Nellie, Nellie, Nellie,” Wyatt nuzzles my neck pulling me from my drunken wayward thoughts. My body is buzzing from more than the alcohol, as Wyatt sucks the sensitive skin on my neck into his mouth.

I moan and cling to his crisp black t-shirt as he sets me down on my feet. I really am sobering up. When I look up into his eyes, this time, I have questions in mine.
Is this just another one night stand for him? Will we still have the friendship we started if we start to take this in a new direction? Will I disappoint him if I give myself to him?

“Stop thinking so much,” he says with a smile. He turns to the bar and orders two bottles of water. When he pays for them and collects the bottles, he turns to me as he opens one, handing it over to me. “Drink up.”

I take the water and start to sip at it as he watches me. For the first time, I really take him in. He is in a pair of blue jeans that are hanging low around his slim waist and a black t-shirt that is showing off his tightly muscled torso, over that he is wearing a light weight grey blazer.

My eyes travel back up his body, and I find him watching me as well. I chug the water out of nervousness now that I am sobering up. Wyatt reaches for the empty bottle and hands me the next one.

I take it, but tip my head to the side. He gives me a wolfish smirk and steps in closer to me. Wyatt brushes my bangs out of my eyes before reaching to cup my neck and drawing me into him; his lips are on mine once again, and I am pure putty in his hands.

He sucks and nips at my bottom lip before his tongue dives into my mouth. I can taste the sweetness from the beer he was drinking. I can tell you right now if this is what kissing Wyatt is always like I don’t stand a chance.

When his fingers lock in the nape of my hair, we both groan. The water in my hand is all but forgotten. I reach for his t-shirt with my free hand and pull him closer to me, but he breaks the kiss, much to my frustration. I whimper in disappointment.

“Drink up,” he says to me with the same panty-melting smile.










Chapter Ten


My better judgment knows I should be taking things slow with Nellie, but when she jumped into my arms, I was done for. It felt right, like where she belongs. I had to taste her lips. They were taunting me.

Nellie tastes like candy, so much better than I ever dreamed. I really hadn’t planned to kiss her; the plan was to just get her to come dance with me. I knew I was going to get a reaction out of slapping her ass; I just didn’t expect the one I got when she realized it was me.

Seeing that initial fire in her eyes and getting an up close look at her lush lips painted a glossy deep red, short-circuited my brain. Not to mention the feel of her body in my arms had me not wanting to ever let her go. I have watched her hug my brothers plenty of times, but she has always been wary of showing that type of affection toward me.

When she went in for that hug, I sopped it up like water to dry land. The feel of her body molding to mine and my arms molding around her body…it just left me wanting more. My brain fizzes out whenever she is close by so you can imagine what having her in my arms felt like.

I don’t want her thinking she has made a mistake in the light of day, so I plan to get her sobered up. I watch her closely as she drinks the second bottle of water. I am fighting within to keep my hands off of her, but it is a fight I am about to lose.

“Come dance with me,” I lean to whisper in her ear as she finishes the second bottle of water.

She smiles up at me and lifts a brow in question. The DJ here isn’t bad, he has been playing a mix of hip-hop, R&B, and EDM. Right now he is playing some older hip hop, so I am sure that is the reason for her questioning look. Little does Nellie know I have a few moves of my own.

She laughs when she sees I am serious. “You want to dance,” she says and tilts her head at me. “Okay Mr. Black, show me what you got.”

I slip my fingers in hers, and we head for the dance floor. Nellie is about to learn to stop underestimating me. I’ve got her in every way her man needs to have her.



I can’t believe Wyatt is asking me to dance, let’s just say it is one of the last things I expected from him. I just can’t see him getting out here and dancing to hip hop music. As we step into the middle of the crowd, the DJ starts to spin
Candy Shop.
A smile hits my lips as I think of how he is about to embarrass himself right now.

I gasp in shock when he spins me with the hand he was leading me with. My back turns to him and his other hand lands on my hip. He steps up behind me and starts to rock his hips against mine.

. Okay, so I may have been wrong. Wyatt’s hips move in time with the beat and soon he is grinding and rolling against me, and even guiding my hips and body to get down low with him. I snap out of my surprise and throw my arms back and around his neck.

He buries his face in my neck and starts to suck on it, not losing the beat once. When his hands start to move up my sides, I really get into it and roll my body back into his. He groans in my ear, his mouth kissing and licking on my neck. I wiggle my ass into him a little more knowing that the Patrón is still giving me more courage than I would normally have.

“Fuck,” Wyatt growls, reaching for my neck he turns my face to him and tongues me down. Even his kiss is in time with the beat and his hips.

I am completely drowning in him. His big body is so close I don’t think anyone can tell where he starts and I begin. I am vaguely aware of the song changing to
Loungin’, Who Do You Love.
Wyatt doesn’t falter as LL and Total, come through the speakers.

When I feel his hand snake between my legs and he cups my sex, I cream my panties instantly. I can feel his arousal grinding into my butt. I don’t know whether it is the alcohol or just me, but I want him, and I want him bad.

As if he is in my thoughts he breaks the kiss and moves his lips to my ear. “I want you,” he growls putting pressure on my clit through my pants with his thumb. “Your pussy is on fire, Baby.”

I look up into his eyes, and it is like they are glowing with desire and need. Not once has he lost his timing to the music, he has us rocking in a two-step, sway that is sexy as hell. I am speechless as my eyes lock with his. I bite my lip trying not to moan as his fingers work between my legs.

I have to thank Heather for insisting I wear these tight ass pants. I can’t help, but think about how good sex with Wyatt would be if this is how he moves on the dance floor. He dips his head and nips my lips a few times before biting hard and licking away the sting.

“I got something for you, Nellie, do you want it,” he whispers in my ear.

I turn in his arms and wrap my arms around his neck to answer him. I pull his head down to me first to taste his lips one more time. His hands slide down over my hips before moving to my backside. I pull away to answer him, but something catches his attention behind me.

I turn and follow his eyes. To my surprise, Toby and Braxton are standing behind me with their arms crossed and smirks on their faces. I pull away from Wyatt as embarrassment takes over. It just dawns on me that we are in the middle of a bar. I had completely forgotten about anything other than me and Wyatt and how he was making me feel.

I can feel my cheeks heat as all my bravado leaves. When I see Heather and Lucy bouncing over with drinks in their hands, I sigh in relief. I need more of that liquid courage right about now.

I take the drink Heather hands me and down it without thought. When I turn back toward Wyatt, his arms are crossed over his broad chest as he presses his lips at whatever Braxton and Toby are saying into his ears. They seem to be very amused. I take the other shot Lucy is holding and down it as well.

When Wyatt trains his eyes on me and the glass, I just emptied he frowns harder. He breaks away from his brothers tossing them each a finger before he grabs me by my wrist. He pulls me along with him back to the table us girls had been sitting at.

Bean and Noah are already sitting at the table looking like they are having a heated conversation that stops the moment we get closer. Wyatt claims a seat across from them and pulls me into his lap. He nuzzles my neck before talking into my ear.

“You’re beautiful,” he says simply, causing me to blush.

“Thank you,” I say lamely.

He goes to say something else but is interrupted as our entire group comes together. Heather has a tray of shots this time. I grab another, but I don’t miss how Wyatt’s grip tightens around my waist.

“We should head upstairs for some karaoke,” Heather crows and shakes her hips.

“Oh no, no one said anything about singing and shit,” Johnathan shakes his head with his hands in the air.

Being the third oldest, he is the shortest of the brothers, but still over six feet tall. While he has the same chiseled face as his brothers, he is the pretty one. His dark looks are a bit softer than the rest of the guys. He is sexy underwear model, sexy while all of the others are more tattoo, biker, or sports car model sexy.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t intend for you to get up there. None of us want to see that trust me, but I know we would all love to see Nellie,” Heather coos.

My eyes go wide because I know she has set me up. This is the real reason she has been fortifying me with drinks. I should have known when she told me there was a karaoke lounge. Heather knows I am too shy to ever sing in public.

The one time I did sing in public was on a visit from her and Bean to Seattle, and we had been drinking in a small little dive. I start to shake my head vigorously, but it is too late. She has the interest of everyone in our group now.

“You can sing,” Wyatt asks with a smile in his eyes.

I look him in his eyes and know I would sing if he asked me to. I shrug my reply when Bean decides to chime in.

“Oh come on, can she sing. It is a shame she won’t sing for anyone that is not close to her. She is amazing,” Bean gushes.

“Yeah, I’ve heard her she’s amazing,” Toby says with a big smile.

I roll my eyes at Bean and reach for another shot because I know what is coming. I see the interest sparked in Wyatt’s eyes. He is not going to let this go. After downing two shots back to back, I sigh.

“Go ahead, it is killing you. Just ask,” I huff.

“Will you sing for me,” he chuckles and gives me that sexy smile.

I roll my eyes. “If I sing one song for you will you get me out of here before she has me singing all night,” I ask on a pout.

His eyes heat and drop to my lips. “Two and I promise,” he says and licks his lips.

“Let’s get this show on the road,” Braxton booms throwing an arm over Lucy and Heather’s shoulders.

Heather shrugs him off while Lucy just shakes her head and follows him. We all head up to the second floor, and I swear I may pass out before we get there. Wyatt has a tight hold of my hand as we go. He squeezes my hand as he looks over his shoulder at me with a smile. He winks and I just shake my head.

I don’t know if I am shaking it more to clear it or because I can’t believe this is happening. I have dreamed of having Wyatt’s full attention, and here I have it and I am about to be so embarrassed in front of him and everyone else. I may need another drink.



I can tell Nellie is nervous, and it is making her as cute as ever. I haven’t let go of her since we left the dance floor. I swear I am going to kill Toby and Braxton tomorrow. Nellie and I would have been gone by now if they hadn’t interrupted on the dance floor.

However, now that she is going to sing for me, I’m happy we didn’t leave. I just can’t imagine Nellie on stage singing. It is something I can’t wait to witness. Although it looks like, I will be waiting. This place is packed, and there is a waiting list of people that are ready to get on stage to sing drunkenly, good or bad.

“We promise to bring her back,” Heather laughs as she pulls Nellie from my embrace.

“Yo, there’s a table up there,” Felix says and moves quickly to secure a table that a group is just vacating. Others look as if they had been thinking of taking the table, but seeing a huge Felix with Braxton on his heels they back off and let them take the table. Noah and I grab a few empty chairs from other tables on the way.

I keep my eyes on Nellie the whole time even as I ask if the chairs are free. Heather leads her over to sign up to sing. It looks like they are in deep discussion about what Nellie will sing. I just pray she is a lot better than the guy that is currently up there making a mockery of Phil Collins,
Take Me Home

I smile to myself. Nellie may look nervous, but she looks happy. Not like this morning and honestly she looks the happiest I have seen her since she arrived from Seattle. I like that, and I like to think it has something to do with us. We already know I have zero control around her.

I know I shocked her on the dance floor. Heck, I shocked myself. I forgot where we were when I cupped her fat pussy, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t feel right. Feeling her heat still has me hard and ready to go. I shift a bit before taking a seat.

Braxton plucks my ear to get my attention. “You are serious about her aren’t you? I haven’t seen you like this before,” for once he looks serious and not like everything is a joke.

“Yeah, I want her, but not just for the night,” I say to all of my brothers because they have all been wondering the same thing, and I am tired of explaining it.

“Cool,” Braxton nods and then the teasing smile is back. “Not so sure she knows what she is getting into, though.”

I narrow my eyes at my brother in warning. I’ll beat the snot out of him if he says what I know he is implying. I don’t know how Nellie will react, but I want to be the one to tell her what all I come with.
Or show her
, I think to myself with a smirk.

“You guys look good together,” Johnathan shrugs as he pulls from the beer that just arrived. I don’t miss his eyes following the waitress’s ass.

“Any woman willing to take on one of the Black brothers is amazing in my book,” Felix chuckles.

“Don’t I know it,” I chuckle back.
We’ll just have to see how much of me little Nellie can really take
. I smile at that thought too.

The girls return to the table, and I pull Nellie into my arms before she can take one of the empty seats. I love the feel of her in my arms. Everyone falls into a round of laughter and jokes as we watch disaster after disaster take the stage to sing.

This feels so right and comfortable. I notice Nellie has slowed down on the drinking since we’ve been up here, but she has melted into me more with each passing minute. I have stolen soft kisses to her temple, the side of her face, her shoulder and the back of her neck. What can I say; I told you I can’t keep my hands off of her. Obviously my lips are no different.

Nellie looks over her shoulder to peer at me from her perch on my lap, and I can’t resist capturing her lips. I tip her head back to deepen the kiss. When the table erupts into cheers and jeers, I pull away and watch a breathless Nellie blush.

BOOK: Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker
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