Read Breaking Fate Online

Authors: Georgia Lyn Hunter

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Romance

Breaking Fate (32 page)

BOOK: Breaking Fate
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Blaéz pulled Darci to his side, his arm around her, keeping her close.

Finnén scowled at The Morrigan.

She didn't look pleased as she strode toward them, her cape parting and revealing dark-green pants and bustier. A furious flurry of wings and hundreds of crows dropped from the skies to roost on nearby shrubs, appearing like soot had fallen on the greenery. They could all turn into deadly warriors at her command.

The invisible shield keeping the other Guardians out broke. In a blink, Týr, Dagan, and Aethan flanked him.

The law-keeper pinned to the castle wall twisted and struggled to pull the sword from his bleeding belly. The arsehole was lucky Blaéz hadn't aimed that damn sword for his heart. Freeing himself, the law-keeper stumbled. Glowering with cold rage, he stalked toward Blaéz.

“I said enough.” The Morrigan’s voice carried a compulsion, stopping the assassin dead in his tracks. She pinned those lethal blues on the law-keeper. “My son is no longer bound by our laws. Leave him and his mate in peace.”

Blaéz stiffened. She’d called him “son” in front of everyone?

Too late, he wanted to tell her. Too much had happened for him to ever think of her as his mother. But shit, no matter that eons had passed, her words unfurled and spread, easing a little of that one fractured facet still inside him — one of acceptance — but only a little.

Darci stroked his chest, clearly picking up on his emotions.

“He is no family to us,” Finnén snapped. “He brought shame to our pantheon. And taking a mortal to mate? He should die.”

Guess that meant his twin finally knew who Blaéz was and still came after him. Blaéz eyed him coldly. He would kill Finnén in a heartbeat if he ever took one step Darci’s way. The Morrigan probably read his intent. Not that he was hiding what he’d do to her other son.

“I said enough, Finn. Now leave.”

Snarling at The Morrigan’s verdict, Finnén vanished.

The white-haired assassin’s mouth curled in irritation. His eyes narrowed as he lowered his sword, blood seeping from the slow-healing wound on his abdomen.

The Morrigan was the goddess of war and death, not many would want to take her on. Besides, she was part of the council at the Gates of the Gods that made those damn archaic angelic laws that were once applied to the Watchers absolute.

“Wait,” Blaéz said as they prepared to leave.

The Morrigan glanced back, her gaze softened a fraction. “What is it?”

“Not just me, all the Guardians, too. I want that decree lifted. They are not to be touched by the Absolute Laws.”

“I will do what I can.” Then she and her birds vanished.

But the white-haired law-keeper remained. His gaze fixed on Darci.

“Do you want to die?” Blaéz snapped.

His dark eyes shifted back to Blaéz. “What is it about the mortals that you would risk your life by mating one?”

Darci went rigid against him. Blaéz tightened his hold on her, pressed his lips to her brow then said, “Something you would never understand.”

After another narrow-eyed stare at them, the law-keeper shimmered and vanished.

Blaéz turned to Darci. At the smudge of red on her t-shirt, he pushed up her top, and there, just above her navel was a small cut where the sword had pierced her. At the sight of the blood on her smooth, tanned skin, he wanted to go after the bastard and skewer him with his own sword.

“Blaéz, I'm okay. It’s just a scratch. A little antiseptic and I’ll be fine.”

Eyes narrowed, he laid his hand on her and healed the scratch. “Now, I'm satisfied—”

“Damn, fuckers,” Týr muttered, coming to stand beside Blaéz. He glared at that spot where the assassin had been. “You know they won't let that decree be ignored even with us, right?”

Blaéz eyed the Norse contemplatively, his fingers stroking Darci stomach beneath her top. “If they come after us, just kill them. But if this concerns the rainbow, I wouldn’t worry too much. That path hasn’t altered.”

At the mention of Blaéz’s vision, Týr looked like he wanted to punch him in the face. “Even with your soul back, you're still a screw short — Darci, I'm really glad you are well. Now give him hell. Please.” Pivoting, Týr stalked indoors.

“What did you do?” Darci asked.

Blaéz gave her an innocent look. “Nothing.”

Snorting, she stepped away from him. Glanced around the garden. The next moment, the obsidian dagger shimmered into her hand. “So that was Finnén, your brother?”


Holding the weapon gingerly away from her, she studied the bloodied blade. “He’s like a petulant child. Thank God he’s gone.”

Amusement tugged Blaéz’s mouth, but he was damn glad it truly was over. Well, the danger to their lives anyway. Demoniis, that threat was a whole other issue, and one that would always remain.

“Come.” He grasped her hand. “After that traumatic experience, I'm in need of being soothed.”

She arched a delicate brow. “Really?”

“Really.” His mouth kicked up in the corners. “I think lacy underwear ought to help.”

“Why bother when you’re only going take them off? It’s a waste of time.”

“Hardly.” He drew her close and nipped her chin. “My plan is to unwrap my gift with my teeth.”

Color surged beneath her creamy, caramel skin. She suddenly yanked free. “That will just have to wait, I haven’t had coffee yet.” She grinned, dancing backward and waving the dagger in front of her. As if that would keep him back.

Blaéz narrowed his eyes. “You don’t want to run from me,
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“Scared I’ll actually beat you?” she taunted.

He charged after her. With a squeak, she spun around and took off for the kitchen. There was no way she could outrun him, but he loved that she tried. He grasped her around the waist. Laughter like sunshine filled his ears and his heart as he picked her up. A sound he’d never tire of hearing.

Her legs wrapped around his waist, she laid her lips on his in a tender kiss. “You really want to

“With you,
a leannan?


Thank you for taking time to read
Breaking Fate
. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review.

Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated. ♥

Also by Georgia Lyn Hunter

The Fallen Guardians:

Absolute Surrender (Bk1)

Echo, Mine (Bk1.5)

Warlords of Empyrea:

Coming in Feb 2016

Darkness Undone (Bk1)


Blaéz’s song to Darci:

Shayne Ward’s Stand by Me

About the Author

A South African, Georgia Lyn Hunter has been creating stories from the moment she could string two words together. And no matter the tale, they always have romance woven through them.

When not writing or plotting her next book, she can be found reading, travelling, painting, or trolling flea markets where she loves to buy things she might never actually use because they're so pretty.

After working in a few jobs, all art related, she’s finally found her passion: writing.

There really is no other job she’d rather be doing.

Find her here:




BOOK: Breaking Fate
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