Read Alphas on the Prowl Online

Authors: Catherine Vale,Lashell Collins,Gina Kincade,Bethany Shaw,Phoenix Johnson,Annie Nicholas,Jami Brumfield,Sarah Makela,Amy Lee Burgess,Anna Lowe,Tasha Black

Alphas on the Prowl (3 page)

BOOK: Alphas on the Prowl
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He could smell her anxiety, and gave her a small smile to try to put her at ease. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite.”
At least not yet.
He was definitely going to have more than one taste of her when he finally got her alone. Especially of those plump, curvy mounds boosted up towards him by that sexy halter-top.

She returned the smile with one of her own, and met her eyes with his. As she had always been looking studiously away from him whenever they’d passed each other in the hall, he’d never seen them before, and was startled to realize they were a brilliant shade of green. “I’d like that,” she said in that soft, smooth voice of hers. “I’d like that very much.”

Isabella allowed him to take her hand, and lead her onto the dance floor, just in time for a slow song to start. He positioned one of her hands on his left shoulder, took her other hand up in his right. She shivered as his other hand came to rest on her waist, bare skin burning beneath his touch. He pulled her into him, a little roughly, but she didn’t complain.  Feeling his muscular chest pressing against her breasts caused her pulse to quicken, and she stifled a moan as his hands slipped lower, settling onto her hips.

They began swaying to the music, and her heart beat faster as brilliantly blue eyes looked down at her from behind that mysterious white mask. His eyes burned with an intensity that made her tremble, as if he wanted to devour her from the inside out. Which was ridiculous. She was no Madonna.

“Don’t look up at me with that self-doubt in your eyes, Isabella,” he whispered huskily. “You’re gorgeous. Stunning and sexy.”

Her breath caught in her throat as she recognized the voice now, where she hadn’t before. “Marshall?” She inhaled, and nearly felt giddy as sandalwood, spice and that unique man-scent of his filled her senses. It was immediately followed by a hefty dose of embarrassment and anger, and she instinctively tried to pull away.
She had come to this party to forget all about him! What sort of cruel joke were the gods playing on her now, to put him in the same room with her like this?

His grip on her tightened, and he crushed her to his chest. A small whimper escaped her as her breasts crushed against him, a rush of fire shooting through her veins “I know you’ve been trying to avoid me, Isabella,” he continued, leaning his head down so his lips moved along her earlobe with each carefully spoken word. Tingling sensations skipped along her nerve endings, and she wanted to cry out, but found herself unable to move. “You’re afraid of the way I make you feel.”

“W-what are y-you talking about?” she stammered, both furious, and mortified. “I barely even know you!” She tried to wrench herself from his arms again—obviously her ability to form coherent sentences was severely impaired by close contact with him—but he only tightened his grip around her waist, pulling her closer.

“It’s okay,” he murmured, brushing his lips against her ear. “You don’t need to be ashamed. I feel it too. You’ve been all I can think about ever since I laid eyes on you. Oh, the dreams I’ve had—and I’ve tried to ignore them. But I can’t. I need you, Isabella.”

Isabella’s eyes widened in shock.
Marshall needed her? No, impossible!
She was just a nobody, and he hardly knew her. She opened her mouth to protest, and let out a squeak instead when his hand slid down from her waist to cup her ass through her black leather pants. His arousal was clearly evident and she ached to feel him again inside her.

“You have the cutest ass. Such delicious curves.” He buried his face into her neck, squeezing her ass lightly. It was almost too much and she couldn’t help the groan that escaped her lips.  She tried to push his hand away, but he only gripped her tighter.

“You’re meant to be mine.”

Isabella hadn’t thought she could get any hotter, but the erotic words spilling from his sensuous lips proved her wrong. She tried to speak again, but his hands moved so that both were gripping her ass, and all that came out was a strangled moan. He pulled her towards him and while she didn’t think her body could get any closer, he managed to mesh his muscular frame against hers, crushing her in his tight, and passionate embrace.

“Tell me you haven’t wanted this for so long.” She heard the smile in Marshall’s voice and her breath came up short, every nerve in her body tingling.

She could feel his erection pressing up against her belly as he held her against him, wringing tiny little gasps, and moans from her lips as he grinded against her on the dance floor. The fact that they were in the middle of a ballroom with several hundred people watching should have mortified her, but instead, she found that she didn’t care.

She felt him lean forward until his teeth were grazing the sensitive area of her neck, and he bit down gently. “You taste so good,” his voice sounded rough, almost guttural, and
sexy as kissed her neck and throat, pressing hard against her to create more friction. Her pussy buzzed with his every move, his hard cock straining against his costume, begging for release. She could feel the wave of orgasm building inside of her belly, until she was sure she would explode. The hard knot of delicious tension tightened and tightened until she couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Come for me.”

She did, with a force that terrified and thrilled her, and Marshall crushed his lips to hers, trying to swallow her screams of release. His kiss was rough, and passionate as he abandoned the soft exploration he began with, for a deep, claiming kiss that left her breathless.

The orgasm wildly ripped through her body, rendering her temporarily blind of all activity in the room, as every single drop of pleasure was squeezed through her body as his hands caressed and molded her flesh. When it finally released her, she collapsed, utterly spent against him. His arms tightened around her to hold her up.

But despite the relief she’d been craving for over a month, her pussy still throbbed, her nipples still ached.

“More,” she rasped when he finally tore his lips from hers. “I want more,”

He gazed down at her silently, as though gauging her, for a full minute. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” She was surprised to discover it was true. She had never jumped into bed with someone she didn’t know, and even though he’d been her neighbor for over a month, she definitely didn’t
Marshall Reede. The sizzling aura of danger around him should have had her running for the hills, but all it did was make her want him even more.

He sucked in a breath. “You should know something before we go any further.” His eyes were suddenly serious, and he bit on his bottom lip, as though he was trying to think of the words to make her understand.

“What is it?” She didn’t care; whatever it was.  What could he ever possibly say that would snuff out her blazing need for his touch?

“I’m not like you.”

“You’re a –…”

“Yes. I’m a shifter.” 

Isabella stiffened. The werewolves had come out publicly several years ago, and were accepted members of society even though they were still very much feared, and in some areas, despised. She’d heard stories about humans falling in love with them and becoming part of the pack. Not exactly something she was thrilled about being a part of.

between us. It’s what is referred to as a mating call.” He ran a hand down her arm and she shivered at his touch. “Our bodies have recognized each other, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept me. Having sex the first time won’t bond us instantly. But it will help take off the edge.”

“Take off the edge?” She wet her lips, and squeezed her legs together, which were trembling with the force of her need. Regardless of her apprehension, she so desperately needed the edge taken off that she probably would have been willing to have sex with him even if it did mean they would be mated. “Yes,” she breathed, shamelessly in need of all that he was offering. “Take the edge off. Please, Marshall.”

His face broke into a sinfully wicked grin, and his eyes sparkled with desire. “Come with me.”

Marshall led her across the ballroom floor, and out through the double doors. His mind raced as he turned right and headed down the hall, wondering where he should take her. The mansion was owned by a friend of Trey’s, and he’d been to it enough times to know it like the back of his hand. He wanted them to be somewhere special when he claimed her, somewhere she would feel comfortable.

He looked back at her to see her worrying that full lower lip with her teeth, then darting out her pink tongue to lick it again. He hissed, imagining that tongue stroking his cock, swirling around the head before she took him into her mouth. The image alone was almost enough to make him lose control and take her right there outside the ballroom entrance. “This way,” he said roughly, making a quick decision, and tugged her down the corridor to the left.

“Where are we going?” Isabella asked, hating the hint of nerves she heard in her voice. She wanted to be cool, confident and sexy, but in all honesty it was hard for her not to pant as she watched him move fluidly down the corridor, cape fanning out behind him. It should have looked ridiculous, but he moved with a sexy grace that would have put a panther to shame.

“You’ll see.”

He led her down the hallway, up another flight of stairs, and down to the end of another hall where he stopped at one of the last rooms. He opened the door and stepped aside to allow her to enter the room first. She felt her three-inch heels sink into the plush beige carpet as she walked, and stopped for a minute to study the room while he entered behind her and secured the door.

It was easily three times as large as the bedroom at home, and done in a tropical theme, some of the furniture wicker and other pieces—such as the vanity and bureau—made of a light, honey colored wood. The king-sized bed was a masterpiece—a four-poster made of teak wood and wicker, with creamy linen curtains hanging off the bed-frame, secured with wooden rings. Covering it was a cheetah-patterned bedspread, and at the head were a plethora of pillows that matched the bedspread and the curtains.

Isabella watched as Marshall headed over to the bed, and began to undress. His back to her, he pulled off the white mask, and laid it on top of the bedspread. His cape followed, then the waistcoat he wore beneath it, until all that was left were his slacks and white cotton shirt, which clearly delineated his fine physique. The muscles in his back rippled through the shirt as he leaned over to select one of the small, square throw pillows from the bed, and she licked her lips as another wave of longing passed through her.

“Aren’t you going to touch me?” she couldn’t help but ask him.

He turned to her, and lust burned so brightly in those eyes that the breath was knocked out of her. “I’m going to do more than touch you, baby.” He came around the bed and headed to the sliding glass doors over by the wall. “Come outside with me.”

She followed him out onto a wide balcony with plenty of space, featuring more wicker chairs and several round glass tables where people could sit and have a drink while looking over a breathtaking view of the grounds as well as New York City. Even though it was the middle of the night, the millions of lights twinkling as well as the streetlamps provided enough illumination so she could see Marshall standing by a lounge chair. His hands were shoved casually in his pockets, but there was no missing the erection tenting his pants. The lack of a mask revealed a tanned face with high cheekbones, an aquiline nose, and a strong jaw, made even more appealing by a frame of black hair, thick and wavy. There was a chilly breeze in October night, but it didn’t bother her at all—she was so hot and flushed with arousal it was honestly a welcome relief.

“Come here, Isabella.”

She crossed over to stand beside him next to the balcony, and became aware of voices floating up to them. Looking down, she saw several groups of people hanging out on the lawn. “Won’t they hear us?” she asked, a sliver of apprehension creeping up on her again. It was one thing for him to grind against her in front of a group of people, but sex was another story. Then again, they
rather high up, and it was dark.
Who would see them?

Marshall chuckled. “There’s no one here, but you and me.”

She closed her eyes and Marshall was immediately there, masculine and sexy, lips waiting for her kiss. He pulled the cat-woman mask off her face before cupping it in his hands and lowered his head down. His lips brushed against hers, rubbing back and forth, slowly coaxing her to open her mouth. When she did, his tongue snaked stealthily inside to tangle with hers. She let out a soft moan, and captured his tongue between her teeth, lightly biting down and suckling.

Marshall groaned as Isabella suckled his tongue sweetly. The need to rip her clothes off and shove his cock deep into her wet pussy was almost more than he could handle—he’d never felt so out of control with a sexual partner before. But he refused to give into it. Much as the wolf inside him wanted to, he had no intention of taking her rough and quick like the animal he was. This was their first time, and he wanted to savor it.

“You’re all I’ve thought about since I first saw you.” His breath was hot against her cheek.


He kissed her until they were both out of breath, and panting with need, pried her lips away from him. He felt satisfied as he looked down at her flushed cheeks, swollen lips, and into green eyes glazed with desire. Wanting to gaze upon her naked flesh, he reached down to unzip her outfit, and squatted so he could remove her heels and slide the material down her legs, trailing open-mouthed kisses down one of them as he went. He smiled as he heard her shallow breathing and felt her body tremble beneath his touch.

BOOK: Alphas on the Prowl
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