Read Bad Romance Online

Authors: L Kirk,Bonnie Bliss

Bad Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Bad Romance
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I hate to be a narcissist, but I could fuck any chick that blinked, thanks. I reached over and trailed my fingers down her spine. A slurred series of words came out of Clara’s mouth, followed by a giggle. She squirmed and I easily moved her over onto my chest without exposing any part of her to the cameras. I also managed to avoid seeing her tits. That could possibly be the death of me. The great thing about a roofie. They would still function in a way, while being out of it.

“Oh, Clara, wanna fuck?” I whispered in her ear.

“Dax?” she slurred.

This was so gonna work out.

I nodded before tipping her chin up to look in my eyes. Her heavy-lidded gaze hit me like a sledgehammer. Her lips curved up and this goofy, yet oddly sexy grin lapsed all rational thought before she slipped the rest of her body on top of me, straddling me, and she managed to sit up. The seam of her very short shorts ground against the length of my cock and I groaned. She walked fingers up my chest and my eyes pinned right on her gorgeous tits.

Fuck, I was so screwed.

They had to be DDs. They jiggled and bounced with her clumsy movements.

So, pretty, so so pretty.” She leaned forward and started to laugh, her hair making a curtain of our faces. She was so close. God, so were her boobs. The tops brushed against my chin and I was done for. I wrapped an arm around her back, pulling her in against me. She yelped and whimpered my name before my mouth sucked in one of her tight little buds. Lord help me she tasted good. I cupped her other boob with my free hand, pinching the nipple between my index and middle finger. She ground her hips against my dick and I swear I was this close to losing my shit and fucking her right here. Fuck the video, Clara was responsive, soft, b
eautiful, and I wanted her now.

Her fingers tangled in my hair and I lazily trailed my tongue up her chest, along her collarbone. I nipped at her shoulder, finally catching her earlobe.

“Dax!” she cried out.

I swear it was like a chorus of fucking angels.

“That’s it, baby. Take it, you can come, come for me.” I growled against her neck.

I went back to work on her tits, and just as I was getting lost, my free hand trailing down our fronts, I worked at the buttons and zipper of her shorts, Tamara had to open her fucking mouth.

Um, Dax, Todd has called three
times in a row, and now four.”

“Fuck him,” I mumbled against Clara’s sweet nipple. I caught it between my teeth and tugged. Her fingers gripped my hair harder as she rolled her hips, catching my dick. Yep, I was going to fuck a drugged girl.

A dirty evil fucker indeed.

Pounding at the door knocked me right out of my lust-filled stupor.

“Dax! What the fuck are you doing to Clara?”

The pounding continued and then slamming.

“Clara, talk to me. Come on, hon,” Todd shouted through the door.

Hon? He was fucking calling her hon? Oh, fuck no.

I growled and shoved a hand down Clara’s shorts. Cupping her mound, my finger slid through her moist slit. She was panting, mewling out my name. I found her tight little bundle of nerves quickly and her hips jerked forward. I pinned her against me with my arm wrapped around her. I looked up into her face and she gave me that smile again, her lazy, drugged gaze glazed over. I was hit with a raw guilt in that instant. My heart seemed to stall in my chest as I looked up at the girl I’d thought I would have forever, the girl I was sure I would marry and would help me escape my fate.

My finger was still working her wet little clit and I felt her start to get tense all over, her hips moving against me faster. I’d no experience with roofies but I’d no clue a girl could get so worked up like this.

“That’s a girl. Come, come all over my finger, baby,” I growled out. I was a fucking animal for this woman.

Come she did. She pulled my hair, nails scoured down my arm, and I didn’t give a fuck.

“Mine.” I moved my arm up her back, gripped the back of her neck and kissed her hard, claiming. Her mouth didn’t work with mine but what the fuck did I care? No one was touching this woman while I was alive. I pulled my mouth away with a groan.

“I missed you so much, Dax.”

Then she collapsed, just as the door to the attic burst open and Todd came hauling his lovesick ass up the stairs. Little did that son of a bitch goodie two shoes know, he never had Clara. I always would.

I watched as Todd took in the scene. A wicked grin pulled into my lips and I said it again, this time in my head.

Carefully I set Clara to the other side of the bed, keeping her chest down so no one would see her. I know I didn’t make a lot of sense, protecting her while drugging and molesting her so I could fuck up her rep. Yeah, well I’m a complicated asshole, learn it now. I didn’t expect to give a shit about Clara, so I would have to rethink my play here. Slowly, in all my naked glory, I rose from the bed.

Todd was seething. His jaw clenched, his hands balled into fists at his side.

“She was fucking drunk, you son of a bitch,” he snarled and he did something I never thought Todd would have the balls to do. He hooked me with a right, then when I was slightly still in shock, down came my head on his knee. The pain was real. I rolled on the ground laughing while he looked down at me like some kind of white knight for his wronged virgin princess.

She begged
for it, Todd. Get off my shit.”

“She was fucking drugged!”

I grunted as another kick came at my gut. Fuck, he really was being all chivalrous and shit. It was so absurd that this dickhead really thought he would ever have Clara. So I started to laugh. It came out struggled at first. I mean, the douche did just kick me while I was down—quite literally. Getting to my feet, I staggered back. I came forward, grabbed Todd by the throat, and pulled him close.

Did you really
think she would ever be yours?”

I turned to the side and spit. A mixture of phlegm and blood smacked against the floor next to Tamara’s foot.

“That’s fucking disgusting, Dax.”

I shrugged, still pinning my gaze to Todd, who stared me right back down. I have to say, the kid had balls. Really big ones that were gonna get rammed to his throat if he kept pushing the Clara issue. I wiped off my mouth with the back of my hand and brushed an index finger under Todd’s nose.

“Smell that?”

Todd didn’t even flinch, but he knew. Oh, yeah, he fucking knew.

“She came on MY finger. She will always come for me.”

I gave him a firm smack to the cheek and moved around him, grabbing up my shorts and slipping them on. I looked down at a sleeping Clara. I rubbed my fingers against my chest. There was that fucking guilt again. Looking over at Todd, I smirked.

“Get her out of my fucking house.”

And I marched down the steps, grabbed a beer and headed out to the backyard, the feel of Clara all over me still. Her smell and her sexy moans. Taking a very long chug of my brew, I knew it before I even said it out loud.

“I’m so fucked.”



Chapter Five





Throbbing, uncontrolled agony pounded into my head as some loud obnoxious music thrust me out of my numb slumber.

Bang Bang
by Jessie J and two other female singers I didn’t know seemed to be screaming at me through the speakers of my phone. I popped an eye open, and if one could glare at something with one eye not even fully open, this would be what I was doing to my phone right now. I didn’t even have that song on my phone, much less as a ringtone.

It stopped.

Ha! There was a god.

Just as I closed my eye and went to bury my head back in my pillow, the song went off again, in all its hangover thriving glory. Grunting and slapping the phone before I slid the screen to answer, I pressed the speaker option and tried to curl away from the person on the other end. I had a really, really bad feeling.

“Good morning, sunshine.”

The deep, masculine rumble did things to my body. Moreso than before. Literally, phantom touching coasted all over my body. Particularly, my nipples and clit seemed to scream out in joy at the sounds that came out of that man’s voice box. I tried to pretend it wasn’t there. That it didn’t do things to me hearing Dax Trenton all grown up, hot as all get-up, and calling me with a good morning. I also didn’t forget that he hated me for some reason and had no memory of me at all.

“Oh, come on, little girl. You aren’t giving me the silent treatment, are you? Not after last night.” He chuckled.

Did alpha males chuckle? No, he kinda like growl-laughed into the phone and let me just say, I didn’t miss the mocking in his tone.

“Actually I’m trying to figure out if I want to kill you Dexter style or Hannibal Lector style.” My throat felt like sand paper. I rolled back over and spotted the glass of water and the bottle of Tylenol on my bedside table.

The heavens were looking down on me.

As I started to sit up, it was like someone repeatedly hit me in the head with a sledge hammer. Goddamn, I knew I’d been drugged as I was starting to black out, but hell, what was I drugged with?

Ah, are you telling me you would eat me, little girl? I had no clue a goodie goodie like you would be t
hat fucking kinky.” He laughed.

My glare was pinned solely on the phone which the voice of Satan was coming out of.

“I was swinging more towards Dexter. Watching you bleed to death wrapped in Saran Wrap just has this joyful appeal at the moment.” I reached for the glass of water, and popped the bottle of Tylenol open after somehow aligning the arrow with my still drugged brain.

How the fuck was I supposed to get through class today?

Shit, class.

I groaned as I swallowed two pills and fell back on the bed. Laughter on the other end of the line came through my speakers and made me go all aglow again. Stop it, lady puss between my legs, you ain’t having none of that.

“So violent, little girl. I may have underestimated you.”

I looked at the time on my phone. Eight forty-five. Great. Enough time to shower and become human again.

Sighing, I looked up at my ceiling. “Why are you calling me, Dax?”

“Don’t say my name, you haven’t earned it. Call me Mr. Trenton.”

I rolled my eyes and just as I opened my mouth to retort, my door opened and all six-two of Todd came striding into my room like he owned the place. Shit, I didn’t have a bra on. I knew this because my left boob kept trying to side boob its way out of my tank top. I squealed and threw the comforter over my head.

“Good, you’re awake.” Todd’s cheerful morning lilt hit my annoy button. How could anyone be this chipper after drinking the night before? “I was coming in to get you up, make sure you got to class.”

I waited for my body to find the tingle. You know that hunger it got for a-holes like Dax. But nothing.

“Todd,” Dax growled from the speaker of my phone. “What the fuck are you doing there?”

Silence stretched for so long I thought Dax had hung up and Todd had left. Heck, I would’ve hidden in a closet at that tone from Dax.

I slowly started to drop the comforter and peeked over the top and saw Todd’s handsome face curled up in a scowl at my phone.

“Bye, Dax.”

He reached down and hit the end button just as Dax started to threaten every child Todd would ever have if he hung up on him. The room fell silent and I shrank back under the sheets again.

“Oh no you don’t, sweetheart.”

There it was. My body got all warm, and my nipples perked up. The fact that he still used the term sweetheart was so flipping amazing I wanted to kiss him. That was until my sheets were ripped from my body. I squealed and tried to scramble for a blanket, but Todd tossed them across the room, leaving me with swaying boobs and panties.

“Shit,” I mumbled and crossed my arms over my chest.

Todd leaned against my large window frame. He crossed his arms and legs in that lazy fashion that made me seriously consider if the man was real or not.

“I saw it all when I helped you home last night,” he smiled. Oh, and he waggled his brows at me suggestively.

I could feel my body turning red on his stare. Yet still he kept his eyes on me and didn’t try to seduce me with his gaze like other men did. A certain level of respect bloomed to life inside me. Deciding that the virgin innocent act was tired and overdone, I dropped my arms. I felt the weight of my boobs and wished I just slept in a bra. Todd pushed off the wall and took a seat on my bed. It dipped and my body shifted to move closer.

“Sorry about Dax. Normally he’s not so—”


“I was gonna say douchey, but shitty works too.” He laughed and I joined him.

I scooted down the bed a little and dropped my legs over the side to sit next to him.

BOOK: Bad Romance
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