Read Breathless (Meadowlarks) Online

Authors: Ashley Christine

Breathless (Meadowlarks) (6 page)

BOOK: Breathless (Meadowlarks)
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came home before she returned from town, and when he walked through the door I got up from couch and hug him.

“How's your dad?”

He sighed and took off his ball cap, fingering his already messy hair. “Not good.”

m sorry, Blaine. Is there anything we can do?” I asked, knowing that there wasn’t much of anything but it was something we were compelled to ask a grieving friend. “We're praying for him.”

“Thank you, Riley. We all are right now.” He lift
ed his mouth into a tiny smile. “The doctor said there's a pill they can give someone who has had a stroke, but it's only good for a few hours after it happens. They don't think they found him in time for that.”

“Hi, baby,” Addison
greeted Blaine when she walked into the room. “You okay?”

He fold
ed into her arms, and I felt so much sadness. Like a child, he leaned his head on her shoulder and she soothed him by rubbing his back and kissing his temple.

“What did the doctor say?” she ask
ed, still holding him tenderly.

He compose
d himself and stood up straight, raking his hands in his hair again. “Well, it's not good. He's alive, but it's like there's no one home.”

“No paralysis?” she ask

shook his head.

“Well that's one good thing, then right?”

“I guess.” Blaine shrugged and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge.



I offered to take Seth
for the night so Blaine and Addison could have some time alone and go to the hospital to see his father. But, Blaine held his son tightly in his arms and kindly declined.

“Thank you, Riley. Really. I appreciate it, but I just want him close,” he said

time, guys. I mean it. Just a phone call away.” I smiled, and we took Scarlett and Isaac home.

To keep ourselves busy at home, Alex got the bright idea of building a fort for Isaac out of old barn boards. Scarlett and I sat outside on a big blanket under the shade of an oak tree and watched the boys construct well into the evening.

I smiled watching Isaac laugh and joke with Alex, he fell over laughing when Alex bashed his thumb with the hammer.

Alex let out a cry and tried his best to stifle the
f word.
He shoved his thumb in his mouth and gave me a glare when I laughed right along with Isaac.

“Tim the Tool Man, everyone!” I joke

“Very funny, missy.” Alex smirk
ed. “I don't see you over here helping.”

“I'm supervising. Better job. More pay.”

“Yeah. You know she's the boss, dad,” Isaac shouted happily.

Alex and I look
ed at one another in complete surprise. He just called him
dad natural reaction was to smile but I was afraid to. I looked in Alex's eyes for any sign of emotion, wishing I knew what he were thinking right at this very moment.

He smile
d warmly at Isaac and scruffed his hair. “That's right buddy, mom's the boss.”

didn’t seem as if Isaac even noticed he said it; he was dragging more boards around, making piles and handing Alex a nail whenever he needed one.

Fort Isaac ha
d one complete wall and half of another by the time the sun set and the boys finally came inside. Scarlett was fed and bathed, and now we were sitting on the floor in the living room playing with wooden building blocks.

“Baby girl, your fort looks better than the one daddy made!” Alex
sat cross-legged on the floor beside us.

“Hey!” Isaac pout
ed. “Mine's better.”

I smile
d              at him. “You did a great job today, buddy. I can't wait to see how it looks tomorrow.”

He hug
ged me. “Thanks, mom.”

“Well, kiddo. I think it's time for bed.” I st
uck out my bottom lip at Isaac, knowing he hated those words. “Scarlett is going soon, too.”

Surprisingly, he
didn’t argue with me; he must have been tired from all the fun he had outside today.

I text
ed Addison after both kids were sleeping.

Any news on Bennett?

Still no change. Blaine is back at the hosp.

Me: OK
. Talk tomorrow?

Yes. Luv ya.

“Bennett's still the same,” I
said to Alex, who was sprawled on the couch watching a hockey game.

He look
ed up at me and frowned. “Come here.”

sat on the couch beside him when he sat up, making room for me. “You want to talk about it?”

“About Bennett?” he ask

“No, about Isaac calling you 'dad'.”

He shifted on the cushion and blew a long breath of air loudly out of his beautiful mouth. “Well, I liked it.”

I smile
d. “I did too.”

Speaking of that, Riley...I got the mail yesterday and opened it, not really looking at the envelopes,” Alex said. “What exactly does that guy do to be able to give you fifty-five hundred dollars a month for support?”

“I don't know what he does. I don't really care. As long as he helps support the child he helped create in

Alex turn
ed to watch the hockey game just as the one of the teams makes a goal, he grinned and sat up straight to pay closer attention to the TV.

“Alex, there's
over four hundred thousand dollars in a bank account for Isaac.”

He turn
ed and gaped at me. “What? Holy shit.”

“I've never spent a penny of it. Every check Dane ever sent went right in that account. Isaac will go to a good school, get a good job and have a wonderful life. He'll never want for anything.”

Alex and I both came from affluent families, lucky to have loving
wealthy parents. But we weren’t flashy and snobby either, and I do not want that for my son. Yet another reason why I don't want Dane in Isaac's life, he was all about money and what he could acquire and control with it.

“Let's not talk about Dane anymore, kay?” I ask
ed, curling my lip at the thought of him.

“Kay.” He smile
d and looked back at the TV as another goal was scored.



In mid-April Blaine's father is moved from the hospital into a nursing home. He had been declared a danger to himself as he was unable to make rational decisions, making it unsafe for him to return to Nick and Maria's house. He had completely lost his short-term memory, and it seemed anything that had happened since the nineties was unknown to him.

When we all went to visit him in the nursing home our first thought was how he didn't look like he'd changed at all. He still smiled widely when he saw the children, even extending his arms out for Addison to let him hold Seth. Then he opened his mouth to speak and it was heart-crushing. He kept calling the baby Blaine, and when he looked at Addison he called her Nicola, Blaine's mother.

We all stood, bewildered, not sure what to do or say.

Blaine looked stoic, not showing any emotion at all. But I am sure on the inside he was screaming.

“Nicola, look at our baby. He's such a cute little guy, isn't he?” Bennett looked up lovingly at Addison and smiled, rocking Seth in his arms.

“Yes, Bennett. He's a very sweet boy.” Addison smiled back to him, being a complete trooper.
I gave her so much credit, I didn’t think I could have handle being in her shoes.

Bennett look
ed over to Scarlett and smiled. “Now who is this pretty girl?”

“This is Scarlett. Scarlett, can you say hello to Bennett?” I smile
d, and Scarlett blew him a kiss.

“Hello, Scarlett. This is my boy, Blaine. Isn't he a cute baby?” Bennett gaze
d back down at Seth.

My heart
could not take anymore, I was ready to bawl. It was too much, I don't know how anyone else was still standing there listening to that. Thankfully, a nurse came just as I was ready to bolt for the door.

“Mr. Blackstock, it's almost time for lunch. Are you feeling hungry?”

Bennett smiled and nodded his head. “Nicola, take Blaine and hold him while I have lunch, okay?”

Addison smile
d and took Seth from his arms, cradling her son tightly in her arms. Blaine immediately walked over and asked her if he could hold him; she looked at him with watery eyes and handed Seth to him. He took his son and walked out on to the patio, just outside of the sitting room we were standing in. Bennett watched Blaine leave with Seth and it looked as if he were getting upset.

Addison touche
d his shoulder. “It's okay, Bennett. The baby just needs a little fresh air. I am going out to sit with him now.”

Bennett calm
ed and smiled at her, the nurse winked at Addison and helped Bennett to his feet and walked with him down the hall into the dining area.

“Holy shit, Addy,” Alex finally
spoke. “That was too fucking much.”

“I know. How do you think Blaine feels?” She shrug
ged and started walking toward the outside patio.

was standing by the railing, holding Seth against his chest, their blonde hair moving with the gentle breeze. He turned when we walked out and he smiled, and I was surprised. I guess I was expecting to see him upset.

“Ready to go?” he ask

“Yes, you want to get some lunch?” Addison ask
ed, smiling at Seth.

We all
went for lunch at Lake's, not talking about Bennett or what just happened at the nursing home. I was still amazed at Addison and how well she kept herself together, I knew she was strong, but damn...not many people could have pulled that off. My heart ached for them, I knew they must be dealing with a boatload of emotions—of Titanic proportions.

“Alex and I are going to start practising for team roping, did he tell you?” Blaine ask
ed me while he shoved a piece of pizza into his mouth.

“He mentioned something. Isn't there a lot of work involved? I mean, can you really even ride a horse Alex?”

Alex looked at me like I had hurt his feelings. “Actually, Riley, yes.”

“Well! Why haven't we gone for a ride then?” I ask
ed, pretending to be wounded.

“He's getting pretty good. Why don't we see if Sadee can babysit a night this week and we'll all go out,” Blaine suggest
ed, and Addison beamed at me.

“Okay, let's do that.” I smile
d, slightly nervous as I hadn’t ridden a horse in over a decade. I don't want to embarrass myself, or heaven forbid, let Alex show me up.

“Addy, can I still ride Jax?”

She smiled. “Of course.”



On Thursday morning Alex w
oke me up by spooning his body into mine and slowly pushing down my pajama shorts. He caressed my behind slowly and traveled his hand down in between my legs, rubbing me gently to stimulate and perk up my senses.

didn’t open my eyes, but I curled my lips into a smile and let out a soft moan.

“Hi, babe,” he coo
ed into my ear, kissing the back of my neck and shoulder.

,” I breathed.

All the nerve endings in my body flip
ped on like a dashboard full of switches; lights and alarms start blinking and screaming. All systems are a go, please fasten your seat belts. My, oh my, this is a beautiful way to wake up.

was all the way inside of me, slowly pulling back and easing right back into my warmth. Alex greedily bit and sucked on my shoulder and moaned huskily. His breath was hot on my skin, and his hand was even hotter on the sensitive flesh of my breast. His other arm cradled my head under my pillow, reaching his hand around and holding my hand in his.

I pull
ed his fingers to my face and kissed them lovingly. “I love you,” I moaned, ready to fall apart around him.

“I love you,” he breathe
d, between kisses on my skin. “You feel so good, baby. Pull your knees up.”

I please
d him by doing what he asked and I lifted my knees up to my stomach, the penetration deepened so deliciously by doing this, I almost screamed.

“Ohhhh, shit,” Alex roar
ed. His girth widening me and pushing even deeper, as if it were even possible. He let go of my breast and reached down to grip my behind, digging his fingers into my skin so hard that it sends me reeling.

I turn
ed my face into the pillow and let all my lust-filled cries out, heaving and pulsing through a wickedly perfect orgasm.

“Is there someone I can talk to about getting a wake-up call like this one every morning?” I smile
d and rolled over to face him once he pulled slowly out of me.

He laugh
ed, holding his hands on his heaving chest. “Well, I'll be sure to remember for tomorrow morning.”

“At least I am all
nice and limber for today.” I grinned. “You know I haven't ridden a horse in like, forever, right?”

Alex laugh
ed softly. “Yeah, this should be good.”

“Hey! Don't be mean.”

“I could never be mean to you, I love you.” He crinkled his forehead, making me think I had hurt his feelings somehow.

“I know, babe. I was kidding.”

Sadee was already at the house when we arrive, she was sitting outside with Seth, swinging on the bench on the porch.

“Hey, guys! Hi, Scarlett. Ready for a fun day with me and Seth?” Sadee smile
d and reached for Scarlett who crawled up the steps and walked right into her arms. “Addison and Blaine are over there.”

“I've got my phone on me, if you need me.”

Alex snorted. “She'll be fine, Ry.”

I glare
d at him. “I know.”

Blaine ha
d four horses saddled by the time we got over to the field. Addison held out the reigns attached to the bridle around Jax's head, I took them nervously and looked at her with my eyebrow raised. “I don't know about this.” I scrunched my nose.

“You'll be fine! I promise.” She pat
ted my shoulder and walked around Jax's left side to help me up. “Just get up and see how calm he is.”

I exhale
d and looked at Jax; he was freaking huge. They expected me to ride him and
be worried. “Why can't I ride one of those smaller ones?” I asked, pointing to the white horse that was standing next to Blaine.

“Trust me,” Addison
said softly.

Alex walk
ed up and took my hand. He was leading a big horse of his own, not as big as Jax but it left a huge shadow. “Let's go, baby.”

“Don't rush a good thing, Alex,” I
said, stalling.

Finally, after I
took a few more seconds to size up the horse, I realize I was not going to convince them to let me pick a different one. I reached up and grabbed the saddle horn, put my leg in the stirrup and pulled myself up onto Jax's back.

didn’t move, it was amazing, and I instantly felt relieved.

“See, told ya.” Addison grinned

“Let's do this, Cole.”
I said, pretending to have some balls.

I really hate
d being wrong, but this time it was worth it. Jax was the perfect horse for me to ride today, he kept a steady pace and I felt at ease with him. It was hard to concentrate some of the time though, Alex would ride on his horse in front of me and all I could stare at was him. He looked so freaking hot on that animal I had to shift in my saddle a few times. I think that man will make my thighs clench until the day I die.

He turn
ed to smile at me and I melted in his eyes, they were full of promise and hope, and so much love.

“Damn, you look so sexy right now,” Alex
said when I caught up to him. “I’m jealous of Jax.”

“Alex!” Addison gape
d at her brother.

“What? Like Blaine's so innocent,” he snort

Blaine shrug
ged and smiled. “What can I say? Nothin' sexier than a hot woman riding a horse.”

“Dude, I can think of a few things...” Alex trail
ed off, smiling deviously to himself.

“For a moment I was thinking you were turning into a nice country boy,” Addison
said, shaking her head at her brother.

“Oh, Addy, country boys aren't always nice,” Blaine
said in a deeply seductive voice. “You know that.”

“Okay, en
ough of the dirty talk while I’m trying to concentrate on not falling off this horse,” I said, laughing.

Alex laugh
ed. “Baby, you can multitask
well, don't you remember that time—”

“Alex!” I hiss
ed. I swear sometimes he loves to see me all riled up.



My body
was going to hate me after making it endure a two hour horseback ride. When we got back to the farm, I slowly slid off Jax's back and when my feet touched the ground it felt like thousands of tiny shards of glass were impaling me. Oh man, that was painful. I was walking like I had ridden a barrel or something, knees wide and I must look like a complete idiot.

Awe, Ry. You okay babe?” Addison giggled and rubbed my back when I leaned down and put my hands on my knees.

“I'm good. But, I'm gonna need a long soak in the tub after this!”

She laughed and took Jax's reigns from my hands. “I'll take him. You want to see how the kids are doing?”


“There's mommy, Scar!” Sadee said to Scarlett, who was sitting on a blanket on the front yard, eating apple slices. “How was the ride, Riley?”

“Oh, girl...
it was good. I am crazy sore though,” I said, smiling. I plopped down on the blanket and fell back to sprawl out on the ground.

carlett sat closer to me and offered me a half-eaten apple, I took it and popped it in my mouth. “Thanks, baby.”

“Riley, there was someone here looking for you about half an hour ago,” Sadee

I turn
ed my face to look at her. “Who?”

“I don't know, he didn't say. He just asked if Riley Harrison was here and I said yes, but you were out on a ride.”


“Yeah, he was nice looking. I mean,
nice looking. Tall with a shaved head.”

stomach dropped out of my body...there was no way it was him.

No. Freaking. Way...

Was there?

“Sadee, did you see what he was driving?” I ask
ed, trying not to look freaked the hell out.

“Umm, I think it was a Mercedes. A red one,” she shrug
ged. “You okay?”

“Yeah, sweetie. I'm good. Just not sure who it would be, especially since I don't know anyone here.”

BOOK: Breathless (Meadowlarks)
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