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Authors: Avril Ashton

Back for More (5 page)

BOOK: Back for More
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“I don’t have feelings for you.”

The weak denial didn’t warrant a response. “You had
me on my knees between your legs, do you remember?” He palmed his stiffening
cock through his jeans. “You know how much I love that, eating your pussy,
rubbing my face in your juices, and you had me on my knees until my jaw ached,
until my knees cramped.” And he hadn’t complained, because he’d loved every
second of it.

“You were so wet,” he said, squeezing his erection.
“Love when you get like that. Like a fucking slip and slide, that pussy.” He
closed his eyes on a shudder. “Do you remember? Tell me you remember.”

“Yes,” she whispered.

His pulse skipped when he heard her tone.
She was fucking aroused. “I bet you’re all kinds of
wet, right now, aren’t you?” He didn’t wait for her to answer. “Touch yourself.
Do it.”

He expected resistance; he expected denials. What he
didn’t expect was Indy’s soft cry in his ear, needy and wanton.

“Oh, God.”

quickly unzipped his jeans and pulled his cock free. “I’m touching myself,” he said.
“Got my cock in my hand, right here.
All for you.
Got me needing you something fierce, wishing I
could be there, drop between your thighs and feed my cock into you.” He pumped
his shaft, hips lifting to drive into his fist. “Nice and slow like you like,
fill you up.
Top to bottom.”

“Ah, God.”
voice quivered. “I can’t.
fucking do this to

He swallowed a groan. “I’ll do this and more,
because you want it—” He dropped his voice an octave. “And because you need

She inhaled.

“Now three fingers, fill that pussy up.”

Indy moaned, the sweetest sound, like victory how it
washed over him. “Oh. Oh God. That’s—shit, it’s so good.”

“It’s better than good.” Reno grinned. “You feel how
tight that cunt is, huh? Do you feel how wet you get? Fuck yourself, pretend
those are my fingers and fuck
on them.” He
pushed his jeans lower down his legs and pumped his cock. Pre-cum slicked him,
and he pressed his thumb into the slit, the blunt nail on his finger scraping
him and sending pain scattering down his spine. He gritted his teeth. “Tell
tell me how it feels when I fuck you. Tell me how you
miss my cock, because my cock damn sure missed you.”

She moaned for him, a helpless sound. “I miss you.
Feeling you inside me.”
Her breath hitched, and then she
spoke again, the words shuddering out. “Miss your touch.” She went silent, save
for the heavy breathing.

“I’ve got my cock in my hands for you,” Reno said.
“I’m fucking my fists, wishing it was your body. That wet heat, I love it.”
Eyes sliding shut, he thrust into his fist.

“Touch your balls,” Indy said. “Pull on them, hard,
like I do.” He did, gasping, and she sighed. “I miss it, you on your hands and
knees, me fucking you deep with my strap-on.”

Reno’s sphincter clenched at her words, and he
nodded even though she couldn’t see. “Yes,” he whispered. “I want that. I miss
it.” Not once had he ever felt weird for wanting to be used that way. She’d
made it okay for him, nothing off the table when it came to the two of them. He
damn sure missed that freedom.

“Lick your finger.” Indy panted in his ear. “Touch
your hole.”

Reno tugged his jeans all the way down, pulling off
one of the legs completely, then spread wide. After sucking on his right index,
he brought it to his hole, tapping at the wrinkled entrance before dipping the
tip inside.

“Fuck,” he grunted. “It’s been so long.”

Indy spoke faster. “Fuck yourself, want to hear you

hissed when he screwed the finger in despite the claustrophobic tightness.

, so good.”
He moved the
finger back and forth, easing the way as his hips worked. “Oh God, please.” He
tugged his cock. The pleasure was too much. His balls hurt. His spine itched.

“Yes,” Indy cried out. “Fuck, I’m coming.”

He slammed the finger in and pulled harder on his
cock. “Do it,” he said. “Come for me, and I’ll come for you.” The way it should
always be, but he bit that part back.

Her cries grew higher, his name on her lips tipping
him over. He came violently, body arching upright, cum quickly filling his palm
and overflowing, dripping back onto his stomach. “Fuck. Fuck.” He flopped back
onto his seat, struggling to breathe.

Indy had gone quiet, and if not for her breathing,
he’d have thought she’d disconnected. She didn’t speak, and he waited until he
had his words and faculties under control before he spoke.


She took a while before she answered. “I’m here.”

“I want you,” Reno said. “I always have. Please give
us a chance again.
A real chance.”

“There’s a young woman upstairs, in your bed,
deserves better than you’re giving right now.” She gave
a self-deprecating laugh. “Can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but you know
who I am, and you know I can’t fuck with you if you’re all tangled up with
somebody else. Jenna deserves to know what’s going on with you. She needs to
know she can’t have you, that you’re mine.”

He nodded. “Okay.”

“Not okay, Reno.”
grew harsh. “That girl has plans for you. She thinks you’re it for her, and you
knew you didn’t feel the same, but you brought her here anyway.”

“We’re not together.” He swallowed. “She’s my
friend’s girlfriend. I’m taking her to New York to meet up with him.”

“Then why is she here?”

“I wanted to see my folks.” That sounded lame to his
ears. “She wanted to tag along.” He grabbed shaky fingers through his hair.
“Trust me, it’s purely platonic.”

“You and her didn’t have a thing?” Indy asked.

Now Reno backpedaled. “We did, one night only then
she got with Steven. We’re all friends.”

“Uh-huh.” Indy didn’t sound like she bought that for
a minute. “The entire town thinks she’s your girlfriend. I suggest you deal
with that before we tackle the mess of you and me.”

“I know.” He didn’t look forward to it, either.

Indy took a deep breath. “Don’t call me. Don’t come
by. Don’t write,” she said. “Unless it’s to tell me she’s no longer in the
picture. Do you get me?”

“Yes, but I don’t—”

“Bye, Reno.” She hung up.

He stayed in the car a while longer, putting his
jeans back on and making sure he was presentable, before getting out and making
his way upstairs.

In the bathroom, he washed up, splashed water on his
went back into his dad’s office where he
fell, face first, onto the sofa-bed, suddenly exhausted. Images of him and Indy
together played in his head until he drifted off to sleep, a smile curving his


Chapter Five


He didn’t get the chance to sit Jenna down to tell
her his decision to speed up their timetable like he’d wanted. At breakfast,
she’d waved at him then disappeared with his mother to get the supplies needed
for an impromptu barbecue. Reno had stayed behind with his dad, cleaning up the

During a break for refreshments, he sat down next to
his father on the back steps.

“Dad, can I talk to you?” He’d always been able to
talk to his parents about anything, even the opposite sex, but Indy had made it
so he couldn’t. Now, he needed his father’s advice.

“Sure, son.”
father wiped the sweat off his brow. “What’s up?”

“I’m in love with someone.”

A wide smile creased his dad’s face. “That’s great
son, that’s—” Reno watched as confusion clouded his father’s face. “Wait, you
said someone.” He gripped Reno’s knee. “Not Jenna?”

Reno pursed his lips and shook his head. “Not Jenna,
Dad. I told you and Mom, she’s just a friend.”

His dad looked lost. “But I thought—what’s going
on?” Turning to face him fully, his dad squinted. “Is this about why you left,
why you suddenly decided to go off to take that job in California?”

“Yes.” He chose his words carefully. “We were
together then, and I thought she wanted to build something, but instead, when
she learned about the offer I got in California, she told me to go and broke
things off when I said no.”

“Who is she, somebody local?”

“I’m not going to reveal her identity, but Dad,
she’s open to giving me another chance, and I—”

“You want to go there again.”


“What are you going to do about it?”

He shrugged. “I’m going to talk to Jenna, see if she
wants to head to New York early, say tomorrow, and I’ll take her.”

His dad studied his face. “This other woman, why
didn’t she want to be with you out in the open? She married?”

Hell no, Dad.”
never go that
get involved with a married
someone. “She’s got some issues, and then she’s a bit older—”

“How much older?”

“Twelve years.” Reno watched his dad from the corner
of his eyes as he spoke. Fortunately, his father didn’t blink.

“That’s not so bad.”

“Thank you,
what I

“Son, maybe she’s just using the age thing as an
excuse. Did you think about that? Maybe it’s something deeper.” His father
patted his shoulder. “Find out what that problem is before you decide to make
irrevocable changes in your life to fit into hers.”

knew that. He stood and stretched. “Thanks for the talk, Dad.” He held out a
hand, and his father took it. He pulled the older man up.
for not judging.”

dad smiled, brown eyes twinkling. “And I am judging.

Reno blushed. They glanced up in tandem when
pounding echoed from the abandoned house next door.

Reno squinted. “What’s going on?
up old man Redding’s house?” The old two-family home had been
empty since old man Redding passed almost three years ago. His kids had done
nothing with the house, choosing to leave it empty while they went back to
their lives in Washington.

dad motioned him to begin clearing the brush around their picnic table. “I hear
they’re finally selling the place, so they’ve been fixing it up, setting it to

“’Bout time.”
busied himself clearing out the backyard and by the time his mother and Jenna
came back, his back hurt and he was sweating buckets, but at least the place
. He took a shower then helped out with
setting up, even running to the store to get the ice his mother forgot. By the
time the ribs and burgers were on the grill, he’d had a couple beers and was
feeling good.

He stood in the backyard, chatting with a few
friends who’d stopped by. Then Indy pulled up across the street.

Reno had a clear view where he stood. He watched her
get out the car and
her way to old man Redding’s
place without even glancing at his parents’ house. Just the sight of her, in
jean cutoffs and a white T-shirt, flip-flops on, and his heart rate picked up

“Hey.” Jenna squeezed him. “Enjoying

He smiled down at her. “Sure am, what about you?”

She returned his smile. “It’s loud, and everyone
knows everyone, but I like it.” She rubbed her still-flat stomach. “I like it a

“Jen, listen. We need to talk.”

She looked up. “Later, okay? We’ll talk later.”

He nodded and breathed a little easier.
Until someone spied Indy and called out to her.


He looked over at the Redding’s place. Indy stood on
the porch talking to a man with a hard hat on, a hammer in his hand. She faced
him, and as Reno looked, she glanced over the man’s shoulder. Their eyes met.
Reno forgot to breathe.


She didn’t blank her features quickly enough, and he
saw her surprise at seeing him, the pleasure, and the hurt when her gaze
dropped from him to Jenna standing at his side. Indy looked away, and Reno did
the same. He was pretty sure anyone looking at him could tell how he felt about
her, could probably tell what they’d been up to last night, bringing each other
off with phone sex.


Jenna cupped his cheek. “You okay, Reno?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He patted her hand where it
touched him and brought it away slowly, so as not to make a big deal of it.
Jenna searched his gaze before finally smiling and stepping away.

BOOK: Back for More
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