Read Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #bondage;BDSM;submissive;Dom;sub;club;erotic romance;kink;gags

Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 (12 page)

BOOK: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4
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“I can’t imagine that kind of stress. I live far away from my parents and extended family, but they’re always a phone call away. I can count on them if I need them.”

“That’s why I’ve gone twelve years as a fake. The idea of completely going it alone is frightening.”

“Is there any chance at all they might accept your choices?”

She shook her head. “Not likely. But I know I have to face that or lose myself entirely. I’ve just been putting it off.”

“I understand. And I’m here for you now. I’ll support you in whatever way you need.”

Another tear fell to her cheek. She wiped it away with the back of her hand before he could do so himself.

“You’re the strongest, bravest woman I’ve ever met. No wonder you’re such a fantastic submissive.”

“Are you sure I’m not simply submissive because of the way I was raised?”

He reared back, squinting his eyes at her. “What? Your dad and his domineering ways? No. Not a chance. One thing has nothing to do with the other. Being a sexual submissive takes incredible strength and courage. Your dad’s a bully. Your mom is browbeaten. That’s not the same thing at all.”

She shook her head. “I don’t trust that to be true.”

He pulled her closer and tucked her head against his neck. His chest ached for her misconception, but all he could do was show her. She needed to learn that it was really the submissive who held the power in a D/s relationship, not the Dom.

He stroked his hand up her back until he wove his fingers into her hair. “You’re safe here with me. I promise you a soft place to fall and a safe environment to be who you are… Submissive, I mean…” He pulled her face to his and met her lips. He kissed her gently. “Give me a chance to show you how it can be.”

She nodded.

He kissed her again, deepening the intensity, dipping his head to one side and swiping his tongue in to tangle with hers. She tasted of the mint toothpaste she’d used and Maggie. How was he ever going to let her go when she didn’t need him anymore?

He held her tight as he thought about his own misconceptions about her. She wasn’t Karen at all. She was strong and smart. She’d been through hell and come out on the other side. She was a survivor.

Her hands wandered down his back as he kissed her.

He knew he was giving her too much freedom, but she also needed a chance to explore. He was her first man. If she wanted to touch every inch of his skin, he would let her.

When her fingers wrapped around his cock, he moaned into her mouth.

She separated their lips. “Are you always this hard?” She grinned before adding, “Sir.”

“When I’m with you, it seems.” He wrapped his fingers around hers and stroked up and down his cock, showing her how he liked it. “Now, stop talking and get back into the role.”

“Gladly, Sir.” She scooted down the bed as she spoke, taking his dick in her sweet hand. She lowered her face the last few inches and licked the tip of his cock, making him moan.

He released her hand, knowing he needed to let her explore at her own pace. To pressure her in any way would make him feel like an ass.

“Is this right? Sir? Tell me what to do.”

he could accommodate. “Baby, everything you do that involves your mouth, your lips, or your tongue near my cock is
. As long as you keep your teeth away from my skin, you can do no wrong.”

She licked a path from the base to the tip, gripping the bottom of his cock gently. She hummed around his shaft as though he were a tasty treat. “Like this?”

“Uh-huh.” Words fled his mind. He only knew the feeling of her tongue.

When she sucked the head between her lips and drew him into her mouth, he nearly shot off the bed. A powerful aphrodisiac in the form of Maggie Donovan rocked his world.

She wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and let him slip deeper into her mouth. Her tongue was everywhere at once, curling around his dick as she sucked and then through the slit in the head as she pulled back.

Carlton gripped the sheets at his side, anything to keep from grabbing her. He forced himself to let her set the pace. He wouldn’t always be so accommodating, but this was her first blowjob, he reminded himself.

As she grew accustomed to his girth, she increased her pace, her mouth molding around his cock as though it belonged there.

Carlton held his breath. It was all he could do to keep from coming prematurely. He didn’t want her to stop. But he was too close. “Maggie…”

She shifted her body around to straddle his legs, never breaking the suction.

“Maggie, you have to stop.” He lifted a hand to her shoulder and pushed gently.

She didn’t budge. If anything, she doubled her efforts.

“I’m going to come, Maggie.”

She hummed around his shaft.

He gave up the fight and let his body relax into the mattress. If she wanted to swallow him, who was he to argue? The pressure built as he focused on his cock. He tensed his torso, knowing the inevitable was just a suck away.

His balls drew up tight as he reached the peak. And then he crashed over the top, his come shooting down her throat.

Maggie kept sucking. She swallowed as he came. And when he was spent, she continued, though with less pressure.

When his vision cleared, the room looked a little brighter, his world a little sharper. He wrapped his hands around Maggie’s shoulders and hauled her up his body until their faces were aligned.

Now that she straddled his torso, his cock nestled in the notch of her pussy. Her warmth and the wetness leaking from her body drove his cock to stiffen once again. Still holding her shoulders, he pulled her in for a kiss. He delved into every recess of her mouth, tasting his saltiness within her and thinking he’d never known a headier instance in his life.

Maggie smiled down at him as she released his lips, a coy expression spreading across her face as she cocked her head. “Was it good?”

“It was better than good, baby.” He held her face in both hands, stroking his thumbs across her cheeks. “I’ve never known anyone so…pure, I guess is the word. Uninhibited, maybe that’s it. It’s so fucking sexy. I hope you enjoyed it, because I’m going to want you to do that frequently.”

“Anytime, Sir.” She twisted her face to one side and sucked his thumb into her mouth, teasing the end of it with her tongue.

Between one heartbeat and the next, he flipped her onto her back, reversing their positions. His cock still nestled at her entrance, but now
was the one in control. Not that he’d ever relinquished control to her in the first place, but he didn’t want her to believe she’d somehow topped him.

He gripped her hands and pulled them high above her head, just as he’d done earlier. He pressed them gently into the mattress and then tapped them as he let go, intimating that she should leave them there. He glanced down at her chest. “I love the way your tits rise when your arms are lifted.”

Her body shivered. Good, he affected her with his crude words.

He stroked his hands down her arms, across her armpits, the outsides of her breasts, until he reached her belly. Goose bumps rose across her skin. He loved that about her. Her nipples stood at attention. God, how he loved that too. He was falling for her. And he needed to get control of himself. He couldn’t keep her for so many reasons. He just needed to get her out of his system.

Lord, how he wanted to fuck her again. But he wouldn’t, not yet. She would need some time to recuperate from before. But that wouldn’t stop him from playing around. He cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples between his thumbs and pointers. He twisted them and held them tighter until she bucked her chest toward him. “Do you like that, Maggie? The slight, sweet touch of pain?”

“Yes, Sir.” Her voice was breathless.

“Are you wet?” He knew she was. The question was rhetorical. But he also knew voicing it would arouse her further.

She licked her lips and met his gaze. “I’ve been wet since last Friday night, Sir.”

He froze. Again, he knew he shouldn’t be shocked. But voicing it…

The emotions racing through Carlton, slamming into him from all sides, were too much. She had a spell on him. He was slipping, allowing her too much free rein.
Get it together. Be firm. You’re getting too lax

Carlton climbed off her. He released her entirely and slid off the bed to stand beside her. “Enough lying around. Let’s go shopping.”

Her eyes widened in shock. He couldn’t blame her. One moment he’d been two seconds from sliding into her warmth and the next he dropped her like a hot potato. “Shopping? Sir?”

“I have to work tonight. You’re going with me. I want you to have new things, outfits that I buy, that I pick out, that I instruct you to wear.”

“What will I do while you’re working, Sir?”

“Whatever I tell you to do.” He flashed a grin. “Now, come on.” He turned his back on her and padded toward the closet. Once inside, he thumbed through a few dresses he’d purchased for her during the week. He grabbed a black one and held it up. Perfect.

When he stepped back into the room, he found her standing next to the bed, her gaze downcast in proper submission. His cock hardened again at the sight. When would he ever get enough of her?
Two weeks, dude. Two weeks. Get her out of your system in that time and not one day more

If he didn’t, if he let himself fall under her spell, she would hurt him. Inevitably she would leave to find another Dom. As she should. No one should stay with the first Dom they submitted to. Even though she’d had several experiences with female Dommes, it was obvious she was ready to switch. She needed to use this experience as a stepping stone to grow from. If he stayed with her longer than a few weeks, the pain of her loss would grow incrementally. No matter that she batted those fucking sexy eyes at him like he hung the moon.

“Lift your arms, Maggie,” he said as he approached.

She obeyed promptly, her breasts rising with the action, her tits standing at attention.

Fuck me
. She unmanned him every time he saw her. He needed to get a grip. He repeated his mantra to himself again.
This is temporary. You can’t keep her. She deserves more than you can offer. And besides, she would break your heart.

Carlton slipped the dress over her head, easing her hands through the armholes and settling the material over her shoulders. The hem landed inches beneath her ass. Perfect. He stepped back to get a better look. “You can lower your arms, baby. Spin around slowly.”

When she faced him again, she lifted her shoulders and clasped her hands behind her back.

Maybe this hadn’t been a good selection after all. The dress fit too well. Perfectly. Her young breasts still sat high on her chest, small enough they didn’t sag. He could see the pucker of her nipples. The dress wouldn’t be appropriate for the grocery store or the library. But she’d be practically overdressed for the place they were going.

Satisfied, Carlton turned back to the closet. He selected a pair of worn blue jeans for himself, shrugged them on without bothering with underwear, and then grabbed a red T-shirt. He toed his shoes into the center of the closet and slipped his feet into them.

Returning to the bedroom, he found his sexy submissive still standing demurely in the same spot. “Come,” he said as he passed her.

She followed him into the bathroom.

He nudged her to sit on the small bench at the vanity. And then he picked up a brush and worked through the tangles in her barely damp hair.

“Thank you, Sir.” She lifted her gaze to stare at him in the mirror as he finished and set the brush on the counter.

He wrapped his hands around her bare shoulders. “You’re beautiful just like this. Do you mind going without makeup?”

“If it pleases you, Sir.”

He smiled and bent to kiss her forehead. “It does.”

He eased his hands down her arms until he reached her hands. Threading their fingers together, he tugged until she stood to follow him before he released her in the bedroom. “Stay.” He went back to the closet and stared at the boxes of shoes he’d bought for her, trying to remember what was in each one. A pink box caught his eye and he flipped off the lid. Perfect. He returned with the dainty scandals and handed them to her, making her smile. Good. Hopefully that meant she liked his selection. He wanted her to do his bidding, of course. But he also wanted to make her happy.

As she finished slipping them on and stood upright once again, he stroked his thumbs over her nipples. “I’m a nipple guy, Maggie. I like to see them. And when I can’t, I like to see their indentation. When it’s appropriate, I’ll stroke them to keep them stiff or ask you to.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He led her from the room and grabbed his keys from the kitchen counter as he headed for the door to the garage.

Maggie cleared her throat behind him. “What sort of shopping did you have in mind, Sir?”

He turned to see her chewing on her lower lip. He stepped toward her and took her chin in his hand to lift her face. “I know we’ve slipped out of the role several times this morning. It will happen occasionally, especially in the beginning when we’re still getting to know each other. There are discussions we need to have. Things about you I want to know.

“But when we’re in the role, I’ll expect you to obey without question. Trust my judgment. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”

He nodded. “I’m very astute. I
make good choices. I’ll dress you appropriately for wherever we’re going. I’ll never have you in panties. I abhor them. I will however, permit you to wear a bra when the situation deems it necessary. I’ve told you that. That isn’t the case this morning.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Carlton led her to the car. He allowed her to pass by him between the vehicles, and then he opened her door for her, shutting it after she settled in her seat.

As he rounded the hood, he fought once again to control his emotions.

The sexiest woman I’ve ever seen is also the perfect submissive
. She had knocked his pants off him, literally. He couldn’t imagine a scenario in which this arrangement wouldn’t work out. And that thought alone scared him to death.

BOOK: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4
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