Blood of Half Gods: Kallen's Tale (24 page)

BOOK: Blood of Half Gods: Kallen's Tale
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“You are strong, stronger than a Witch or a Fairy,” Rhamba says, pointing out the obvious. 


Xandra does not bother to reply because Sindri is in the doorway with a small bag in his hand.  She looks like she wants to kiss him.  Hell, if her plan works, I will kiss him. 


Xandra turns to him and surreptitiously pulls a small wooden box from her pocket.  Inside, there are two whittled figures and a small vial of what looks like blood.  The old Giant’s words ring in my ears as Xandra prepares the items. 
‘For the beautiful virgin who captures hearts, a touch of blood holds them in place,’ he said.  ‘A touch of poison prevents escape.’


Rhamba’s eyes burn with fury when Xandra turns her back on her.  Her eyes have become black, the obsidian eyes of demons.  “What are you doing?” she demands. 


“I’m filling out my will in case you win,” Xandra says sweetly.  


In response, Rhamba’s teeth lengthen into fangs.  “There are no tricks up your sleeve.  As you read, we are virtually indestructible.”  I cannot determine if she is saying that to convince Xandra or herself.


Opening the tiny vial, Xandra lets a drop of blood fall on the two figurines.  Then, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a third figure.  She places a drop of blood on this one, as well.  Putting the cap back on the vial, she slips all three figurines back into her pocket.  Closing her eyes now, Xandra calls for her wings.  When the beautiful white feathers appear on her back, even Rhamba, Menaka and Tilattoma are in shock.  That makes Xandra smile.


“You have the wings of an Angel,” Tilattoma stutters.


Xandra cocks her head to the side.  “Oh, did I forget to mention my Grandmother is an Angel?  Oops,” she says with a grin.  Looking slightly over Rhamba’s shoulder, she catches Sindri’s eye.  “On three.”  Sindri gives a slight nod.


Rhamba looks baffled.  “What are you talking about?”  She must not have noticed the interchange with Sindri.    


Xandra ignores her and counts aloud.  “One, two, three.”  On three, she lets her magic go at the same time Sindri throws her the small bag in his hand.  Xandra catches it and immediately, her wings fold around her, protecting her from the onslaught of Rhamba’s magic.  “The rest of you are going to want to close your eyes,” Xandra says to the room in general.  I hesitate before closing mine, curious to see what happens.


A powerful pressure has formed in the room, a pressure that is pushing the demons towards Xandra, and vice versa, as the Angel and Demon blood in the room are attracted to each other.  Xandra’s wings must have sparked the process.  Their blood does not want to combine.  It wants to act on a natural instinct to eradicate the other.   Xandra peeks over her wings, determining how much time she has before they collide. 


A sudden, blinding light forces my lids closed.  Xandra’s Angel light explodes from her and three voices begin to scream in agony.  Her light is a weapon they cannot fight.  I hear the dull sound of the figurines dropping to the floor.  Risking seared retinas, I pry my lids apart only a fraction but enough to see what Xandra is doing.


The blood Xandra put on the wooden figurines rises in the air, tiny red particles that look like dust motes.  These particles swirl around the three Apsaras, and then combining again they dive towards their chests like three bloody arrows, finding their hearts and setting them free.  Before my eyes, the facades of the demons fall away until their true forms can be seen.  They have black skin over their chests but the rest of them are skeletal, hollow.  I have seen pictures of demons but they are even more grotesque than I could have imagined.  The hearts they wear on the outside of their chests have crumpled, becoming nothing but ash.  The ash is drawn to Xandra and then to the small figurines.  The remnants of each heart wraps around one of them and now Breena’s blood will hold them in place.  They are trapped.  A demon has no power if it has no heart. 


Xandra is not finished with the ritual.  As the demons writhe in pain, she opens the bag Sindri had brought.  I know it contains the body of the blue ring octopus Xandra used for the dreamless sleep spell.  She places each figurine into the bag and then seals it with her magic. The heartless demon bodies explode into a tornado of ash, covering us all.  They are gone for good now.  No one will be able to summon them ever again.


Watching all this, I am amazed.  Xandra is beauty in motion, her abilities limitless.  Right now, I want nothing more than to whisk my sexy, powerful Witch Fairy off to our bedroom and spend hours making love to her. 












Chapter 27


When the ash settles, Xandra says to the room, “It’s safe to open your eyes now.”  The expressions on the faces of the Giants and Radella’s team are almost comical as they survey the room, having no idea what happened.  The only sound in the room at the moment is the sound of Breena’s sobbing.  Everyone else appears to be dumbstruck. 


The next hour is excruciating as I wait for the opportunity to whisk Xandra away to our room.  First, Dagda and Quinn both interrogate Breena until she is no longer able to speak through her sobbing.  Apparently, she had been carrying on a secret affair with Ellu for a number of years.  She took the position in this house because it made it easier to escape prying eyes when she met him for their rendezvouses.  It was when she began pushing for a real commitment from Ellu that he pushed her away; telling her that he never had any intention of making their relationship public.  She was, after all, a Devas.  That was enough to turn her heart bitter.  She wanted to make Ellu pay, and what better way than to incite war in his name, believing that the Daityas would crumble under the force of the Devas. 


Through her interrogation it was discovered that Breena had found her father’s secret journal at some point.  In it, he had detailed the true death of her mother.  She did not die in a fire, as was widely thought. 


Her father described her mother as conniving and manipulative, unhappy with her station in life.  One day, she stumbled upon a book of ancient magic in the attic of their home.  It had belonged to her husband’s mother and had been put there and forgotten.  In it, she found the secret to calling the Apsaras.  Seeing them as the answer to her desires, she called them forth, ignoring the warnings in the book regarding consequences and lack of control over them.


After hearing this, Dagda summons Breena’s father.  In the Giant’s old, weathered voice, he fills in the blanks.  It takes what seems like forever to get the story out, though in truth it is only about fifteen minutes.  What it boils down to is that Breena’s mother had no idea that Breena’s father had the ability to see demons in their true form.  It is a rare gift amongst the Giants and not looked upon kindly by superstitious members of their race.  The old Giant descended from a long line of those with this ability and they had spent centuries hiding this from others.  When two Apsaras appeared, he knew what they were.   He was able to capture their hearts and vanquish them; believing he had laid them to rest permanently.  When Breena called them forth again, he knew he had failed and he began to research how to prevent them from ever being called again.  The key was the poison.  Despite his demeanor, the old Giant still has his wits about him.


When the interrogations are finished, Breena is locked in her room with binding magic and a guard is stationed at her door.  Her father shuffles off to bed, exhausted by his efforts.  The only ones left are Quinn and his Giants.  Xandra yawns widely, hoping to push them along.


Dagda looks at her and smiles.  Turning to Quinn, he says, “I believe my daughter has come to the end of her day.  Let us adjourn for the evening.  If you will send a messenger to Ellu, explaining what has happened and letting him know that his presence is required here in the morning, I would appreciate it greatly.”


Quinn nods and rises from his seat.  “I will send Orwick now.”  Turning to Xandra, he says, “I understand now what you meant when you said you fight alone.  Your strength is as admirable as your beauty.”  Then, with a sly smile, he says, “If for any reason you find yourself not hand-fasted in the future, know that there is a Devas in the south pining for you.”  Fortunately for him, Xandra is fast with her magic and stops mine before it rips through him.  Quinn laughs as he walks to the door.  His Giants follow him out.


Xandra stands up and stretches her arms over her head.  “I’m beat.  I’m going to bed.”  It is about damn time.  I thought this night would never end.


“Rest up,” Dagda says.  “Tomorrow, we need to find a new caretaker for the house.”


Xandra smiles.  “Okay.”  I think she is looking forward to doing something that does not involve smiting anyone.  Taking my hand in hers, she tugs.  I am still fuming over Quinn’s words, but I let her pull me from my chair.  I follow her out of the library and back to our bedroom.  My mood brightens substantially with every step.


“I’m in desperate need of a shower,” Xandra says, looking down at her ash covered clothes.


A grin spreads across my face.  “Mind if I join you?”


She laughs.  “Yeah, because that’s a good idea.”  I can see that she is tempted, though.  That is enough to squash the disappointment inside of me. 


“Fine, I will shower in another room.”  I lean down and kiss her on the cheek before leaving to seek out a shower elsewhere. 


As is usual, my shower is done long before hers.  After assessing the damage to the walls, I determine they are not going to fall down.  Removing any stray plaster from the bed, I peel back the covers.  I am propped against a pillow when Xandra emerges from the bathroom.  She is wearing a towel.  Nothing else.  Admiring her by the light of the single candle I have lit, my body reacts to the idea that she is completely naked under there.


“Care to make me some pajamas?” she asks.


I would sooner die.  Pulling back the covers for her, I say, “But you look so wonderful in that towel.  Why ruin the perfect outfit?”


“Kallen,” she says, trying to sound stern but there is unmistakable heat in her eyes. 


To my great surprise and pleasure, she crawls into bed still wearing just the towel.  I pull her body close to me and find my love and desire mirrored in her eyes.  I whisper in a husky voice, “I want you to be mine forever.”


She nods.  “Me, too.”


I dip my head and kiss her long and deep.  The aches in my muscles and the fog of exhaustion slip away as she wraps her arms around me and pulls me closer.  I am above her, balancing my weight on my elbows but pressing our bodies together where they are yearning to join.  Xandra’s hands roam over my naked torso and each touch leaves a trail of goose bumps.  Not able to stop myself, my hand finds the knot in her towel and I pull it free. A quiet moan when my hand touches her breast tells me this is okay.  I find her lips again as I touch and tease.


I slowly pull back from her lips and kiss a trail down her body, my mouth going everywhere my hands had.  Xandra curves her back, wanting more.  She whispers sweet words of encouragement in the dark.  When her legs wrap around my waist, I groan with desire.  I press against her, my boxers still firmly in place. 


Until Xandra makes them disappear.  There is nothing between us now.  One movement could determine our fate.  How can she be so cruel as to tempt me like this?  My will power has reached its absolute limit.  “Xandra,” I murmur breathlessly against her lips, “this is torture.  We should stop.” 


Her response is to wind her arms around my neck, holding me firmly against her while she kisses me.  With a tightening of her legs around my waist and an up thrust of her hips, she joins our bodies completely. 


Shocked, I pull back to look at her face.  I see no regret, just love and passion.  She knows what this means.  Our rings begin to glow softly in the dark room and she smiles.  She is ready to be my wife. 


I move slowly at first, I do not want to hurt her.  It is not long, though, before our bodies find a rhythm as we move against each other.  We spend the rest of the night making love to each other with a promise that we will be together forever.  We finally fall asleep in each other’s arms around dawn.


If only I was going to remember this in the morning.

BOOK: Blood of Half Gods: Kallen's Tale
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