Broken (Breaking the Rules) (6 page)

BOOK: Broken (Breaking the Rules)
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My cheeks immediately reddened because I felt like he was teasing me, considering I was in no way beautiful at the moment. “Yeah, sure. You just want to make sure you get laid tonight. Don’t worry, I’ll be pretty before tonight,” I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

He grabbed my hand and his hot breath shot into my ear as he said with no humor in his voice, “I don’t fucking lie. You are beautiful. You look like an angel sitting in the sunlight by this window. Don’t ever downplay your looks.”

My heart skipped a few beats. Okay, so maybe he hadn’t been messing with me. He smelled of soap and aftershave, which had me swooning.

Jeanie interrupted our moment by setting down the guys’ coffees. Everyone turned their attention to Olive as she told several stories from some modeling jobs she had done recently. She was such an innocent, so listening to the things that she described as horrific was really just funny. We were all laughing hysterically at her stories.

Once everyone had finished their coffee, Ian spoke to us. “You ladies should come to the bar tonight. Drinks on me,” he suggested, smiling at Olive.

She looked embarrassed, but I saved her from having to tell him no. “Ian, that’s sweet, but I actually have a date,” I chimed in, winking at Jackson.

The poor guy looked sad. “Well, Olive, you could come. There’s going to be a pretty cool band,” he piped, in a last-ditch effort to get my adorable friend to see him again.

“I’m sorry, Ian, but I have other plans. But maybe another time?” she asked softly. Poor Olive. There wouldn’t be another time. She was letting him down easy. There was no way in hell she would go to a bar. It really was sad because I could tell she felt something for this guy.

“Come on, man. Let’s go,” Jackson broke in, slapping Ian on the back as he stood. “Andi, I’ll pick you up at seven tonight at your place. Sushi sound good?” he inquired, winking.

“Um, I was thinking steak,” I teased. He just grinned as he started walking away. “Wait! I didn’t tell you my address,” I called after him.

“No worries. George already did,” he assured me as he walked out with Ian right behind him.

“Oh my goodness, Andi! Jackson looks like a keeper. Are you sure you want to ditch him after the weekend?”

I rolled my eyes. “Those are the rules, Olive. So, yes, I will be ditching him,” I told her honestly. She pouted—actually pouted—at my words.

“Why do you care so much?” I demanded. Looking embarrassed, she glanced down at her napkin and began fiddling with it. “No reason,” she whispered quietly.

Suddenly, I realized why she cared. She really had an interest in Ian. “Ah, you like Ian!” I teased.

Her eyes frantically darted to mine. “I do not!” she hissed, but her face told a different story.

“Whatever, chica. I can read you better than you think. No worries. We’ll make it happen. I’ll make sure you see him again,” I promised. Not waiting for her response, I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me so we could head to the market. I had a date to prepare for.




So apparently, the doctor says I’m depressed. No shit, Sherlock. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. He said that I need to take antidepressants.

“Did you take your first pill?” Drill Sergeant Pepper asks.

I roll my eyes at her and snatch up the pill bottle. I toss the pill back and chase it with my water bottle. Not wanting to converse, I slide back into the comfort of my bed.

“Look, Andi. I know things are hard for you, but you have to snap out of it. You need to get a hold of that heart and put it in check. Next week you have a finals and you haven’t even studied. Please just do it for me. I am dying right along with you seeing you this way,” Pepper says with unusual softness.

Sighing, I tell her, “I’ll try, Pepper.”

Jumping on my bed, she envelops me in her arms and we fall asleep, cuddled like little kids.





The house was quiet while I got ready for my date. Olive and Pepper had gone to dinner at Pepper’s parents’ house tonight. Her mom needed help getting the house prepped for a fundraiser, so she had told the girls that they could stay the night if it got too late. Turning the music up, I enjoyed my primping time alone. I found a sexy pair of panties and a matching bra to put on. Admiring myself in the mirror, I thought just how much Jackson would enjoy this ensemble.

In the closet, I found a pair of dark skinny jeans and a green tunic. After dressing, I slipped on some heeled boots. I was ready for my date. Definitely in Man-Killer Mode now. Such a far cry from the hideous woman I was earlier today. It was after that moment that I had vowed to never leave the house not made up ever again.

Checking my phone for the time, I realized it was already ten after seven. Well, at least Jackson hadn’t arrived yet. Turning off the music, I sat in the recliner, waiting for Jackson to pick me up.

Jerking awake, I realized I had passed out waiting for him. I looked at my phone to check the time and see if he had messaged me. It was 10:15. What the hell? What was worse was that I had no messages from him. Quickly, I fired off a text to him.


Jackson, I think you forgot something. Did something come up?


I got up and went back to my room to freshen my makeup and make sure my hair was still reasonable looking. Fifteen minutes later, I still didn’t have any messages from him.


Okay. I’m not sure what to think right now but it sucks. Call me.

I was trying not to seem desperate. There was nothing I hated more than to have a man thinking I was waiting at his beck and call. After I paced the room for another fifteen minutes, a text chimed.


Something came up.


What the fuck?
Hell no. It was almost 11:00 and I had been completely stood up with a shitty excuse.


I see. Well, have a nice life.

There. I officially ended something that had potential for a lot of fun. Whatever. Grabbing my purse, I headed out the door. I was going to Dempsey’s to see the band Ian had mentioned earlier today. Maybe I’d find a new prospect. The weekend was not over yet.

After the quick cab ride over, I hopped out and headed toward the door with my twenty ready in hand. I had catching up to do. Stalking up to the bar and sliding up onto the only vacant seat, I met Ian’s shocked stare.

“Andi, I didn’t expect to see you here,” he stammered, realizing I was supposed to be with Jackson.

“I’ll take two shots of Jägermeister and a Corona,” I told him, snubbing his statement. I slapped down another twenty.

Ignoring my twenty and my response, he turned to make my drinks. A few minutes later he set them down in front of me. Quickly, I knocked back the two shots and chased them with my beer. When I gave him the look that said I needed another round, he simply nodded and repeated my order. After the second round, I realized I was quickly getting fucked up.

“I’ll take another round,” I slurred to Ian. He rolled his eyes and made me another round. While I was waiting, some douchebag sidled up next to me. His hair was slicked back and he reeked of cheap cologne.

“I’d like to throw this blond bimbo over the bar and fuck her tight little ass,” he suggested in a snarky tone to his equally douchebaggy of a friend, both of them laughing hysterically.

Before I could even formulate a response, Ian slammed his fists onto the bar in front of them and glared their way. He looked quite fearsome with his piercings and angry Irish temper flaring. “Get the fuck out of my bar. We absolutely will not condone any type of derogatory comments to any female in this bar,” he growled. The guys started backing away and were met with Meathead grabbing each of them by the neck, leading them out of the bar.

“Thanks, Ian,” I acknowledged, turning back to my drinks that were now waiting in front of me.

“You might want to slow down, Andi,” he warned as I sucked down two more shots.

I giggled at him and nearly fell off the stool but managed to pull myself upright again.

“He’s not a bad guy,” he informed me as he wiped down the counter in front of me.

Instantly, my temper flared. “How would I know? He never gave me the opportunity to see. It’s cool. It was just sex, Ian. I’m a big girl.” I was annoyed that he was trying to defend his friend to me. Me, the girl who had been stood up. “I’ll take two more,” I ordered as the room spun momentarily.

“I think you’ve had enough, Andi,” he remarked, scowling.

“Dammit, Ian! Give me two more fucking shots and I’ll leave. Your dumbass friend stood me up without so much a reason. You at least owe me that just for being his fucking friend,” I burst out, getting pissed that he was trying to cut me off.

He sighed heavily and slammed two more shot glasses in front of me, filling them up. Smiling, I tossed those two back as well. The band started up again so I decided I would go dancing. Feeling more and more affected by the shots by the second, I half-danced half-stumbled toward the stage.

As the music thrummed on, I started dancing, running my fingers through my hair. A couple of different guys tried dancing with me, but I was so wasted, that I could barely stand and they lost interest. When the set finally ended, I started jumping up and down, shouting, “Encore!” The world began spinning wildly on me and I completely passed out, slamming my head on the hardwood floor.

When I came to, I was being carried by a pair of strong arms. The arms carried me straight to a black sedan, and I passed out once more.




The pills help take the edge off of my insanity. And even though I don’t feel like doing anything, I know I have to take my finals. After next week, I’ll be able to finally close this horrible chapter on my life.

I have the first of five starting in half an hour. Three are scheduled today and the other two will be for tomorrow. Pepper is watching me from her bed over her book, which means she’s analyzing my mood again.

“Ready for your finals?” she asks quietly.

“I guess. Just ready to get them all over with,” I say honestly, grabbing up my book bag.

“Good luck, hon,” she smiles at me.

Instead of smiling back, I just wave. When I open the door to leave, my heart falls all the way into my stomach. Fucking Bray.

“Andi, hear me out,” he pleads, advancing toward me. I’m going to be sick. I’m going to throw up right here. My tears are now falling helplessly down my face. He reaches to wipe them and I jerk away quickly, slapping his hand away.

BOOK: Broken (Breaking the Rules)
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