Read As You Wish Online

Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Contemporary

As You Wish (10 page)

BOOK: As You Wish
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Struggling was useless, but she fought him anyway. She gasped as he tossed her onto the table, knocking a bowl of fruit to the ground. With his arm pressed against her chest she was powerless to move as his hand squeezed her jaw open and he brought the mysterious bottle to her lips.

The spicy liquid trickled past her lips and her eyes watered. She coughed and attempted to spit most of it into his face. With a vicious yank of her hair, she forgot her personal promise not to cry out in pain. Her mouth opened wide as she screamed and the rest of the strange drink was poured down her throat. The liquid seemed to burn a path from her mouth to her stomach and Karis rolled to her side, trembling and moaning as he released her.

The effects were instantaneous as the fiery potion turned ice cold in her belly. Her body felt disconnected from her mind, her limbs completely uncoordinated. Her eyelids began to fall. Rue’s mocking laughter was the last thing she heard before slipping away in numbing darkness.

* * * *

Vander slammed a hand down onto the solid oak table. “How did he find her so quickly?”

Rafi shook his head as he watched his friend pace the floor. “Somehow, he knew exactly where she was which means he had help from someone with supernatural power, particularly, someone who can sense the shift of energy consumed when we use our abilities. Rue was always an asshole but I can’t believe he’s actually a part of this.”

“I can.” Vander briefly closed his eyes. “I can’t feel her at all right now, Rafi.” He opened his eyes with a frustrated curse. “Because of me, she’s with that unscrupulous bastard.” The white-hot rage centred on Rue was nothing compared to his own guilt for failing to protect her.

“We’ll find her, Vander.”

“Like we found Nadine?” He roared, facing Rafi. “You and I both know what kind of man he is. We’ve been waiting for a lead for weeks and Karis finding my vessel was the best break we had. Who do we know possesses the ability to sense energy?”

“You know there isn’t an exhaustive list of everyone’s skill but I’ve heard talk of some of the elder fairies and elves possessing such talent,” Rafi replied as light knocking sounded on Vander’s door.

“Something has happened to her. I should be able to feel her, no matter where she is.”

Both men turned as Niri breezed into the room, stunningly beautiful in a gossamer green robe highlighting her fair skin and the scent of fresh peach blossoms wafting around her.

“What’s this talk about fairies and elves?” she asked with a smile, her gaze moving back and forth between the two men.

Vander looked at her and felt a twinge of guilt. He hadn’t thought about their talk, hell he hadn’t thought about her since Karis had summoned him.

“I’ll let him fill you in,” Rafi said, moving to the door. “I’m going to talk with Ani. She’s the nosiest fairy I know. If anyone would know something, she would.”

Niri scoffed. “She’s full of fantastic tales. I wouldn’t put too much stock into whatever she tells you.”

Rafi shrugged. “It’s worth a shot.” He looked at Vander. “I’ll let you know what I find out.”

Vander waited until his friend had closed the door behind him before speaking. “I know you must be wondering where I’ve been.” The longing and questions in her sky blue eyes doubled his guilt as he recognised the only woman he was longing for was Karis.

Karis. Where was she? What was happening to her?

Niri wrapped her arms around his neck and interrupted his thoughts. “You’ve been gone for days without any explanation. I’ve been worried.” She raised her face for his kiss and frowned when he pressed his lips to her forehead and pulled away from her embrace.

“Have you heard talk about rogue genies wanting to use clairvoyants to secure portals for personal use?” he asked, following her on autopilot as she glided through the living room area to his bedroom.

“There has been the occasional rumour here and there but no one seems to know who these rogue genies are.” She moved away from him to climb towards the pillows at the head of the massive bed.

He watched her wiggle her rounded ass in the suggestive manner she knew drove him crazy with no physical reaction. He didn’t have time for her games…he didn’t have time for her, not when Karis was out there somewhere because of him. “Can you think of anyone you know who would be able to help me find out who’s been helping Tevori?”

“Rue Tevori?” Niri asked, leaning back on the pillows, her long blond hair spilling around her shoulders. “The same Tevori, Lona ran off with?”

“The same.” He couldn’t keep the edge from voice as he moved to her side.

“Oh, my God,” she breathed, touching his arm. “You think he’s involved with these rogue genies?”

“Involved, try their leader. I have to find him, Niri. He’s the key.”

“And you will. I will ask my people and see if anyone knows anything.” She got up on her knees and placed her small hands on his shoulders. “You were summoned when you disappeared, yes?”

“Yes,” he answered as an image of Karis’s smooth cocoa skin and vivid green eyes flashed in his mind. Oblivious to Niri’s ministrations, he imagined Karis alone with Tevori. Never in his life had he felt so helpless, so on edge.

“So, who discovered your vessel this time?” Niri rubbed his back in a soothing circular massage.

“Her name is Karis and she’s in trouble because of what I just told you.” He moved from her gentle touch to face her and pondered how much to share as he stood.

“In trouble how?” The nimble elf sat with her arms wrapped around her legs.

“Both she and her mother, Nadine, are gifted clairvoyants. Rue kidnapped Nadine with the sole purpose of exploiting her ability for his own selfish needs. Now he has Karis and she possesses the same power, only she doesn’t know yet how to use it.” Flashes of her uninhibited response as she climaxed against his fingers raced through his mind. Clearing his throat, he looked away from Niri’s curious stare. “I assured her I would help her tap into abilities she didn’t believe she possessed but we hadn’t made much progress.”

Niri’s baby blue eyes darkened to twin sapphires. “And how are you planning on helping her?”

He watched her shift gracefully from the bed to stand in front of him.

“You’re going to use sex to release her gifts, aren’t you?”

“Sex is the best way to help her quickly tap into her power.”

A moment of silence stretched between them.

“You’re kidding me, right?” Niri tucked a long stand of hair behind her pointed ear.

“No.” He could sense the fury behind her placid expression, but he could think of nothing to say to soothe her. “Niri—”

She waved her hands. “So,
have to be the one this human female sleeps with to help her unlock her gift…is that what you’re telling me?”

“It has to be me because I am bound to her until her three wishes are up.” He decided not to add the fact Karis chose him because there was no one else she wanted to sleep with.

“I know you’ve been working with the High Council, but you never said anything about rogue genies or your involvement in trying to track them down. Why? Is it because you don’t trust me?” she asked, her breasts heaving in the scooped neckline.

“Niri, no, the High Council asked many of us to quietly help them track down anyone trying to take advantage of the portals.” He held up a hand as she shook her head. “Trust has nothing to do with it besides when we are together we rarely talk.”

She glared at him, tossing her long golden locks over her shoulders. “That’s because you prefer to not talk in bed.”

“Niri, let’s not do this now—”

“Never mind,” she said, cutting him off. “There was never anything more between us than sex anyway, right?”

She was even more beautiful with her hands on her hips and the annoyed scowl marring her fine features.

“I thought there was a mutual understanding between us.”

“I understand sex is something you enjoy, but you aren’t capable of feeling anything more than the pleasure.”

Vander ignored her venomous words. He could see the sadness she was trying to mask and it troubled him. “Niri, I never meant to hurt you.” He hated the sad smile gracing her lips.

“No, it’s my fault for caring, for wanting something you aren’t able to give. I hope Karis doesn’t confuse sex with you for real emotion. Lona’s the only woman to ever touch your heart.”

Her sharp accusation struck him hard, but he couldn’t deny the truth in them. Tears glistened in her eyes as he reached for her. “Wai—”

She jerked away from him just as someone knocked on his front door.

“Go open the door,” she said, moving out of his way.

He wanted to say something more, but words failed him as he walked past her.

“Vander, its Rafi,” his friend called from the other side of the door.

Any regret he had over how things stood with Niri were swallowed up by his anxiousness to hear any news from Rafi concerning Karis.

“I hope I’m not interrupting.” Rafi cast a concerned look at Niri who had followed him into the living room.

“No, we’re finished here,” she replied quickly, not bothering to look at him as she walked past Rafi and exited the room.

“What did you learn?” Vander asked as soon as she was gone.

“No one has heard or seen anything which would tell us where Rue and his men are hiding.”

“Dammit! Something’s wrong. I can feel it or rather I can’t feel anything concerning her. She could be hurt maybe drugged…” The very thought threatened to push him over the edge as he paced the floor.

“If she’s unconscious she’ll eventually come to. The first thing she’s going to try and do is reach out to you. There’s a good chance she’ll be able to give us some clue as to where he’s holding her.”

Vander stopped pacing to stare out of the window. “I hope you’re right.”
For her sake and mine.

“I am.” Rafi nodded his head as Vander turned to look at him. “I am,” he said again, “I’m always right.”

“Right,” Vander repeated with a tight smile.

“So, you told Niri everything?” Rafi asked, sliding into a high back chair.

“I did. And it went exactly as you expected it to go.”

“Well, what did you expect to happen?”

Vander didn’t answer. As much as he cared about Niri all he could think about was Karis and what Rue was planning.

He clenched his fists, and envisioned the bodily harm he would personally inflict upon the arrogant, self-serving Djinn if there were so much as a bruise on her silky smooth skin.

Chapter Eight

Karis struggled to open her eyes, still caught somewhere between semi-consciousness and consciousness as the drug induced sleep wore off. She was aware of someone in the room with her even though she couldn’t see, make a sound or move.

“What have you done to her, Rue?” The female voice was laced with concern and contempt.

“Just a little something to keep her calm.”

The female scoffed. “This isn’t calm, Rue, she’s knocked out, probably freezing.”

Karis wanted to speak and thank the woman for covering her with a blanket, but she could only listen as they spoke above her.

“You’re always so concerned, Lona. Don’t worry. She’s fine and she’ll be coming around very soon.”

“You promised me no one would be harmed.”

“Dammit, Lona, she’s unharmed, simply sleeping! I thought you wanted me to be free to be with you.”

“Yes, I do, but this,” she touched Karis’s arm, “and her mother…“

Rue exhaled. “Relax. With her here, the two of them will be able to show us a portal and we can leave this place, be together and I’ll be free to do as I please.”

“Vander probably already suspects you’re the leader of this mess. I bet he’s working now as we speak with the High Council.”

“By the time they figure out where we are we’ll have the portal we need.”

“Such strong bone structure.” Lona touched Karis’s cheek. “Just like her mother and yet so different.”

“Perhaps, you should get her a glass of water. I bet she’ll be thirsty when she wakes up.”

No, don’t go!
Karis wanted to yell. She didn’t want to be left alone with Rue for a minute longer than was necessary.

“Of course and some soup, she’s so cold.”


Helpless, she listened to the retreating footsteps with dread.

“Alone at last,” Rue whispered in her ear. “We don’t have much time, my sweet.”

His warm breath fanned her cheek and Karis screamed silently as he pressed his lips on hers. Desperate, she reached out to her mother. She had to be nearby. Maybe she would hear her. She focused on the making the connection as Rue kissed her.

Karis, I can hear you. Oh, baby, are you all right?

Warm tears slipped from beneath her closed eyelids at the sound of her mom’s voice.
Mom, where are you?

I’m very close to where you are. I can feel it. Tevori will stop at nothing to get what he wants. We have to find a way to stop him.

BOOK: As You Wish
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