Read Broken World (Book 3): Mad World Online

Authors: Kate L. Mary

Tags: #zombies

Broken World (Book 3): Mad World (10 page)

BOOK: Broken World (Book 3): Mad World
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The linebacker looks me up and down, and I cross my arms over my chest. He shakes his head. “That’s a first. Whatever, it’s your time.”

Tat glares at me one more time before turning back to the elevator. Finally, I allow myself to relax. I made it one more night.

But I can’t be too happy. Hadley didn’t.


Megan and I are huddled together on the floor when the door of the suite flies open. Hadley stumbles in. She’s pale, and her face is red and puffy. Our eyes meet as she walks across the room, and a rage so thick and volatile comes over me that I swear I’d be able to rip a man apart with my bare hands. She gingerly lowers herself to the floor next to me like her whole body aches. It’s impossible to tell whether the pain is physical or emotional, though.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her shaky body to mine. “You okay?”

She shakes her head. She won’t look at me.

If I ever see that bald bastard again, I’ll castrate him.

“We’ll get out of this. Axl will get us out of this.”

Hadley pulls her legs up to her chest and rests her forehead against her knees. Her shoulders shake. I have no idea what to do. How do you comfort someone who’s been through something like this? I’m not even sure if it’s possible.






“VIVIAN SAID YOU GUYS MET after all this started,” Jon says.

My hands tighten on the steerin’ wheel like it’s that asshole’s neck. How the hell he ended up in the passenger seat is a damn puzzle. I grind my teeth and look in the review mirror at Angus and Nathan in the back. They don’t seem to be enjoyin’ the ride any more than I am. Jon keeps tryin’ to get me to talk, but I ain’t interested in bein’ his buddy. He sighs when I don’t answer, and I grip the steerin’ wheel tighter. Only way I’ll be able to keep from hittin’ him. When this is all over, I’m gonna beat the shit outta that guy.

“So we just walk in with a couple gallons of diesel and they’ll hand us a chick?” Angus says from the back.

He keeps askin’ how it all works like he’d be more than happy to head on over there and set up camp. Probably would if it weren’t for me. I thought my brother was better than that. Guess you really never know a person.

Jon turns to face the back and studies Angus, glarin’ at him. “That’s pretty much how it works, yeah.”

Angus grunts, and my broken hand throbs when my fingers tighten. Punchin’ Jon made the damn thing worse. ‘Course, if Angus don’t cool it, I’m gonna kick his ass when we get outta this car. I don’t gotta wait ‘til Vivian’s back for that.

“How much farther do we have to go?” Nathan asks.

I’d be pissed, but I’m sure he’s just ready to get the hell away from Angus. “‘Bout fifteen minutes. Let’s just hope nobody found that truck.”

There ain’t a lot of talk as we get close to the truck yard. It’s still dark, but the sky’s gettin’ orange in the distance. Zombies stumble across the street, and I run right into ‘em. The car bounces when the tires thump over their bodies.

“You got that key?” I yell back to Angus. Didn’t even think to ask ‘bout it ‘til now. Don’t matter. I’ll jump the fence and run the truck right through it if I gotta.

“Brought all the keys,” Angus says.

My hand tightens on the steerin’ wheel, and I pucker my lips. Again. “You mean you brought the keys for the cars too?”

“Sure did. And the Sam’s truck. That asshole’s still got the keys to the fuel truck, though.”

Bastard. With Vivian missin’, I forgot all ‘bout Angus’s temper tantrum. We’re gonna have to deal with that once all this is over. I ain’t lookin’ forward to it. Angus is a stubborn bastard, and he ain’t really one for adjustin’ his way of thinkin’.

The truck yard comes into view, and I slow to a stop. Angus hops out to unlock the gate, and Nathan follows him. There’re only a few zombies ‘round. Nathan’s only gotta take out two before the gate’s open. Soon as Angus is outta the way, I hit the gas. Jon lurches forward, and I have the urge to hit the brakes. I’d love to see his face slam into the dash.

I drive to the back and park right in front of the fuel truck. It’s still here.

I leave the lights on and shove the door open. Then hop down. “Grab them gas cans,” I call over my shoulder. I don’t even look at Jon.

Angus comes joggin’ up, and my jaw tightens. Things ain’t ever been this tense between Angus and me before. Not since Lilly, anyways. Not sure why he’s so threatened by me and women. Like I’m gonna forget him or something.

Nathan comes up behind Angus, keepin’ a safe distance.

Angus puckers his lips. “What’s your problem anyways? You’ve got your panties in a bunch ‘bout something. You gotta problem that ain’t got nothin’ to do with Vivian.” He narrows his eyes. “It’s ‘bout me, ain’t it?”

Screw Angus. Everything’s always ‘bout him. “This ain’t the time.”

I follow Jon to the back of the fuel truck. The Nissan’s lights are bright, but only comin’ from one direction like that ain’t helpin’ me see. Least we got flashlights.

Jon is starin’ at the valve. “You know what to do?”

I shove him aside. “Pretty sure I can figure it out.”

I aim the flashlight at the valve and fool with it for a few seconds. Seems pretty simple, but I’m gonna need two hands. “Hold this,” I say, thrustin’ the flashlight at Jon.

He grunts, and my jaw tightens. I turn to face him. “You want me to beat the shit outta you?” He shakes his head, and I turn back around. “Then shut the hell up and do what you’re told.”

Less than ten minutes later we got two full cans of diesel.

“Told you I could do it,” I mutter as I screw the lid on.

“I never said you couldn’t.”

I get to my feet and take a step closer to Jon.

He puts his hands up. “Look, I’m sorry. Okay?”

My jaw tightens. I clench my fist and wince when pain shoots up my hand. Dammit. I keep forgettin’ I hurt it. “No. It ain’t okay,” I say through gritted teeth.

Jon swipes his hand across his eyes and shakes his head. “I had to save my sister. Come on! You have a brother. What would you do if he was in danger? Would you risk the life of a stranger?”

I flinch and take a step back. Shit. Angus can be a prick, but he’s blood.

“Shit.” I rake my hand through my hair and look down.

“Yeah,” Jon says.

I look up and glare at him. “I still don’t like you.”

“I’m not asking you to.”

I grab a gas can and turn ‘round. “Good.”

Angus and Nathan are waitin’ by the car. On opposite sides.

Angus spits when he sees me. “We good?”

I nod and walk by him, puttin’ the can in the back. Jon hoists his in and heads to the passenger side, leavin’ me and Angus alone.

“This ‘bout Darla?” Angus asks.

Among other things. Like him bein’ an unreasonable, racist asshole. “Something like that.”

“What’s the deal? I know Blondie don’t like her. That why you’re bein’ such a dick?”

I swear and look away. There’s no time to deal with this bullshit. I gotta get to Vivian. Plus, this Darla thing is…complicated. Not sure if I should tell him, though. Vivian wouldn’t like it.

Angus huffs. “Just tell me what the hell is goin’ on.”

“Darla’s Vivian’s mom.” I wince and feel like hittin’ myself in the head. Shouldn’t have said it.

Angus narrows his eyes ‘til they almost disappear. “You’re shittin’ me.”

“Nope.” Can’t do nothin’ ‘bout it now, so’s I might as well just tell him the whole truth. Maybe Angus will surprise me and turn out not to be such a prick. Maybe. “Darla’s the bitch who left Vivian. Left her with an asshole dad who beat the shit outta her. That’s who you’re screwin’.”

Angus puckers his lips and clenches his fist. “Son of a bitch! That bitch told me she was sterile.”

Of course that’s all he can think ‘bout. Not that she left her only child with a man who beat the shit outta her. Not that Vivian’s missin’ and Darla don’t give a damn. Just Angus. I’ve known for a long time that Angus was a selfish bastard, but this is just too damn much. The only thing Angus cares about is Angus, and it’s pissin’ me off.

I clench my jaw and pucker my lips again. Dammit! I take a step away from Angus and do my best to relax. It ain’t easy. There’s too much goin’ on. “Let’s get the hell outta here.”

I can’t look at him. He’s still swearin’ and mumblin’ under his breath as he walks to the front of the Nissan. He hops in, and I stand by the driver’s side door for a few seconds, tryin’ to get my shit together. It’s no use. That animal inside me is awake. Pretty soon it’s gonna win and rip right through me, then everybody’s gonna be in some big, fuckin’ trouble.

The horn blares, and I jump. My jaw tenses all over again, and I rip the door open.

Angus glares at me. “We goin’ or what?”

“Yeah,” I mutter. “We’re goin’.”


I slow the Nissan when we get close to the Monte Carlo, and right away the zombie bastards on the Strip go nuts. They bang on the outside so hard it shakes the whole damn thing. There’re two other cars in front of the casino. A black truck and a white van that looks a hell of a lot like the one from the hospital. Its two front tires are up on the sidewalk.

“So we’re just gonna waltz in there with them gas cans?” Angus asks. He sounds scared as shit. Good. It’s good for him to show some damn human emotions every now and then. He turns ‘round and looks at Jon in the backseat. The gas cans are on the seat next to him.

“That’s what we’re going to do,” Jon says.

“Dumbest goddamn idea I ever heard,” Angus mutters.

I slam the car in park and grab my knife. “Shut the hell up, Angus.”

When I hop out, the Vegas sun blinds me, and the smell of death makes me wanna hurl. It’s hotter than the pits of hell, and I can almost hear the rottin’ skin on these poor bastards sizzlin’ under the sun. Flies buzz through the air, and the zombies charge at me. But I can outrun ‘em.

I slash my knife at the nearest one and shove my foot against his chest. His motionless body flies into a few other dead bastards, knockin’ ‘em down. I take off runnin’. Angus and Jon are already headin’ toward the casino, and they each got a gas can. The zombies chase me, but we only gotta make it to the overhang of the hotel. There’s a barrier set up, and armed men. They see us comin’ and fire into the bodies before we’re even halfway there.

We charge into the casino, and a blast of cool air hits me in the face. I’m breathin’ hard, so it takes a few seconds for me to register what’s goin’ on. Soon as I do, I wanna pull my knife back out. The air is clear and they’ve got electricity. There are men everywhere. Clean and safe. Usin’ women like toys…

“Here he comes,” Jon says, breakin’ through my thoughts.

I take a deep breath. My face is hot, and something inside me is threatenin’ to explode. Jon puts the gas can down at my feet as a man wearin’ a suit walks up. Actin’ all important. Right. I size him up when he stops in front of me. He’s short and round. Bald. I could take him.

“You pick up a few new people?” The man eyes me and Angus, and I clench my jaw so tight my teeth grind together.

“Yeah. Found these guys in Boulder City,” Jon says. He sounds different. He’s standin’ taller and his face is hard. His eyes cold. It makes my shoulders stiffen.

The man nods, and his eyes go down. To the gas cans.

Angus clears his throat. “Jon told us ‘bout the set-up you got here. Sounds like you got a good thing goin’. It’s hell livin’ out there. We brought you some diesel. Wanted to show you that we was team players.”

“Where’d you find it? My men haven’t been able to locate any for a while.” He looks at me.

I should say something, but I’m too tense. I can’t even get my jaw to loosen.

“Had it in my garage. When things started gettin’ bad, I stocked up. Bought me a small generator just in case. This is all I got left.” Angus’s voice is smooth. He’s a good liar. Always has been.

The bald man nods. He’s still lookin’ at me. “What’s your story?”

I swallow and pry my jaw open. It hurts. “We’re brothers.” My throat is tight, and my voice comes out soundin’ funny.

The bald dude don’t seem to notice, though. He nods for a few seconds, then smiles. “Okay! This diesel will be enough to get you two a couple of threes. Not a bad way to start your time off here.” He turns and motions for us to follow. “Come on over. I’m assuming Jon told you how it all works?”

“Yup,” I manage to get out.

“Good. I’ll get you some receipts. Go ahead and check out what we have. Not a bad selection, if I say so myself. I think you’ll be pleased.”

He jerks his head toward the wall, and I freeze. My blood gets hot, and I grind my teeth together even harder. There are dozens of pictures of women. All naked. I scan the pictures under the number three, and when I find her, I almost lose it. My stomach jumps to my throat and almost dumps the food I ate this mornin’ all over the floor. And that animal is back. It’s clawin’ and bitin’ my insides harder than ever.

Angus stands in front of the wall, lookin’ the women over. He’s grinnin’ like a monkey. My hand curls into a fist. I wanna punch him. So bad. Bastard.

“You have to relax.” Jon stands next to me.

I exhale and slowly unclench my jaw, then take a step closer. I try and act like I’m lookin’ the women over. It’s a blur, though. I can’t see nothin’.

“See something you like?” The bald dude is back.

Angus points at a picture. Hadley. She looks like shit. “That the actress? What’s her name?”

The asshole smiles. “Hadley Lucas. We just found her a few days ago. She’s free tonight, but she’s going to be popular.”

Angus nods and rubs his chin. He even leans closer to the picture. I gotta swallow down my rage. “Never thought I’d get to screw a celebrity.”

The bald asshole slaps Angus on the back. “Well, here’s your chance!”

My body shakes, and I have to fight not to punch the bastard. He turns toward me. Smilin’ like we’re best goddamn friends. I imagine shootin’ him. Watchin’ his head explode. It don’t make me feel no better.

“What about you?”

I pick a girl at random and point to her picture. “She looks good. No, wait.” I put a shaky finger on Vivian’s picture. “This one. Right here.”

The bald dude smiles even bigger. He looks like that goddamn cat from
Alice in Wonderland
. Always hated that movie. “Good choice. She’s got a nice pair of tits.”

BOOK: Broken World (Book 3): Mad World
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