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Authors: Shayne McClendon

Breaking the Ice (10 page)

BOOK: Breaking the Ice
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Kenzie’s hips rocked up from the
seat and she watched Diesel press his hand over his cock.  She knew it was to
keep from joining her.  She stroked herself through her climax and finally
settled back to the seat.  “I’ve missed you, Diesel.”

“I’ve missed
Kenzie.”  He stopped at the last traffic light before the turn to his house and
pulled her hand from inside her panties.  He put her fingers to his lips and
sucked her fluids from them.  “Fuck…you taste good.” 

She put her clothes in place but
didn’t fasten them as he turned onto his driveway and came to a screeching stop
in front of the house. 

He was out of the car and opening
her door in seconds.  The moment he pulled her into his arms, her legs wrapped around
his waist on instinct. 

“I need you so bad…right now.”  Despite
his distraction, he managed to unlock the door.  She was set on her feet just
inside.  “Clothes off, Kenzie, we’ll go slow next time.”  A condom appeared in
his hand and he stripped in record time. 

Diesel rolled the rubber on as he
turned and held his arms open for her.  Kenzie jumped up and wrapped her naked body
around his.  “Now, Diesel, right now.  I’m ready…I need you.  I want to see you
come for me.” 

She rocked on him and he groaned
low in his throat.  He braced her back against the nearest wall, positioned
himself at the entrance of her pussy, and thrust hard. 

“Jesus, you’re still so tight. 
So fucking tight.”  He stroked back and forth until he was finally fully inside
her, the head of his cock pressing against her womb.  “I’m not going to last. 
You feel so good.” 

He held her ass as he stroked
fast and hard inside her.  Less than a dozen thrusts and she was coming, her
nails digging into his shoulders. 

“Yes, Diesel, yes…I’m coming,
come with me.” 

MacKenzie tightened her arms and felt
her climaxing pussy milking his cock.  Diesel fully lost control.  He slammed
into her and bellowed her name as she felt his come fill the condom. 

“So hard…coming so hard,
Kenzie.”  He continued to thrust until he was fully spent and his forehead
collapsed on her shoulder. 

They were gasping for air and
Kenzie could feel the blood pounding in her veins. 


When he could think again, Diesel
started kissing her slowly, deeply, his tongue swiping into her mouth, licking
her teeth, her tongue, going over the inside of her cheeks. 

He wanted to take her in, drink
her down, make her part of his body. 

Her hands moved to his hair and
fisted there, holding him to her.  When he lifted his mouth from hers, her lips
were red and swollen, her eyes glazed with need for him. 

She was the most beautiful woman
he’d ever seen.

Diesel gathered her to him and
her arms went around his neck.  She laid her head on his shoulder as he locked
the front door, climbed the stairs to his bedroom, and laid her down on his
huge bed. 

He was still inside her, not
fully soft, and he held his weight on his forearms to look down at her. 

“MacKenzie, I’m sorry…about
everything.”  He lifted one hand to smooth her hair away from her face.  “Every
time after you felt
but I ignored it.  I never dreamed…I didn’t
know you wanted me, waited for me.  I’m sorry.”

“You had to live your life,
Diesel.  I knew that, I wanted that for you.  You don’t owe me an apology.” 

He knew she meant every word but
it wasn’t enough.  “I need you with me, I need Dalton with me.”  He kissed her
slow and tender.  “I don’t want to miss another day with our son.  I don’t want
to be alone.  Don’t make me go back to being alone.”

Her fingers touched his face.  “Diesel,
you don’t have to make room for me in your life to have access to your son. 
He’s already yours.”

There was a small shake of his
head.  “When I found out you were this magical creature I’d somehow missed out
on for so long, I wanted you more than I ever wanted anyone, Kenzie.  Before or
since.  I know I was too selfish then.  Too caught up in my own shit.” 

Diesel slid his arms under her
back and held her tight.  “I want you
, Kenzie.  You’re the only woman
I want.” 

“You’re still young, Diesel…”

“I don’t care if it sounds
crazy.  For the first time in years, I feel settled, like I’m doing the exactly
right thing.  I don’t want to waste more time.  I’ve wasted enough.”

“Don’t rush into anything…”

“No.  Stop it.  That’s the Rhodes
mentality over-thinking things and not believing you’re good enough.  The
moment I saw you at the bar, it was like someone slapped me in the back of the
head.  Cleared the fog I’ve been living in.  A spotlight lit up the one thing
I’d been without and all the pieces fell together for me. 
I love you,

She inhaled sharply and he watched
her trying to understand that he loved her.  

“Do you know why I was in that
bar, Kenzie?”  She shook her head.  “Your brother called Cristi and told her
I’d moved to Boston.  She called Damien and told him there was something I had
to see at a bar in Cambridge.  That I wouldn’t believe it unless I saw it.”

Her eyes went wide.  “Damien
called me, said I had to go there, he had no idea why…that Cristi tended to be
mysterious.  I’d been through one interview after another following the press
conference.  I asked them if they knew the place and I spotted you the moment I
walked in.”

“I don’t know that we’ll fit in
your life, Diesel.  You’re so famous.  Everyone wants a piece of you.”

He put his finger over her lips. 
“I’ve been drifting since the day I left you.  I poured everything into hockey
because I didn’t go after you that night at the Triple Z.  I’ve been thinking
about you more and more over the last year.”

“What?” Kenzie whispered.

“No one knew where you’d gone,
what you were doing.  I couldn’t get that night out of my head.  Couldn’t stop
wanting you.  You
me, MacKenzie.  I’ve called other women by
your name because they should have been

“I don’t know what to do.  I
don’t want us to be a burden.”

hockey, Kenzie but
it’s just a game…just a
.”  He hugged her tight.  “You and Dalton will
never be a burden…I need you both to be my
.”  She had tears in her

“Marry me, MacKenzie.  Love me
and let me love you.  Be my wife.  You want me to be happy but I can’t be happy
without you.  Marry me.  Say yes, Kenzie.  Say yes.”



Chapter Twelve


Diesel held her so tight it was
almost painful.  “You won’t regret it.  I will never give you a reason to
regret it, Kenzie.”  His cock was fully hard again inside her.  “I want you
pregnant again so I can watch you from day one, growing with our child.” 

He thrust forward, watching her
eyes glaze.  “I don’t want to use a condom, MacKenzie.  You’re the only woman I’ve
ever been with without a condom.  I want to feel your pussy around me, skin to
skin.  Fully
this time.”  His smile was self-mocking.

“I’d love a little girl, Diesel.”

His laugh was followed by a gentle
kiss.  “I’ll do my best, but my mother had
boys.  We may have to
keep trying for a little girl.”

“I’m very determined when I set
my mind to something.” 

There was no way to stop his grin
as he nodded.  Pulling out, he stripped the condom away and picked her up.  He
carried her into the bathroom. 

“I want all the spermicide gone. 
I want you pregnant as soon as possible.”  Turning on the water, he stepped
into the huge stall, set her on her feet, and started soaping her body.  “I
want to see you round and glowing.  To make love to you, knowing our future is
growing inside you.  I want to see Dalton’s face when we give him siblings.”

She didn’t miss the plural.  “Do
you plan to give me lots of babies, Diesel?”

“As many as you want,
MacKenzie…we both come from big families and love children.”  He kissed her and
ran his hands over her slick skin. 

“You’re going to do exactly what
you want.  You can put everyone else’s happiness first all you like but
happiness is going to come first for me from now on.”

“What would make me happy right
now,” she murmured as she lowered to the tile floor in front of him and sat back
on her heels, “is watching what you look like when you stroke yourself, Diesel. 
Then you can take me to bed and show me all the things we never had a chance to

His heart slammed against his
ribs when she reached between his legs and cupped his balls.  “First, I want to
taste you.”

He wrapped his fist around his
cock and began to stroke, so turned on by what she wanted he knew it wouldn’t
take long.  With one hand braced against the wall behind her, he watched the
water splash over her swollen breasts and taut nipples, and moved his hips in
time to his hand. 

Kenzie played with his balls and
slid her other hand up to knead his thigh.  Diesel moaned when she licked the
drop of pre-come from the head. 

“Yes, Diesel, come in my mouth. 
I could come just watching you.”

“Reach down and play with your
clit, Kenzie.” 

She slid one hand down her body,
tweaked her nipple on the way by, and settled her fingertips over her clit. 
Her eyes never left his cock as he masturbated for her.  She stared at him,
transfixed, her own movements getting faster and faster.

“Diesel, watching you do that is…don’t
stop.  It’s making me come.”  Watching her, he felt his own climax build past
the point of no return. 

“Open, Kenzie.”  She lifted her
face and parted her lips.  Her instant obedience to the command drew his balls
up tight.  “I’m coming…” 

The first jet made her moan as it
splashed over her lips and tongue.  The sight of it caused his orgasm to hit
harder than he ever felt alone. 

Suddenly, she took him in her
mouth and sucked greedily, swallowing his seed as it left his body, her hands gripping
the muscles of his ass to hold him to her.  His hands were in fists against the
wall, his knees locked to remain standing. 

“Oh hell, that feels

Totally spent, he watched her
clean him and sit back.  He lifted her from the floor and pulled her into a
hug.  “You’re the only woman who ever wanted me enough to wait for me.  Who
thought I was worth waiting for.” 

Her lips whispered something in
Lakota against his ear and he drew back to look at her.  “What does that mean? 
You said the same thing when we were together that night.”

Her smile was gentle.  “It means,
for me, there is only you
.”  His eyes went wide and he held her
tighter.  “I meant it then, Diesel and I mean it now.”

They washed one another, whispered
to each other. 

They shut off the water and he
kissed her possessively, fiercely and took her to bed.  Sliding into her bare
and fully aware, he stilled, enjoying the feel of her around him while he
kissed her breathless.  For the next eight hours, he alternated between naps
and making love to her, until they were exhausted and sticky.  


The next morning, Kenzie called Thad
and he said he was taking Dalton with him to the library, not to worry.  Relieved,
she fell back to sleep and woke around noon with Diesel curled around her body. 

They showered, got dressed, and
sat on the back sun porch with their coffee.  The thick couch was comfortable
with Diesel on the end and Kenzie snug against him. 

“I want to give you everything
you want, MacKenzie,” he said into her hair.

“I have you, Dalton, Thad, and my
sisters.  That’s all I’ll ever need, Diesel.” 

The sincerity of her words
wrapped around his heart.  She was so different from the women who’d been
interested in him more for his fame and fortune. 

MacKenzie was grounded, simple,
easy to please. 

He picked up her hand and kissed
her ring finger, “You have to let me get you a ridiculous ring, Kenzie.”

She shook her head.  “And be
scared to death I’ll lose it, or that Dalton will play with it while I’m
cooking or washing dishes?  No, if I had my choice, I’d pick a ring with a fake
stone.  That way, if it gets destroyed or lost, you can easily replace it.  I
want to focus on you and our children.  Something simple please.  Something

“What makes you think you’re
going to be cooking or washing dishes?  A fake stone…that is so not going to
happen even if I have to buy five duplicates in case you lose one.”

She set down her cup and took his
before turning and straddling his lap.  Her eyes were relaxed but determined. 
He smiled at her.  “Tell me.”

to cook.  I used
to cook with my siblings and now
love to cook.  I’m going to teach
all our children to cook.  Being pampered can be fun but if you’re pampered
every day, you lose your appreciation for it.”

What she was saying made sense. 
He realized why his mother only allowed him to help her to a point. 

“Now, if you want someone to help
clean and do laundry…I’m all over that.  I change Dalton’s clothes like four
times a day due to juice, food, paint, or mud.  I’ve never had anyone but Thad
stay with Dalton, so I’m a little nervous.”

“Understandable.  We’ll make sure
anyone we get is fully checked out.”

She nodded.  “You can take Dalton
shopping for his little boy clothes now, he’s very irate when I go in the
changing room with him.  When you aren’t traveling for work, if you can go with
us to his hockey practice that would be amazing.  You’re likely to get swamped
with little kids wanting you to play with them but I’ve seen you with your little
brothers; I think you can handle it.  I get cranky for two days every month and
only want to eat ice cream.  I apologize in advance.” 

BOOK: Breaking the Ice
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