Read Best I Ever Had Online

Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

Tags: #Erotica, #menage, #romance, #anal

Best I Ever Had (4 page)

BOOK: Best I Ever Had
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“What about retribution?” Emma clutched the sheet tight to her chest. “You said it’s all over. You weren’t kidding, were you?”

“It’s over, hon.” Quint nodded and snatched his shirt. “He made too many enemies.” As much as he wanted to throw his arms around Sam, Quint held back. “What’s the rest of the story?”

“I can’t guarantee someone won’t get the idea to take me out, but I doubt they’ll hurt you.” Sam’s shoulders slumped. “The murders you witnessed are the least of Morales’ worries right now. He’s looking at trafficking charges as well as more than twenty counts of murder on gang related charges. I’m not a cop any longer and sure, fringe gang members may try something stupid, but the guys on the force are still my brothers. They’ll keep tabs on us and I’ll continue to guard you. Remember that plot of land we bought down in Morrow County?”

“Yeah, you wanted to refurbish the farm house.” She nodded. “Are we going there?”

“To sort things out. I’ve been away a long time and we need to all get reacquainted without sex.” Sam put his arm around Quint. “All of us.”

“I’m game.” Emma shot off the bed and rummaged through the drawers. Her bottom waggled in the air.

Quint bit the corner of his mouth. “Me, too?” He enjoyed the sex, but sometimes when the heat of the moment cooled, minds changed.

“Get what you want to bring along.” Sam let go of Quint and strolled out of the room.

Quint massaged his temples.
I’ll make the best of it.


Three hours later, Quint sat in the cab of Sam’s truck with Emma snuggled between him and Sam.

“You haven’t said anything since we left the apartment.” Although he curled his arm around Emma, Sam squeezed Quint’s shoulder. “What’s on your mind?”

Funny Sam should ask. Quint shifted in his seat. So many questions and more than a few answers he preferred not to know the answers to. “I’d love to know a lot of things. First, how did you know? Hell, how did she know?”

“Know what?” Sam flexed the fingers of his left hand on the steering wheel. “About us? She eavesdropped. No biggie.”

“No, that she’d be okay with this. I’ve lived with her for the past six months. Emma could’ve pushed so many times, but she didn’t. She stayed faithful to you.” Quint bit back the sour taste in his mouth. “What if today was a fluke? How do you know things won’t change because the threat of death is gone? I’m not important if there’s nothing to protect her from.”

Emma shifted and rested her head on Quint’s lap. Quint cleared his throat, not to wake her, but buy time to think. “I wanted her. God knew I wanted to take her up on every quiet suggestion to make love to her. But I didn’t. Why? Because I was scared that if I took things to a new level, you’d rearrange my face. I couldn’t live with myself if I fucked up all our lives.”

“Today wasn’t a fluke and you didn’t fuck anything up.” Sam turned onto the gravel drive and parked. “We’d talked about it before. She tiptoed around you because she knew you and I had a history. I never told her everything, but as she said, she figured it out.”

A dull ache built behind Quint’s eyes. Em’s smarts outwitted the both of them. “I’m scared, Sam. I don’t know what to do or think. For all I knew, you could’ve been dead. I love Emma, but I love you more and now I’m scared shitless you’re going to get us to this damned farmhouse and leave my ass.” He fought back tears. No matter how much air he dragged into his lungs, he couldn’t breathe. “I love you.”

Sam turned off the truck and leaned against the interior of the truck door without saying a word. He drew circles on Emma’s thigh with his fingers. The longer Sam remained quiet, the more Quint’s heart sank. He’d said the words—admitted he loved Sam. Nothing.

Sam stared Quint straight in the eye. “The truth of the matter is I didn’t want to lose either of you. I’d have protected you and Emma with my life, but when Gladys Johnson’s family asked me to help the investigation, I jumped. Maybe I was wrong, but putting you and Em together helped me to see how much I cared for the both of you. Knowing you were keeping her safe helped me do my job. Crazy but true.”

“I don’t understand you, sometimes, but I trust you.” Quint smoothed a lock of her hair between his fingers. “I love you, Sam. Always have. The more time I spend with Em, the more I love her, too. That’s what’s crazy. I’ve always been so jealous of what you two had, but I’m not anymore.” His heart slammed against his ribs. The weight on his shoulders lessened with his admission. There was a chance for a future—if she went along with the permanent threesome.

“I love Emma. She’s my wife and my soul—you know that. But as much as I care for her, I love you, too. You’re more than my best friend. You’re the other third that makes me whole. Think about it. You and I weren’t really happy unless we were fucking. Em and I had the sex, yeah, but we also have a strong friendship. Put all of that together and we can have the world.”

Emma sighed and sat up. Her hair stuck out in tangles about her shoulders and sleep filled her eyes. “We can have whatever we want—in the house. It’s late. I’m still tired and even if sex in the truck is hot, I want to head inside.” She tapped Sam on the arm. “Let’s go or I’ll make you carry me.”

Sam opened the door and let her out. Quint followed behind the pair and closed the front door so he could stay outside. The quiet comfort of the farmhouse served as the one safe place where they could exist. A shudder ran up his spine. The farmhouse could be the one place where things fell apart. God, why did he keep second-guessing himself?

The door creaked. “Hey.” Emma wrapped her arms around his bicep. “The bed is inside.”

“I know.”

“I told you, it’s no secret, you two being together.” Emma smoothed her hair from her eyes. “I knew what was going on the whole time. After I walked in on you two, I listened. When you thought I wasn’t paying attention, you masturbated and called out his name. I’ve always known the bond between you wasn’t just friendship and I never saw you as competition.”

“You didn’t?”

“Nope.” She shrugged. “You have no reason to worry about Sam. He’s loyal and once he gives his heart, it’s forever. Besides, if I can’t trust either of you, who can I trust?”

Her logic made sense but, damn it, Quint couldn’t buy into it one hundred percent. “What do you want, sweets? What are you trying to tell us?”

“Come inside.” She tugged his arm and led him into the farmhouse. Sam’s grin faded, but he didn’t say anything.

“You asked me what I want—to see you and Sam kiss.” She waggled her finger at them. “I want to see it again.”

“Yeah?” Sam’s brow furrowed. “Em?”

Oh for God’s sake. Quint tossed his bag on the floor and wrapped the fingers of one hand around the back of Sam’s neck. He fastened his mouth on Sam’s, loving the taste of cola and mint on Sam’s tongue. Sam opened to Quint and captured Quint in his embrace. Quint swallowed Sam’s moan. Yes, he wanted to let loose with Sam more than anything. If Emma wanted to watch…perfect.

Quint shoved one hand up under Sam’s shirt. He smoothed his fingers through the smattering of hairs on Sam’s chest. Nothing beat touching Sam and getting lost in those blue eyes.

“Wow.” Emma’s voice filtered through the heady thoughts swirling in his brain. “I feel like I’m an interloper again, but this is so hot.”

Quint inched away from his lover and licked his lips. She felt like the odd person out? No more.

“Em? Come here.” Quint tugged her flush against his chest and kissed her with the same passion, but without Sam’s roughness. Emma’s breasts pillowed against his pecs. She wound her arms around his neck and deepened the connection. Damn. He should’ve acted on his desire for her earlier. She touched with tenderness and loved with passion like he’d never felt before. Another set of arms threaded around them, binding them all together.

Quint opened his eyes long enough to wink at Sam. Sam grinned and brushed Emma’s hair from her shoulder.

“I’m dead. Have to be,” Emma panted. “This is too much and so good.”

“Bedroom, now.” With them both in his embrace, Sam walked them from the living room into the first floor bedroom.

Emma shrugged out of the sundress she’d donned before they left the apartment. Sam ripped his shirt up over his head and shucked his jeans. Quint chuckled. He loved the no-nonsense way Emma and Sam got right to business. He wound his fingers through her hair and tilted her head back, displaying her neck. With his other hand on her hip, he kissed and sucked on her skin.

“Fucking hot,” Quint panted.

“He’s overdressed.” Emma disengaged from Sam then sashayed to Quint’s side. She tugged the hem of his shirt up over his head and left the garment on the floor. She suckled on his nipple while Sam popped Quint’s fly.

“Fuck, yes.” Quint threaded his fingers in Emma’s hair. “More, baby.” She scraped her teeth against Quint’s nipple, sending shockwaves through his body.

She released him with a pop then knelt at his feet. “Which one of you is the top?”

“Either.” Quint shrugged and stepped out of his pants. “We go either way.”

Emma giggled and shoved the denim out of the way. “I noticed.” She rubbed her cheek on his cock then scampered up onto the bed. “Kiss. Again. Turn me on. I want to watch, then I want Quint in me while you’re in him, Sam.”

“You’re sure, Em?” Sam reached out and massaged her ankle. “I can’t wait, but I’m not pushing you if you change your mind.”

“I’m very sure.” She wriggled out of her panties. “If we’re going to be three, then everything needs to be equal.”

Quint pressed against Sam and bumped noses. “I’d like equal, too.” Quint sucked Sam’s bottom lip into his mouth and invaded Sam’s mouth with his tongue. He reveled in the completion he found in Sam’s arms.

Sam’s erection bobbed against Quint’s. Sam wrapped his fingers around both cocks, drawing a whimper deep from Quint’s throat. Sweet Jesus. He loved hands on his dick. “Fuck.”

“Quint, lick your way down his chest.” Emma’s voice broke through Quint’s Sam-induced haze.

Quint bent over enough and licked the hills and valleys of Sam’s chest. He loved the way Sam smelled, the right hint of sweat, cologne and sex.

“Stop.” Emma groaned. “So good.”

Quint rose to his full height and held Sam against his chest. “We turn you on?”

“I like to watch.” She shrugged and slid her fingers over her bare pussy. “Seeing you two in action is almost as hot as making love to Sam.”

Sam kissed Quint’s neck. “Then let’s give her the show of her life.”

A fresh rush of tingles shot up Quint’s spine. He groaned. He loved when Sam took the role of the dominant. Hell, he loved Sam. Quint buried his face in Sam’s neck, breathing in his spicy scent. Call him a cock whore, but the feeling of Sam taking him hard always drove him out of his mind.

“Yes, Sir.” Quint stood up straight. “I’m yours.”

Sam grinned. “Good boy. Emma?”

She stopped touching herself and scurried to the edge of the bed. “Yes, Sir.”

“Come here. I want us both to taste him.” Sam nudged Emma to her knees. “Get him nice and wet.”

“Yes, Sir.” She wrapped her lips around Quint’s cock, enveloping him in her heat. At the same time, she caressed his balls. The sizzles in his veins strengthened. Who knew having her going down on him while Sam touched Quint would make him so crazy?

“Sam,” Quint moaned. “Damn.”

“Sir worked just fine a moment ago.” Sam reached around Quint and threaded his fingers into her hair. “Fuck her pretty mouth.”

Emma hummed, vibrating Quint’s dick. He closed his eyes and swayed in and out of her mouth. His sac slapped against her chin. Sam kissed Quint’s shoulder and scraped the fevered skin with his teeth. His love for Emma grew with each thrust. Good thing she loved him, too.

“Sweet Jesus,” Quint groaned. He pulled her hair, quickening the pace. “So good.” Shivers skated up his spine.


The one word command yanked Quint out of his quick foray into subspace. His eyes popped open. Enough? Sam knew Quint’s limits quite well—too well. Quint aborted a sigh and held still. Emma licked him once more then stared up at Sam. She wiped the corners of her mouth with her index finger.

“Love that, babe.” Sam offered his hand and helped her to the bed. “On your knees with that sexy ass presented to us. Quint’s going to take your ass while I fuck him.”

“Yes, Sir.” Emma winked and sashayed to the bed. She took the commanded position and waved her bottom. Sam rewarded her with two hard slaps on her ass. A rosy handprint appeared in his wake.

Quint didn’t wait for further instruction. He grabbed the lube and a condom from his bag then rolled the rubber down his cock. He stroked a couple of times to get himself nice and slick. A chuckle bubbled in his throat. All the times he’d thought about fucking Emma came to mind. So many missed opportunities all in account of Sam—Quint refused to cheat on his lover. Besides, she belonged to Sam. But now they were a threesome. Quint nodded once. She belonged to him as well. Sam and Emma both held onto his heart and they were going to have the time of their lives.

“Go ahead. Fuck her.” Sam nudged Quint forward. “Go on.”

Quint guided his cock into her asshole, pushing past the tight ring of muscle. Emma bore down on him. He gasped at the tension in her body. Each time he withdrew, she grabbed him and pulled him back in. Emma writhed on his dick and moaned.

“Feels so good.” She arched her back and her hair slipped over her shoulders. Her head lolled and she ground her ass on him. “More. Please?”

Oh, he’d give her more. Quint held onto her hips and seesawed faster. Her sweet grip on his cock nearly drove him mad.

“That’s so fucking sexy.” Sam pressed against Quint’s back and rocked. Sam’s erection slipped between Quint’s ass cheeks. “Do you want me?”

“Yes,” Quint bit out. His skin burned and his balls ached. No way in hell would he be able to keep in the climax and Sam hadn’t entered him. The love in his heart overflowed for both Sam and Emma. He’d found his home—with them.

“Yes, what?” Sam emphasized his question with a swat on Quint’s bottom.

“Yes, Sir.” Quint blew out a long breath and drove deep into Emma.

BOOK: Best I Ever Had
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