Read Allure Magnified Online

Authors: N Isabelle Blanco

Allure Magnified (6 page)

BOOK: Allure Magnified
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He ran his hands down his face then pulled on his hair. “It’s nothing.” He caught sight of my face and something about the way I was looking at him must’ve given away how scared I was.  “Baby, look at me.” He grabbed my hands and pulled me closer, not letting them go. “It’s

“It doesn’t look like it’s nothing,” I said in a small voice. I stared down at our joined hands, confirming what I was feeling. Dorian was holding my hands so tight that they were starting to hurt. His knuckles and veins stood out sharply from the strain. There was a hint of desperation in him, one that I could tell he was trying to hide.

“Look at me.”

So I did, bringing my eyes back up to lock with his.

“It’s nothing I can’t handle.” He raised one hand, his thumb caressing my cheek on a downward stroke. “Just forget about it. Please.”

I nodded and managed to gently extricate my hands from his hold. Dorian tried to make his expression impassive as he turned on the car. I ignored the fact that I could tell I was being lied to.

For now.

Whatever it was, Dorian didn’t want me to know. And I doubted it was work related, because he usually at least mentioned what was frustrating him with work, even if I didn’t always understand what the issue entailed.

No. This was different and he was hiding it from me. The feeling coursing through my brain and leaking down on a toxic wave was new and unusual. I hated it. I nibbled on the inside of my cheek, fighting the urge to question him. Hell, the way I was feeling, I was going to corner him and demand those answers. We hadn’t had an argument, yet, but I knew that if I opened my mouth right now, it was going to happen.

Still, there was no way I could let this go. No fucking way. As soon as I caught him off guard, I was going to confront him.  He was going to tell me what the hell was going on whether he liked it or not.


hy am I on this coffee table again?”

“Because I love your little ass spread on it. Good memories.”

“Haven’t we made enough?”

Dorian leaned over me, all lazy suggestiveness. His hands were spread on either side of me, his arms caging me in. “You really think that we’ve made enough?”

I was trying really hard not to get distracted. I had been waiting for us to finish eating so I could broach the subject of what the hell was going on. Except as soon as I’d set my Chinese food container aside, I’d found myself lifted in the air…

And placed legs-spread right on the coffee table.

Déjà vu.

“No. That’s not what I’m sayi

He bit his lip, smiling at me, and leaned into me. He fucked my mouth with his tongue, humming contently.


We’re busy.”

My toes curled inside my heels, my mouth opening to accept him again.

“I want to drink you until your pussy runs dry.”

“Okay.” I slapped my hands on the coffee table and leaned back on them, spreading my legs even more. “You win. Go.”

Dorian laughed, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners. “See? Don’t we get along better when you just submit to what I want?”

I grabbed his collar with one hand and pulled him closer. “Dorian, get to the drinking me part.”

“Not quite submitting yet, I see.” His hand slapped around my neck, the grip tight and merciless. He slammed me onto the table hard enough to fucking hurt and didn’t give a damn when I gasped, shocked.

I tried lifting my head, ready to curse him out. My back arched into his stiff arm, my mouth falling open. There he was, on his knees, holding me down on his coffee table while sniffing his way down my body. He didn’t stop until he was running his nose right down my slit, a groan mixing with his inhale.


“Addicted to this,” he mumbled, lapping wetly at my still covered pussy.

I shivered, melting onto the table and letting my legs collapse open. I was panting for breath. He slipped his left index finger into my panties, rubbing the back across my lips. I bit my lip, arched…tried to swallow, but realized that his hold on me was almost too tight.


He captured one of my lower lips between his teeth, tugging it and my panties gently. I whimpered, writhing against him. Holding my boy shorts to the side, he thrust two fingers in. “Even after I’ve fucked you, you’re still so snug.”

His God damned
I clenched, angry that I was already so close to orgasm. He sucked on my clit then looked up at me from beneath lowered lids. I was able to move my head just enough to see how his navy eyes blazed behind his thick black lashes.

He’d stopped moving his fingers and had them pressed deep within me. A wicked smile curled his lips. “I’m never going to get tired of feeling how you throb for me.”

I dug my nails into his hand. In response, he simply tightened his hold on me, enough to make breathing just a tad bit difficult. Anger rose and mixed with the need for more. “Fuck me.” He didn’t move; he just stared down at me with that victorious and pleased look.  I dug the nails of my other hand into his bicep hard enough to hurt and possibly draw blood.

Dorian merely laughed, biting his lip as he rose over me. “I love when you’re so needy for my cock that you get violent.” He leaned down and breathed right against my lips. “Harder, baby. Make me bleed.”

He asked for it. I clenched my teeth, rotated my hips against his hand, and as pleasure spiraled along my walls I dragged my nails down his skin. He pressed down on my neck. I opened my mouth to gasp and ended up with a mouthful of him instead. I let go of his hands as we writhed into each other. I clawed into his back next, pulling and tugging and hoping he’d get the damned point.

I felt his phone vibrate against my thigh. He kissed me harder, obviously determined to ignore it. I wrapped my legs around his hips, just as determined as he was. His phone eventually stopped vibrating, only to start up again less than a second later.

“Fucking shit.” Dorian panted, his breath tempting me as it tickled my mouth.

I mewled and leaned up, lips pursed. He sucked on one then the other in that soft way that made my clit throb. He ran his thumb across my lower lip, making sure I fucking tasted more of him.

              “Ignore it,” I breathed, lost in a haze. I snapped my teeth around his thumb and dragged it into my mouth. The damned phone kept vibrating and it was by the third call that reality came down on me.

Dorian cursed and pulled away from me. I watched him get up, the expression on his face going carefully blank.

“Who is it, Dorian?” I sat up on the coffee table.

“Just wait for me here, okay? Please.”

My mouth fell open but whatever I was about to say died on its way out. I could do nothing but sit there and ache as I watched him walk out of the living room and toward his bedroom.

The urge to slam my hand on the coffee table was extreme. Either that or laugh. No, actually, I was about ready to get the hell up and storm back there so I could smack him for what he was doing.

And the list was growing longer by the moment. I couldn’t tell what pissed me off more, the fact that I was horny and unsatisfied, or that he was once again withholding the truth from me.

Fucking shit.

Aggravation rushed through me and had me jumping up to my feet. I was two steps in the direction of his room when common sense hit me. It was starting to really hurt that he didn’t want me to know about what was going on. At the same time, if he wanted to keep it to himself, who was I to demand that he tell me?

After all, it’s not like he was my boyfriend.

Double ouch.

I told myself I was being ridiculous. For all I knew, it probably had to do something with work and he just didn’t want to involve me in it. At least I hoped so. Suddenly anxious, I ran my fingers through my hair. Pacing back and forth wasn’t going to help and I really didn’t want him to see me doing so if he came out. So, I turned and decided to sit on the couch while I waited for him to come out.

That lasted five minutes, tops. A few times, I heard his voice rise. He wasn’t yelling, and I couldn’t make out what he was saying, but the tone I picked up sent my anxiety sky rocketing. Unable to sit there for another second, I got up and made my way into the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water and was taking the first sip when I heard the bedroom door open.

My hand started shaking so badly that I spilled some of the water. Pissed off, I placed the glass on the counter and took a deep breath. I felt more than heard Dorian walk into the kitchen and stop behind me.

“Sorry about that.”

I closed my eyes. Yes, I’d told myself that I wasn’t going to pry, but it became impossible not to do so right then. “What was it about? Was it the same person as before?”

His silence was a warning, one that I understood. I knew what he meant to do before he even answered. Deflect. “Yeah, but it’s nothing. Just something I have to deal with.”

You’re not his girlfriend, Dem. Don’t argue about this.

I poured the water left in the glass into the sink then placed it inside. I was so tempted to put on my shoes, grab my purse, and leave. He had every right to keep certain things to himself,  but I had every right, as a woman, to be upset over it.

Either way, though, I couldn’t up and leave. Regardless of how “justified” I might be in my disappointment with the situation, he’d just gotten back. Throwing a fit and leaving would be the definition of fucked-up and I didn’t feel like being that much of a bitch to him.

“Let me get the plates we left in the kitchen.” I went to walk past him, but he blocked my way and pulled me into his arms. He cupped my jaw in his hand, his thumb caressing my ear and sliding down my neck. I knew what he was about to do and I was equal parts needy and wary.  I needed him as always, but I needed distance just as bad.

He tilted my head up and pressed his lips to mine. His kiss started out gentle, sweet. It didn’t matter. Within a second, his tongue had dipped inside and licked around mine. He knew just what to do, exactly how to stroke my tongue, how to coax me back to that point of mindless need.

I pulled back enough to whimper his name softly in protest. “Dorian.”

He groaned, pulling me back in. His tongue turned full-on aggressive. Obviously, he’d become as mindless as I was about to be. I was so tempted to give in as I usually did and let him sweep me up into the sex that leaked off of him until both of us were coming hard. But I was still upset. Beneath it all, that small resentfulness remained and having sex with him while I felt like that was a stupid ass idea.

I knew that. So, I stepped away from him.


“Dorian, I…I just can’t right now.” I stared up at him from under my lashes, hoping that he’d get it and wouldn’t be angry. Or worse, make me put to words what it was that I was feeling.

“You’re angry.”

“I’m not angry. I’m just…” I paused, wondering what would be the best way to explain, and wondering if I wasn’t in fact lying. I didn’t want to admit out loud that I was angry. Doing so would make me feel like an immature brat. Yet, deep down I knew that all the denial in the world would never erase the reality of what I was feeling. “Dorian, you can’t expect me not to be bothered by this.”

The way his expression dropped made me cringe.

“I’m not hiding anything from you because I have secrets of any sort, Demi. Not like that.”

I couldn’t even try and pretend that the thought hadn’t crossed my mind. It must have showed on my face, too.

“Baby girl—”

I crossed my arms and pretty much hugged myself. “Then why can’t you tell me?” God, I sounded pitiful and I hated myself for it.

He went to reach for me but the look on my face must have warned him off. His hands dropped back to his sides and his shoulders rose with his next inhale. “I just don’t want to worry you with something meaningless.”             

“But it is something that would make me worry if I knew?”

Dorian ran a hand through his hair. “No. Damn it. That’s not what—can you please trust me that it’s of no real importance? Please? Baby, I missed you and all I want to do is spend time with you. Not deal with unnecessary bullshit.”

BOOK: Allure Magnified
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