Read Bound & Teased Online

Authors: Marie Tuhart

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Bound & Teased (2 page)

BOOK: Bound & Teased
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“Not only for each other, but for her as well.” Jed stepped closer to Ry. “She didn’t mind us each making love to her that night, and she’s always been receptive to a ménage with us. We were the ones who waited until she was eighteen.”

“Legal age.” Ry’s free hand crept around Jed’s neck. “I don’t think I can let her go this time.”

“Let’s hope we don’t have to.”

“We need a plan for tomorrow. I can already feel my dominant side screaming to get out and go get our woman.” He tugged Jed closer. The scent of leather and horse helped to calm Ry’s nerves. “Plan tonight,” Ry whispered before capturing Jed’s lips with his.

Katie was home, and Jed in his arms. He would make this work. For Jed’s sake, for his sake, and for Katie’s.


Katie slipped through the doorway into her grandmother’s kitchen away from her welcome home party. She needed a few minutes to gather her wild emotions since the two men had walked into the house several minutes ago. Ryland McKade and Jedidiah Malloy.

Standing at the sink, she stared out the window.
Welcome back to Felton’s Creek
. Her heart jumped. She’d run from Ry and Jed eight years ago, afraid of her own sexuality. Now, she was more secure with herself, but what about them? If what they said the night of her eighteenth birthday still held true, they didn’t want a conventional relationship.

She hadn’t been back forty-eight hours, and yet from the second she saw them enter the house, Ry and Jed had dominated her thoughts, made her pussy wet, and caused the blood to heat in her veins. Only these two could do that from just walking into her space, not any other man.

Now she was wishing and praying she’d done the right thing in coming back home. Could she handle the type of relationship Ry and Jed wanted? Hell, probably not, but she had to try. She’d regret it the rest of her life if she didn’t give them the chance. The air in the kitchen grew heavy, and she opened her eyes. It was just dark enough outside so she could see their reflections in the glass.

Ry and Jed sauntered through the door and over to her. Her breath caught in her throat. Ry was still taller than Jed, and had filled out in the past years. His features were more serious than she remembered. His dark hair and dark gray eyes, but there was something else, something... Oh hell, he was the cop who had pulled her over yesterday.

Jed. She turned her attention to him. He was still taller than her, by a couple of inches, his skin tan from the sun with laugh lines around his deep blue eyes. His light raven hair brushed his collar. He’d filled out over the years, but he still had a smaller frame than Ry.

Little sparks of nervous energy caused her hands to twitch. She shifted from one foot to the other. No time like the present. She would have to deal with them on a daily basis.

“Hi, guys,” she said, smiling at their reflections in the glass as her stomach clenched.

“Katie.” Ry’s deep voice sent a shiver of awareness up her spine.

“Kitty Kat.” Jed’s soft as butter voice caused her heart to speed up.

Closing her eyes again, Katie took a deep breath before turning and bumping into a hard chest. Lifting her lashes, she gazed into Ry’s deep gray eyes. His firm hands framed her waist, pulling her away from the sink until Jed was able to step behind her.

Oh, crap. Her heart fluttered and excitement filled her bones.
They’re not going to go slow this time
. Jed’s chest brushed against her back, his hands settling right above Ry’s on her waist. Pure molten heat flooded her pussy. She was stuck between two hard bodies and neither her mind nor her heart was protesting.

Ry nodded. Together, with her between them, the two guys moved across the room. Ry reached back and opened the pantry door. Once they were inside, the click of the door vibrated in her ears.

Why wasn’t she protesting? The three of them were alone in the small room. Her mouth went dry as the small emergency light flickered to life. Enough light to see things, but not the harshness of the overhead light bulb.

“Welcome home.” Jed’s breath skimmed her neck before his lips touched her skin.

“It’s been too damn long.” Ry didn’t hesitate, his mouth closing over hers.

Her heart pounded as Ry’s mouth devoured hers. Jed nipped at her skin with little bites where her neck and shoulder met, and she let out a gasp, allowing Ry to slide his tongue past her lips.

Two sets of hands roamed over her body. Ry cupped her ass, pulling her against his hard cock. Jed teased the underside of her breasts, making her nipples pebble while he pressed his equally hard erection against her ass.

“My turn.” The words barely registered before Ry released her lips. Strong fingers cupped her chin, her head turned, and Jed took her mouth. His lips were softer, but his kiss was as hard and demanding as Ry’s, but less urgent.

Two men, two different kisses. Her brain grappled with the way they tasted. Each different. Ry, metal and coffee, Jed, mint and the outdoors. Oh, God. They tasted the same as they had when she was eighteen.

Her body was melting between them. She curled one arm around Jed’s neck, and the other hand began caressing Ry’s chest. Her helplessness to resist these two men was starting again. And did she care? At the moment, no, but she’d come home knowing they weren’t going to play it safe, not this time.

A thump against the wall caused Katie to jump, but it also helped clear her head of the sensual web the men had spun over her. They were in her grandmother’s pantry, her grandmother’s house, making out like a bunch of teenagers. This had to stop. Now. Ground rules needed to be put in place.

“Guys,” she whispered after pulling her mouth free from Jed’s and catching her breath.

Two pairs of lips caressed either side of her neck, hands roaming over her body, making her squirm. But when skin met skin, she had to stop this before they ripped off their clothes. And she knew of only one way to make them stop.


Their heads snapped up, and their hands stilled.

“What did you just say?” Ry stared down at her, his gray eyes flat and cold.

“Red.” An icy shiver slithered up her spine, but she held her ground.

Jed swore softly, removed his hands, and took a step back. Ry kept staring at her, but he, too, released her and pulled away.

Katie took a deep breath and let it out. It helped calm her racing heart, but their scent filled her nostrils instead. Sandalwood for Ry and leather for Jed, those scents haunted her every night. It wasn’t fair they could tie her up in knots so quickly, but then she was aware of what she was getting into by coming home. She feared she couldn’t handle them or what they wanted.

“This is my grandmother’s house. We will not do this here.” She had to be strong if she was going to enter a relationship with these two men. It had to be on terms she could live by, or they could destroy her heart.

Ry cleared his throat. “How did you know the word red would stop us?”

Bracing her back against the rear wall, she stared at the two men in front of her, so different, yet so alike. “I’m no longer the shy, naïve eighteen year old you once knew.” And she wasn’t. Thanks to some of the friends she made in New York, she’d learned a lot about the BDSM world. Their world.

“I see.” Ry rubbed his chin, evaluating her with those dark gray eyes as if he was assessing her as a flight risk.

She wasn’t going to run this time. She wouldn’t leave Felton’s Creek; she’d had enough of the big city and chasing a dream that wasn’t possible. She thrust her failure away. This was not the time or the place.

“You do realize what you’re doing?” Jed asked, his dark blue gaze watching her as well.

“I hope so,” she whispered as doubt crept into her mind. Could she handle them? She almost laughed out loud. Handle wasn’t the right word. No one could handle them. They were their own men.

“Then let the games begin,” Jed said.

They started toward her, and Katie threw her hands up. “Hard limit.”

Both men froze in their tracks.

She had to hold back a nervous giggle at the surprised look on their faces. Her body trembled, but she had to do this. It was difficult for her to deny them, but she had to. Her rules. “This is my grandmother’s house. I will not do this here. There is no discussion around it. It’s a hard limit.”

“Who the fuck taught you?” Ry took a step forward.

“Ry.” Jed grabbed his arm. “Katie is right. This isn’t the time or place.”

Jed’s hard gaze made Katie shiver. Okay, so maybe Jed wasn’t as easy going as she remembered.

“Tomorrow night. Our house. Seven.” Ry ground the words out.

Katie nodded, and the two men stepped aside. She squeezed past them to the door of the pantry. Her skin was singed from the contact.

“And if you’re late, you will be punished,” Jed said as her hand curved around the knob.

She froze, her heart doing triple time. “I won’t be late.”

She slipped out and closed the door behind her, resting her back against the solid wood. Oh. Dear. God. She was going into the lion’s den, and they hadn’t been fed in years.


Ry stared at the pantry door, willing the acute anger rolling through his veins to subside. He fought against punching the wall. “I want to know who taught her.” His voice vibrated with suppressed rage.

“We will.” Jed’s calm tone wasn’t helping Ry control the beast inside him. “You need to calm down, Ry.”

“Someone else taught her, Jed. Not us. It should have been us.” Ry ground his teeth together. And if he had taught her? Would he have scared her with his demands? His need for control?

“Just because she knew the one word to stop us cold doesn’t mean she’s fully educated.” Jed leaned against the back wall, taking deep breaths, watching Ry. Ry reached down and adjusted himself. It was then Ry noticed Jed’s cock was as hard as his. “What she said is easy enough to find on the Internet, along with the hard limit.”

Ry blew out a breath. “Damn, you’re right.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s just the thought of another man…” His teeth snapped together, and Jed winced at the sound.

“Yeah, I’m with you there.” Jed rubbed his stomach. “If another man has taught her, we will deal with it. She’s been gone eight years. We can’t expect her not to have experimented. It’s not like we were celibate while she was gone.”

“I lose all reason when I’m around her.”

“You always did, and that’s why you have me.” Jed punched him in the arm, and they both smiled. “Shall we discuss how we want to handle Katie tomorrow?”

“Yes, when we get home. Because this time, I’m not letting her run.”

Chapter Two

The next evening, Katie shut the front door of her grandmother’s house with a sigh. She was late for her meeting with Ry and Jed.

She jogged to her car, hopped in, and took off. She’d hoped to walk to Ry and Jed’s house, but it wasn’t going to happen now. She didn’t need more time to think since she’d thought of nothing but Ry and Jed and their reaction to her words since the pantry incident yesterday.

She reviewed some of the basics in her head while she drove, such as what she’d learned about BDSM while she was in New York. Ry and Jed were both dominant males, and she would have to deal with that. But she wasn’t going to be a pushover, either. There would be limits and rules. Katie had a submissive side, but it was mainly in the bedroom, not in life.

All too soon she pulled into the driveway. Climbing out of her car, she shut the door and stood there for a minute as her pulse roared in her ears. No time like the present. She made her way to the front door, drew in a breath, and knocked.

The door opened to reveal Jed wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. Her mouth went dry at the sight of his toned manliness. “Come on in, Kitty Kat.”

Her heart hiccupped.
Kitty Kat.
Only Jed called her that.

“Thanks.” She slipped through the opening. Ry was standing across the room. He, too, was only dressed in a pair of jeans. She swallowed. His six pack abs were even more defined than Jed’s. Her palms itched to touch, to see if those muscles were as hard as they looked.

“You’re late.” Ry’s voice was low and heavy.

“Yes.” Her chin went up. She wasn’t going to apologize.

“Bad move.” Jed’s spoke softly in her ear as his arms encircled her.

Katie kept her gaze on Ry as he marched to the dining set in the corner. He pulled out a straight back chair, turned it to face her, and sat down. He wasn’t...

“Bring her over here.”

Oh, shit.
Katie’s breath caught in her throat.

Jed maneuvered her over to where Ry sat. “For being late, you will be spanked.”

They were making good on their promise to punish her. A chill chased up her spine. She’d been spanked before.

She opened her mouth, but she couldn’t think of anything to say. Jed applied pressure between her shoulder blades, forcing her to bend over. Then he hooked his leg around hers, pulling them toward him until she was over Ry’s lap.

Her pussy clenched. Ry’s hand smoothed over her back, and Katie relaxed. Maybe they were just teasing her?

Ry’s hand came down over her denim-covered ass.

“Ouch,” she said, more out of surprise than pain. Four more times he swatted her ass in rapid succession. Her clothing took most of the impact, but it didn’t stop the tingling from spreading from her ass to her clit. This was so very different from when she’d been spanked in New York. This made her shiver from anticipation and not worry about the pain.

“My turn,” Jed said.

“Stand up and then lie down over Jed’s lap.” Ry’s voice was hoarse and stern.

Taking a shaky breath, Katie stood up and waited for the men to switch positions. How many times had she fantasized about them doing this to her? Especially in the club in New York where she watched subs get spanked, flogged, and caned. She’d only allowed one person at the club to spank her, and she’d never had this reaction.

Jed sat down, and she lay over Jed’s lap with an excited quiver tumbling in her stomach. Five more swats and he was done. Excitement flowed through her veins. What else would this night bring?

BOOK: Bound & Teased
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