Best Man For The Job (The Men of Fear Incorporated Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Best Man For The Job (The Men of Fear Incorporated Book 1)
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“Don’t even think about it,” Max said. “I’m driving, no arguments.”

“Aren’t we bossy?” she mumbled under her breath.

They said their goodbyes. Max hugged Mirabella, making sure to keep the lower half of his body pulled away from her. Last thing he needed was for her to know he was semi-erect. Foster raised an eyebrow and smirked. He gave Max’s shoulder a slap goodbye.
. He knew something was going on.

Sloane trailed him out of the house to his pick-up truck parked on the street. He opened her door, making sure she was settled inside the cabin before closing it. Max walked around the front of the truck and slid in the driver’s seat.

“Thank you,” Sloane murmured. “I don’t normally drink so much when I know I have to drive.”

“Don’t mention it. There are worse things to do besides escorting a beautiful woman home.”

Sloane gave him directions across town to her apartment building. He parked in the only empty spot he could find. Taking her hand, Max helped her out of the vehicle. He was reluctant to let her go, but he did. Not trusting his ability to keep his hands to himself, he shoved his hands in his pockets, and they walked toward the building side by side. The moon was full overhead, illuminating the parking lot. Once inside, she stopped in front of the elevators. She leaned against the wall after pushing the Up button.

“I’m on the fifth floor. Apartment five-oh-four.” She reiterated the apartment number with her fingers, drawing it in the air with a giggle that sent a jolt down his spine.

Shaking his head and trying to hide his own smile, he took her by the elbow to lead her inside the elevator car. Max pushed the button marked with a five. The doors closed and the car rose quickly. She slumped against the back wall of the car.

Max imagined what she might taste like. He could easily fantasize stalking over to where she stood and pinning her to the wall as he claimed her lips. He stood there watching her until the doors reopened on her floor. After guiding her down the hallway, he stood outside her apartment door and waited for her to unlock it and enter before he left. She turned to him with the door partially open.

“Thanks again, Max.”

Her big blue eyes looked up at him from under those damn bangs. Without thinking what a gigantic mistake it was, Max gave in and slowly pushed her bangs away from her face. Those beautiful blues stole the small amount of resistance he had left. He slid his hand around the back of her neck, pulling her to him and claiming her lips. He slanted his mouth across hers, pulling a small moan from her. His tongue slipped past her lips and caressed hers. She tasted of cherries and red wine. Sloane pulled him even closer using his belt loops as handles, pressing her hips into him. His erect cock pressed into her tender belly. He was coming unglued. How could one kiss light him on fire like this?

Sloane pulled back, gasping, when her phone started ringing. Her trembling fingers touched her kiss-swollen lips in…shock? Perhaps awe?

“I should get that,” she panted. Every macho-infused cell in his body relished the knowledge that he made her do that. She was just as affected as he was.

“Don’t,” he said sternly. Her eyes widened, but otherwise she didn’t move a muscle. Max closed the narrow space between them yet again. Sloane’s breath hitched before his lips crashed down on hers. He released her abruptly. “I better go.”

Max kissed her forehead softly. Turning quickly, he made his way a few feet back to the elevator doors. He looked back while he waited for the steel doors to open.

“And Sloane, next time you even think of driving home after drinking and I hear about it, there
be consequences.”

Sloane still stood in the doorway of her apartment, her gaze glued to his. Her phone, temporarily forgotten in her hand, hung by her side. Did she know it was still ringing?










Chapter Three





Barely able to breathe, Sloane slipped inside and closed the door. She looked down at the phone that kept ringing in her hand. Brody. She
wasn’t in the mood to speak to him. Not only had he blown her off again, but after those scorching kisses from Max, there was no way she was in the right frame of mind to deal with him. Hitting the Ignore button, she quickly sent a text to Mirabella. She let her know that she had arrived home safely and would be by tomorrow to get her car.

Without waiting for her reply, Sloane grabbed a t-shirt to sleep in. Once it was on, she smelled Brody. Eyeing herself in the mirror, the oversized t-shirt mocked her. No way was she wearing his shirt while Max invaded her every thought. She wondered what consequences he could be talking about. Her body involuntarily shivered. She pulled off the t-shirt and threw it into the hamper before she climbed into bed.

The next morning came way too soon. Sloane needed a carafe of coffee and half a bottle of aspirin, at the very least. She fetched a clean t-shirt—one of her own—and a pair of yoga pants. She needed to go find deliverance from the polka band playing in her head. Ugh, why oh why did she drink so much last night?

After making it slowly to the living room, she decided coffee was in order first. She veered to the left, entering her kitchen nook, and fumbled to set the coffee up. The smell teased her senses. A long gong tore her attention away from the little miracle machine percolating in front of her. She hurried to get to the front hall before the doorbell rang again. Too late—the sound pulled a groan from her and she covered her ears like a toddler. The clock on the microwave showed it was just after eight. Who could that be this early on a Sunday? Peeking through the peephole suspiciously, she almost started to drool. Standing on the other side of her door, looking like a god, was Max. She took a moment to appreciate him this way, rather than to gawk openly where he could see.

His sunglasses were perched on top of his head. He still hadn’t shaved. Normally she went for the clean-cut, boy-next-door look, but for some reason the shaggy hair and stubble turned her insides into putty. His gaze landed right on the small glass circle she was looking out of. The corner of his lip pulled up into a small smirk. The sight caused her pulse to speed up.

“I’m not leaving, so you might as well open the door, Sloane.”

Oh. My. God! Sloane quickly backed away from the door. How did he…? Taking a deep cleansing breath, she reached forward, unlocked the door, and pulled it open. Max drank her in openly. Every place his eyes landed ignited as if he had actually touched her.

“How did you know I was there?”

“I could see your shadow under the door. I figured you were watching for me to give up and leave. Not likely.”

“Oh. What are you doing here?”

“I thought you could use a lift back to Foster’s to get your car. I was heading there anyway.”

“Thank you for thinking of me. I still need to get dressed; I don’t want to hold you up.”

“We have plenty of time. I can wait…that is, unless you take as long as Bella to get ready.” He laughed.

“Good grief, no! I love her and all, but that girl makes getting ready look like an Olympic event. It’ll only take me about twenty minutes. Come on inside and make yourself comfortable.”

Sloane opened the door wider to allow Max to enter her apartment. She tried not to sniff him. She really did.

“Okay. Thanks.”

She led him into the kitchen area where the smell of brewed coffee made her salivate.

“Would you mind if I finished my coffee first, though? I don’t think it would be wise for anyone to be around me if I didn’t get my caffeine fix.”

“Not at all.”

“Thanks, would you like some?”

“Sure. Just black, please.”

Sloane filled another mug with coffee and placed it in front of Max. She stood on one side of the little kitchen island as he sat on a stool across from her. She watched him sip from his mug. She loved the way his large hand wrapped around it, instead of using the handle. He glanced around the room, taking in her apartment. No other men had been in her apartment other than Brody or Foster in ages, and she didn’t know what to say to Max. Luckily he saved her from stumbling through an icebreaker.

“Nice place. Lived here long?”

“Almost five years.”

“Have you worked for Detlef long?”

“I’ve been his assistant for three years now. How about you—how long have you been a bodyguard?”

Bodyguard. She devoured him with her eyes. His t-shirt hugged his shoulders and chest in the most delicious way. She wanted to see more of the tattoos that disappeared under his shirt. Her mind started to wander.
He can guard my body whenever he wa—Oh God.
Where had
thought come from? She shouldn’t be picturing him pressed up against her, but now all she could think about was him pinning her against the fridge, that stubbled jaw grazing against her neck…Heat crawled up her face. Hopefully Max didn’t notice. The way he was currently studying her however, there was no way he didn’t notice. He tried to hide a smirk. She was totally busted. Ugh.

“I’m not really a bodyguard, per se. I do private securities. The actual tasks vary per client. I got into it last year after I left the force.”

“That sounds exciting.” She didn’t know exactly what that meant. However, she bet he looked sexy as hell doing it.

After a few more minutes of small talk, Sloane excused herself to take a very cold shower. She needed the distance to get herself under control. Never before had she wanted to run her hands over a man the way she wanted to with Max. Everything about him called to her. She had to continuously keep reminding herself what a bad idea it would be to run back out to wrap herself around him while licking every inch of his body. She stepped under the frigid spray and squealed. Holy shit was it cold.

“Are you all right?”

Max’s voice boomed from just outside the bathroom door. She shrieked, jumped, and lost her balance. She tried to regain her footing, but the slick shower floor had her scrambling to keep herself upright. Her effort, however, was in vain—she slipped and landed hard on her ass.

It wouldn’t have been so bad if her elbow and head hadn’t also connected with the side and back of the tub. She groaned as she lay there. Both embarrassment and pride kept her from getting up immediately.

The bathroom door flung open. Max rushed to her side, grabbing her fluffy pink towel from the counter on the way.

He turned off the cold water that had been streaming over her head. He picked her up and wrapped the towel around her quickly. Max made her step over the side and sat her on the toilet lid. Sloane’s teeth hadn’t stopped chattering, even though she was out from under the glacial spray. Wrapping her arms around herself tightly, she tried to warm herself. Max knelt in front of her, rubbing his warm, calloused hands up and down her arms and creating a mouthwatering friction, heating her skin wherever his hands were…and some places they weren’t.

“Damn, woman,” he barked. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

She merely looked at him in response. His eyes were wild, worry etched into them. The poor man’s clothes were wrinkled and had wet patches all over them from when he had picked her up.

He had the best lips ever. Sloane was tempted to lean over and lick them to see if they tasted as good as they did last night. He stopped rubbing her arms. The loss of heat pulled a whimper past her lips. He took her chin in his hand, studying her face as he tenderly touched the throbbing spot on the back of her head.

“Thankfully you don’t seem to have done much damage, but you’re gonna have quite the knot and a mother of a headache.”

“Already had the headache,” she murmured with a grimace.

“Come on, I’ll help you to your room.”

Something flashed in Max’s eyes before his body went rigid. He took a visible breath, then closed his eyes as he motioned to her. Glancing down, Sloane found her towel had slipped down far enough to show a
of cleavage and part of her left nipple. Oh my God! Max had just gotten an eyeful of her breast. Come to think of it, he’d pulled her out of the tub. Max had seen
part of her naked. Buck fucking naked. Sloane was mortified.

“Oh. My. God. I’m so sorry, Max!”

She pulled the traitorous towel up, securing it better as she stood. Too bad it left a lot of leg showing that way, but at least it covered everything important.

“You’re sorry?” He cracked an eye open to verify that she was now decent. “I should apologize for bursting in, but I was afraid you knocked yourself out when you didn’t answer me.”

“Thank you. I’m…I’m gonna go get dressed. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

Sloane raced past him, locking the bedroom door behind her. More to keep herself in than to keep him out. After opening her panty drawer, she stopped and stared. What color would get Max’s undivided attention? She groaned at her stupidity. She didn’t need to think about the sexiness that was Max. She needed to figure out what to do about her failing relationship with Brody.

She grabbed a pair of panties at random and the matching bra. After she was finished getting dressed in jeans and a tight t-shirt, she pulled her hair back and secured it with an elastic band. Except for her bangs—they were too short to reach the tie. Without a need to impress the sexy man that had already seen her drunk, hung over, and now naked in a heap at the bottom of her bathtub, she quickly put on some mascara and went to Max.






Maybe he should ask her to use her shower. He needed an ice cold one to control his cock; it pushed against his zipper painfully. He’d barely registered her naked in the tub, he was so worried about her. It wasn’t until he was checking to see if she had broken anything or split anything open that he’d noticed her towel had fallen enough to reveal one perfectly pink nipple. He wanted to lower his head and take the bud between his lips.

He walked out of her bathroom, unsuccessfully brushing the wrinkles from his shirt while making his way back to the kitchen. Once he’d stepped around the corner, he found Brody looking down at the kitchen table. Confusion painted his face at the sight of not one, but two mugs of coffee. His head snapped up when he heard Max’s footsteps.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“What are
doing here?” Max answered. Better to let him think he didn’t know Sloane was this tool bag’s girlfriend.

“This is my girlfriend’s place.”

“Sloane is your girlfriend?”

The look on Brody’s face was a combination of uncertainty and anger. But Max was saved from further inquisition—just then Sloane strode in brushing her bangs from her eyes again.

“Thanks again, Max, I know you weren’t expecting—” She looked up and screeched to a stop. “Brody?”

“Sloane. What the hell is Max doing here?”

“You know each other?” She looked like she was about to hyperventilate. All the color drained from her face. Max wanted to wipe that look off of her face.

“We met the other night, hanging out with Foster.” Max spoke calmly. No telling what this looked like to Brody. Max still had wet spots on his shirt and Sloane obviously had just gotten out of the shower. Add the two cups of coffee and the early hour, and it probably looked like Max had spent the night. Would serve him right. Brody was cheating on her and it sounded like it was nothing new.

What was worse though, was that from Sloane’s phone conversation last night, she knew all about it and still stayed with him. Couldn’t she see this relationship was toxic? She needed a man who knew how to take care of his woman.

“I came by this morning to give Sloane a ride. She was a little too tipsy to drive home last night.”

Brody gave her an accusing look. Hypocrite. “I thought you were at Foster’s last night for dinner? Where the hell were you?”

“I was!”

Max narrowed his eyes. “I was there too. Foster invited me, and good thing too. She’d needed someone to look after her to get home safe.”

“Oh, well I can drive you, sweetheart. Thanks for making sure my girl got home, Max.”

Brody smiled, but the look reminded Max of a snake. His entire demeanor changed. He slithered over to where Sloane stood and wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling her neck. Max felt jealousy well up inside him. He wanted to drill that asshole in the face before plunging his tongue in Sloane’s mouth. He wanted to take her in his arms and show her why she should be with him instead of that dick head. He needed to claim her as his.
. Where did that come from? Max counted backward from five before he felt controlled enough to speak.

“Sure thing. I’ll just be going then since you’ve got a ride. See ya around, Sloane. Later, man.”

BOOK: Best Man For The Job (The Men of Fear Incorporated Book 1)
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