Bronco's Rough Ride (Bad Boys of Beta Squad, 0.5) (2 page)

BOOK: Bronco's Rough Ride (Bad Boys of Beta Squad, 0.5)
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Chapter Two



“Are you sure you wish that one? So few have been interested in him because he’s short and hairy.” Madame LeBeau lips turned down as she scanned the man’s docile body. “We thought of shaving him, but there is just so much of it.”

Lindsey Jarvis let her gaze rest on the monitors of the bound man and forced her expression to remain serene
in her undercover persona of Jenna Black, the Black Widow of Las Vegas. Outrage burned through her veins at the treatment of men in general, but specifically this serviceman from one of the armed forces.
The bitch must have slipped him a real Mickey to bring him down.
Even in modern day 2004, sometimes the oldest tricks worked best for manipulation of the strong.

“I want him. He reminds me of my father.” Thank God the man looked nothing l
ike her father. Let the creepy madam think she had daddy issues. “But he’s much better built than the old man and I’d like to see how muscles like that feel.” That at least was true. Her last boyfriend had had the muscles of a marshmallow.

Of course, the last time she’d had a boyfriend was two years ago, when she’d first started this undercover assignment for the Las Vegas Metro PD. She
currently played the part of the “not quite grieving” widow of a doctor who’d died under mysterious circumstances just to get into this room with Madame LeBeau. Two years of deep undercover work took its toll on real life relationships.

“What is his name?”

“You can give him whatever name you wish, Ms. Black. Our products are easily modified for your pleasure.”

God, the smile on LeBeau’s face soured Lindsey’s stomach. “Yes, well, it’s easier to keep his
attention when you have a name.”

“Ah, I see.
” Madame LeBeau gave her a faint, but knowing smile. “I think we can accommodate you.” She glanced down at her computer screen, clicking with the mouse. “His name is John.”

“John. Right. That is acceptable.”

“He is in top condition, but he has not been with us long. I’m sure you understand why he’s so heavily medicated. Until the will is broken, the new ones need to be taught their place.”

Lindsey let her gaze rest on the monitors as she swallowed
down sour bile. Even after two years she still had a visceral reaction to the idea of this sex ring. Madame LeBeau had set up a system where healthy, robust men would be sedated with Ketamine, a veterinary sedative, and used as sex slaves, or for whatever the wealthy psychotic clientele who came to Madame LeBeau wished.

Lindsey had finally infiltrated the upper echelons of the organization to be allowed a “boy toy” of her own. Madam
e LeBeau had flashed several images of men sedated and bound to tables for her perusal, but Lindsey’s gaze had snagged on the dog tags hanging around this man’s neck and her decision had been made.

Lindsey tilted her head and gave a half smile as she returned her gaze to the hideously elegant madam.

“I have some conditions.”

perfectly coifed woman raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Making demands, Ms. Black?”

“Not demands, only requirements for my needs.
” Lindsey curled her lips into an evil smirk. “I want no audio recordings. Video is fine, but no audio.”

“That is highly unusual. We have to maintain a level of safety for our clients.”

“I understand. You’ll have the video, and I will want a copy of it afterwards, but no sound. What I say to my toy is for me alone to hear.” Lindsey turned her gaze to the sexy man strapped to the padded bench on the monitor and licked her lips, playing up her lascivious character. “And for him.”

“I don’t think—”

“Please, Madame LeBeau.” Lindsey raised her chin and hardened her gaze on the woman. “I’ve paid handsomely for this privilege and you assured me you could attend to every one of my needs.” She kept her voice even with just the hint of steel below it. Money talked with LeBeau not sentiment. “This is my wish and what I’d hoped I paid for.”

According to the reports, she’d paid an astronomical sum to get into these cloistered rooms.
Yeah, paid handsomely for a handsome victim who couldn’t move or say no. Sick bitch.
Lindsey’s gut churned but she smiled faintly to disguise her contempt.

“Very well. We shall grant you your request. But the video stays.”

“I’d like a copy of it so I may remember my time here at my leisure.”

Ms. Black, while here you may watch it at any time, but I cannot allow it to leave the premises.”

“Madame LeBeau, I’m not asking you for the original or all copies of it, I simply want a personal copy so I can enjoy my time over and over again. I’ve paid well enough for
such an unusual request and if it cannot be granted, I will require a refund and I shall leave immediately.” Lindsey picked up her purse and looped it over her shoulder. “Do we have a deal or will I be expecting recompense from you?”

Madame LeBeau stood tall, staring down her Gallic nose at Lindsey, but as one of the few female undercover cops, she’d dealt with far more intimidating men and women on the job. The elegant madam didn’t hold a candle. Besides, Lindsey needed the video as evidence to bring this bitch down. She just hoped LeBeau wanted the money more than
Lindsey wanted the video.

“Very well. I shall allow one copy to be delivered to your suite when you’re done with your acquisition.” She gestured toward the door on the other side of the
bank of monitors. “Are you ready to inspect your purchase up close?”

Lindsey glanced at the handsome hirsute man bound to the table. Her stomach curdled
at the way he’d been drugged and trussed up. His dog tags lay on his chest and scars from real action marred the skin in a few places. The reminder of all he’d paid for made her gorge rise. Lindsey nodded and hoped the furious disgust didn’t show on her face as she preceded Madame LeBeau out of the observation room.

Deep breath now.
You can’t save them all, but you can save this one and get him to tell you everything you need to bring her down

The madam led her to a bank of elevators and stepped into the first car. Once the doors had closed, she inserted a key and pressed an unmarked button on the console. The elevator made a smooth descent and they rode in silence. Lindsey eyed the woman curiously as the car stopped and the doors open.

“These are our holding cells for prospective buyers to inspect the merchandise up close.
” LeBeau gestured for Lindsey to follow her down a dark, concrete hallway. “As you have already chosen, as soon as you’ve enjoyed your sample, we will have your purchase sent to your suite whenever you desire.”

“Do I get to keep my goods in my room or must I return
them to you when I’m done for the night?”

“The goods are returned to the holding cells for maintenance and upkeep.”

Lindsey did some quick calculations and flattened her mouth in displeasure. “How will I be assured no one else will have access to my purchase?”
Sweet God, I won’t let anyone else touch him.

“We take our customer
s’ property very seriously, Ms. Black. Once you’ve confirmed your selection, your goods will be marked as taken.”

“How long do I have to make my decision?”

“Within twenty-four hours of sampling.”

“Excellent.” She’d already made her decision.

Madame Le Beau nodded and unlocked the faux bedroom door where the soldier lay.

I will take you down, bitch, just for harming someone who has already paid his dues.

“There you are, Ms. Black. I hope you enjoy.”

“Thank you, Madame LeBeau. I will.”

Lindsey made sure the door shut completely and turned the lock to keep out any of the sickly curious. She took a deep breath and turned her attention to the lovely man tied to the padded table.

Dark hair stretched across his chest, down his belly and surrounded his cock and balls. More hair covered his legs and arms. He was every inch a teddy bear
, and she’d always been attracted to cuddly bears. However, this bear owned some very beautiful abdominal muscles and she had the unreasoning urge to stroke.

Time to get his permission first.

Lindsey tilted her head and set her purse down, planning her approach.
No doubt he’s furious.
She couldn’t blame him as she nodded to her prisoner and strode around him.
I’ll free you as soon as I can, I promise.
She made a full circuit before she stopped directly in his line of sight.

“As I understand it, you’re really in there, alive and awake and aware. So we’re going to play a little game.” Lindsey gave him a cool smile. “Despite your incapacitation, I know
we can communicate just fine and I want you show me you understand. So here’s how this will go. You will blink twice for yes and once for no. Do you understand?”

met his gaze and waited. The cool eyes never moved or blinked. She stared hard, noting the golden color of his irises.
Dark haired with golden eyes
. He was every one of her fantasies in the flesh and he couldn’t move.
Guess I’m going to have to do what I always dreamed I could. I have to save the hero in distress.
Why couldn’t she get rescued once in a while? The sick part about the whole situation stemmed from what she’d learned about military and police men. They often joined the cops or armed forces to protect and serve those less fortunate and weaker than themselves. Her father and uncles had been that way. Now this guy lay at her mercy, unable to break free, unable to use his strength or training to save anyone, much less himself. It had to be eating at him like poison.

“Come now…” Lindsey paused as she thought of the name Madame LeBeau had christened him. “John. Answering won’t harm you or give away anything you don’t want. I just want to be sure we understand each other.” She sidled closer to his left arm.

Great muscles swathed the bones and his large hands showed calluses where he’d held weapons.
Definitely a front line operative.
Scars marred the skin on his ribs and shoulders. Old knife marks and bullet wounds. This man had seen some impressive action at some point.

“So, do you understand me?” She leaned over him until their gazes met and John blinked twice.

“Excellent.” She gave him a satisfied smile even while her gut clenched with disgust. “My name is Mistress Jenna and you’re to be mine tonight. If you please me, I might keep you for a while. Do you understand?”

John’s eyes closed and opened twice more.

“Very good. Now I’m going to smell you. This will tell me if I’ve chosen the right man. And believe me, you want to be the right man.” She shot him a pointed look. “A man’s scent tells a lot about him. How healthy he is, what sorts of foods he eats, how well he takes care of his body.” Lindsey paused to scan the lovely furred chest and belly, leading straight to his flaccid, but decent-sized penis. “Although given what I can see at first glance, you’ve taken very good care of this body.”

Removing her shoes and purse, she stepped up to the bench and brought her nose close to his hip, inhaling. They’d cleaned him up and washed his skin. The scents reaching her nose reminded her of vanilla Ponderosa pine bark in the sun, but the after-scent soured as if something tainted his sweat.
Damn drugs. We’ll fix that soon, John. I promise.

She sniffed his belly and up the center of his chest until she came to the dog tags. She paused long enough to read the name and rank.
Chief Petty Officer J. H. Andrews. At least she’d have a name to report to her handler. She continued to his neck and bearded jaw, enjoying the brush of his chest hair on her chin. Glancing up, she met his golden gaze burning with fury and inwardly scowled.
I’m sorry
. She wished she could tell him, but she had no way…

Bringing her nose and lips close to his ear, she brushed aside his long hair and made it appear she tasted his neck.

“Chief Petty Officer Andrews, my name is Officer Lindsey Jarvis of the Las Vegas Metro PD.” She breathed the words to his ear and hoped he understood. “I’ve been infiltrating this sex ring for two years and I’m going to do my damnedest to get you out.” She pulled back a little and gave him a satisfied smile. “You smell divine. Do you understand?” She hoped he saw the real question in her eyes.
Please know I’m here to help you.

“John” Andrews blinked twice, some of the anger replaced with surprise.

“Very good.” She sauntered around his head, trailing her hand through his hair, and put her nose beside his other ear. “I need permission to touch you to make this look good. I need complete access to your body, including your penis and testicles. Do I have permission to touch you, including kissing, on your torso and legs?”

Holy shit, what was she asking him? She raised her head from his ear and met his gaze. Curiosity burned there. “So, you’re a military man, hm? Do you work that body hard, John?” She placed her hand on his right pectoral above his flat nipple and tried not to enjoy the fuzzy heat from his chest as she stared into his eyes.
Please give me permission. I don’t want to have to stop.
Stop the game to rescue him, not stop touching him.

BOOK: Bronco's Rough Ride (Bad Boys of Beta Squad, 0.5)
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