Blue Nymph: An Adult Fantasy Romance Tale (2 page)

BOOK: Blue Nymph: An Adult Fantasy Romance Tale
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“My body escaped.” Ilara whispered.

Aiden could see the memories rain down on her. “Can I get something from my pack? A gift for not smashing my head in.”

Ilara didn’t move as Aiden stood up and went to his pack. Fishing around, he pulled out two green odd shaped fruit. Walking back, he held one out to the nymph. Ilara wasn’t sure what to make of it. She reached out and snatched one of them but held it in her hands. The fruit had a heavier bottom but a small top with a stem poking out of the top. Eyes looking at the man, she watched as he took a bite of his with a crunch.

“It’s called a pear. They are very good. Try it.”

The nymph looked it over again before putting it close to her mouth. With one last look at Aiden, she bit in and took out a chunk. Wet flavor flowed and she looked down at the fruit in her hand and took another bite. She had never tasted something so good in her life. Turning into a ravenous beast, she bit more and more chunks from the fruit, trying to cram all she could in her mouth.

“I know, they are pretty good. Watch out for the seeds.”

Ilara bit a little too deep and came away with hard stems and seeds. Quickly she spit them out and was careful as she bit into the white sugary part. When there was nothing left but the core, she tossed it aside.

“I want another one.” Ilara said flatly.

Aiden looked at his half eaten pear. “I only have two but you can have the rest of mine.”

Before Aiden could even hand it to her, the nymph snatched it from his hand and began chomping down until the core was the only thing left. When she was done, she tossed it aside, wondering if he was lying about how many he really had.

Aiden bent down and picked up the two cores with seeds. “They may grow here. Let me plant them a little into the forest and by next spring you should have some pear trees.”

Ilara watched as the man walked passed his tent, a little further into the comforting forest. Kneeling down, he dug into the moist soil. The nymph was fascinated as he worked to make a deep enough hole. He then put the core into it and smoothed the soil over it, burying them. He did it again a few feet away and buried the second core.

“There. Hopefully they will grow and then you can pick pears whenever you wish.” Aiden said dusting off his hands.

“Thank you.” Ilara said, unsure what else to say.

Aiden bowed and walked back to the edge of the pond. The nymph stayed her ground. Wild thoughts and feelings beat from her heart. Her sisters would often tell her about the fever when a man was close. She had felt it that time with the hunter but this time it was different, more primal. Turning on delicate feet, she walked over to Aiden as he sat down and tugged at his fishing line.

Sitting next to him, she pulled on his robe to see his scar again. “What happened?”

Aiden looked out into the pond, letting the nymph pull on his robe. “I was walking in the woods when a beast attacked me. It left me this scar and…well…I haven’t been the same since.”

Ilara leaned back, her hand brushing the dead fish. Oval eyes looked down and she scooped up one of her dead friends. Aiden turned his head to see the nymph close both hands over the dead fish. Even in the sunlight, a gentle blue glow radiated from her hands, covering the fish in its light.

Aiden was about to say something when Ilara opened her hands and the fish flopped back to life. Gently putting the fish in the water, it swam away as if nothing had happened.

Aiden sat in disbelief. “You healed it?”

Ilara let out a small giggle. “I healed him. If he listened to me in the first place then he would not have been on your fishing line.”

Aiden let his shoulders relax. “Just as well, I fear tonight I may be eating whether I want to or not.”

“Hunt in the forest. Leave my pond alone.” Ilara stated.

“Fair enough.” Aiden smiled.

“When are you leaving?” The nymph demanded.

Aiden eyed her for a long moment. “In three nights when the moon is no longer full.”


Aiden let out a deep sigh. “It’s not worth discussing. Tonight stay in your pond. I may not be myself come moonrise.”

Ilara took in a quick sniff of Aiden’s scent. “I can smell a beast in your blood.” The nymph hated that it pulled at her.

“I’m sorry for fishing in your pond and disturbing your home. In three days I will leave and never return.”

Ilara could feel her nature rising to the surface. Heated thoughts whipped at her being as she tried to keep them at bay. The man smelled delicious even if a beast lurked in his blood. Knowing her kind can feed on nuts, berries and fruit; she also felt the rising hunger for a man’s seed. It was consuming and overpowering as it dominated her thoughts. Sadness struck out at her as she remembered her first time and how it ended with her own blood spilled.

“You are beautiful. Even thinking of leaving you makes me feel lonelier then I already am.” Aiden said with barely a smirk.

The nymph could hardly contain herself as her hand reached out to touch his flesh. Again she stopped right before contact. Curling her fingers back, she placed her hand in her lap. Cruel and heated thoughts yanked her back and forth. She left her home for this very reason. Men are nothing more than hungry beasts, wanting our very bodies to spill their seed. The thought caused a rush of blood between her thighs and cheeks. The wild temptation was a storm, rolling through her almost unchecked. Memories of her sisters pulling men into the water, rubbing their bodies on them, teasing, giggling and playing before surrendering themselves to their own hungers and mans need to be on them, in them.

“I must leave.” Ilara said, standing up and turning away.

“It was a pleasure to meet you. Perhaps we can talk again tomorrow?” Aiden said kindly.

The nymph clenched her small hands and walked into the pond. With each step she sank lower but the wild thoughts and hungers continued to rage on. When the water was up to her neck, she glanced back. Aiden had pulled up his fishing line but continued to sit and stare at her, his green eyes begging for her to come back.

  Ilara turned away and sank below the water.


The nymph sat at the bottom of her pond, hand gently caressing fish as they swam by. The internal storm had not lessened and she grew more and more annoyed. Thoughts of Aiden’s handsome face floated into her mind’s eye and try as she might, they would not go away. Spending so much time away from her sisters and the world of man, the nymph had a time of great peace. Now her natural urges pushed, whispering in her ear, delightful needs and wicked wanting. It was enough to drive her mad.

Seeing him planting the seeds of those delicious pears showed a kind spirit even if a monster lurked behind his rugged features. A hand moved between her thighs, caressing her already warm valley. It had been so long since she touched herself. The needing and wanting made her slide fingers over her thin line. Glancing up, she wondered how he would taste in her mouth or in her tiny valley.

The first time she was taken, it was rough and brutal. Now she wondered if Aiden would be a beast, forcing himself on her. Would he be there, taking her and filling her like nature intended? The mother made her to want men but she wondered if it was a mistake. Maybe the mother made her different so she would rise above her kind’s baser desires.

Ilara smiled to herself. She knew that wasn’t the case. Massaging her opening, a finger touched her nub and heat flared. The nymph closed her eyes, thinking about Aiden here with her, touching her, wanting her. The wishing caused the nymph to rub faster and push against her sensitive spot. Blue hair floated as she turned her face skyward, caressing herself over and over, demanding for the magical explosion she used to have many times throughout the day and night.

The maddening rubbing grew fevered. The nymph moved her hips to the rhythm of her fingers. Mouth opening, she made a silent scream. The pressure was too much and her world burst into magical flames. With silent groans she rubbed and rubbed and rubbed, thinking of the lone man on the surface. A pit formed and the nymph desperately wanted it filled.

Hand drifting from between her thighs, Ilara enjoyed the blissful sensations. But it wasn’t enough to satisfy her. Knowing that Aiden was up there, made her wants grow fonder. Unmoving, the nymph wondered if she should swim up and silently take him, push her body on his and let their desires take their course? She could feed and then dive back down into her home and wait another few years before another man happens this way. It felt like a good plan but the nymph stayed where she was, looking at the dimming sky.

The sun was setting and it wouldn’t be long before night fall and moonrise. The nymph felt her urges tempting her to go to the man, feed and dive back in before his beast emerged. Smiling silently, the nymph pressed her feet to the sound ground and propelled herself up to the surface.

The moment her head broke the water, there was a flash in the sky as the sun had finally set beyond the horizon. Ilara swam to the water’s edge and looked to Aiden’s camp. It was still with only a camp fire burning and dancing to the gentle breeze. The nymph stayed in the water, looking around for any hint of Aiden but the forest had grown still.

Quietly, the nymph rose out of the water and stepped onto land. Moving stealthily, she stepped to Aiden’s tent. Taking hold of the flap, she peeked inside to see that it was empty. Letting the flap slide back into place, she stood up and looked around. The moon wasn’t up yet so she wondered where her traveller had gone.

A sudden wind caused the branches and trees to sway. Ilara felt uneasy. She had a feeling she was being watched, hunted. The nymph stepped back, wondering if Aiden’s beast had already taken over. Was he in the woods, watching her, ready to spill her blood?

Fear spiraled and Ilara took another step back. She said in her mind over and over she will not be prey for another man again. The thoughts brought little comfort as fear made her step back a few more paces. When she was halfway back to the water, something big huffed in the dark forest.

The nymph wanted to call out but pressed her lips tight. If the beast had indeed taken over Aiden then she would be a ripe prey for his teeth and claws. Despite her urges and needs, the nymph decided it was better to wait till sunrise.

Taking another step back, something big stood up and growled menacingly. The shadow was huge as it lumbered forward. Black eyes glistened in the firelight as the beast shuffled forward with each heavy foot. Ilara stood frozen as the burly creature barely came into view and then snarled.

Ilara was about to speak when the beast rushed toward her. It was quick as it covered the short distance, slathering and snapping teeth the entire way. The nymph screamed and turned to run. The massive creature was nearly to her when another monster growled in the dark. A blur darted out of the forest and slammed its shoulder into the charging beast just as it raised claws, ready to swipe.

Ilara jumped, claws missing her flesh by inches. Looking back, she could see two monsters brawling in the firelight. Claws slashed and blood spurted in the night air. Ilara splashed into the water, diving down for a moment before turning and swimming back to the surface. Splashing upward, she watched with dazzled eyes as two monsters continued their brawl.

Realization flowed over her eyes as she watched, stunned with disbelief. A giant bear roared and slashed with huge claws at a smaller but powerful wolf. It was like no wolf she had ever seen but rather a man with a wolf’s head and snout, pointed ears lying flat and fur covering powerful arms and shoulders bulging. The black wolf snarled as it took hold of the bear’s thick wrists, holding him at bay.

The bear roared again as its strength slowly overpowered the wolf man. In the firelight Ilara could see the gray in the bear’s snarling snout and around its eyes. It was Old Bear but he raged with a madness she didn’t understand. Swimming closer, the wolf creature let go of the bear’s wrists and side stepped as they came down, sparking against rocks on the ground. The wolf slashed at the bear’s thick hide and came away bloody. The bear swung a thick arm and knocked the wolf to the ground. Quickly, the wolf was back on his two feet and snarling.

Ilara ran from the safety of her pond to the fighting creatures. “Old Bear! Old Bear! Please stop!” She shouted.

The bear turned to the nymph and snarled. Crimson madness had taken hold of the old bear and it charged. The nymph stopped; shocked that he did not recognize her. He had been different and grumpier than normal but Ilara thought it was just his age. Now she could see that the poor creature was slowly losing its mind. It did not see her as a friend but something to rip and tear to pieces.

Old Bear reached the prone nymph, lifting thick arms and sharp claws into the air. Another set of arms appeared and wrapped under the bear’s arms, locking them up. A wolfish face appeared around the bear’s shoulder, teeth gleaming as it stopped the bear from striking.

Ilara knew this was her one chance. Running to the bear, her hands reached out and took hold of the bear’s fur. Light glowed into existence and poured from the nymph’s hands into the growling bear. The creature snarled as it struggled. The wolf grunted as it tried to hold the bear but his strength was waning. The bear roared and broke the wolf’s embrace. Turning, Old Bear slashed outward, slicing into the wolf’s shoulder and sending him flying into a tree.

BOOK: Blue Nymph: An Adult Fantasy Romance Tale
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