Amber & Lochlann (Flesh & Blood) (4 page)

BOOK: Amber & Lochlann (Flesh & Blood)
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“It’s ok I’ll get it.”

“No I insist,” moving to the kitchen before she had even stood up straight. “You sit and regain your breath.” Han
ding her the water she smiled in thanks, taking a small sip. “Would you like some food? I can order room service.”

“Oh?” looking surprised.

Smiling, “Tristan caters for humans too. Some vampires visit with human companions.”

“Food would be great.”




Amber felt the dance had gone well, not her best performance by far, her nerves had given her a little shaky start, but she had soon found herself in that hypnotic state in her head that allowed the rest of the world to slip away. It was all about the beat
of the music, the flow of the body. Everything else ceased to exist when she danced.

Now the nerves were back, but not as badly as they had been before. Lochlann had been incred
ibly nice to her, getting her water, food. Why was he so kind to her? She had seen other vampires in the past treat the girls with nothing but disrespect, but Lochlann was nothing like them.

What would he be like when she stripped for him? She knew he would ask for a lap dance eve
ntually, the question was when?

As they had sat in
the club she hadn’t been able to keep her eyes off him for long, though she tried her best. He really was good looking. She was physically attracted to him, there was no denying it but she needed to remember what he was… vampire. No matter how nice he seemed she needed to remember that.



Chapter 3


The next few days followed the same pattern, they went down to the club to watch the other girls, talked some but never did he ask questions about her. It was always stuff to do with the other dances or staff m
embers. Then she would return to the room with either Tex or Al and dance for him, after which they would talk a little more while she ate before Lochlann went to his room just before sunrise.

She had the daylight hours to do as she chose but she rarely w
ent out. Instead she slept most of the time away, spending the rest practising and planning her dances when she wasn’t looking through the letting ads. There was nothing, nothing she could afford that she would consider anyway.

As she sat eating her chicke
n salad on their forth night together there was a knock on the door, before Tristan walked in finding them sat together as Lochlann drank a glass of blood. A quick glance at Lochlann told her he hadn’t been expecting him.

He smiled walking to join them, “I
see everything is going well.”

“I believe so,” Lochlann said his eyes never leaving her as he spoke, his lips upturned.

“Good, good. Now the reason I have come up here to see you is to see if you still want Tex or Al present Amber? Or do you think you would be ok without them?,” he asked.

Be around Lochlann without them?

She thought she would panic at the prospect of the lads going, of being alone with Lochlann, she had known all along that they wouldn’t be there forever. Now she was shocked to find that she didn’t care, that part of her wanted to be well and truly alone with him.

“Mmm… I’ll be fine,” she said averting her eyes from them both.

“Oh I am glad. I have some new members coming in tomorrow night and I want everyone on hand, just in case.”

members were mostly always young vampires but never new ones, Tristan did not allow them into the club apart from once a year on an open night. But even though they were not new, young vampires could still get carried away.

“How many?” Lochlann asked.

“Three, they have been coming to a few open nights over the last few years and seem to be able to control themselves now, but you can never be too careful.”

Amber didn’t like the sound of this, she had been told stories about new members getting out of hand an
d attacking the girls, though some of the stories she knew had been exaggerated she was suddenly regretting agreeing. She felt safe with Lochlann now, enough to be alone with him, but going down to the club where these vampires would be was beginning to send her into a panic.

As if knowing the thoughts running wild in her head Lochlann said, “well I think we will stay up here then tomorrow night, would that be ok with you Amber?”

“Yes,” she answered quickly, grateful but curious as to what exactly would happen. Tristan left shortly after, taking Al with him to go over plans for the next night, leaving her well and truly alone with Lochlann for the first time.

She could feel his eyes burning into her, though she continued to avoid his gaze. The tension in th
e room had changed the moment the door had closed. She had never been so physically aware of him. She found him attractive, there was no denying it. All vampires were. But over the past few nights it wasn’t just his appearance that was drawing her in. She had told herself again and again over the last few days that it was just his vampire charm that drew her to him, but she was struggling to believe the lie now. Even the knowledge that he was a vampire was no longer helping. She liked him, wanted him.

He h
ad started to appear in her dreams. They were always the same, she would be dancing for him but he would get closer and closer to the stage every time she looked his way, until he was all but a breath away, his fingers about to brush her skin when she would suddenly wake up, soaked with arousal, longing for his touch.

Finally she could take the silence and tension no more and turned to face him, a smile on his face. “I am glad that you now trust me enough to be alone like this, I could sense your worries
easing somewhat over the last few days, but I wasn’t positive that it would be enough.”

“Neither was I until Tristan asked, then I realised I didn’t care, I had kind of forgotten Al was here in the first place.”

“And you really don’t mind about staying up here with me instead of going down to the club? I felt you panic slightly when Tristan mentioned the new members.”

“I'm grateful you suggested it. I have never been present when a member has come to the club for the first time but I have heard stories, unp
leasant ones.”

“Yes, the young can get quite carried away at times. I am glad you have never been present to witness it,” both lapsing into silence. After a while he said, “So we need to decide what tomorrow night will behold as our usual routine is out of
the window. What would you suggest?”

She could dance, that was a given, but what else?

“Maybe we could have one of the girls come up and dance for us, that way we can still see the show so to speak, and I will dance obviously. Then…” she stopped, she had an idea, something she had dreamed about doing just the night before but it scared her that she was about to suggest it, that she wanted to do it.

“Amber, what is it? What were you going to say?” his eyes searching hers for an answer.

“It’s nothing, really.” No she couldn’t, it was wrong to want that surely, insane.

“It’s something, I can feel your nerves, sense it. What were you going to suggest?”

He wasn’t going to drop it, she had peeked his interest now. “It was a crazy idea. Don’t know why I even thought of it… I was going to suggest… suggest.” She couldn’t believe she was going to do this. Hiding her face in her hands she whispered, “A lap dance.”

Lochlann sat up in surprise. He had been dying to have her do that since the first night but had withheld
as he knew she was not ready for it, but to have her suggest it herself had completely taken him off guard.

“I would be honoured. But only if you are sure that is what you want, that you are sure.”

She didn’t answer in words but he saw her head nod slightly and smiled.


What have I done?
She thought as she lay in bed, the afternoon sun shining through the large windows of her room, heating the air.

She had hardly slept, her mind constantly going back to the previous night and her suggestion to lap dance
for him. Why had she? Lap dances were all part of the job but she had never volunteered to do one, not even at her old clubs with the human customers. She just didn’t enjoy them, didn’t see how someone could place themselves in that position with a stranger. But he wasn’t a stranger, not anymore.

True she didn’t know anything about him, he never spoke about himself, nor did she for that ma
tter. But she felt like she knew him now, trusted him. When she looked at him now she didn’t just see a vampire, she also saw a man. Be it a man she was very attracted to, and getting more so by the day. And even though she was screaming at herself for saying it she couldn’t help the little bubble of excitement that was building in her chest. She knew her dances affected him, had seen the hard bulge of his cock when she joined him every night after her routine. How would he react to a lap dance from her? Would he try to hide it like he did all the other times, or would he let her know of his attraction. Already despite her turmoil she was planning her outfit, the music, what she would do to tease him. For some reason she wanted to push him, to make him react to her, to touch her. She couldn’t deny that after the first tender touch of his hand on hers that first night she had fantasized about his hands in other places. She could feel her wet arousal seeping into the fabric of her underwear. He would be able to smell it, sense it. She knew there was no way she would remain unmoved during the dance. She would be surprised if he didn’t already know of her growing attraction to him. she was so wet and turned on every night when she returned to her room that if it wasn’t for the worry of him hearing her she would have got herself off the moment the door closed behind her.

Deciding t
hat sleep was nowhere in sight she began her day, forcing herself to eat and straighten up her room before she allowed herself to begin her preparations for the night ahead.




The sun had seemed to be taking forever to set but he could finally feel it lowering in the sky. All through his slumber he had thought of nothing but her and the night ahead. He would finally be alone with her without anyone else’s gazes upon them. And of all nights she had suggested herself that she could lap dance for him. Well there was no way he was going to turn down that offer.

He had left her earlier last night in order to have a feeding from Marcy ahead of tonight. It would be the first time she revealed all of her naked glory to him, well almost all. He had seen most o
f her body already during her dances but her costumes on the pole always covered her most intimate areas. He couldn’t wait to feast his eyes up close on her naked flesh, her generous breasts, her peached ass. She had grown more comfortable around him than he had thought, her offer taking him completely off guard. But he was pleased. Their first week wasn’t even over and already she was confident enough to do this and they still had a while together before he planned to leave.

Tonight he would begin his inve
stigation into who she was, ask her questions about herself instead of others as he had done so far. He wanted to know every intimate detail about her life, then if his wildest dreams came true, eventually her body too.

Rising he decided that instead of hi
s usual suit he would dress more casually in jeans and a plain white shirt, hoping it would put her even more at ease. He only ever wore his suits to the club and when out on business. The rest of his time he was never out of his jeans working the land around his estate in the moon light. Even after almost a thousand years he still missed the sun beating down on his bare back as he worked in the fields, but the coolness of the night didn’t bother his vampire skin.

He could hear Amber moving around in her ro
om, the creak of her door as she kept peeking out to look for him before shutting it again hastily. He made a quick call to Tristan to arrange for one of the girls to preform up in the room later that night before finally stepping out into the main room to wait for her.

She was anything but calm when she emerged a few minutes later, her pulse racing, hands sha
king slightly. “Hey,” she breathed as she sat down at the table opposite him as he drank a small glass of blood.

“You ok?” he asked. “You don’t have
to do this tonight, the choice is completely yours.”

Nodding, “I know. I'm just a little nervous that’s all, but I do want to do it.”

“As long as you are sure Amber, I don’t want you uncomfortable.” She promised him that she would be fine. He hated to see her so nervous again, but a part of him was enjoying that she was willing to do it and that she was getting herself all worked up about it. “When would you like to dance tonight?”

“Towards the end of the night if that’s ok, I can do my routine before the o
ther girl’s and then get ready for the… other dance, while you watch her.”

“Sounds good to me, question is what to do before your performance?”

He had plenty of ideas of what he would like to do, but taking her up against the pole was not really an option he could suggest. In the end they opted to a meal together, her eating, him not of course. Room service arrived an hour later with the food and they sat together in the dining area. As the conversation began to flow he could sense her body calming somewhat, her heart settling into a steady, calm beat. She was becoming more at ease.

“So how did you come to work here?” he asked feeling it was the right time to begin asking her questions about herself.

“I was here with some friends that I use to work with one night when the club downstairs was open for humans. Tristan spotted me dancing and offered me a job. I was already looking for somewhere new so agreed there and then, moved down here the very next day, started work the following night.”

“Did you have frie
nds or family nearby to stay with then?”

“Mmm no… I slept in my car the first night actually, and then I was lucky enough to find a place at a local bedsit.”

He didn’t like the sound of that. Was it safe? “And where are you now?”

“Still there but…
it’s not working out anymore,” her face troubled.

“What’s wrong? They want you out?”

“Oh no the owner is great, it’s just not practical anymore that’s all. You’re only meant to stay so long at these places. That’s the reason I took your offer, I need the money if I'm going to find a place of my own.”

“So what did your family think to the sudden move?”

“Wouldn’t know, my parents dies when I was young - car crash. I was only 9 and had no other family so lived in care till I was 18.”

BOOK: Amber & Lochlann (Flesh & Blood)
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