Blackmailed (Their Sins #1.5) (7 page)

BOOK: Blackmailed (Their Sins #1.5)
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Today is the big day. I’m standing up here with my best friend, Matt, and Jesse’s best friend, Laney. I’m not-so-patiently waiting for Jesse and her father to walk down the short aisle. My father is beaming and my mother can’t stop crying. Jesse’s sister and brother look conflicted about being here. One moment they look happy for her and the next their faces are impassive.

Finally, the music changes, and I know that Jesse and Pearse are going to come through the door any moment. When she finally does, I didn’t expect her to look anything like this. Holy shit.

She looks like a fucking angel. Her dress isn’t white, but off white, and it makes her freckled skin glow. Her dress is fitted at the top, strapless, and has a short train. She is wearing a veil that’s covering her face right now. Her father looks somewhat happy, but I can’t tell.

He is wearing a suit that shows off his build. I would seriously hate to piss off the man. I already know I’m on his shortlist. I will do my best not to screw this up because it’s not only Jesse and me; we will have a baby we’ll have to care for soon as well.

When Jesse gets to me, I’m almost breathless. She’s gorgeous. The minister asks who gives Jesse to me, and Mr. McCoy answers, “Her family does.” Well, it’s good to know they support her in this marriage.

The minister gets to our vows. I thought I would stutter through them, but I said them with confidence. Jesse had tears in her eyes when she said before everyone that she would honor and obey me. I chuckled inwardly at that one. Jesse obey me? Yeah right.

When the minister asked if there were any objections, I was waiting for someone to stand up and object, but no one did. I release the breath I knew I was holding when the minister introduces us as Mr. and Mrs. Chet Boston and he tells me I can kiss my bride.

Holy shit. I’m married. We’re married.

The next few hours are a blur. We have a small reception. Seriously small. It was just dinner and cake. Mom and Dad are going to throw a huge reception in a few weeks once we get all settled in.

Pearse gave Jesse and me one hundred thousand to put down on a house with a yard and set up a trust fund for our children. My parents equally gave one hundred thousand for a house and also to set up a trust fund. Hell yeah, we are set. I can’t wait to find a house for us.

Everything winds down, and we are ready to call it a night. Well, we’re ready to go back to our suite so we can consummate our marriage. Jesse and I go to the room and I open the door. I grab her and carry her across the threshold. I have to make sure my superstitious girl is taken care of.

“You are beautiful. And all mine,” I say. I run the back of my hand down the side of her face. She leans into it.

“You’re not too bad looking yourself, handsome. How about you help me get this dress off and I’ll show you just how handsome you are.” She smirks.

“What if I want to fuck you in this dress and those sexy as sin heels?”

“I’d say you better hurry up and get these panties off me and have your way with me. I’ve been dying for your cock since I rode it yesterday morning.” She almost pants.

“Yes, Mrs. Boston, at your command.”

I lift up the skirts of her dress and slide down her panties with my teeth. She didn’t even bother wearing stockings or a garter belt. Just sexy panties.

“How much do you like these panties?”

“I bought them for today. Why?”

I rip them off her body. I can’t wait any longer to be inside of her.

“Sorry. I can’t wait. Lie back on the bed. I’m going to fuck you hard and fast. And then, while you’re resting, we will work on getting that dress off you.”

She does as I ask and doesn’t question me. Maybe she really will learn to obey.

She spreads her legs for me and I pull my pants and boxers down, enough to get my cock out and stroke it a few times to make sure it’s hard enough to pound into my bride A bead of pre-cum comes to the tip, and I know that my erection won't last long. I’m so aroused.

I bend down and lick Jesse’s glistening core. She bucks off the bed. She is ready and waiting for me to please her. I insert my finger and slowly start loosening her. I add another finger. Quickly, she is ready for my cock.

I don’t waste any time. Placing my cock at her entrance, I slam into her center. She screams out, not in pain, but in pleasure, “Chet! Harder, harder.”

“You ask and you shall receive,” I say as I pound my wife harder and harder. I hope there isn’t anyone in the rooms around us. They’re going to hear me give my wife the best sex of her life.

There is no love making here. This is raw sex. I keep slamming my cock into Jesse’s tight, wet core. As much as we screw, you would think it wouldn’t be tight, but it is. I can tell she is on the verge of coming by the way her pussy is gripping my cock. It loves when I slam back into her. My release is building, and I can’t hold off much longer.

“Jesse, I’m going to come, baby. Come with me. Come while I fill your pussy.” She looks at me with lust laden eyes. She is gasping. I know she is trying to hold off. “Come, Jesse. I’m going to come!”

She looks back at me and yells out, “Fuck me harder, Chet.”

I slam into her two more times and start coming. She is lost in her orgasmic bliss. I pump in her a few more times and still. I can feel my cock still pumping come into her.

Slowly, I pull myself out of her. I get a towel to clean her up. I don’t want to ruin her dress. Jesse is sound asleep when I get back.

I clean her up and gently get her out of her dress. I guess morning sex will be on the agenda for tomorrow. I get us situated in bed and cuddle with my wife. I think I could get used to this. I’m feeling some things I’ve never felt before. Getting the coke out of my system has really opened my eyes to how awesome my life with Jesse and our child is going to be.













Winter, Age 24


After almost two months of being married, we lost the baby. The pain seems to never go away. I’ve upped my use of coke, and how Jesse hasn’t realized that I’m using is beyond me. I guess when you love someone, you don’t see all the bad shit about them.

I stopped using the day Jesse told me I was going to be a father, but now my addiction to coke has increased to a dangerously high level, physically and financially. I make enough to afford my addiction, but I’m starting to use Jesse’s money to pay bills and I’ve been forgetting shit.

Luckily, I made friends with a local distributor and that led to making friends with the head of the local operation. I told him I would like to hookup my friends with this cut of coke too, so I buy larger quantities. I’ve become the local go-to for the people I work with and know. I have to help support my habit somehow.

I wasn’t ready to be a father, but in that two months I thought I was going to be one, I was really looking forward to it. We looked at houses outside of downtown, on the north side, and bought one on another reservoir outside of Indianapolis.

A week after we moved, Jesse started feeling very ill. I was scared for her and the baby, so I rushed her to IU Health. A few hours later, we found out that she was in the early stages of a miscarriage. Jesse was devastated, and I wasn’t much better off.

I thought I would be able to deal with my internal pain while looking at the pain Jesse was dealing with externally, but looking at her and how much pain she was in broke my heart beyond repair. I couldn’t help but to blame myself. Maybe we lost the baby because I was on coke at the time she conceived. The doctor told us that miscarriages happen with younger couples more than he would like to say, but we should be able to conceive again if we wish to.

Slowly, the light in Jesse’s eyes started to return, but I was falling deeper into a pit of darkness. So I fell back on the one thing that could get me out of my darkness—coke. I was back using it like I had never stopped.

I was feeling better about myself, and Jesse seemed to be in a better place too. We decided that we would hold off on trying for another child. We really needed to get to know each other, enjoy our time as a young married couple.

Most people I know that grew up rich and spoiled, like Jesse and I, spend money like water. They have to have the best of the best. Jesse works for what she wants instead of relying on credit cards to buy it or depending on someone else to buy it for her. She works hard for her, for us.

After we got married, it seemed like her family distanced themselves from her. I don’t know if it was so much them as it was her, but she and her family stopped seeing each other as much as they used to before she was married. Actually, I haven’t seen her family since the wedding, and I can’t tell you the last time she talked to her dad or siblings.

I still can’t believe that Chantelle and I haven’t been connected as being related. I’m thankful as hell for that. I guess if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have pursued Jesse and wouldn’t be married to her, but I still feel a little guilty. Oh well. One more thing the coke helps me forget.

I try to keep up my image as an amazing husband, but I am far from it. I love buying her flowers just because I feel bad for spending money on coke. So when I buy a stash, I get Jesse flowers, jewelry, or plan a trip somewhere.

I hope she never finds out who the real Chet Boston is. I think it would destroy me to watch her break from all the lies. I hope she never finds out that I am the one that helped Chantelle slide right into her father’s arms.

Just thinking about all of this makes me crave another hit…













A lot of people use coke, especially in the line of work I’m in. People like to see an upbeat, energetic marketing representative, but I’m getting to the point where I don’t know who the real Chet or the fake Chet is anymore. I’ve started cheating on Jess. I bang chicks on the side and then go home. Hell, I’d go home and have sex with her too. But lately, I haven’t felt like getting it up for anyone. I just want the next hit so I can get through these horrible days.

I told myself that I would never cheat on her, that I would leave her before I’d do that, but I can’t leave her. She keeps me somewhat grounded. I couldn’t imagine the mess I would be in if it wasn’t for her. My body and mind would be an empty shell.

I’m working on getting a promotion at work. I’ve been selling my work and myself to my bosses. I really should be kissing Jesse’s feet for standing beside me the way she does because she is the one that encouraged me and prepared me to apply for this promotion. If I get this promotion, it will help with the money problems I have. I just hope that all this doesn’t come crashing around me or her.

Tilly updated me that she is getting along with Pearse and that everything is falling into place. She thinks the plan is actually working better than she thought it would. If all goes as she is thinking it will, she will not only get the ring on her finger, but the multi-billion dollar company as well.

She was blabbing about how Jesse’s pregnancy helped her more than she thought it would. With everything that happened, as it stands, Jesse is out of the company. She will not replace her father as CEO. Great. Now I feel like a bigger ass than I already do.

This plan is driving me into a darker pit, further away from the happiness I used to feel. I pick up the phone and start to call my mother, but instead, I call the airline and book two tickets to Florida. I need to get out of here for a while, and I’m sure Jesse could use some sun and sand.

Maybe a trip to find my way back to Jesse is exactly what I need. No booty calls or Tilly to distract me. Just Jesse and her sexy body on a beach sounds very appealing to my exhausted mind.

By the time Jesse gets home from work, I’ve already packed our bags. I’m ready to go to South Beach. She is pleasantly surprised about our last minute trip. I load everything in the ‘vette and head for the airport.

We arrive in Florida late at night and order room service when we check in to The Villa Miami Beach. It’s a lot nicer than I thought it would be. Jesse is laying on the bed. She looks like she has something on her mind.

“Something up, babe?” I ask her, using my calmest voice.

“Just thinking about little things I’ve noticed. I appreciate all you do, don’t get me wrong. I love that you thought of this getaway. I really think we needed a trip, but I’ve noticed some things and I want to make sure everything is okay with you, with us.” She sighs as she sits up, draws her legs up, and wraps her arms around her legs.

“Yes, I’m good. We’re great. What are you questioning?”

“I thought I saw a late notice on the house payment and the gas bill. I just want to make sure I’m making enough to help out.” Shit! I was hoping she didn’t see that.

“Yes. I spaced paying them when I was out of state for work. I called them and got them paid as soon as I got back home. We are current on everything.” I give her a reassuring smile that is nothing but fake. We are behind. “Anything else?” I give her another smile.

She starts to talk and stops. She starts again, but it looks like she can’t figure out the words she wants to say. Then she blurts out, “I miss us having sex. Do I repulse you so much that you don’t want to have sex with me anymore?” Her eyes fill with tears. Shit. What do I say?

“Sorry, baby. I’ve just been stressed with work and everything. This is what this weekend is about—you and me. Let me show you how turned on you make me.”

Thank God I grabbed some Viagra from my dealer.

I pull her arms away from her legs and stand her up. I kiss her as if my life depends on it, but it actually does. If it wasn’t for my love for her, I wouldn’t be here trying to make this right. I deepen the kiss and start removing her clothes.

I’m going to make love to my wife this weekend. I should have been doing this all along…I hope this gets my head where it needs to be.

BOOK: Blackmailed (Their Sins #1.5)
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