Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I think Jace is an engineer.”

“You think?”

Logan looked at her with an apologetic smile on his face. “Sorry, little one, I’m kind of distracted at the moment.”

“Anything I can help you with?” She wasn’t sure why she made the offer. She barely knew this man, and considering where they met, helping him might entail something she wasn’t quite ready for, like a blow job or something. Except that, judging by the warmth that simmered low in her belly, maybe she was more ready than she realized.

Logan’s hand moved a little higher on her thigh—almost as if he were having the same thoughts—but he shook his head slowly.

“Last night was the first time I’ve seen Jace in about three years. When I knew him, he was still studying.” That was surprising. Considering how well the two men
together, she would’ve assumed a much closer acquaintance. “What about you? What do you do when you’re not out partying?”

She practically snorted at the party-girl image. She was about as far away from a party girl as a person could get. In fact, last night she would’ve been happy to stay home with a grilled cheese sandwich and a good book. But then she never would’ve met Logan or Jace.

“I’m a secretary.” She was more than that, but it didn’t really seem important at the moment. “Why would Greg do that?” It had been preying on her mind. If someone had suggested last week that her ex was capable of such things, she would’ve laughed at them. But now, with the smelly evidence of a disturbed mind still fresh in her memory, Emma was feeling more than a little off kilter.

“Ironically, I think it’s a territorial thing.”

“You’re kidding?” It would’ve made sense, perhaps, if the man had sported four legs and a tail, but it was pretty bizarre behavior for a human.

“Did you have sex with him on that bed?” Emma swallowed hard. She wasn’t used to recounting her sexual experiences so casually. Hell, she never was one to kiss and tell. “I can read the answer in your eyes, little one.” Logan leaned over and touched her face with the calloused tips of his fingers. “I suspect that Greg sees that bed as somehow belonging to him—maybe representing something special between you two that he doesn’t want you to share with someone else.”

“I suppose,” Emma answered slowly. Hell, it made about as much sense as any other theory.

“Hopefully that’ll be the end of it.” Emma sure hoped he was right. It was her first experience with this sort of thing, and she really didn’t like the fear it stirred in her.

“I don’t understand why he left my bag and wallet on the entry table, but then took time to destroy the bedroom.” Logan had sifted through the entire bag searching for anything that Greg may have added. Logan had been quite professional about it, but Emma had blushed at almost every item that he’d found. She really needed to clean that out. Who knew she could accumulate so much junk in one handbag? But it seemed that once Greg had gotten into her apartment, he’d forgotten all about her purse. Thank goodness for small favors. She didn’t like the idea of having to cancel her credit cards or trying to replace her driver’s license. “I guess that means I need to put ‘buy a new bed’ on my to-do list this week.”

“Among other things,” Logan murmured cryptically.

She wanted to ask what he meant, but the warm hand resting on her leg slowly moved higher up her thigh, and she was suddenly acutely aware of her lack of underwear. She’d intended to get changed, but considering the state of the bedroom, it hadn’t been an option. She inhaled sharply, trying to calm down. Her breasts tingled, her nipples beading as Logan watched her, his intent gaze never leaving her face.

His hand slid higher, massaging the material of her jeans against the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs. Lightly, his hand skimmed over her crotch, the touch barely there, but oh, so exciting. Embarrassment heated her cheeks, and her gaze darted around the crowded diner.

“Look at me.” Logan’s tone was deep and authoritative, and she didn’t even consider not obeying his order. “Good girl,” he whispered as he leaned close to her ear. His hand slid higher, gliding over her rapidly swelling clit. Her breathing hitched, her focus suddenly turning inward. The sound of the people dining around them blurred and blended into a distant, indistinct background noise.

“Logan,” she whimpered as his soft touch turned her insides to mush.

“Shhh, little one, I’ll take care of you.” She nodded her head, so needy she didn’t care where they were. How could this be happening? Last night at the club had been almost like another world, a place removed from real life. But they were in a crowded diner for fuck’s sake. She’d never been sexually adventurous, had always been horrified by the idea of embarrassing herself in public, so she couldn’t fathom why she was behaving so out of character.

But if she didn’t come soon, she was liable to beg him to bend her over the table and fuck her until neither of them could walk. Heat swelled through her midsection, her naughty thoughts conspiring against her. She almost groaned when she heard the waitress deliver their meals.

But Logan didn’t stop his gentle caress. She tried to hold herself together. Tried to smile a thank you to the waitress. Tried to hide exactly what was happening under the table, but Logan laughed softly and whispered, “Come.”

Unbelievably, heat burst from her womb, rushing outward, every muscle quivering as orgasm rolled up and down her body, scraping over every nerve ending, throbbing through every vein. She struggled to stay quiet, biting her tongue as she tried to control her breathing. Shivering slightly, her entire body finally relaxed into sated exhaustion.

Every inch of her still tingled as Logan leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. “You look very beautiful like this, little one.”

She laughed a quiet, breathless sound as she glanced around. Relief melted through her when she realized that nobody in the diner seemed to have noticed her climax.

Logan pressed another quick kiss to her mouth and then lifted a fork and placed it in her hand. She looked at the utensil in confusion for a moment before the delicious smell of bacon and eggs reached her senses. She attacked the meal, suddenly ravenously hungry.

* * * *

Logan watched Emma lift a forkful of scrambled eggs to her mouth and tried to hide his own reaction. It had been a very long time since he’d wanted a woman the way he wanted this one, and it felt perfectly natural to continue to caress her thigh as they ate in companionable silence.

The possessiveness streaking through him was a bit surprising. He hadn’t even considered taking on a submissive in recent years. Besides the fact that he really didn’t want to be tied down, his career certainly didn’t make it easy to keep a relationship happy. He could be out of the country for months at a time and quite often had to leave without warning. It wasn’t fair for any woman, submissive or not, to live not knowing where her lover was or when he’d be back.

Logan glanced up just as Jace came through the door. He stopped at the counter, ordered his breakfast, and then made his way to their table. By the time his old friend slid into the bench seat opposite him and Emma, Logan realized the answer to his own concerns.


* * * *

Jace smiled when he saw Emma’s pink cheeks. It was obvious—at least to him—that she’d just had an orgasm, and he was relieved that Logan had found a way to distract their lovely sub.

The damage to her bedroom had been disturbing, and even if he hadn’t just taken her bed, half her clothes, and all of her shoes to the dump, Jace would be insisting on her staying with him until they could get some sort of alarm system and panic button installed in her home.

Now he only had to convince the woman.

He hadn’t been prying—well not exactly—but it was very obvious by her home and the clothes in her wardrobe that she was a woman used to making her own decisions. Add that to the refusal to let him shield her from her ex’s ugly behavior, and it all pointed to one stubborn, independent female.

But she was also submissive.

She smiled shyly, her cheeks reddening prettily when he gave her a wink. Unable to resist touching her, he reached over the table and threaded her fingers through his own. She was breathing pretty hard for someone sitting still, so he brushed his thumb over her pulse and smiled at her instant reaction. Logan may have been the one who’d just given her an orgasm, but she wasn’t immune to Jace either.

His cock lengthened almost painfully as he considered their plans for today. Emma had already agreed to go to Viper’s barbecue, and despite what had happened to her bedroom, he had every intention of making sure she followed through. He planned to have her so satisfied that she wouldn’t have the energy to protest when he placed her in his bed and kept her there all night.

Jace glanced over at Logan and realized he wanted him there as well. Surprising. He’d never been the sort of Dom to share his sub—hell, it one of his hard and fast rules—but with Emma it just seemed natural.

His breakfast arrived quickly, and he wolfed it down, drained his coffee, and then gave their sub an assessing smile. Her shirt was loose and oversized. The jeans she wore were a relaxed fit and did absolutely nothing to showcase the fabulous body underneath.

She was obviously used to covering her assets. It certainly explained her choice of clothes and her self-conscious behavior last night. Apart from a couple of mildly sexy cocktail dresses shoved up the back of her closet, the rest had been sedate business suits.

He glanced at his watch. “Viper’s parties always start at twelve. We need to stop by my place. What about you, Logan? Where are you staying?”

Logan looked distracted, and again Jace wondered about the real reason for his leave from the SEAL teams. He certainly didn’t look like a man taking a vacation. He glanced over at Jace as if he’d only just realized the man was there.

“I’m staying at my brother’s place.”

Jace nodded. He’d suspected as much. Logan and his brother, Alex, had very little in common, but for some reason had always seemed to get along. “Okay, we’ll stop by your brother’s—he still at the same place?” Logan nodded. “Then we’ll head over to my place and then go from there to Viper’s party.”

“Um…” Emma said, looking just a little peeved, “what about me? I don’t have anything to wear.”

“Perfect,” Jace said, his grin widening with her look of outrage.

“Little one,” Logan said as he did something under the table that made her eyes lose focus. “Subs don’t wear clothes to Viper’s parties.”

Chapter Five

Whoa. Say what?

Okay, now she sounded like an old sitcom character. Thank heavens she hadn’t said that out loud. But both men were grinning at her as if they could read her mind. Hell, considering the way they seemed to be able to bend her to their will, maybe they could.

“Um…” she said, trying to think rationally. Viper was the owner of the club—assuming of course that Viper’s Dungeon was named after Viper—so chances were that his parties were along the same theme as last night at the club.


Last night had been an aberration. If she hadn’t been so damned scared at the beginning and then so hopelessly overwhelmed by these two, she probably wouldn’t have stayed more than a few minutes. She certainly wouldn’t have been there almost naked. But of course, if she had run when she’d wanted to, she never would have experienced the mind-numbing pleasure of finally discovering what a real orgasm felt like.

Okay. She could do naked. Maybe.

“Did you say it was a barbecue? As in outdoors?”

Jace grinned. Logan nodded sagely but couldn’t quite hide his amusement.

not sure? Nervous? Scared? Seriously questioning my sanity?—
“fine with that.” She didn’t know who was more surprised by her answer, her or Logan, but she quickly clarified. “I mean, if it’s…you know…um private and um…”

Jace leaned over and wrapped his fingers gently around her jaw. He turned her gaze to his. “It’s very private. Our plan is to explore your needs, not humiliate you.”

Emma let out the breath she’d been unconsciously holding. She couldn’t stop herself from tilting her head into his caress. How did Jace know exactly what she was thinking?

“We’ll get moving as soon as you finish your breakfast.” Logan indicated the half-eaten food in front of her. Emma went to push it away, but Logan stopped her with a stern look. “Eat, little one. You’re going to need your strength.”

Coffee and toast may have been her usual limit for breakfast, but the amount of promise Logan managed to put behind that simple statement had Emma reaching for her fork.

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
13.32Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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