Read Alluring Turmoil Online

Authors: Skye Turner

Alluring Turmoil (9 page)

BOOK: Alluring Turmoil
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She gives a satisfied sigh and rests her head on my chest, right near my heart. It speeds up with her in such close proximity to the organ, that little does she know, she still owns.

“How were the cakes? They weren’t ruined, were they? I’m sorry for distracting you.”

She lifts her head, looks at me introspectively, and touches my face. “No they’re ok. Minor damage, but nothing that can’t be fixed.”

I wonder to myself if we’re still talking about cake.

I lift her back up, sit her on the edge of the counter, and stand between her legs with her hand still on my face. “I have rehearsal tonight for the concert tomorrow, but would you like to come along and maybe have dinner after?”

I can’t seem to stop touching her. I don’t want to. Her touch soothes the beast in my soul that has run rampant since she left me eight years ago.

Smiling that beautiful smile that was always reserved for me she says, “Let me check with Erik and make sure he’s ok with closing. As long as no one calls in tonight, I should be able to. Are you sure you want me there?”

I turn my head and lay a kiss in the center of her palm. “Yes. I want you there.”

“Ok then.”

Chapter Nine


e wants me at his concert rehearsal. And he’s being so sweet. So romantic. So like MY Jude. Please God, please don’t let me trust him again with my heart and have him shatter it… Again. I won’t survive it. But to be honest, I’m not sure anyone can survive Jude Delecroix twice in one lifetime anyway.

Jude picks up his hat and aviators and puts them back on, before walking backwards toward the kitchen door. He’s looking at me the entire time, saying he’ll call me later to make sure I’m coming. If I don’t call to tell him otherwise, he’ll pick me up at five.

Right as he reaches the door, he walks back into the room, pushes his aviators up, and picks up my cell phone from the island. Pulling me towards him, he rubs his nose against mine. As I’m staring into his eyes, he snaps a photo of the two of us to put with the contact information he’s just entered. He saves it, kisses me one more time, and walks out the door. Whistling.

What just happened?

He’s acting so much like the old Jude, my Jude; it’s hard to remind myself that the past eight years have even taken place. It’s hard to remember he’s a womanizing rock star.

I take a moment to regroup and look at the photo he just snapped, before washing my hands and cleaning our mess. Then I walk into the shop. Erik gives me a smile as he pulls me against his side. “Well… that was certainly… interesting. So love, tell me, what’s up? Or rather I know what was
You have a gorgeous glow and I’m certain that everyone within a ten mile radius is aware that you just got lucky. Very, very lucky.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me and smirks. “Please tell me you disinfected the counter.”

I blush bright crimson and playfully shove him. “Geez, Erik,
shut up

He lets out a deep belly laugh and kisses my head again. “You know I’m teasing you. And while I am worried about you because I love you, I know you’re a big girl and that shit” he points to the kitchen, “was bound to happen with the two of you sooner or later. I’m just surprised it was the night after you punched him in the face and split his lip. By the way,
was fucking awesome!”

“Yeah well, I didn’t wake up expecting
this morning!”

“I know you didn’t, love. I know. But you really do have a glow about you. Even though it pains me to admit it, so did he. And that was pretty ballsy to get in my face like that when I was ready to beat him to a pulp. I’m impressed! Standing up to me when he knows I can break him was pretty effective. He still cares about you, you know.” He’s tracing soothing circles on my shoulder as he talks into my hair.

“I think I know. I can hope. I was so scared one of you was going to start swinging. I would have hated that. In all the years you were friends, even after… you know… you two never came to blows. It would have devastated me if it’d happened because of me.”

“Lex, just promise me something. I know I’m not your bodyguard, your brother, or boyfriend, but promise me you’ll be careful. Please? I meant what I said last night. I can’t handle watching you if you lose Jude again.
can’t handle losing Jude again. Be happy. Figure it out, but please promise me you’ll be careful.”

I sigh because I know he’s right, but I also know it’s too late. I’m already so completely enraptured with Jude that if he leaves me, I’m going to break. And this time… this time I won’t recover.

Erik is watching me the entire time and can read me like a book. He knows exactly what just went through my head. “Ok then. Just be careful.” He sighs too. “So, what did you come out here to talk to me about?”

I look at him from under my lashes as my cheeks darken and I bite my lip. It’s a nervous habit and one I wish I could break. “Jude asked me to go to rehearsal with him tonight and then out to dinner. I told him I’d have to make sure you were ok with closing, we were fully staffed, and that I’d let him know.”

“You want to go?”

“Yeah, I do. I haven’t seen him rehearse since, well, before. And dinner would be nice. But only if it’s ok with you. I’m not going to just abandon you because he’s back in town for a few days.”

“Yeah… about that. Apparently, he’s in town for more than a few days. But, Lex, if you want to go, then go. I’m not going to tell you no. I’ll be fine here. Thursday nights are usually quiet, so we’ll be fine. I can close up.”

I frown a little as I realize what he just said. “What do you mean he’s not just here for a few days?”

“Well, Alec, the guy from last night,” he blushes, “is a realtor and he’s actually been working with Jude to find a place here. A place to buy.”

“Like to live? Here?” I’m biting my lip so hard now, it’s a wonder I still have skin left.

“According to Alec, yes. He wants to tour, but he wants to build a recording studio and record all of their albums here, in Baton Rouge. He’s ready to be home some of the time is what he’s told Alec.”

Whoa. That’s a lot to process. “Ok then. Well anyway, if you’re sure it’s ok, I’m going to go tonight. Maybe he’ll mention his plans to move back to me then.”

The next few hours pass quickly since we’re busy. I have to refill the bakery display rack several times and a large order from the Capitol comes in for this weekend’s session.

At 4:30PM, my phone buzzes with a text.

“Sexy Rock God

Am I picking you up?

Do I need to buy you more panties?”

I read the text and laugh as my cheeks heat. I think for a second before I reply.


Yes, if you still want to, you’re picking me up.

Ready when you are.

‘Sexy Rock God’, really? Ego much?

And yes, you owe me a pair of panties. Those were my favorite pair!”

I wipe down the tables as I hum along to The Civil Wars playing over the speakers and wait for Jude to get here.

A few minutes later, another text comes through.

“Sexy Rock God

Be there in 10.

Hope you’re ok with the bike.

Yes ‘Sexy Rock God’. Don’t believe me? Just ask your BFF.

I’ll bring you a present. Can’t have you messing up my leather seat. ;)”

I laugh again and see Erik watching me with a slight smile on his face. I blow him a kiss. He pretend catches it and tucks it to his heart before winking at me and taking the next order.

I send one more reply.


Bradi is insane. I listen to nothing she says.

I like presents.

And just think of it as ‘conditioning your seat’ ;)”

I wait for a reply, but nothing comes.

Eight minutes later, I see Jude’s bike pull up and I run to my office to grab my purse and blow Erik another kiss as I’m walking out the door. “I’ll text you later. See you at home.”

“Have fun, love. Be safe!”

I greet Jude at his bike and he looks so sexy straddling it, I grab his shirt and plant a hard, fast kiss on his lips, slipping my tongue in his mouth to brush against his for just a second, before slinging my leg over the bike, wrapping my arms around his waist, and holding on tight.

He turns to smile, as he hands me a helmet, revs the engine, and grabs my exposed thigh before calling, “You ready for the ride, baby?” He takes off fast.

All I can do is hang on.


I just saw her a few hours ago. Hell, I just touched her a few hours ago, but as soon as she walks out of the door, her shapely hips swaying under her skirt, and the knowledge that she isn’t wearing panties… my heart lifts up… so does something else, but my heart lifts almost out of my chest. It’s not normal for one woman to have so much power over my emotions. Not normal at all.

It takes us about fifteen minutes to get from Java and Sweeties to the River Center, where tomorrow night’s concert is being held. Traffic was always a bitch in Baton Rouge and it seems as if the population has tripled while the streets have shrunk since the last time I was home. We get there safely with only a few foul words being exchanged with other drivers and I pull around to the back.

I park the bike and help Lexi off, trying to shield her crotch from the roadies unloading the buses, who are already noticing her shirt clinging to her breasts and back in the sultry Louisiana heat.

She takes the helmet off and shakes her head, trying to give some semblance of order to her long wavy auburn hair. It looks like she just crawled out of bed after a session of good loving.

She makes me want to blow off this rehearsal and drag her to the nearest private spot I can find and bury myself in her. I tell myself I’m not rushing. We have all the time in the world, so instead I take her hand and we go into the blessed coolness of the air conditioned arena.

I’d forgotten how intense the Louisiana heat and humidity can be, even in September.

We make our way to the dressing room designated for Bayou Stix. I entwine her fingers with mine to stake some kind of claim as we walk down the hallway, since every man is staring at her as if she’s a cool drink of water in the middle of the desert.

It makes me feel good that she’s with me and they’re looking, but at the same time, I don’t want anyone to look. I just got her back; I want to place her in a bubble away from curious and leering eyes.

Just outside the dressing room door I pull her to a stop, and she looks at me expectantly. I press her back against the door, wrap her hair around my hands, and hold her face still for me as I claim her mouth. This kiss is not as gentle as the one we shared in the kitchen of Java and Sweeties, but then again, it’s not meant to be. It’s not rough either. It’s a kiss of passion and possession. A kiss to show everyone that while they may be able to look, they cannot touch. This woman is

Once I’ve thoroughly claimed her mouth and have her breathless and looking well-loved, I break the kiss; though I’m a bit short of breath too, and push open the door.

The other members of the band look up at the intrusion and notice I brought company. They all share looks of shock as they glance at each other and from me to Lexi. I smile. “Lex, you remember the guys, right? Jessie, Dade, Liam, and Cruz. Guys, you remember, Lexi?”

Their mouths pop closed and their features return to normal. Jessie and Dade jump up and come over to us with big smiles and reach for Lexi. Liam nods at her before leaning back on the wall, looking disinterested. Cruz smiles shyly at us.

Jessie and Dade take turns giving her hugs and both talk at once.

“Heya, Lexi. How are you, beautiful? You were always a beauty, but man time has certainly been kind to you! Turn around. Let me get the full effect!” Jessie states as he twirls his finger in a circle and checks her out, looking her up and down.

“Hey, beautiful! Give me a hug. Good to see you again. Time has been oh so kind to you. You’re ravishing.” Dade picks Lexi up and swings her around as he kisses her cheek.

BOOK: Alluring Turmoil
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