Read Between Us: Sex on the Beach Online

Authors: Jen McLaughlin

Tags: #Romance

Between Us: Sex on the Beach (7 page)

BOOK: Between Us: Sex on the Beach
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night, I swiped the rag across the surface of the bar, pressing a little harder than necessary, even though the surface was pretty damn clean already. There were only a handful of locals sitting there, and it had been slow all night. Normally I’d be bummed, but tonight I welcomed it.

Ever since Mackenzie had kicked me out of her room, I’d been in a bad mood.

I tossed the rag over my shoulder and scanned the crowd. At first I passed right over her, completely missing her. But then I caught sight of her oversized hat and I did a double take. Yep, that was definitely her. And she was staring at me.

I wanted to go up to her and ask if she was here to finish what we’d started earlier, but I refused to give in to the urge. She was the one who’d told me to leave, so I had. If she wanted to talk again, she could damn well come up to me. The last hour of my shift passed slowly, and she spent most of it on her phone, her fingers sweeping over the screen without fail.

The rest of the time, she watched me.

I could feel her eyes burning into me as I chatted up the customers and laughed. Every time I talked to one of the female regulars, Mackenzie grew tense and her fingers would hover over the screen instead of touching it. I might not be an expert at relationships and all the shit that came with them, but I was pretty damn positive that she was actually jealous. Of a woman who, more often than not, required help into a cab at the end of the night because she’d be that fucked up.

I wanted Mackenzie and she wanted me. It shouldn’t be this complicated.

After I closed out my drawer and slipped my tips in my pocket, I punched out and headed for the door without going over to her. She had to show me a sign. Something besides sitting there pouting at me, for Christ’s sakes. I didn’t have time for childish games.

I was halfway to the door by the time she must have realized I wasn’t coming over to her. She pushed back from the table and came stumbling after me. She had on a pair of “fuck me” heels, a red sundress, and that damn hat.

“Austin, wait,” she hissed, tugging her hat lower.

I stopped and turned to her, my brow up. “Can I help you?”

“Stop acting like you don’t know it’s me,” she said. “We both know you do.”

“Actually,” I crossed my arms, “I can’t see your face with that fucking hat on, so how am I supposed to know who you are?”

She ripped it off her head and tossed her hair behind her shoulders. Her eyes were spitting fire at me. “There. Happy?”

“Not really. If you want honesty from me—which you made perfectly clear you do—I’m horny as hell and feeling like an ornery bastard at the moment. I’m off to take care of that particular issue right now.”

“Seriously?” she said, her eyes wide. “Just like that, you’re moving on?”

Nope. But I certainly wasn’t going to let her know she’d gotten under my skin. She didn’t need to know I’d be jerking off to the memory of her coming on that damn hotel bed—or that I’d be alone. “I’d prefer you, but well, you made your stance clear on how you feel about me after I let you know I knew who you were. Unless you changed your mind…?” I gave her a few seconds to tell me if she had, since she’d been staring at me for more than an hour, but she didn’t say a word. I inclined my head and started for the door again. “All right, then. Enjoy your stay.”


I stopped again. “Yes?”

“You lied to me.”

I sighed. “We went over this already. I don’t get a lot of free time, so I don’t want to spend it arguing with you about something we already went over. I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell you I knew who you were. There’s a difference.”

“Is there anything else I need to know about you? Things you’re hiding?”

I opened my mouth and then closed it. A million of my secrets came to mind, but they were just that—secrets. “No.”

“Are you sure?”

I swallowed hard. “Yep.”

“All right.” She took a deep breath, her gaze dropping to the floor. “I guess we can go back to my room again.”

The way she said it, as if she was bestowing a favor upon me, sat wrong. I knew she didn’t mean it that way, but it sounded like it. She might be a superstar and I might be a normal guy, but that didn’t mean she was doing me a favor by agreeing to fuck me.

“Why?” I backed her into the corner of the bar, my hands on either side of her head. “Tell me why it has to be me. Why not find another guy?”

Her chin tilted up defiantly. “I don’t know. It just does.”

“I need a better answer than that.” I pressed my hips into her, letting her feel how hot for her I was. “Why do you want it to be me?”

She blew out a breath. “Because I need you so badly it hurts.”

I lowered my head to her neck, kissing the spot where her pulse raced. If she gave me some bullshit answer about choosing me because I was convenient, I would walk away without looking back, no matter how much it hurt my aching cock. “But why do you need it to be

“Because I’ve gotten to kiss you and touch you,” she breathed. “And now that I’ve had a taste of you, no one else will do. It
to be you.”

Perfect fucking answer. “Are you sure this time?”

She gripped my work T-shirt with both hands, mangling the bar logo in the upper left corner. “Yes. Please take me home.”

I nodded once, then pushed off the wall. “Let’s go.”



been intending to bring him back to my room, per se. I’d been thinking about sharing a drink or two, talking so we could get to know one another all over again, maybe. I’d told myself to move on and forget about him over and over again, but I couldn’t.

There was something about him that wouldn’t let me move on. Something that called to me, demanding satisfaction. There was nothing to be done for it. He’d gotten under my skin, and the only way to get him out was to give in to the urge.

To give him another shot.

So…I’d gone to his bar and waited. His whole shift, I’d sat at the table and texted Carrie and Quinn, waiting for him to get off and come over to me. But then he’d started to leave without saying a word, and I’d gone to him instead. I knew I still wanted him. Enough that I was throwing the possible consequences to the floor and stomping on the warning signs written all over this freaking situation.

Even though I’d called my people in Nashville and asked for them to look into him for me, there was no waiting or holding back. Not this time. I might as well have not even bothered to ask. By the time they came back with info on him, I’d probably be home.

I stole a quick glance at him as we entered my hotel lobby. The doorman bowed to me, and I smiled and inclined my head. Austin watched me silently, like he had been since I told him I wanted him and only him. He was treating me the same way he’d treated me before he’d admitted he knew who I was. Like I was just a girl he’d met at a bar. I think that’s one of the things I liked most about him.

Sometimes I forgot how the real world worked, and he was so refreshingly real.

I swiped my card to gain access to my floor, and then the elevator doors shut in front of us. “Austin?”

He’d been texting or emailing on his phone, but he shoved it into his pocket and turned to me. “What? Are you having doubts again?” he asked, dragging a hand through his hair.

Heck no. I wanted him.

I shoved him back against the elevator wall. Before he had a chance to so much as blink, I kissed him and pressed my body to his. Ever since I’d sent him away, I’d been burning with the need to finish what we’d started. The mere idea of changing my mind was ludicrous, so I figured the best way to show him how serious I was about doing this was to kiss him. It worked.

His hands cupped my butt, hauling me closer, and he moaned into my mouth. With one whirl, he had me pressed against the wall and his hands were roaming all over my body. My breasts. My hips. My butt. He was everywhere and yet not in enough places.

The elevator beeped and we sprang apart, our breathing heavy. The doors opened and I bolted out of there, Austin hot on my heels. I unlocked the door, took off my hat, and turned on him.

Once he shut the door behind him, I offered a smile and motioned at his pockets. “You know the deal.”

He emptied his pockets and followed that up by removing his shirt. I swallowed hard, my eyes feasting on his muscles. God, he looked good and he knew it. Men like him should walk around shirtless all the time. Women would fall at his feet and beg to be his. He could rule the freaking world with a grin and a muscle flex.

I’d be the first to fall.

“I…” I flinched at the way my voice came out all weak and breathy. I didn’t do simpering and weak. Time to take control. I walked backward toward the bedroom, gripping the hem of my dress and lifting it slightly. “I want you. In the bedroom we go.”

His hands fisted at his sides and he followed me into the room, closing the door securely behind him. His heated gaze dropped down my body. “Take it off.”

“This?” I lifted my dress a little higher, but didn’t remove it. “Lose the rest of yours first.”

He raised his brows. “You bossing me around, sweetheart?”

“And if I am?” I bit down on my lower lip. “You got a problem with that?”

“Hell no. But once we’re in that bed, I’m in control.” He undid his shorts, but didn’t take them off. “I’m just making sure we’re clear.”

“Crystal.” I lifted the dress a little higher. “Now lose the shorts for me.”

His lips twitched and he let them hit the floor. All he wore was a pair of skintight green boxer briefs. Oh my God, I could write countless songs about that body of his.

Heck, about
in general.

His shoulders were toned to perfection, tapering down to his thin waist and straight hips, showing me just how in shape he was. Every line, crease, and muscle was chiseled as if it was done by hand. He watched me with an undeniable hunger in his blue eyes, his dimple more pronounced with the way he’d squared off his jaw.

And the way his boxer briefs hugged the bulge of his erection? Holy hell, I could write a song about that, too. Freaking perfect. He was beautiful.

Sucking in a deep breath, I lifted my dress over my head and tossed it onto the floor. When I stood in front of him—wearing nothing but a pair of heels, a thong, and a black bra—I placed my hands on his shoulders and slowly trailed my nails down his chest, over his abs, and then stopped at the waistband of his boxers.

I wanted to do so many things to him right now. Touch him in so many ways. But I dropped to my knees and tugged his boxers down, freeing his erection. His hands threaded into my hair and he tensed, looking down at me with blazing eyes. “Mackenzie?”

I tipped my head back and looked up at him. “Yeah?”

“You don’t have to…” He gestured down. “Let me get you in bed.”

I shook my head. “Not yet.” Without dropping my gaze, I flicked my tongue over the tip of his shaft. “I’m not ready.”

And then I closed my mouth around him, sucking gently.

His abs jerked in response, and his hands tightened on my hair. His blue eyes blazed down at me; so hot and intoxicating I couldn’t look away until he closed his lids, hiding them from me. “Holy shit.”

I sucked him in deeper, swirling my tongue over him as I did so. His entire body went tense, and he gripped my hair so tight it stung. I could tell he was making himself hold still for me. Forcing himself not to move or so much as flinch. But when I pulled back, releasing him from my mouth, he groaned and pushed back inside, his corded muscles flexing as he did so.

It was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen or done.

A pang of need shot my stomach, and I let my lids drift shut. As I took him deeper inside of me, sucking a little harder, I cupped his butt in my hands, holding him where I wanted him. He groaned and thrust closer, gently yet insistently. I swirled my tongue over him again, digging my nails into his skin.

“Fuck,” he gasped. His face red, he pulled me off him and tossed me back on the bed. I hit it full force, bouncing slightly. Before I settled back on to the mattress, he was on top of me, pressing his glorious length to my core. “My turn to play,” he growled.

BOOK: Between Us: Sex on the Beach
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