Read Bedding the Geek Tycoon Online

Authors: Desiree Crimson

Bedding the Geek Tycoon (2 page)

BOOK: Bedding the Geek Tycoon
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His tone of voice sparked anger within her. “Oh, so you’re telling me what to do now?”

“Yes,” he said, “I am.”

And then Ryan shoved her against the wall. Her shoulders hit first. He pressed his hips against hers, forcing her ass against the wall, and she could feel the press of him through their jeans. He ground it into her hip. It hurt, and still she wanted more.

But not on

He grabbed her wrists, and she twisted, breaking his grip. Ryan grabbed them again, forcing them beside her head.

Jenn brought her knee between them to shove him back. He took a quick step away—nothing like the threat of leg versus crotch to inspire a guy to move—and she seized the opportunity to turn things around.

She bunched her fists in his shirt and tore. Buttons popped, fabric ripped, and his shirt was suddenly wide open.

Jenn used her grip to push him against the opposite wall, knocking a picture onto the floor, and stretch up to kiss him. She shoved her tongue into his mouth and her hands tangled in his hair.

For a heartbeat—only a heartbeat—he responded with an equally passionate kiss. And then he fisted her ponytail and jerked her head back. He pulled harder and harder until he bowed her spine and she was staring at the opposite wall from upside down. Her heart thundered in her chest.

“I told you,” Ryan said through clenched teeth, “that we’re doing it
my way

His hand spread across her belly, sliding up under her tank top, cupping her ribcage. Jenn wasn’t a small woman, but Ryan’s hand was so big it felt like he could envelop her entire side.

Her shirt went with his hand, and he dropped to his knees without releasing her ponytail.

“Let me go,” she ordered.

He pressed his mouth to her stomach below the navel, and his silent laugh hummed through her body. His mouth was hot on her skin, but the kisses he laid across her flesh just above her shorts were gentle in contrast to the way he was handling her.

“No… I don’t think so.”

A twitch of his fingers, and she felt the button on her shorts pop open. Against her will, she spread her knees, teetering on the edge of her balance, a hairsbreadth from falling over.

Another kiss on the skin that had been covered by her shorts. A flick of tongue.

“Ryan,” she sighed.

He growled, grabbing the belt of her shorts and jerking. Cold air shocked against her ass, protected only by a pair of underwear.

She felt vulnerable being so bare in front of him when he was still clothed. Jenn couldn’t see him, couldn’t move. She was helpless to do anything but let him fist her underwear and render her entire lower half naked.

His lips pressed to her mound, and she shuddered. The kiss would have been chaste, almost like a casual peck between friends, if it hadn’t for the location. Ryan’s lips trailed down, and something wet slid between her nether lips to flick against her clit.

Jenn gasped, voice cracking. It quickly became a deep, throaty groan as his tongue worked against her pussy, running back and forth over it with skill. Then her muscles did what they had been threatening to do for the last several minutes and gave out.

She hit the floor unceremoniously.


Ryan sat back on his knees and laughed. It was a gentle, companionable laugh, with no hint of mocking in it, but Jenn felt herself flush anyway. She felt stupid sprawled out on the floor in just her tank top.

She reached up a hand and he took it, helping pull her up. “It’s your fault I fell,” Jenn said.

He didn’t let her stand. He tugged until she slipped into his lap, her knees on either side of his thighs. “I’ll take that as a compliment,” Ryan murmured into the side of her throat as she pushed his shirt over his shoulders and threw it aside.

Jenn spread her hands across the muscles of his chest. A layer of hair covered his chest and trailed down his abs, disappearing below the belt of his jeans. How many times had she imagined what he looked like under all those stupid polo shirts? It was even better than she could have dreamed.

He reached in between them, and she heard the jangling of his belt coming undone. Jenn leaned back to tear off her own shirt, then reached forward to kiss Ryan again.

He stopped her with a hand on her chin, running his thumb across her lip. Ryan smiled. She scowled. “What?”

Instead of responding, he freed himself from his jeans, and Jenn immediately tried to push onto his cock. Ryan’s fingers gripped her ass. She twisted her hips, trying to move down, but he squeezed tight and held her in place. “Patience,” he growled again.

“Fuck your patience.” Jenn strained to kiss him, but he turned his head and bit her shoulder instead. His teeth sunk into her flesh, and the sharp, sudden pain sent agonizing pleasure rippling through her body.

Her head fell back.


He released his jaw slowly, licking the spot he had bitten. It was animalistic, possessive, and it felt dirty in the best way imaginable. Jenn struggled to press herself against him, but still he held her in place.

“Do you have condoms?” he murmured, voice low and rough.

Condoms. Right. It took Jenn more than a few seconds to put together enough brainpower to answer the question. “Yeah,” she said, “I think?”

“I sure as hell hope you do,” Ryan said, his eyes burning holes through her.

Jenn’s legs wobbled as she got up and hurried into her bedroom. She kept the temperature at a steady seventy-two in her apartment, but she still felt freezing without his touch. Fumbling through her underwear drawer, she came up with a box of condoms that couldn’t be more than a couple years old (she hoped).

Ryan was waiting for her right outside the door.

She gasped, and he grabbed her wrist, pushing her against the wall by the door, burying his face in her shoulder and biting again. Jenn groaned at the mingled pain and pleasure.

“Open it,” he growled against her throat.

Jenn could barely make her fingers work. Somehow, she managed to rip the package open. She pulled it out. Ryan backed up a little, and she got her first good look at his erect cock.

He was
. And he was uncut. It shocked her into silence.

“I’ll take that as a compliment, too,” he said. “Put it on.”

He didn’t have to tell her twice. Jenn placed the condom on the head of his engorged cock and rolled it down, running her hands along his shaft. He was both velvety and hard. She wanted to touch him, lick him, and Jenn sank to her knees. She had never wanted anyone so badly before.

He stopped her from dropping. She blushed.

“Sorry,” Jenn started to say, although she wasn’t sure what she was apologizing for. He shoved her against the wall before she could speak, lifting her weight entirely off the floor with two burly arms under each knee. Ryan’s appendage pressed heavy and huge against the side of her leg.

“I’ve waited too long,” he said. He pushed the head inside her. After so long without sex, the tip alone stretched her soaked pussy. Her head banged against the wall behind her, and Jenn made a whimpering sound despite herself. “Are you okay?”

She nodded wordlessly, shutting her eyes. “Don’t stop.”

As he pushed the rest of the way inside her, the entire world reduced to the place their bodies intertwined.

Ryan pulled out slowly, every wide inch sliding out with infuriating control. It almost hurt a little, as though he had taken her virginity for a second time, but the pain was exquisite. The room around her was thrown into sharp clarity with each little twinge and blurring in turn with the beating of her heart.

He cupped her head between his hands, turning her gently until Jenn was looking up at him. Ryan was looking at her—through her. “Watch me, Jenn,” he said, and then he shoved himself inside her again, and her back arched.

She couldn’t touch him enough. Jenn grabbed at his neck, his shoulders, his back, wrapping her legs around his waist as though she could pull him into her deeper and deeper. Ryan felt so good. She wanted to devour him.

The beginnings of an orgasm were already creeping up on her, making her toes clench and breath turn ragged. Jenn couldn’t focus. She could barely even breathe.

Ryan pumped in and out of her. He gave a deep grunt with every thrust, and the sound was as delicious as the rest of him. “Ryan,” she breathed, pressing her face into his neck. “Ryan, I’m going to—”

She didn’t get a chance to finish her thought before ecstasy sent her plummeting over the edge.

A scream ripped out of her throat. Her nails buried into his biceps. Her heels dug into his back. He thrust harder, and his growls mingled with her cries. Shudder after shudder ripped through Jenn’s body.

,” he groaned, and then with a final roar, he spent himself inside her.

The release slowly drained from her body. Ryan kept her pinned to the wall without moving.

As soon as the orgasm faded, she felt like she was going to pass out. Her sixteen hour work day suddenly clobbered her with exhaustion. She hadn’t been sleeping enough, or drinking enough coffee, and sex completely wiped her out.

Her head drooped onto his shoulder. He gave a low chuckle.

Ryan swept her into his arms and carried her into her bedroom. She barely managed to hold onto him in her post-orgasmic haze, hands wrapped around his neck and her head on his shoulder. He stepped sideways through her doorway and settled her on the bed—a California king Jenn had bought in the hopes she might get to do something on it someday.

She sank into the mattress with a sigh. Some part of her was disappointed in her reaction; if she had been more conscious, she would have pounced him again. But languor was spreading through her body, warm and fluid, and her disappointment at how short of a time she had lasted was only tempered by the hope that she would have plenty of opportunities to explore Ryan’s body later.

Jenn was only half-aware as he tugged the over her body. Ryan sat at her side long enough to bend down and brush a kiss over her lips. The bed shifted, and she threw a hand out, touching his hip.

“Don’t go,” she mumbled.

A pause.

“Okay.” Ryan sank against her back. His arm coiled around her, warm and as solid as steel. He enveloped her, his legs curving into hers.

Jenn tried to thank him, but she felt so safe, so warm, that she spiraled into the dark warmth of sleep immediately.


This was a terrible idea.

The longer that Ryan Stone lay curled around Jenn’s back, the harder it was going to be to get up. He could tell. He could already feel every single wall within him starting to melt.

When Professor Pratt told him that Jenn was his best hope to crack the uncrackable code, he had flashed back to college. Hard.

Jennifer MacLennan—star pupil and sexiest student in his classes. As the teacher’s research assistant, he wasn’t supposed to be interested in students on a social level. Definitely not a sexual level.

But trying to write algorithms with those long legs kicked up on the desk of the computer lab was not easy. Grading papers while she chewed on the end of her writing utensil was even harder. It made him think about sticking other things in those plump lips—things that would enjoy the darting, sliding pink tip of her tongue a lot more than a Bic pen.

He hadn’t dared speak to her at the time, just in case he completely came undone, but he had watched her. Closely. Years later, he still hadn’t forgotten the way her nerdy video game t-shirts clung to her perky tits or the smell of her womanly musk as she brushed past his desk.

Ryan was used to having any woman he wanted. Jenn MacLennan was an exercise in self-control he didn’t know he had.

Having the opportunity dropped in his lap to see her again after so many years…

The present day Jenn rubbed against him with a sleepy sigh, hips pivoting to rub the globes of her ass against his pelvis. God
. Even when she was sleeping, she was sexy as hell. As if her hot little body wasn’t enough of a clue, Ryan just had a feeling that Jenn was going to be a lot of trouble.

He could only hope that her trouble would be worth it.

Carefully extricating himself, he slipped away silently to keep from disturbing her. She moaned into her pillow. His erection promptly stiffened.

“Damn,” he muttered, watching her from the doorway for a long moment. With the pale moonlight spilling from her windows, she was a long-limbed goddess tangled in her sweaty bed sheets.

He would have loved to get her even more tangled and sweatier.


Ryan left the door open a crack, picked up his pants, and headed down the hall to her second bedroom.

He had checked the floor plans of the Grayson Heights Condominiums before calling Jenn, so he knew the other room would be tucked behind her bathroom. He also knew, before unlocking her door with the brass key poorly hidden on top of the door’s molding, where her power outlets were most likely to be located, as well as the windows.

Without having to see it, Ryan had a pretty clear mental image of Jenn’s server room.

But when he opened the door, he still let out a gusting breath of shock.

She had two rows of racks filled with blade servers. Some were expensive IBM and Sun equipment; others looked homebrewed. Fans whirred. The ghostly blue glow of LEDs lit his path as he headed to the terminal in the back.

It must have been enough computing power to crack even Turner Industry’s security.

“You are as scary as you are sexy, Miss MacLennan,” he muttered under his breath, inserting the thumb drive from his pocket into the USB port of her terminal.

The light on it flashed. As soon as it stopped, he extracted it. It only took a second—his virus was a speedy bug.

A twinge of guilt twisted his gut as he locked the server room door behind him again, but he quickly suppressed it.

Ryan hadn’t taken charge of Turner Industries by letting petty things like ethics bother him.

He started to dress, fully intending to slip out of the apartment and call Jenn the next day. But he couldn’t seem to get past her bedroom door. Through the crack, he could see that she had kicked off the sheets, and every inch of her naked body was bared to the bedroom.

BOOK: Bedding the Geek Tycoon
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