Birching His Bride (Domestic Discipline 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Birching His Bride (Domestic Discipline 1)
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Eleanor found herself
on her back on the bed, completely bared to her husband's gaze, as he knelt
over her dressed in just a shirt and breeches.  Before she could protest,
his hard body lowered onto hers and he kissed her deeply, his hands caressing
her sensitive skin. Warmth blossomed everywhere his fingers touched her and she
groaned into his mouth as he conquered her body. 

"So soft,"
he murmured, moving down as he kissed her neck again, then moved down to her

"Edwin... I
wasn't... oh goodness..." Eleanor's eyelids fluttered as he sucked one
rosy nipple into his mouth, his hands cupping her breasts. Pinching her free
nipple between two fingers, he rolled it back and forth, his mouth busy
nibbling and suckling the other roseate nub.  It was exquisite ecstasy and
she bucked beneath him, feeling the weight of his hard body between her legs.
Logic and sanity was quickly sinking into a vast sea of sensation and pleasure,
the needy ache between her legs only growing more insistent as Edwin did the
most sinful things to her nipples. She'd had no idea that a man's touch could
do things like this! 

For his part, Edwin
was more than pleased at his bride's passionate core.  She was more than
beautiful and he'd held her in affection even before he'd thought of spanking
her himself; now knowing what a passionate creature she was he was even more
intrigued by her!  The creaminess of her skin was quite pleasing and she
had very pale and sensitive nipples; he enjoyed the small noises she made in
the back of her throat as he toyed with them.  

Kissing his way down
her soft stomach, he was pleased to smell her arousal.  Pushing her thighs
apart he ignored her protest and stared at her dewy center with its thatch of
pale blonde curls.  It smelled divine, the delicate pink petals innocently
tempting, and the little bud of her clitoris peeking at him from under its hood
quite shyly.  With a small groan of desire Edwin fell upon her.

Eleanor gasped and
reached down to push him away as her husband put his mouth on her in the most
shameful manner. "No... you can't... oooOOOOO..."

Unfortunately that
was the moment when she realized she must be a complete wanton, because rather
than pushing him away she ended up gripping his dark hair and moaning as he did
the most sinful things with his tongue.  Something so depraved shouldn't
feel so... fantastic.  The small moans he made into her sensitive flesh as
he made his way to her core with his tongue vibrated through her and she found
herself gripping his head with not just her hands, but also with her

All the tension that
had been coiling inside her was now cresting and Eleanor felt as though she was
losing her grip on reality.  

The sighs and moans
she was making only urged Edwin onward. He'd always enjoyed pleasuring a lady
with his mouth but he'd never had one react quite so dramatically. Smugly he
congratulated himself on his choice of wife. Not only was she delicious in
every sense of the word, her innocent reluctance and reactions were more
arousing than any other woman he'd ever encountered. Perhaps that was partly
because she truly was innocent with no prior experience on what could be done
to her tender flesh or how to resist the sensation running through her
body.  More experienced women could handle their reactions better, control
their desires. Eleanor had no such defense.  Knowing that he was the first
man to touch her in this way inflamed him.  Other women would have other
men, but Eleanor was all his.

She cried out his
name again, her sweet honey flowing copiously as he lapped it up.  Her
pink pearl was now full engorged, no longer hiding beneath its hood, but
swollen and blushing as he sucked it into his mouth, increasing her
cries.  Pressing a finger into her exquisite body, he nearly groaned at
the tightness of her feminine tunnel.  Eleanor was shocked at the rude
finger probing her most intimate space, yet there was nothing she could do to
stop her husband.  Already he'd put his mouth on her and elicited the most
incredible sensations from her resistant body. Now her muscles felt like jelly
and yet he was starting the sinful cycle all over again!

The tongue on her
flesh never ceased, although now it was taking long sure strokes around the
invading digit between her petals. Looking down the length of her pale body,
she could see that her nipples were still slightly budded, her skin flushed
with exertion, and her husband’s head bobbing between her thighs. His dark eyes
looked up at her, meeting her gaze with such a heated look that she blushed
even deeper, if that was possible.  Eleanor covered her eyes, unable to
bear looking at the perverse vision of her husband's depravities on her body,
and just gave herself over to enjoying it. 

Another finger pushed
alongside the first, stretching her virgin tunnel further and Eleanor squirmed,
squeezing her eyes shut. Somehow it made the experience less real, less
invasively intimate, although it also meant that she was more focused on the
sensations that her husband was causing in her body.  Fingers moved back
and forth, curving inside of her and brushing against a spot that made
everything tighten convulsively.  Edwin nibbled at her sensitive flesh and
Eleanor gasped and writhed for him, mewling with the pleasure that was rising
inside of her again. 

“Oh Edwin…” she
moaned, clutching at the bed sheets beneath her.  The wicked things he was
doing to her body were having an effect far beyond anything her imagination had
ever conjured happening between man and wife.

“That’s it… God
you’re beautiful. Come for me Eleanor.”

Come? She was already
there… right there… her hips lifted as she cried out again, her body arching
with the exquisite release of tension as her body hummed with pleasure, tremors
rocking through her.

Something inside of
her stretched painfully, jabbing sharply through her core and Eleanor’s eyes
flew open to meet Edwin’s above her. His weight came partially down on her as
he lowered himself to his forearms and she realized that he was also inside of
her. The high state of pleasure she had been dwelling in dimmed slightly as she
realized that this was not where she had meant this night to go.

“Wait!” she cried
out, her hands coming up to push at his chest.

Misunderstanding her,
thinking her reluctance a product of her innocent state, Edwin kissed the base
of her slim throat.  “It will only hurt for a moment sweetheart, try to

His hips flexed and
moved forward, sinking the full length of his rod into her tight hole, feeling
the slight resistance of her virginity give way easily to his turgid
staff.  Dear God but she was exquisitely snug, her body tightening and
loosening around him as she adjusted to the new dimensions of her
womanhood.  It was extremely hard not to move but he contented himself
with being surrounded by her wet warmth as she accustomed herself to his
presence inside of her.

Kissing her softly,
Edwin brushed away the tear at her cheek.

“It doesn’t hurt too
badly does it sweetheart?” he asked, his voice sincerely concerned. After all,
he certainly didn’t want her to end up with an aversion to their marriage bed.

“No, not it doesn’t
hurt that badly,” she reassured him automatically, touched by his attention to
her. It truly didn’t either, she was already adjusting to the sensation but… “I
just… I didn’t think…”

“Don’t worry
sweetheart.” Edwin cut her off with a kiss to her lips, sensuous and
compelling, so much more intimate now that they were actually joined together
by flesh. “It will feel good, I’ll make sure of it.”

That wasn't what she
meant, what she wanted, but the tiny moment of despair over his
misunderstanding gave way to the most spectacular sensation as he began to move
inside of her.  Gasping, Eleanor clung to his bare shoulders, surprised at
the silky feeling of his skin beneath her fingertips, and even more shocked by
her body's urge to move with him, her hips seeming to have a mind of their own
as she rocked beneath his smooth strokes.

The invasion was
intimate, sensual, and breathtakingly pleasurable.  Her body was still
humming from the spectacular release that he'd driven her to with his mouth and
hands, making her much more aware of that area between her legs than she'd ever
been before. Edwin's lips coaxed hers open beneath his, his tongue exploring
the insides of her mouth as he continued to move inside of her body in a much
more explicit way, his hands roaming over her body and inflaming her passions.

The feel of his wife
moving beneath him, her inner thighs rubbing against the outsides of his legs
as she writhed in pleasure, the small mewling sounds she made in the back of
her throat as he kissed her deeply, was driving Edwin absolutely wild. While
he'd fantasized about Eleanor more than once since watching her birching, he
hadn't expected such an explosive union as this or even suspected at how her
innocent responses would inflame his desire for her.

Every inch of his
manhood was encased in tight silken snugness, wetted with her honey, the taste
of which still lingered on his tongue. Her body was soft beneath his,
welcoming, and her reluctance seemed to have completely fallen away under his
erotic assault on her senses. Burying himself inside of her, he groaned as her
muscles squeezed his rod tightly, rippling around him as she moaned and squirmed

Moving purposefully
he drew gasps of pleasure from her, building up the inferno of her passions
again, using his nimble fingers to rub between their bodies and tweak her
sensitive pearl.  Eleanor gasped and heaved beneath him, her legs wrapping
around the backs of his thighs as she took him deeper. Her throaty cries of
rapture as she climaxed pushed him over the edge and he thrust deep and hard,
filling her completely as he shot spurt after spurt of potent seed into her
body, completing their consummation.

She could actually
feel him pulsing against her inner walls, feel the hot fluid that gushed inside
of her, and Eleanor shuddered around him in abject ecstasy as her body throbbed
in response.  Their mutual moans and caresses lifted and then slowed,
Edwin's weight settling onto her in an intimate embrace.

Eleanor’s heart
pounded as her breathing slowed and she felt completely flummoxed. Nothing in
her life had prepared her for a husband!  Not even the warnings clamoring
in her body when Edwin had stirred her interest had even hinted at the wonder
and glories to be found in a man’s bed. She hadn’t had a chance once he’d
started his seduction and now there was no way to even consider annulling the

On the other hand,
despite the fact that her father had arranged her future, Eleanor found that
she was no longer quite so resistant to it.

“Ah Eleanor,” Edwin
breathed as he kissed the side of her neck and slid off of her, gathering her
into his arms. To her surprise, she found that she rather enjoyed his embrace,
even though her desire to couple with him had already been satisfied. “That was

“It truly was,” she
said, sounding high and breathless and not at all like herself. Then again
she’d never felt quite like this before in her life.  She didn't quite
know what else to say, but fortunately Edwin didn't seem interested in further
conversation. Sliding off to the side of her, he curled his muscular body
around her softer one, holding her against him in an almost comforting manner.

rather confused, she drifted off to sleep in his arms.


Chapter 3


When Eleanor awoke
she was alone in her bed and she wasn’t sure whether or not to feel
disappointed.  The tousled sheets beside her were proof that she had not
spent the night alone, as was the small spatter of blood beneath her, and she
realized that she felt rather sore in a rather delicious way.  But she had
slept in rather later than she’d meant to.  Her maid Bridget helped her
bath and dress in a blue muslin morning dress that brought out the color of her
eyes before she went down to breakfast where her husband was waiting. The
moment she saw Edwin, so handsomely attired and looking more attractive than
ever now that she knew exactly what pleasures he could give her, Eleanor

But Edwin just smiled
at her and greeted her warmly.  During breakfast he asked her to plan a
dinner party for them and to think about where she might like to go for a
wedding trip; they wouldn’t leave for several weeks as he hadn’t had time to
make arrangements before their hasty union.  It was quite a reasonable
explanation but Eleanor found herself reminded of how she hadn’t had the
wedding she’d always dreamed of - and now she had to wait for her honeymoon?
And plan a dinner party in the mean time?

“Don’t pout, sweetheart,”
Edwin said amiably as he rose.  “I’ll make it up to you when we go. And
I’m sure we can find ways to enjoy ourselves in the meantime.”

Heat rose in her
cheeks again as she realized what ways he was hinting at. That distracted her
as her husband gave her a kiss on the cheek and left to attend to his business.

Then she got angry
all over again.  The nerve of the man! Not only had she been forced into a
marriage that she hadn't wanted, but then he'd used his... his... 
her - wiles probably practiced on many a lady - and seduced her inexperienced
and ill-prepared self into his bed, and then the very next morning had the
audacity to assign her a chore in the form of a dinner party! All the while
going about his normal business of the day as if he hadn't just gotten married
the day before!

Although, of course,
they didn't need time to get to know each other as they had known each other
for most of their lives, but still!  Thinking about the wedding and
honeymoon that she had been dreaming of since she was a little girl and now had
been denied, Eleanor felt incensed all over again.  Plan a dinner party? For
that insufferable rogue? Ha!

Instead Eleanor's
mind turned to the trousseau that she was quite sure she deserved, especially
considering her hasty wedding and delayed of wedding trip.  Well. 
That was something she could certainly begin to plan today, starting with the
kinds of dresses she'd always wanted to wear.


When Edwin returned
home later that afternoon, pleased with the amount of work he'd gotten done
during the day while still allowing him time to attend to his wife, he was
rather disgruntled to be informed that Eleanor had left soon after he had in
the morning and so far had not returned. Perhaps she had gone to visit her
family? After all, that would certainly be understandable considering that
their wedding had happened rather hastily. It would not be surprising if she
did not feel comfortable in her new surroundings yet. Feeling less displeased
and more indulgent he retired to his study so that he could continue setting
his estates and affairs in order before their honeymoon.  After all,
Eleanor had not been the only one ill prepared for such a hasty union.

Several hours later
Edwin was informed by the butler that Lady Hyde had returned home. 
Checking his pocket watch, Edwin frowned and asked that her maid be called to his
study.  Had Eleanor really spent all day at her parent's house? Somehow,
knowing Eleanor's nature, he did not think so. 

Displeasure returned
when he was duly informed of his wife's activities. 

Shopping! Quite a bit
of in in fact. And spending a ridiculous amount of blunt on his accounts. 
Granted, he had not given her an amount for an allowance as of yet, but then
she had not mentioned that she would be shopping today.  Why had she gone
shopping, spending an irresponsible amount of money to buy herself an entirely
new wardrobe when she already had a suitable one, rather than getting to know
the staff or familiarizing herself with the household?

Here he had assigned
the most innocent of motives to her day long absence only to find that she had
indulged in her most willfully spoiled behavior, thinking of no one but
herself.  Apparently the time under her father's tutelage was not enough
to counteract the many years of being spoiled by her mother that had come
before that.  A flicker of excitement ran through him, shunting aside his
frustration, when he realized that this was the perfect time to enact the
discipline with which he would punish his wife when she acted so
thoughtlessly... although, of course, he would allow her time to attempt and
explain her actions first.

Feeling both excited
and generous, Edwin told the maid to send his wife to meet him.  

Heart pounding in his
chest, he realized that part of him hoped Eleanor 
back to her spoiled self so that he could justifiably take her over his knee.
Although their wedding night had been quite passionate and delightful that had
not stopped his desire for more unusual ways in which to take pleasure in his
wife's delightful body.  He quite yearned to redden her bottom, but it
wouldn't be nearly as satisfying unless the discipline was truly


Summoned to her
husband, Eleanor swept coolly into the study, all the while feeling smugly
satisfied at the wonderful revenge she'd had on him today. Her shopping
excursion had born much fruit, allowing her to order items that her father
would never have allowed her due to the expense as well as being measured for
gowns that would be much more mature and colorful than the demure pastels she'd
had to wear as a debutante, and other beautiful fripperies that she'd yearned
for but would never have dared buy all at once.  Spending Edwin's money
had been monumentally satisfying. That would teach him! 

"Eleanor, it has
come to my attention that I have been remiss in attending to matters with
you," Edwin said in a conciliatory tone. Hiding a smile, Eleanor lifted
her head high, ready to graciously receive his apologies for whatever wrongs
he'd finally realized he'd done her. She was quite sure that he wouldn't have
recognized all of them right away but perhaps he'd realized that she shouldn't
have been left completely alone on their first day as a married couple. Or that
he should have insisted to her father that she have a proper wedding. Or for
marrying her at all. "But there is no time like the present to set matters
to right.  You have quite overspent on the allowance that you will be
issued each month. In fact, if your maid's memory was correct, then you have
overspent on almost a year's worth of allowance. Therefore I hope you bought
everything you needed today for you will not be allowed to spend more until
next year." She gaped as his tone turned quite severe and fury flashed
through her.

"Perhaps I would
not have overspent if my new husband had deigned to spend the day in my

To her surprise,
Edwin's countenance darkened as if he was angry rather than ashamed at his

"Unlike you I
have spent the day working, putting the necessary affairs in order for a
wedding trip while you have been out spending enough blunt that I'm not sure
we'll be able to do everything I would have liked. Unlike you everything I have
done today has been to benefit both of us, more specifically to set my affairs
in order so that I might have the time to spend with you. This marriage was as
unexpected for me as it was for you. As I told you at breakfast. If you had
informed me at breakfast of your intentions then I would have told you what
your allowance was.  Even so I can’t understand what on earth you would
need an entirely new wardrobe for when I know you had received one for your
coming out. Several dresses as befitting your new status as my wife would have
been reasonable, an entirely new selection is not."

Edwin approached her,
his words slicing through her arguments.  As he came closer she found herself
noticing the way his broad shoulders filled his coat, his dark eyes flashing,
and the uncompromising set of his strongly delineated jaw.  It was both
fascinating and frightening as he crowded her space but she found herself
unable to move or back away, too taken aback by his accusations and her own

when I left you at breakfast you did not protest my leave-taking or give any
hint to the fact that you were put out about my plans for the day. I will not
take the blame for not being able to discern your thoughts without a word from

Staring up at her
husband, Eleanor's jaw worked soundlessly, only now realizing that her temper
had perhaps been a bit impetuous and that she had not conducted herself in a
very becoming or rational manner.  But she hadn't expected such censure
from Edwin either; this was not the similarly impetuous youth she'd known as
her brother's friend! The stormily attractive man in front of her was much more
imposing, much more threatening. 

So she took a page
from her own book in dealing with her mother and thrust her lower lip out in a

"I should not
have had to tell you! Anyone with sense should have realized a bride does not
wish to be abandoned the day after her wedding! And a poor excuse for a wedding
at that! No flowers, no noble guests, I didn't even have a proper dress!"
She let tears begin to leak from her eyes, staring up at him imploringly.
"I am a married lady now and I wanted a married lady's wardrobe, I should
not have to keep dressing like a debutante! Only a brute would treat me the way
you are now!"


How did she manage to
still look beautiful while crying? Ah, but these were not real tears. Edwin had
not missed the calculation in her eyes - and he remembered what she had looked
like after her birching when the tears she had shed had been quite real. 
These were nothing more than water from her beautiful blue eyes.  

Hardening his heart
to her spoiled manipulations Edwin grabbed her by the arm and pulled her over to
the chair. Sitting down in it he yanked her across his lap, his heart beating
madly as he prepared to spank his wife.  His real anger warred with his
excitement over the much anticipated event.

"What are you
doing?" she screeched, any pretense at hurt feelings or tears forgotten as
she was hauled over his knee, spitting mad. 

"I am teaching
you a lesson," he said calmly, although he felt anything but calm.
Screeching, Eleanor tried to push herself up but he grabbed her wrists and held
them in the small of her back, hooking his leg around hers and pressing them
between his own calf and the leg of the chair.   Tipping her forward
so that her bottom was high in the air, her face pressed between his thigh and
the arm of the chair, Edwin used his free hand to lift her skirts.

"How dare
you?!" she yelled, although he could also hear the touch of fear in her
voice. With her soft body across him, her anxiety heightening, his own desire
was beginning to pulse through his veins and he could feel himself hardening
against her stomach. "Unhand me this instant! This is not how you treat a

"No, this is how
I treat a spoiled child," he said, tucking her skirts around her waist as
he began to lower her drawers. They, unfortunately, had a sewed in-seam. Well
as long as he was buying her new clothing, he would make sure to buy some of
those as well.  "A spoiled child who spends without a thought for the
future, who is more concerned with her wedding than her marriage, who does not
tell her husband that she wishes his company and then punishes him for her own
lack of communication, and who then dissembles and produces false tears in an
attempt to shame him, rather than admit her own short comings and

Finally her drawers
were down to her knees, revealing the creamy expanse of her bottom and thighs.
Edwin's cock pulsed.  He was certainly going to have to buy her some of
the old fashioned kind, like the ones she’d been wearing when she’d been
birched; he would love to have her spread her legs when he spanked her so that
he could see her cunny better, adding to the vulnerability of the punishment,
but with her drawers around her knees that wouldn't be possible.

Ignoring her
alternating demands and please, Edwin raised his hand and brought it down hard
on her right cheek, leaving a red hand print as Eleanor yelped and

one," he said, watching as her skin turned a light pink color after the
initial red spank.  Rubbing his hand over the spot, his loins felt fit to
burst already. "I will give you the chance to apologize for your
thoughtlessness and selfishness after twenty or another twenty will be

"Let me up!"

His hand came down just as hard on her other cheek and Eleanor yelped.

While he was quite
sure that the birching he'd witnessed had not been the last, taking a spanking
from her husband seemed to be having a most salutary effect on his new wife.
She shrieked and yelped, but she had ceased to struggled, lying in his lap and
accepting his punishment as he laid down smack after smack on the rounded globes
of her buttocks, turning them a rosy pink.  Since it was her first
spanking, he was careful not to use full force. After all, while she was used
to such discipline from her father, this was obviously not what she had
expected from a marriage - and certainly not from him - and he wanted to ease
her into it. As long as she didn't do anything too terrible. Really she
deserved a harder spanking than he was giving her, but he was inclined towards
being gentler for this first time.

BOOK: Birching His Bride (Domestic Discipline 1)
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