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Authors: Nicole Flockton

Bound By His Desire (10 page)

BOOK: Bound By His Desire
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There was only one person she wanted touching her. Kissing her. Holding her. And that person was Nick.

She knew he liked kissing her; he’d kissed her twice already and seemed to enjoy it. His body had. Would he be willing to take it further with her? Should she even tell him she didn’t have much experience in the bedroom?

A laughing couple ran into them on the sidewalk, jolting them apart. Pam looked up as Nick looked down. She could lean up and capture his lips. Could she do it? Would she take that forward step?

She went to rise up when they were jostled again.

‘Let’s get out of here,’ Nick muttered. He kept hold of her hand as they headed down the street. Pam couldn’t believe, even though it was late in the evening, the streets still had a heap of people walking down them. She guessed, being a Thursday night, most people were getting into the weekend spirit.

Nick held up his hand and whistled. In a few seconds a cab pulled up. He held the door open for her and she slipped in, hitching up her dress so she could slide along the bench seat. Once Nick was settled beside her, he told the cabbie their destination.

‘Times Square?’ she asked. ‘You’re taking me to Times Square?’

She was sure they were going to be heading back to his apartment.

‘I know you want to see the city and you need to see Times Square at night to get the real feel of it. The lights from the big screens. The people milling around. I can’t describe it. You have to experience it.’

Excitement bubbled up inside of her. She couldn’t wait to get there and experience it for herself.

After what seemed like forever, because of the traffic, the cab let them out a block down from Times Square. Nick requested it so she could experience the moment of walking towards the vibrant part of the city.

‘Are you ready?’ he asked, as he got out of the car and stood beside her.


Nick grabbed hold of her hand and her fingers tingled at the touch. He was being so gentlemanly and polite. So different from the man who had been bristling with anger when he’d stopped her and Ethan’s departure from the charity event.

They started walking down the sidewalk. Pam knew her eyes were getting wider and wider with every step they took. Nick was right. It was impossible to describe what she could expect to see. She definitely had to experience it.

The sidewalks were full of people, plenty of tourists, she was sure, as so many seemed to have ‘I heart New York’ t-shirts on. She couldn’t believe how many tourist shops there were and each one had customers trawling through their aisles, picking up various knick-knacks, t-shirts and caps.

They stopped near a tiered seating area, full of people talking and laughing. Music played and people were dancing to the tunes. Looking down the street, Pam saw a sea of people, and the screens she’d seen so many times on the television. She turned around, amazed at the amount of screens flashing brightly.

‘This is incredible,’ she whispered as she grabbed hold of Nick’s arm. ‘Pinch me, please. Pinch me so I know I’m not dreaming this and that I’m actually standing here in the middle of Times Square.’

Nick laughed and gathered her close in his arms. ‘It’s real, trust me. You’re here.’

Pam couldn’t help it. She laughed too and pulled out of Nick’s embrace, wanting to explore more. She started to head further down the street so she could get closer to the big screens. She stopped when something registered with her. In front of her, standing tall, was a column of screens all lit up, displaying various adverts. On top was a spire with a large crystal ball on the top. It, too, was alight and she wanted to see it close up.

‘Is that the ball you see on TV at New Year’s Eve, you know the one that “drops” at midnight?’

‘Yes, it is.’

Pam stood spellbound. Never in her life had she thought she would ever see something so iconic.

‘This is unbelievable,’ she whispered.

‘Let’s move a little closer,’ Nick suggested, and once again placed his arm around her waist. She was so glad she was sharing this experience with Nick and not Ethan. It wouldn’t have been the same.

They walked through the crowd, and when they stopped she leaned back against Nick’s warm, hard chest and looked up at the glittering ball. She imagined during the daytime it would still look beautiful, but not as spectacular as it looked that night. She wished she had a camera so she could take a picture.

‘I wish I had my camera,’ she murmured as she looked around, imprinting the image onto her brain.

‘I’ll take one on my phone.’ Nick let his arms drop and reached into his pocket. ‘Pose and smile.’

Pam struck a pose and smiled big. Nick took a couple of photos before he pocketed the phone again.

She stared one last time at the ball and walked up to Nick. She went up on her tiptoes and placed her lips against his for a soft kiss. ‘Thank you for bringing me here.’

She went to step away but Nick pulled her close. ‘My pleasure,’ he uttered as he claimed ownership of her lips again.

She sighed into his embrace, wanting it so much. She wound her arms around his neck and sunk her fingers into his short hair, caressing the nape of his neck. Pam shivered as his hand gently stroked her bare back. Everything faded out of her consciousness. Her awareness turned inwards on the sensations of Nick’s touch. Her blood sang with exhilaration as his lips moved over hers, encouraging a response from her, which she gave freely. How did they always end up in each other’s arms? She’d only known him a handful of days, but sometimes she felt as if she’d known him a lot longer.

This felt so right, sharing a kiss with the most handsome man she’d ever met in the middle of Times Square. A dream come true.

Nick pulled his mouth away from hers and kissed along her jawline until he reached her ear, where he gently blew into it. Her whole body shuddered in reaction to his breath. She wasn’t sure what she should do next. Whenever she and Wayne had kissed, the excitement she’d thought she’d experienced with him was tame in comparison to the excitement of Nick’s kisses. Wayne hadn’t seemed to want to take their relationship to the next level, which was why she had planned to try and seduce him, but then he’d broken up with her, making her glad she hadn’t followed through with her seduction plan. Of course, him screwing around on her was pretty much the reason why he didn’t want to sleep with her.

‘Either I’m doing a really bad job of kissing you, or you’re embarrassed that we’re making out in Times Square.’

Unaware her body had tensed the moment she’d thought of Wayne, she wanted to kick herself for letting her ex ruin this special moment. How could she let her mind wander to a man she hadn’t seen for months when Nick was kissing her and touching her in a way that set her body afire?

‘I’m sorry,’ she said softly. She went to say more but Nick stepped away, letting his hand trail down her arm until he found her fingers. He interlaced his fingers with hers.

‘Let’s go home.’

She nodded, giving the ball one last look before turning to face the crowd. In the short time they’d been kissing, the crowd seemed to have doubled in size. For the first time since they’d arrived at Times Square, Pam felt a little uncertain to be surrounded by so many people.

Sensing her nervousness, Nick pulled her closer, let go of her hand and put his arm back around her waist.

‘Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe.’

Pam had no doubt he would. Nick protected her from the people jostling around them as he weaved through the crowd like a pro. Within minutes, they were safely back in a cab, heading towards his apartment.

‘Thank you for taking me there, Nick. It was out of this world. I don’t know how to describe what was running through me. Seeing all those lights and screens and the New Year’s Eve ball. Not to mention the people. My God, I can’t believe so many people are out so late.

Nick chuckled and lifted her hand to his lips. Her body sizzled at the soft touch of his lips. What would happen when they returned to his apartment? Would he take in his arms and kiss her like he had in Times Square? What would he do if she kissed him instead? If she took the first step and undid the jacket of his suit, pushed it off his shoulders and started to unbutton his shirt?

They arrived at his apartment without talking. The silence should’ve been awkward but it appeared that Nick was as lost in his thoughts as she was.

Nick paid the cab driver and got out of the cab, holding out his hand for her. She took it, once again experiencing the jolt of excitement she got whenever she touched him.

They walked up to the building and the doorman opened the door for them. Before they even got through it, a woman rushed up to Nick and threw her arms around his neck. Nick abruptly let go of Pam’s hand and grabbed the other woman by her waist.

Any confidence Pam had for taking the attraction between her and Nick further was quickly forgotten. The way Nick had grabbed at the other woman and held her tightly told Pam she was someone important to him. If that was the case, then why the hell had he been kissing her? Touching her and acting all Neanderthal-like with Ethan?

With tears burning her eyes, she brushed past Nick and hit the elevator button. She didn’t want to witness the touching reunion between Nick and his girlfriend. What she wanted to do was get out of this stupid dress and forget she’d ever spent the last couple of hours sharing new sights and sounds with a man who was as much of a dog as Wayne was.

Was she destined to always make stupid mistakes when it came to men?

‘Rob, what’s going on?’ Nick’s voice was hard as he spoke to the doorman and tried to extract himself from Caroline’s arms. What the hell was his former assistant doing waiting for him in the foyer of his building? And how did she know where he lived?

‘I’m sorry, sir. I tried to get her to leave but she was adamant that you had asked her to drop by.’ The doorman leaned closer to Nick. ‘She’s been here for about two hours. I thought she would’ve left, but she has astounding resilience and patience.’

He knew from experience how persuasive Caroline could be when she wanted something. He’d been on the receiving end of her advances more times than he could care to remember.

‘Thanks, Rob, perhaps you could arrange for a cab to deliver Ms Devlin back to her residence?’

‘Certainly, sir.’

Once Rob had moved away Nick turned on his former assistant. ‘I don’t know what game you think you’re playing, Caroline, but it ends now. I thought you would’ve worked that out when I fired you.’

His blood curdled when she sent a sexy pout his way. If she thought he found it attractive she was mistaken. ‘But Nick, I know we’re perfect together, and I’m sorry I slipped those documents to Ethan, I was just so mad at you.’

Her whiny tone grated on his senses. Why on earth had ever thought she was a suitable assistant for him? ‘Enough, Caroline. I don’t date my assistants, or former assistants, and I especially don’t date someone who thinks it’s fine to share confidential information with people who shouldn’t have it.’ He looked up and saw Rob inclining his head to let him know the cab had arrived. ‘Your cab is here, I suggest you leave and don’t bother coming back.’

‘You don’t date your assistant? Remember your
,’ Caroline paused before continuing. ‘I think you’re full of rubbish and your rules are a load of crap. If you don’t date your assistant, then what the hell was that I saw you and your new assistant doing? It certainly looked like you were returning from a date. You had your arm around her. She had that “just kissed” look about her too.’

Nick was surprised Caroline knew Pam was her replacement, and how could she tell what they’d been doing? Not that it mattered. His former assistant didn’t matter to him, and neither did her opinions. He wanted her gone. ‘What I do and who I do it with is none of your business. The cab won’t wait for much longer.’

She scoffed and sneered at him. ‘Don’t try and deny she’s not your assistant. I heard all about the “new” girl you brought back with you from Australia to
you. You’re a hypocrite, Nick Rhodes. You say one thing and do the absolute opposite. Good luck with sticking to your

With that parting comment, she turned and stomped out of the foyer. Once she was in the cab, Nick turned back to Rob.

let her in this building again.’

‘Yes, sir.’

Nick walked towards the elevator and wondered what the hell he was going to say to Pam. Before the run-in with Caroline, his only thought had been to get Pam upstairs and to pick up where they’d left off at Times Square. The entire drive back to his apartment he’d been thinking about peeling the dress away from Pam’s delectable body. Kissing every inch of her skin and making her call out his name. He’d had to restrain himself from taking her in the cab. He was sure she didn’t want to give the cab driver another display of affection.

What spell had she cast over him that made him lose his mind? That made him want to throw everything he believed in out the window? That made him want to give himself to a woman as he’d never done before.

Now, thanks to Caroline and her reminder Pam was his assistant and his no-getting-involved-with-his-assistant rules, all his plans were discarded. His desire had cooled and clarity had returned.

What he now planned to do was check on Pam and ensure she was settled in her room. A quick knock, ask if she was okay, then back away. It’s all he had to do. Then he could go to his room with his integrity still intact. It didn’t matter that he would be in bed alone. If he was to remain true to himself, then Pamela Bishop was untouchable. He couldn’t afford to let his emotions get the better of him. He wouldn’t ruin his life as his father had ruined his mother’s life, and his own.

Chapter 8

Pam sat in Nick’s kitchen, nursing a glass of juice and looking out the window at the view of the city. She stifled a yawn. Sleep had been minimal last night. She blamed it on jet lag but she knew it was more to do with what had happened downstairs when they had arrived home.

Who was that woman who threw herself at Nick? Was she a former lover? Did it really matter who she was? The other woman had been beautiful, stylish and everything Pam wasn’t. She’d known that the moment she’d seen the other woman. She also didn’t want to witness the lips that had been kissing her, not half an hour before, kissing another woman.

BOOK: Bound By His Desire
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