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Authors: Allie Williams

Attorneys at Law - Drake (2 page)

BOOK: Attorneys at Law - Drake
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ANNA WAS IN the library, attempting to work on a request for production of documents, for a case that Ethan had left her. Anna had not seen Drake since their encounter in his office earlier and she still couldn't get the feel of him against her body out of her head. More than once she had to retype what she was writing after losing her train of thought. Damn that man! He had her tied up in knots! What was she going to do? She knew he wasn't going to give up, and he would approach her again soon.


Standing in the doorway to the firm’s library, Drake watched Anna working. She had been there for the past several hours working on several of Ethan’s cases. She was so involved with what she was doing she hadn’t noticed his presence; and that was to his advantage. He walked into the room and quietly closed and locked the door. Once the lock clicked into place he turned around to ensure she hadn’t noticed his entry.


Walking towards her he realized he was in luck, she had worn her hair up today, which exposed her lovely neck. He stopped behind her and before she had time to notice he was there, he bent over her and wrapped one hand over her mouth and the other around her waist and hoisted her out of the chair and against his chest. Anna screamed into his hand and began to struggle.


“Shhhh, Anna, its me,” Drake whispered in her ear and then began to trail his mouth down her neck. She stilled. He kissed, nibbled and licked his way down to that little dip at the base of her neck where it meet her collarbone. He bit her there then soothed the spot with his tongue. “I want you Anna,” he murmured and then he traced the same path as he returned to her ear and stopped. He could tell her heart was racing and she whimpered, her body totally lax in his arms. “And I will have you.”


Anna wanted to scream again, but not in panic, but in ecstasy. The man had her pinned against his body again and she couldn't really move. He was currently running his lips over several of her erogenous zones and her body had decided without her permission to revel in the experience.


“I told you I wouldn't give up Anna. I’m going to release you now. Nod your head that you will remain quiet.” Drake waited.


The man had the perfect bedroom voice. Deep. Dark. Promising. Her nod was an automatic response, no way would she have agreed otherwise. When his hand was gone, she tried to move away, but he only pulled her tighter against him. He was hard; she could feel his entire length pressing up against her backside. God she must be crazy but she liked it, no loved it, the way he took what he wanted. Her arousal had hit her hard the moment he had grabbed her. It was official; she had completely lost her mind.


“You like this don’t you? Being manhandled? I can tell by the way your body responds and your heart rate. By your short pants of breath. You gave into me too easily Anna. I could already have my cock inside you if I wanted, but not yet, because I want you to beg me to take you.”


She saw red; Anna came out of her haze and began to struggle. “Let go of me
Mr. Murphy
! I am not one of your playthings and you know nothing about what I want. One thing is for sure, I will never beg!” She knew she was lying through her teeth.


“Keep telling yourself that sweetheart.” Drake released Anna and turned and walked out of the library. He wanted her to think about what he said, stew over it for a few days before their next “meeting.”



A DAY HAD passed since the incident in the library. Anna had decided going forward that coming in later in the morning would help avoid seeing Drake’s early arrival. So far she had been successful. It was Wednesday and if she could make it 48 more hours she was home free.
Tomorrow was Thursday and she planned to leave by noon on Friday, right after their weekly meeting. She had plans to relax and enjoy a peaceful weekend before Monday.
Ethan would be back and she would finally be rid of Drake Murphy. And just why did that depress her?


Of course, she should have known the absence of Drake would be short lived. She was counting down the last couple hours of her day when Alan, an intern with the firm, walked into her office. What can I do for you Alan?” Unfortunately she had a feeling she already knew what he was going to say. She was being summoned.


“Mr. Murphy would like to see you in his office right away.” Alan replied


“Please tell Mr. Murphy that I’m busy and won’t be able to accommodate his request.” There that sounded professional.


As Alan left her office she already knew denying him was a bad idea, but she was not giving into that man.
She wasn't. She wasn't
She wasn't.
Maybe if she kept repeating that mantra it would come true. Alan walked back into her office and handed her an envelope. “Thanks,” she said as he turned and left. Opening it she pulled out a piece of paper that said:


My office, 5 minutes or I will come get you!


Great, that gave her less than a minute to grab her stuff and get to the elevator. No wait, the stairs, she would use the stairs. Anna quickly took her bag and threw in her laptop and paperwork she needed then grabbed her purse and cell phone. She dug her keys out of her purse, clicked off her office light, and walked out in less than thirty seconds. She looked down the hall to ensure it was clear and began walking quickly to the stairwell door. Once there she quietly pushed it open thankful that she was almost free.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Drake knew the minute Anna got his note she would try to sneak out of the building. She was smart enough not to take the elevator, so he knew the stairwell was where he could catch her. He had two choices, and he hoped his assumption that she would go to the closest stairwell by her office was right.


He waited until Alan stepped into Anna’s office and then he proceeded to head down the stairwell to the bottom. He would wait for her just outside the door that led out to the parking deck. Just in case she changed her mind, he had George at the front desk watching for her as well.


As Drake waited for her to appear, he realized that he might seem like a stalker going to these extremes for this woman, but he knew better. He could see it in her eyes, she wanted this, and though she denied she wanted him, she hadn’t reported him to HR and she had never said the one word that he told her would end this,


A few seconds later he heard her heels clicking on the concrete as she approached the door. He was looking forward to her reaction when she realized he was waiting on her. The door swung open and she slowly looked around without seeing him and then proceeded into the parking garage.


“Hello Anna, going somewhere?”


Shit! How the hell was he already down her waiting on….dammit, she under estimated the man. He knew she would run, he set her up, but she only had herself to blame. Slowly she turned to face him. He was standing casually against the wall with his arms and legs crossed, watching her.


“I’m going home for the day, is there something you needed?” Wow, she actually sounded calmer than she was.


“I need a lot of things Anna.” He pushed off the wall and walked toward hers. “Like people learning to follow directions, including my orders.” He stopped in front of her staring into her eyes. He could tell she was fighting this attraction between them, but why?


“Do you know what happens when you don’t follow orders Anna?” She was curious but held her ground.


“I could care less Mr. Murphy,” was Anna’s reply.


Drake chuckled, still being contrary. “Well, I think you might care sweetheart.” He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Bad girls get spanked.” He saw the shiver that ran through her body, and would bet his entire life savings that she was aroused. He smiled, then stepped back, turned and once again walked away.



ANNA STILL COULDN'T believe Drake had suggested that he would spank her! And because of the scene he conjured, she hadn’t slept at all the night before. What kept playing out in her mind was an image of her bent over Drake’s desk while he administered her spanking. She had been left exhausted and horny, sense no amount of self-gratification seemed to douse the desire.


Drake had put her on edge since their first meeting earlier in the week, and she wasn’t sure what to do about the undeniable attraction and longing she had for the man. To add insult to injury, she craved his dominance and power, a first for her. She had always liked sex and thought of herself as adventurous and open-minded in the bedroom, but as a very independent person, this was the first time the control factor had actually turned her on.


Here she was at work again and daydreaming about what had transpired and what might happen next. She could deny it all she wanted, but her body was eagerly anticipating Drake’s next move. She also knew she would give in, but only after a bit of a fight. If he wanted to punish her for being bad, she might as well go all out.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Drake arrived at work later than normal, after another fitful night of sleep he wondered if he should just stay at the office and at least try and get some work accomplished. Anna was so responsive and defiant with him that he couldn’t help but run through every scenario possible, envisioning what he wanted to do to her and with her.
Running his hands down his face, he decided caffeine was in order if he was going to attempt to function. Removing his jacket and tie, he rolled up his shirtsleeves, grabbed his coffee cup, and headed to the common area.


As Drake left his office Carolyn spoke, “Mr. Murphy, I would be happy to get your coffee for you.” Carolyn was a great assistant and without her help he knew the law office would not run as smoothly, if at all. She was reliable and trustworthy and she put up with him! He knew he didn't tell her enough how much he appreciated her and her work. She has been with him for over ten years and he needed to do something for her, maybe just some paid time off to spend with her grandkids.


Pulling out his phone to add it to his planner Drake replied, “That’s ok Carolyn; it will give me a few minutes to clear my head. It’s been hard working on the Miller case this week and a few moments away will do me good.” At least that was the partial truth, the Miller case was giving him grief in terms of evidence, but Anna was the main cause. Every time he tried to work his mind kept straying to her. Maybe while he was getting coffee he would stop by and pay her a visit.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Not only could she not concentrate she was only a few moments away from dozing off. The lack of sleep from this week was definitely catching up with her and the research she doing on a case was extremely boring. Caffeine…what she needed was a lot of caffeine. Standing up and stretching, she decided to head to the common area. By now a new pot of coffee should be ready, otherwise a walk to the coffee shop a few doors down would be in order.


The common area was empty, but she was in luck, a fresh pot of coffee was ready and waiting. Pulling out a coffee cup from the cabinet, she poured herself a cup and added in just a bit of cream and sugar. Leaning against the counter she took a sip and closed her eyes letting the heat flow through her, this was definitely what she needed. She also remembered the heat she felt with Drake against her body along with the hardness of his…..


The sound of people entering the room brought her out of her daydream.
Could she not go more than five minutes without thinking of
! Looking up she saw two interns enter and approach the coffee pot. Both were involved in a very animated conversation concerning a preliminary injunction that was granted on a case they were assisting on with Matthew. They both poured themselves coffee and were off as quickly as they had entered, she wondered if they even knew she was in the room.


Walking over to the windows Anna leaned against the wall on her left and took a few minutes to enjoy her coffee, the view, and the peace and quiet. Looking out over the cityscape she realized she needed to take the lead with Drake. Maybe if she acknowledged and pushed him he would go ahead and give her what she needed. Closing her eyes again, she took a deep breath and began to think about how to go about accomplishing such a feat. That's when she realized she wasn't alone anymore and Drake was behind her; she could smell him, feel him. She set her coffee cup on the window seal and turned, it was time to get what she wanted.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Drake entered the common area and saw Anna standing by the window drinking her coffee. He paused to admire the view. Her dark blonde hair was tied in a loose knot at her neck, just asking for him to release it so it could flow down her back. She wore a knee length flirty charcoal grey skirt with a light lavender long sleeve shirt, along with at least three-inch heels. The type of heels he would leave on her while he fucked her with nothing else on.


He slowly approached Anna and saw her tense the moment she realized he was behind her. Before he could speak, she quickly turned to face him.


“Drake, just the person I wanted to see. I think you and I have unfinished business that needs to be resolved.” As Anna spoke she stepped up to him and placed both her palms on his chest. Drake could feel the heat from her through his dress shirt. As she began moving her hands over his chest his cock took notice and began to swell.


Anna couldn't believe she was trying to seduce Drake, but if she was going to give in to her desires she wanted to do it on her terms, not his. As she ran her hands over Drake’s chest she hoped he couldn't see the tremors that raked her body. She was excited and nervous all at the same time. Now that she was here and wanted this she wasn't really sure how to proceed. She had to act fast before Drake put a stop to her advances. She ran her hands down to his waist as she looked down and could see the bulge in his dress pants. Score one for Anna! Before she could proceed further, Drake’s hands grabbed both her wrists, drawing her attention back to his face.


“I don’t think so sweetheart! When I decide to fuck you it will be on my terms, not yours.” Drake held Anna’s wrists, but as soon as their eyes met she turned her head, she wouldn't look at him. He sensed she wasn't usually one to give up control to her partner and this was her attempt to maintain said control. Well, she was getting ready to find out how much control she really had.


“Turn around and place your hands on the window seal.” Drake released her hands and waited.


Anna couldn’t believe this, she had just offered herself up to Drake on a silver platter and he turned her down. She looked around and realized at least no one had entered the common area during the encounter. Finally looking up at Drake she registered his command and intent. Should she listen? They were somewhere anyone could walk in. She looked towards the door.


“Let me worry about the door, now turn around and place your hands on the window seal. I won’t ask you again.” Drake knew her hesitation was partially their location. Anyone could walk in at any time, but Anna was also still fighting the fact that his dominance turned her on. Finally she turned towards the window and did as he asked.


Leaning into Anna he whispered, “Spread her feet shoulder width apart and don't move.” Drake waited for her to comply then turned and walked over to the door and turned the lock. One of his partners was out of the office and the other was having a meeting with all associates. A meeting he should probably be attending, but at this moment, Anna was way more important. Plus with everyone in the conference room, it gave them a few minutes alone.


Anna couldn't believe she was bending over, hands on the window seal with her legs spread and waiting for Drake to return. Her whole body shuttered when she heard the lock click in place. She should call and end to this, but she was rooted to the spot. She could hear Drake’s shoes as he walked back across the tiled floor. He stopped behind her again, but quiet descended while she waited for him to make his move.


Drake stood behind Anna and could only stare at what a beautiful picture she made holding position as he requested. Right now he would love to flip up her skirt, yank her backside towards him, shove her panties to the side, and plunge his rock hard dick into her wetness. Not here. Not today. For now he would be content to watch her fall apart under his hand.


Drake stepped up behind Anna close enough for her to feel his long hard length against her backside. He placed his hands on her waist, and as he ran them up to the sides of her breasts, he felt her body shudder. He proceeded up over her back to her shoulders where he reached out and removed the clip holding her hair.


“From now on I want your hair down at work.” Drake ran his hands through her hair and then used his right hand to fist it just at the base of her neck. He tightened his hold just a bit and heard Anna moan.


“You like that sweetheart? I know you do. Show me how much, let me hear your sounds as I touch you.” Drake moved his left hand around to the front of her shirt and began unbuttoning the top three buttons. He slid his hand inside Anna’s shirt and paused, he could hear her breathing coming in short bursts.


Leaning in against her ear, Drake spoke, “What do you want Anna? Ask for it.” He wanted Anna to admit she wanted him to touch her. He wanted her to ask for what she wanted. Her breathing was unsteady and she was holding back. Tugging her hair and tightening his grip he spoke again, “I said ask for it Anna.” Then he heard it, barely a whisper she said, “My nipples, touch my nipples.”


“Such a good girl to ask for what you want.” Drake was pleased she asked him to touch her, so he pulled the cup of her bra down under her breast and pinched her nipple, hard. Her moan was music to his ears and she pressed back against him. He released the grip on her nipple and gently ran his fingertip back and forth over the dissented end.


“So responsive for me sweetheart, I think you deserve a reward.” Drake released his grip on her hair and slid his hand to the front of her neck and held. He stood slightly bringing Anna with him and pulled her head back on his shoulder, she went willingly. His other hand still lightly playing with her nipple. He used his free hand to reach under her skirt and skim his fingers over her panties.


“You’re wet, soaking your panties clean through and I haven’t even touched you there yet. Is that what you want? For me to touch your pussy? Make you come?” Anna was letting loose small whimpers that had his already hard cock near bursting. Drake moved her panties to the side and let his finger glide over her silkiness. She was so wet she would be dripping down her thighs before long.


Anna couldn't believe she was already on the verge of coming. She could usually come during sex with a little help, but never from this small amount of stimulation. Drake was still lightly grazing and pinching her nipple and his other hand was exploring her sex, but avoiding her clit. He must realize she was so close and he wasn't ready for her to go over yet. His body against hers, his hands touching her intimately, she loved this feeling. A feeling of desire and security and pleasure all wrapped up into one.


“I need to come,” came out of Anna’s mouth before she could censor her words.


“I know, but I won’t allow it until I’m ready. I told you this is on my terms, not yours.” Drake couldn't help but smile, she wasn’t quite there yet. He wanted her to beg him for what she wanted, not state or demand it. He slid one finger into her pussy and kept it still while his thumb continued to lightly rub over her pussy avoiding her clit. His other hand pinched her nipple a little harder. This time her groan let him know she was almost there, so he stopped. Her whimper of disapproval was evident, she wanted him to continue.


“Ask for if you want me to continue,” this spoken softly against her ear. Her sex was already fluttering on his finger. Her body pressing back against his, trapping is hardness between them, he would be lucky if he didn't come in his pants from the slight stimulation. Gritting his teeth to stave off his climax he waited for her response.


Anna tried to press against Drake and move enough so she could stimulate herself, but as soon as she did he pinched down on her nipple
and held. She couldn't help the gasp that left her mouth. God, she couldn't take much more of this, it was torture. There was so much pleasure coursing through her body, but the edge of pain he provided was perfect.


BOOK: Attorneys at Law - Drake
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