Read All He Needs (All or Nothing) Online

Authors: C.C. Gibbs

Tags: #Fiction / Romance - Contemporary, #Fiction / Romance - Erotica, #Fiction / Erotica

All He Needs (All or Nothing) (10 page)

BOOK: All He Needs (All or Nothing)
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short time later, Kate was reclining against a mass of pillows, nude, her arms raised over her head, her wrists tied to the bedposts with the belts from their robes.

“Now look, baby,” Dominic said, sitting back on his heels after securing the last tie, pointing above her head. “Those are slip knots, the belts are tethered to the bed loosely so there’s a lot of give. You can reach the ends with either hand. Pull them free whenever you want… if you want. Okay? I told you before, the agenda’s yours tonight. I’m just here to help.” Picking up his discarded robe, he shoved it out of his way.

“So you’re entirely unselfish.”

A twitch of his lips. “Not entirely. But my control issues work both ways. I’m generally pretty well disciplined.”

Her gaze flicked downward to his monstrous erection, hard against his stomach. “I don’t know. He looks restless.”

“We’re working on that. You first, then we’ll see.”

“But I don’t get him until morning?”

His eyelids fell fractionally. “Think of it this way. Tomorrow he’s yours for the duration.”


“Meaning, we’re completely at your service.”

No commitment timeline but what did she expect from a man who was interested in an exclusivity contact?

Rather than continue a conversation that wasn’t going
anywhere he wanted it to go, Dominic smiled and said, “So—in the interim, how do you feel about this?” He held up a small Asian cucumber. “Or this?” He picked up a miniature lavender Japanese eggplant. “Or these?” Dropping the vegetables, he wiggled his fingers and stuck out his tongue.

There was no point turning down orgasms because he wasn’t willing to name a wedding date. He wasn’t Prince Charming, she wasn’t Cinderella; this wasn’t a fairy tale.
“Okay,” she said.

His smile broadened. “All at once?”

“No, not all at once, wiseass. It’s not humanly possible.”

“You sure?”


“I’m not being funny.”

“Now you’re making me nervous.”

“You can say no—anytime.”

“Then no thanks.”

He shrugged.

A flush rose on her cheeks. “I suppose they always say yes.”

“I wouldn’t know. I don’t do ad hoc sex games. Someone’s always paid to provide the equipment. There’s no need for me to go out on search missions. Oh, shit, now you’re mad about that. Look, let’s just live in the Zen moment. I’ll take care of you tonight. All you have to do is tell me when to stop.” His voice drifted lower. “Or not.”

“Arrogant man.” But her voice was velvet soft too. “If I wasn’t tied up, I’d hit you.”

“Untie yourself.” He held his arms out wide, dipped his handsome head. “Hit me.”

“Now you’re just showing off.” He was the picture of strength, sitting cross-legged on the bed in an easy quasi yoga pose, all brute power and machismo, his lean, muscled body flexing beautifully from abs to pecs to biceps when he’d lifted his arms.

“Speaking of showing off,” he murmured, dropping his arms and reaching out to gently tug on her peaked nipples, watching them swell under his fingers. “You’ll win that contest. I remember saying I was going to fuck these fantastic tits that first night in Hong Kong, but I never did. Tonight might be the night,” he said softly.

“If I let you.”

His sharp glance was shot through with surprise for a flashing moment before a polite shield fell into place. “I can only hope then,” he drawled, releasing her nipples and leaning back on his hands. “Are we done talking? Just asking. Does your pussy like it when I tug on your nipples?”

“A little.”

He smiled. “Want more?”

“Don’t say it like that, Dominic. I’m not asking or begging tonight. You said the agenda’s mine. So make me feel good.”

“With pleasure.” He leaned to his right, stretched out his arm, and picked up the small, gleaming eggplant he’d placed on the bed. “All washed and clean—I soaped and rinsed it twice. Apparently, protocol requires a condom on it—not that I’d know personally so you don’t have to scowl. But since condoms are a problem for you”—he smiled—“we went to plan B.”


“The royal we,” he blandly lied, not about to disclose
the staff’s aid in his search for objects to satisfy Kate. She didn’t understand the concept of personal retainers. They were well paid to see that his life ran smoothly. Tan had even come up with some silver ben wa balls, still new in the box, that he’d intended as a gift for his wife. “Now, lie back, relax, and we’ll see about making you happy.” He reached out again, picked up the last two items, set the Asian cucumber next to the eggplant, and opened the small red silk-covered box. “Have you tried these before?” He held up the ben wa balls, scrupulously washed, and shook them so she could hear the little bells inside.

She made a moue. “That’s not exactly improvising. Where did you get them?”

Since the truth was awkward—for her, not him—he resorted to another lie. “I found them in the room where Danny stays when he’s in town. I figured if anyone was likely to have playthings, he would.”

“So he has women here but you don’t?”

He shrugged. “When I’m not here he can do as he pleases.”

“You really

“It saves time, money, and lawsuits.”

“So the drawbridge is always up?”

“Basically. Could we talk about something else? My life isn’t that interesting.”

“More interesting than mine, but”—she glanced up briefly at her fettered wrists and smiled—“not at the moment. Especially since you probably know what to do with”—she dipped her head in the direction of the ben wa balls resting on his palm—“those pretty silver things.”

He smiled, lifted his palm marginally, and said, “Why don’t we just say I’m here to make
life more interesting. Once these are in place I’ll be able to hear you when you move or walk. Or when you climax, because these little trinkets will keep you hot and wet and horny. I’ll take you shopping some day or out for dinner and see how long you last before I have to find somewhere to fuck you. Would you like that?” he asked softly, sliding one of the silver balls up her slick, pulsing cleft.

She shook her head.

“Sure you would.”

“No, Dominic.” But her voice caught at the last because he slipped the second silver sphere upward where it struck the first and the faint ringing sound was adjunct to the most delicious ripple of pure, unspoiled pleasure. A soft, involuntary moan issued from her mouth in a breathy shimmer of sound.

“See you were wrong.” A matter-of-fact observation. “Now let’s see where else you’re wrong. Not humanly possible you said.” He forced the ben wa balls deeper, which arrested her dissent and gave rise to a tantalizing little purr instead. “Don’t worry, this is small,” he needlessly said with her attention internally focused and hot desire swiftly rising unchecked in spiraling ripples to every trembling nerve in her body. He spread her pouty sex with his thumb and forefinger, eased in the convex end of the cylinder-shaped eggplant, and gently pushed until a third of it disappeared; he glanced up. “Good so far?”

Her eyes were shut, her nipples taut, stiff peaks, her breathing erratic, the rosy flush rising up her neck and face manifest arousal.

“Answer me, baby. Are we good?” He didn’t require an answer; he just wanted one.

She recognized the small gruffness in his voice. She could have refused to answer, but swamped in blissful delight, she was more than willing to appease him. Her lashes lifted slightly, she held his cool blue gaze and smiled. “Everything’s perfect.”

“Right,” he said. Shoving the smooth lavender object deeper, he watched her face. “How’s that?

She gasped as the pressure on her G-spot intensified and the invading mock dildo nudged the ben wa balls deeper so they slid titillating and smooth as silk along the rich network of seething, skittish nerves that were switched on to hot and horny. Greedy for more of that exquisite, carnal jolt, wildly impatient, she flexed her hips, reaching for the next flame-hot, explosive thrill—the tinkle of bells marking her restless urgency.

“You like that?” he whispered, neither expecting a reply nor requiring one. It was her playtime. He was only the means to that end.

Placing the heel of his palm just above the cusp of her pubic bone, he pressed gently, and was gratified when she instantly went still. It wasn’t that he’d doubted her abstinence the month past—or at least not much—but her swift response soothed any niggling suspicions. She was hungry for sex, her orgasmic trigger rocket ready.

Oh Christ. Since when did he micro-manage a woman’s personal sex life?

Then the first small orgasmic ripple flared through Kate’s
long-deprived, Dominic-famished senses and she gasped, “Sorry… I can’t wait.”

He smiled.
Some things never change.
“Don’t be sorry, baby; that’s why I’m here. So you don’t have to wait.” And his uneasy thoughts gave way to more immediate issues. Increasing the pressure of his palm on the immovable object solidly submerged in Katherine’s lush sex, he gently massaged her sweet spot, fully aware of her breath-held, eyes-shut, on-the-brink tremors. Her back was arched, her body taut, the slight, irresistible quiver signaling her imminent climax fluttering under his palm. “Need a little help?” A whisper soft rhetorical question he answered himself. “Try this.” Slipping his other hand between her legs, he gently eased his middle finger between the make-shift dildo and her swollen clit, and delicately stroked the sleek, distended nub. Listening to her tiny, vaporous whimpers quicken as her arousal began peaking, he softly caressed her clit with a well-practiced facileness, and enchanted with her complete lack of control, he watched her wild, headlong, careening race to climax.

Then, moments later, as she hurtled over the edge, he smiled indulgently, pleased with the degree and intensity of the powerful, roiling orgasmic tidal wave engulfing her.

He calmly waited for her inevitable scream.

But Kate was holding her breath against the sheer, stunning ecstasy melting through her body, instinctively preserving what she had so long missed—the fathomless splendor, the incomprehensible rapture, the hot, hot, hot delirium.

Until ultimately her lungs rebelled.

She gasped for air.

Taking advantage of the momentary pause, Dominic placed the tip of the slender cucumber where his finger had been, forced the additional dildo deeper, gently jammed it against both her clit and G-spot, then nudged it an infinitesimal distance more. “Is it too much?” he murmured just before he placed his palm against the portion still visible and pushed.

Her scream shattered the stillness, her entire body went still, and a second tempestuous orgasm overtook her in a scorching explosion of pleasure piled upon seething pleasure that lasted and lasted…

Dominic was technically adept when it came to sustaining orgasmic sensation and particularly interested in pleasing the beautiful young woman who’d sabotaged his entire way of life, reconfigured his notions of personal freedom, and, in artless compensation, given him inexplicable happiness.

This was his version of welcoming her back.

Sometime later, Kate felt the world return by slow degrees: sound, marginal perception, smell—
God she loved Dominic’s shampoo. Musky and sweet, with a faint undertone of cedar that reminded her of home
. She opened her eyes.

“Did you enjoy yourself?”

She gazed up into Dominic’s handsome face and his amused blue gaze. “You feel smug, don’t you?” But her voice was languorous, soft with contentment.

He shook his head, the faint movement dislodging a sweep of black hair he’d shoved behind his ear. “Just useful.”

Her smile was serene. “Modest too.”

He shrugged. “You’re always easy. You know that.”

Knowing just how wrong that statement was with anyone but him, she chose to change the subject. He was the least likely man to appreciate her confession. He had women falling all over him. She expected he always had. “Your hair’s longer,” she said, redirecting her thoughts and the conversation.

“I was too lazy to have it cut.”
And too indifferent when his life had been totally fucked.

“I like it.” She reached up and slipped the errant tress behind his ear.

“I like everything about you,” he said simply.

“Good, because you’ve become my drug of choice, my addiction, my greatest pleasure.” She gave him a shaky smile. “You can’t leave this time,” she whispered.

“I won’t.” He didn’t even question his promise or debate who had left whom. In fact, he was seriously considering locking up Katherine and throwing away the key.

“Oh, Lord.” She made a face. “Feel free to jerk me back to reality when I get too demanding. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Say whatever you want. I mean it. Most of the world tells me what they think I want to hear. You’re different.” He touched her cheek gently. “In every imaginable way.”

“And I like your world-class orgasms that delight me in every imaginable way,” she said with a lift of her brows, determined to restore the playful dynamic between them. “Really, I can’t thank you enough.”

His practiced smile was instant and effortless. “So, we did good?” He smoothly slid the provisional dildos free.

Her smile in response was angelic.

“It was a thousand times better than good.” She lazily stretched as though recalling every lush sensation. “God, I missed you—and all this… the defenseless desire, the insatiable need”—she smiled—“the mind-blowing happy endings.”

While he found his overwhelming need for one woman bewildering, he understood with unequivocal clarity the incredibly intense sex they shared… He’d missed that too. “I’m not going anywhere,” he said quietly.

Her smile was wobbly again, his earnestness affecting her tenuous hold on good judgment. “I’ll probably drive you away I’m so crazy needy.”

“I like your crazy.” Bending low, his dark hair falling forward to frame his face, he brushed a kiss down the fine bridge of her nose. “I have from the first. So you won’t drive me away.” He arched one brow. “And just so we’re clear, you won’t be leaving any time soon either.”

BOOK: All He Needs (All or Nothing)
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