Bride by Design: Flights of Fancy (4 page)

BOOK: Bride by Design: Flights of Fancy
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“Oh? About what?”



Chapter Five

We slid into the limo and sat opposite each other. Colin’s eyes were fixed on me, hard and unblinking. “I need to ask you something.”

“Ok…” I was feeling wary again. So this hadn’t actually been a date?

“When I saw you at that airport, you were so helpful to that family you’d never even met before. Are you always so helpful?”

I smiled. “There’s nothing wrong with being helpful. People help each other out whenever they can - you never know when you’ll need to depend on the kindness of someone else. You might as well give back to the world a little and build up a bit of good karma.”

Colin gulped. “Yeah, you never know when you’ll need to depend on someone else…” He trailed off mid-speech and continued to stare at me blankly, not seeming to see me.

This was starting to get weird.

“Well, why don’t we call it a night?” I suggested.

I didn’t want him coming up to my tiny apartment and seeing what a pigsty I, a supposed design and home-beauty enthusiast, lived in. I should just take the subway and say goodbye here.

He shook his head. “No, I have to ask you something.”

“Sure.” That was like the tenth time he’d said that.

“I need a favor.”


He took a deep breath. “Remember that Manchala project I told you about?”

I nodded.

Colin continued, “Well, reliable sources tell me that Sir Donald is becoming a family man. He’s just had a grandchild and is getting notions that future generations shouldn’t be selfish, hedonistic people. He wants his resort to cater to families.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“Well, Sir D. wants a family man to design the whole thing.”

“And you’re obviously not one.” The tabloids loved printing his photos, making snarky remarks about his “extravagant lifestyle” and “many lovers”.

He smiled ruefully. “I’ve been too busy being a selfish, hedonistic person, exactly the kind Sir Donald doesn’t want.”

I shrugged. “I’m sure it’s not such a big deal, your designs will probably speak for themselves.”

Colin sighed. “No, they won’t, I’m assured of that. Sir Donald is intent on working with someone with a family, someone who knows what a family needs, yada yada.”

“Right.” I wondered where this was leading to. “So, what’s the favor?”

“Be my family.”

My eyes widened. “What?”

He took a deep breath and went on. “I need you to pretend to be my wife.”

I shook my head, “No way, that’s ridiculous. How does that even work?”

“Come with me to Manchala, we’ll pretend we fell in love and eloped.”

I looked at him like he was crazy. “This is nuts. You’re kidding, right?”

He raised an eyebrow and said, “Unfortunately, I’m dead serious. We’d only pretend to be married for Sir Donald, no-one in New York would find out. We’d come back from the trip and go our separate ways.”

Realization flooded in. “So that’s what this has been all about.” I felt my heart sinking in disappointment. “That’s why you found me out, why we went out and had coffee.”

Of course, I was a nobody. Why would someone like Colin Anderson actually think of me as a person, someone he could be interested in? I’d been a fool to think that he’d actually wanted to spend some time with me. No, he just wanted me to help him get his deal, and then leave him alone.

I tried not to let the disappointment show on my face, but Colin must’ve seen it because he went on, “No, of course not. I would’ve looked you up anyway. I really liked you.”

He was smooth, I had to give him that. “And when did you realize you needed a fake family?”

“Late last week,” he admitted.

“So that was
our flight.” I stared at him quietly, a strange feeling settling into my chest.

Colin moved and sat next to me, placing a hand gently over mine. I pulled my hand away quickly, with the knowledge that even what happened on the plane had been fake.

There was concern in his eyes. “Look, I’m sorry, you’re taking this the wrong way.” His words were tumbling out quickly. “What happened on the flight was crazy, it was an impulse, I’d seen you in that park so often, I felt like I’d burst if I didn’t have you right then. I didn’t mean anything… I didn’t think ahead to asking you for this favor then. All I knew at that time was that I wanted you…”

I stared at him, hands crossed tightly in my lap, wanting desperately to believe what he was saying. But it just wasn’t possible.

“Your timing is too perfect,” I said drily.

He shook his head, “No, it wasn’t timing. I saw you almost every day in that park. Do you know how crazy it drove me? I thought you were just a random crush, but I could never forget you, no matter which amazingly hot supermodel or socialite I was with. I wanted to be with you so desperately.”

“How flattering, you do know how to make a girl feel special.” I wasn’t amused, but some part of my body still remembered that this man sitting next to me was responsible for my orgasm. His proximity made a strange, tingling sensation mix in with that horrible disappointment in the pit of my stomach.

I saw his eyes glint, and suddenly his arm was around my shoulder.

He leaned into my ear and murmured, “I know you feel it too.”

I closed my eyes as he wrapped his lips around my earlobe. He moved down my throat kissing me gently, and then his hand was in my hair, wrenching down my face so I was forced to look up. My lips were trembling in anticipation, and I felt my stomach tighten, and my nipples hardened into tiny peas. His lips slammed down onto mine, and his tongue thrust in and plundered my mouth. I responded fervently, not able to think, my body reacting on its own.

As we kissed, he quickly undid the top buttons on my blouse, and I felt his hand on my breast, pressing down and kneading gently in circles. I felt my desire grow, and I arched my back and moaned into his mouth, wanting more.

He could sense what I needed and his other hand moved down to my leg, and then I felt him sliding my skirt up. Suddenly my brain kicked into action and I pulled my mouth away from his.

“No,” I gasped, and pushed his hands away.

I wanted him so badly, but I slid away from him quickly, over to the opposite seat and pulled my skirt down, even as a part of me wanted to hitch it higher, spread my legs apart and beg him to enter me.

I noticed he was smiling and his eyes were glued on my breasts, and I blushed as I pulled my shirt close, fumbling with the buttons.

I was such a fool! My brain chided me, and for once I was thankful that I’d been practical. I looked down as I did up the buttons, refusing to meet his eyes. I could sense his arousal and I knew I looked flushed and excited myself.

“Are you sure you don’t want more?” he asked softly.

“Yes!” I snapped, glaring at him, even though my panties were moist. A part of me wished he’d lunge across and take me roughly, his chest pressing down on my breasts, his hands groping me… I pushed the thought out of my head. “You’re not going to seduce me and take me to Manchala.”

He leaned back and looked relaxed. “Why, that thought had never even crossed me mind.” He smiled, and I continued to glare at him through narrowed eyes. “However, I do think it’d be nice to have fun together on a gorgeous, tropical island…”

“No. Way.” I crossed my arms. Perhaps I wasn’t as hot as his regular socialites and supermodels, but I wasn’t an idiot. “Get some other floozy to do your dirty work.”

He leaned forward and looked at me earnestly. “Please,” he said, his voice low and desperate, “There’s no-one else I trust. The tabloids would have a field day if they knew I pretended to be married just to get a deal. I saw how you helped that family in the airport, and I know you’re always helping the people around you. You’re the only one I know who can do this, and who I can trust to not tell anyone else. Can’t you do this for me, please?”

I almost felt sorry for him. Almost, but not quite. I knew how it was to have a burning passion to create beautiful work, and I knew the desperation he felt. But he was rich, gorgeous and charming - even if he didn’t get this deal, his life would still be pretty great.

“You’ll live,” I said. “Not getting this deal won’t kill you.”

“No,” his eyes had that dreamy look again, “But this project is huge. It’ll be my legacy, I’ll really make a difference, something gorgeous…”

He snapped to attention and focused on me again. “Are you sure there’s no way you can help me out?”

I shook my head no. “I don’t think so. Get someone else.”

“I’ve said already, there’s no-one else. The girls I know would be thrilled to turn me in and destroy me… Are you sure there’s nothing I can say to convince you?”

There was a thin, contemplative tone in his voice.

I crossed my arms. “It’s not going to happen.”

“Not even if I pay off your brother’s gambling debts?”

I gasped. “How did you… What did…?”

He smiled thinly again. “I have my sources. And I know about his addiction and rehab. Drugs can get expensive, can’t they?”

Of course, he probably sent someone sniffing around before he asked me. I said nothing so he went on, “Six figures of debt, it’ll take you years to pay off, and I know you’ll try to help him out, you always have. Come with me to Manchala for a week, and I’ll pay it all off. One week - that’s all I’m asking.”

It sounded tempting, almost too good. “I’ll get a job,” I said, “I’m sure I’ll hear back from one of my interviewers soon. I’ll be an interior designer, I’ll be living my dreams and I won’t need your money to pay off the debt.”

My boasts sounded hollow even to me.

Colin narrowed his eyes and said, “You don’t actually think you’ll hear back from anyone, do you? If you really want to be a designer, come and work for me. I’ll put you in charge of the design team for the Manchala resort if I get the deal, I promise. You’ll be a real interior designer, not just an assistant fetching coffees for the actual designer.”

It sounded tempting. He probably saw the gleam in my eyes so he went on, “Manchala will be a big deal on your resume, you’ll be living the dream. I won’t interfere with your work, you’ll get paid well, on top of me paying off your brother’s debt.”

I looked out the window, pretending to think, but it really just took me an instant to decide. I’d do it. I probably wouldn’t get a job as a designer in this economy, and the Manchala project would look amazing on my resume and establish me as a top designer. On top of that, the guy would pay off Alex’s debt. What more did I want?

I turned to him as if I was struggling with the idea. “It’s just for a week, right? No more?”

He nodded. “Once it’s over, we’ll announce a separation and we won’t be in each other’s lives. You’ll work on the Manchala project and I promise, I won’t interfere at all.”

“But what about if you get the deal? Won’t Sir D. be disappointed that you’re separated?”

He shrugged. “It’s business. Once we’ve signed the papers, he won’t go back.”

“And we’re keeping the whole thing a secret? How does that work?”

“Sir Donald’s British, he doesn’t appear in the American tabloids. The other developers that’ll be in Manchala are British, Indian and Australian. They won’t spread the news. As long as we keep it a secret, and don’t tell anyone ourselves, we’ll be fine. The fake marriage and separation will be over before you know it, and nobody will know anything.”

I sat silent for a moment, and then finally nodded. “You’ll pay off Alex’s debt immediately, before we go to Manchala. And don’t think you can seduce me - nothing’s going to happen between us.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You drive a hard bargain.”

“I mean it. I have no reason to trust you, and I’m losing a week of my life. Pay off Alex’s debt and then we’re in business.”

He nodded. “Fine, give me your bank details, I’ll transfer the money immediately.”

I pulled out a pen and paper and scribbled out the information. As I handed the paper over, I realized that we’d been sitting parked beside my apartment for the last couple of minutes.

Colin tucked the paper into his wallet and said, “We’re flying to Manchala on Sunday morning,”

My heart sank. Sunday was visitor’s day at Alex’s rehab and I wouldn’t get to see him. But I’m paying off his debt, I told myself, and that must be worth it. I nodded.

“I’ll see you on Saturday morning,” he continued. “We’ve some important things to take care of.”

I nodded jerkily, not really wanting to know about Saturday, and stepped out of the limo. I rushed up to my apartment, and locked the door behind me, before I sank down onto my old couch.

What had I just gotten into?

I’d agreed to spend a week on a gorgeous Caribbean island with a guy who made my insides melt. Alex’s debt was going to be paid off completely, and with any luck I’d have snagged a terrific interior design job. So why wasn’t I thrilled?

Colin was just too smooth, I thought, and I never knew where I stood with him. He seemed interested in me one minute, and the next minute I’d learn he was just using me.

Of course, there was no denying the chemistry between us and the attraction we felt for each other. My body craved his touch, but I wasn’t going to whore myself out for the money and work. If anything did happen between us, it would just give Colin more ammunition for manipulating me. 

I got up and rummaged through my files, looking for my passport and wondering how the week would turn out.




Alicia Roberts Is The Author Of:


Keira’s Journey: The Billionaire’s Submissive, BDSM Romance Series:

Keira’s Punishment: The Billionaire’s Submissive

Keira’s Visit: The Billionaire’s Submissive 2

Keira’s Past: The Billionaire’s Submissive 3


The Billionaire’s Contract, Adult Romance Series:

The Billionaire’s Contract: Proposals

The Billionaire’s Contract 2: Considerations

BOOK: Bride by Design: Flights of Fancy
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