Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story (26 page)

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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Two years later…


The house was silent and dark, except for a small lamp lit in the living room. Kate was curled up on the sofa reading a book. She was waiting up for Nathan to come home from the hospital. Craving ice cream, she slowly got to her feet and made her way to the kitchen. As she entered the room she reached out and flipped on the light switch. Padding barefoot to the refrigerator, Kate opened the freezer and took out a carton of chocolate. She grabbed a spoon from the drawer and leaned against the counter to eat. At that moment Nathan entered the kitchen, tugging at his tie.


"Hi, honey," Kate said. "How was your day?"


"Busy," Nathan sighed. "I'm exhausted."


"I'm sorry," Kate said. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"


"You can kiss me," Nathan muttered. "That always makes me feel better."


Kate kissed him on the lips. "I love you."


"I love you, too," Nathan whispered.


Kate smiled up at her husband of a year and a half. "Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat."


"I grabbed something at the hospital."


"Good." Kate opened a cabinet door and took down a bowl. She scooped ice cream into it and then put the carton back in the freezer.


"How did your checkup go?" Nathan asked.


Kate placed her hand on her growing belly. "It went well. The baby is healthy."


Nathan laid his hand over hers. "And you? Are you healthy?"


"Yes," Kate told him.


"I wish I could have gone with you to your appointment," Nathan said. "But I couldn't get away."


"It's all right," Kate assured him. "I understand. Let's go to the living room. I need to sit down." She led the way to the living room.


"Did you have any trouble getting Gaby to go to sleep?" Nathan asked.


"No," Kate said, moving around the coffee table. "She was disappointed that you weren't here to tuck her in."


Nathan smiled. "I was disappointed too."


Kate sat down on the sofa and Nathan settled beside her. "I found out the sex of the baby. Would you like to know?"


"Of course," Nathan said.


"We're having a boy."


"Oh, sweetheart that's wonderful."


"Yes, it is." Kate swallowed a spoonful of ice cream. "It's a shame Martin isn't alive. I'd love to share the good news with him."


Nathan grinned. "He would be furious."


"I know," Kate said her eyes twinkling. She reached out and caressed Nathan's face. "I want to name the baby after you."


"I don't like my middle name," Nathan said, grimacing.


"There is nothing wrong with Eugene," Kate declared.


"All right," Nathan mumbled. "You can name him after me."


"Thank you," Kate said softly. She glanced down at her ice cream. "I don't want this any more."


"Give it to me," Nathan said.


Kate handed him the bowl. "I talked to Jill earlier. She said the baby is teething and keeping her and Steve awake. Your mom and dad are keeping Matt for a few days so Jill can concentrate on the baby."


"Matt is going to run mom and dad ragged," Nathan stated. "Maybe we should take him for a few days."


"I'll mention it to Jill tomorrow." Kate looked at the clock on the wall above the television. "Why don't we turn in? It's been a long day."


Nathan set the bowl on the coffee table and stood. He helped Kate to her feet, and they headed upstairs. Before retiring to their room, they peeked in on Gaby and found her sound asleep. Leaving the door open a crack, Nathan and Kate moved on down the hall to their bedroom.


Ten minutes later, Kate and Nathan were lying in bed. Kate was snuggled up against Nathan with her head on his chest. As she lay there she thought back over the years. The life she had lived with Edward seemed like a lifetime ago, like a bad dream she had over come. She emerged from the darkness, and with Nathan's help, stepped into the light. He was her hero, her lover, her husband, and her best friend. With him by her side, Kate looked forward to the future and oh what a future it would be.


The End




BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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