Read Almost French Online

Authors: Sarah Turnbull

Almost French (41 page)

BOOK: Almost French
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A new adventure is just beginning.

This book might never have been written were it not for the encouragement of my husband, Frédéric Venière, and my parents, Jan and Murray Turnbull who gave me confidence that I had a story worth telling. I’m immensely grateful to all those who read various drafts—and in some cases several drafts—of the manuscript: Frédéric, Michael Short, Sue Quill, who believed in it right from the start and especially Alicia Drake, who couldn’t have been a better critic nor a more supportive friend. My editor, Kim Swivel, helped make this story stronger by guiding me gently but firmly through my fear of writing about my own life.

Lastly, I’d like to thank the people who appear in this book. They are all real, although some of the names have been changed for the usual reasons. It is because of them that living in France has been such an adventure.

BOOK: Almost French
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