Read Branded Mage Online

Authors: D.W.

Branded Mage (3 page)

BOOK: Branded Mage
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“Is there anything I can do to help?”

Millie let out a loud
“Unless you can change the season and make it warm enough that my men don’t freeze and the mortar cures right, I doubt it.”

The question intrigued him and he was soon lost to Millie’s mad ramblings as he made his way back to his room in the palace. Could he affect the temperature in a set space? Fire wouldn’t work
it was too unpredictable and used up vast amounts of magic to keep it burning without proper fuel.

It wouldn’t be simple but if he could figure out how to transfer heat
, he could make something like a shield that trapped heat in a confined space, but where would he get the heat from? He started thinking of everything that he knew of that could produce heat. He experimented with different ideas for a little while. Time flew by and he was dimly aware of people visiting his room. In his focused state, he barely registered anyone until the Princess rather rudely jabbed him in the ribs.

He asked his voice slightly pained from his tender ribs and a pounding headache that came to bear, an unwelcomed side effect from his extended use of magic.

“It’s time for dinner, and mother wants you to come. She has invited a few people who will be useful in dealing with the current civil upheaval
. She wants your input as well.” She jumped off of his bed and raced toward the door with a mischievous grin on her face. “Oh, and Bren is looking for you. He is not happy that you missed your combat training today.”

Thad let out a loud groan. E
ver since he had been allowed out of bed, Bren had started a rigorous training routine to, “get him back in shape.” Growing up in the academy he had always enjoyed combat training, but Bren seemed to enjoy taking all the pleasure out of it by continuing to beat him senseless. That coupled with the queens near insane attempts to make sure he had everything he needed kept him so busy he hadn’t even had the time to get word to Shariel of his release.

After washing his face and hands in a small basin one of the servants had graciously brought to his room, he dressed in one of the outfits the queen had sent him as “approved” attire for formal occasions. It was a dark green doublet with a slightly lighter green lace adorning the cuffs and neckline, as well as a pair of hose so tight that he feared one wrong move would expose his manhood.

As he entered the dining hall Thad noticed half a dozen women of varying ages idly chatting with the queen. Bren’s eyes cut to him as soon as he entered the room. Thad could tell the man was none too pleased with him at the moment. Thad didn’t understand how the Guard could convey so many feeling with only his eyes, while the rest of his body remained motionless as he stood behind the queen.

Noticing his presence the queen greeted him warmly. “Thaddeus
, so glad you could join us.” The ladies gathered around the queen studied him intently. While most of the ladies faces showed interest, the youngest looking of the group, somewhere in her late teens or early twenties with mahogany brown hair, face showed nothing but utter disgust at his presence.

“It will still be awhile until the meal is ready
, and the princess should be down shortly. Why don’t you join us while we wait?” The queen’s voice was kind and gentle but it held a strong commanding undertone.

At the
queen’s command, he found an empty seat next to a motherly looking woman with light brown hair with just a hint of silver streaks running through it. The lady gave him a gentle smile. Her light green eyes sparkled, making her seem years younger suddenly. Looking around, he noticed that all eyes, both friendly and not, were on him. Embarrassed from the attention he was receiving, he ducked his head blushing furiously.

“This is the mighty mage you’
ve been telling us about Serena? He is just a baby; I bet he can still count his hairs on one hand.” The younger lady who had been eyeing him fiercely said. Her tone was harsh and mocking.

“Yes he does look quite young, and I see it as a re
ason to expect great things. I am not one to count worthiness on age or gender. If I did, then you would fall in the same category. It wasn’t that long ago I remember you tailing behind your mother crying about your lost doll.” The motherly lady next to him said in a jokingly manner.   

The room soon erupted in what could only be described as
polite chaos as the ladies tore into each other with thinly veiled insults and heavy handed sarcasm. This went on for a few minutes until the queen interceded.

“Now that were all introduced
, let’s get down to business. What are we to do about the current unrest of out male population?”

The ladies popped in with a range of solutions
, but few of them actually addressed the problem as he saw it. It wasn’t just their rights, but the overall attitude of the females toward them that had caused the situation. Thad stayed quiet, listening to the women talk and argue about what would be best for the Queendom.

, you’re being awfully quiet. What would you do to address the current situation?” The queen’s voice was light but carried well. Silencing the ladies and drawing their attention back to him.

“I don’t really know. It wouldn’t hurt to pass a few laws protect their basic rights, but you would have to do more. I understand the reason for property to be passed down through the female line, but not allowing men to buy property is one of the larger problems.
The idea works for the upper class, but when you get to the common person all you’re doing is caging them into perpetual slavery, marked or not.”

The lady next to him patted his arm reassuringly. “He’s got a point Serena
, without the ability to even buy or own property, their forced to rent at high prices. Many of the best craftsmen have to work for little or nothing because they cannot own a business. While I believe the peerage should remain with the female line, I don’t believe it works as well with the peasants.”

“What about our slaves? You don’t expect us to give them all up do you? There are plenty of laws in place to ensure the
y are well taken care of.” A sandy-haired woman with a hawk like nose said, sounding affronted by the idea.

This started a whole new round of verbal combat. At some point during the discussion the princess made her way into the room wearing a white dress that seemed to float around her
, almost like a cloud. Thad was glad for the distraction and smiled warmly at the princess as she took a seat next to her mother.

Shortly before the food arrived
, the ladies and the queen outlined an agreement they could all support. A royal decree would be given that would give men back the right to purchase property, but would have to declare an inheritor or it would revert to the property of the Queendom. Slavery would continue, but with the added condition that a slave could buy their freedom if they paid double the amount of their purchase.

decision seemed like too large of a step to Thad. While he wanted his fellow men to have the rights they deserved, he was afraid that going too far to fast could be disastrous. He wasn’t sure what would happen, but he hoped it all went well.

When the meal arrived
, the conversation turned polite, and the barbs and verbal attacks disappeared. To say he was confused was an understatement. He couldn’t understand how the women could seem like the best of friends and the bitterest enemies at the same time.

The meal continued without too much fanfare.
Alysia, the older lady who had championed him earlier, turned out to be the Duchess of Calisaren. When he learned who she was he inquired on Eloen, the young captain of her army that he had met in Avael. Remembering his last meeting with the captain made Thad’s cheeks to burn a brilliant shade of red.

“Oh yes, Eloen is my niece, and one of my best officers. She has spoken very highly of your skills on the battlefield. I am very grateful for your help at the battle of Avael. From what I have learned
, the town would have been razed if you had not interceded when you did.”

Unused to such praise Thad ducked his head to hide his blushing face. Alysia moved the conversation along and they began talking of his interests and hobbies, which were few. While academic study was not her strongest area of expertise
, she did give him an excellent idea. She suggested he seek out the dean of the Royal School. Who she claimed was one of the foremost scholars in all of Kurt.

After the meal
, the princess kindly pulled him from the room as the ladies started another series of verbal wars. She led him to her favorite spot, a small balcony that overlooked the palace garden. Since his release, they had spent almost every night on the balcony talking under the moonlight. He always enjoyed the relaxing and beautiful sight of the garden in the pale moonlight.

The queen employed dozens of slave
s just to tend the small garden. To make sure the rare and difficult to cultivate Moon Lilies stayed healthy. They filled the garden, and while during the day they looked like a simple white lily, they shimmered and cast a faint glow that lit up surrounding area in the moonlight. Adding to the enchantment, fireflies were drawn to the flowers, and seemed to dance in the air around them.

Their late night talks were never serious
, but usually fancy of what would be or could be. Tonight she had brought a simple deck of Honeth cards. He knew it was a bit childish to play games when he should be working, but the princess seemed to enjoy what little time she had to just act her age.

He had to admit, he even enjoyed the time he spent with her
. She never expected him to perform magic for her, or be a master scholar as many of the nobles did. She oohed and awed when he performed some new bit of magic he had learned, but mainly she just let him be him without the fear of ridicule.

Back in his room after being thoroughly beaten in four straight games of Honeth, Thad kicked back on his bed
, silently vowing to himself to learn how to play the game better. He didn’t mind losing, but the little princess loved to goad him about it. The worst part was that she was so cute when doing it that he couldn’t even force himself to get mad at her.

Clearing his mind of the day’s events
, he concentrated back on the problem of heating. There were plenty of things that gave off heat, but without knowing how the heat was created or traveled, there was no way to reproduce the effect through magic. Slightly annoyed at his own incompetence, he decided tomorrow would be a good time to visit the Royal School and Shariel.



The Royal School was a large group of buildings on the edge of the capital. The school had been built shortly after the creation of Farlan. Just after the collapse of the great empire. It had originally been built outside of the city, but over the decades the capital had expanded and formed around the school.

Ever since coming to the capital
, Thad had enjoyed looking at the school. Over the years many buildings had been added, but none were ever torn down, so one could easy see the changes in architectural design throughout its history.

The walk up to the main building was long and winded th
rough a large garden that was tended by some of the students. It was beautiful and he could easily see the care that had been put into it. Every so often he would see one of the students weeding, their hands covered in dirt. He wasn’t sure why but seeing a noble doing such work made him smile.

Shortly after enterin
g the building, he found an older man with only the smallest ring of white hair around his head sitting behind a solid looking desk. The gentleman looked Thad over and gave a disapproving glair when his eyes reached his brand. Feeling uncomfortable under the man’s stare, Thad unconsciously reached up and touched the tattoo on his forehead.

“What do you want?” The man asked
, his voice dripping with distaste.

Thad was shocked by the man’s attitude and his confidence melted away. “I……um” his voice frayed and cracked then nothing came.

Thad’s nervousness seemed to fuel the man’s ire. As he stood, his face turning a dark red. “Listen boy, I have more to do than sit here and listen to the whimpering of some brain dead slave.” The man said pointing back toward the main entrance.

For a brief second Thad almost obeyed the man’s silent command
, his body turning slightly back toward the way he had come. But the wheels in his mind began to turn again as the initial shock of the man’s callous demeanor disappeared. Mustering up his courage, he squared his shoulders and tried his best to copy Bren’s stern expression.

“Sir I am here on the authority of the princess of Farlan in order to meet with the dean of this facility.” He tried to make his voice stern
, but it still sounded week to his ears.

Raising from his chair t
he man let out a loud, “humph….” He then motioned for Thad to follow him. The old man walked slow. Thad was sure it was on purpose and not just because of his advanced age. He was led down two long corridors and three flights of stairs before he finally found himself standing in front of an ornamentally carved door.

Thad knocked lightly then waited with his hands held behind his back. No noise could be heard from inside so
Thad knocked again, this time adding a bit more strength to it. With still no reply, Thad reared back his hand to give the door a hard knock. Just as his hand began to descend the door swung open. Having put too much strength into the blow Thad stumbled forward as he tried to pull it back.

BOOK: Branded Mage
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