Read Alice-Miranda Takes the Lead Online

Authors: Jacqueline Harvey

Alice-Miranda Takes the Lead (10 page)

BOOK: Alice-Miranda Takes the Lead
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The Fayle school campus spread out over a thousand glistening acres, with magnificent Victorian buildings surrounded by sports fields, a swimming pool, sailing lake and stables. From the road it was almost completely hidden from view, no doubt the result of clever planning by generations of gardeners. McGlintock Manor, named after its founder's beloved wife, Helena Louise McGlintock, was renowned as the most beautiful of any school building in the country and had been extended over
the years to house most of the classrooms, administration areas and the headmaster's residence.

Septimus could hardly believe his luck when he heard that his step-grandmother Henrietta had arranged for him and his sister Sloane to go to boarding school. It had been his dream – and one that he'd shared with his beloved grandfather Percy on the rare occasions that he'd been allowed to visit and the even rarer ones he was able to stay the night. Three years ago, Septimus had pinned a list of schools he would have liked to attend to his bedroom wall, with Fayle being his first preference. He'd heard that it was an outstanding institution, where being smart was revered, rather than reviled. And if there was one thing Septimus most certainly was, it was smart.

In his family, Sep had always felt like the odd one out. The only person who truly understood him was Grandpa Percy, and now that he was gone, life seemed like a lonely place. Septimus adored reading – about science and history and politics. His mother, on the other hand, only ever flicked through the pages of
Women's Daily
Gloss and Goss
, his father pored over the racing pages at the back of the newspaper, and his sister thought reading was something you only ever did if the television was on the blink.
He loved his mother and father but, quite simply, he thought they could have been from another planet.

So when Septimus arrived at Fayle, he found that it was even better than he had dreamt of. Although just twelve years of age, Sep had learned early the difference between what you hoped for and what you expected. While he hoped the students would be kind, the teachers brilliant and the school perfect, what he expected was very different.

At his last school, on the very first day the kids had branded him Septic Sykes and it had stuck. He expected the teachers at his new school to be strict in the extreme, perhaps even carrying canes or some other medieval devices of punishment. But so far, Fayle was different. No one said anything about his name. When he told the boys that everyone called him Sep, they believed him without question and Sep it was. And the teachers, while perhaps a little on the vague side, were incredibly knowledgeable and kind, with no sign of any instruments of torture. He couldn't believe that there was absolutely nothing to be disappointed about – and that made him happier than he had been in his entire life.

Now that he was a fully fledged member of Fayle, Septimus vowed to make the most of every minute.
Within the first few days, he'd signed up for the school newspaper, the science club, the athletics squad and swimming training. At assembly, Professor Winterbottom announced that, for the first time in over ten years, Fayle would be teaming up with the girls from Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale to put on a play. Drama wasn't something he had any experience with, but he was willing to give it a go all the same.

On Saturday afternoon, Sep was on his way to the running track when the headmaster called out to him from across the quadrangle.

‘I'd like a word, young man.' The professor walked towards him, peering over the top of his spectacles.

Professor Wallace Winterbottom had been the headmaster at Fayle for a very long time. The school was his life and, although his long-suffering wife Deidre often hinted that she thought it might be time they took off and saw the world, Wallace was deaf to her suggestions. Deidre enjoyed school life too, but carried a long-held desire to visit the pyramids and Greece. In fact, she had an extensive list of places she wanted to see, which curiously enough she carried with her everywhere, in her right shoe.

The three loves of Wallace's life were Fayle, of course, his beloved West Highland Terrier named
Parsley, and his wife Deidre, possibly even in that order. He had started his teaching career at Fayle as a young English master and gained the role of head very early on. So, in all, he'd been at the school for more than forty years – almost a record, but not quite. Hedges, the gardener, beat him by a long shot, having started at age fourteen; he was now seventy-four and showing no signs at all of slowing down.

‘Yes, sir,' Septimus replied as he reached the old man.

‘We've got a new boy starting tomorrow and I was thinking he might go in with you,' Professor Winterbottom began. ‘Name's Lucas Nixon. He's had a rough trot lately, so I need someone who'll look after the lad. Can I rely on you?'

Sep nodded. ‘Of course, sir. I'd be pleased to have a room mate. It's been a bit quiet.'

‘Very good. That will be all.' The professor came as close to a smile as anyone might ever have seen.

Septimus was looking forward to the arrival of a room mate. He'd already made friends with several of the boys and although he enjoyed his own company, it would be good to have someone to talk to after lights out.

‘Guess who starts at Fayle tomorrow?' It was now Saturday evening and Alice-Miranda and Millie had just joined Jacinta in the dining room dinner line.

‘Lucas?' Jacinta asked, wide-eyed.

The other girls nodded.

‘That's fantastic. I can't wait to see him,' Jacinta gasped.

Millie rolled her eyes. ‘Three weeks ago, you couldn't stand him. ‘Now I think you're seriously “crushed”.'

‘No, I'm not,' Jacinta protested. ‘We just understand each other, that's all.'

‘Well, I don't think we'll get to see Lucas tomorrow.' Alice-Miranda shuffled along, edging closer to where Mrs Smith was pushing out plates of steaming hot roast beef, crispy potatoes, beans and cauliflower cheese covered with lashings of thick gravy. ‘But Mummy said that she would see if Aunt Charlotte and Lawrence can pop in and say hello once they've got Lucas settled.'

‘Ohhhh,' Jacinta sighed. ‘Imagine, Lawrence Ridley – here – at Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale. Best keep that between us, or the poor man will be mobbed. He's sooo dreamy.'

Millie and Alice-Miranda giggled.

‘I'm sure you'll look after him, Jacinta,' Millie grinned.

‘Yes, of course I will. He's a national treasure and in my favourite ever movie.'

The girls hadn't noticed Sloane, who had slipped into the line behind Millie and was eavesdropping on their conversation.

‘Did you say Lawrence Ridley?' Sloane asked. ‘As in Lawrence Ridley, the movie star?'

‘Oh, hello there, Sloane,' Alice-Miranda leaned around Jacinta and Millie so that she could see her.
‘Yes, that's right. Jacinta did say Lawrence Ridley.'

‘How do you know him?' Sloane demanded. ‘If you actually do, that is.'

‘Oh yes, I really do. We all do. Lawrence is my Aunt Charlotte's fiancé and his son Lucas is starting at Fayle tomorrow. Do you remember I told you about them when we were out riding this morning?' Alice-Miranda smiled.

‘No, you didn't. You didn't say anything about Lawrence Ridley. I'd have remembered that,' Sloane replied.

‘Well, I thought I did but perhaps I didn't. Anyway, he's the loveliest fellow and terribly handsome too.'

‘Will I get to meet him?' Sloane demanded.

‘Quite possibly, if he and Aunt Charlotte come over tomorrow once they've dropped Lucas off.' Alice-Miranda picked up her knife and fork as the group moved along the servery.

‘You have to introduce me,' Sloane insisted. ‘Meeting Lawrence Ridley is definitely on my “to do” list.'

‘You're well organised, having a “to do” list. Oh, hello Mrs Smith.' Alice-Miranda reached the front of the queue. ‘It looks like you've outdone yourself
tonight. Dinner smells delicious.' She picked up her plate and held it under her nose. ‘And thank you for the picnic today – it was scrumptious. That chocolate cake was one of the best ever.'

‘My pleasure. Dolly gave me a few pointers with my cauliflower cheese so I'm hoping that it's up to scratch. I know there's no one makes it like she does but I am trying.' Mrs Smith pushed another plate forward, which Millie scooped up.

‘I think it looks perfect,' Alice-Miranda nodded.

Mrs Smith smiled. It seemed to be her automatic response whenever Alice-Miranda appeared.

The girls moved off to find a table. Sloane followed rather more closely than Jacinta was comfortable with.

‘Are you going to sit with us, Sloane?' Alice-Miranda turned and asked her. ‘You're most welcome.'

Millie and Jacinta exchanged frowns.

Sloane gave a half-hearted nod. Although she would have preferred to be with some of the older girls, she wanted to find out more about Lawrence Ridley. It really didn't seem fair at all that the painful little brat would end up with a movie star for an uncle.

The dining room hummed as girls swapped stories of their day. Alice-Miranda was so pleased to see Miss Grimm and Mr Grump sitting with Mr Plumpton and Miss Reedy, chatting and smiling. Mr Plumpton's red nose glowed like a beacon as he roared laughing at something Mr Grump had just shared with the group. This was exactly what school should be like, she thought to herself. But there was something worrying her too and it was all to do with her new friend Hephzibah.

Sloane interrupted her thoughts. ‘So what's he really like?'

‘Who?' Alice-Miranda looked up from where she had just pushed her knife through a plump potato.

‘Lawrence Ridley, of course.' Sloane rolled her eyes. ‘Don't you ever listen?'

‘Oh, he's a darling,' Alice-Miranda replied.

‘But what else?' Sloane quizzed.

‘What do you mean, what else?' Alice-Miranda asked.

‘Well, he's a movie star. He must have loads of girlfriends and go to parties all the time and get himself into lots of trouble,' Sloane purred.

‘No, I don't think so. He's really just an ordinary person,' said Alice-Miranda. ‘More handsome than
the average fellow, but perfectly normal as far as I can tell.'

Sloane sneered. She was clearly disappointed by Alice-Miranda's response. ‘Well, he doesn't sound like any of the movie stars I know,' she huffed.

‘And who do you know?' Millie queried.

Sloane glared at Millie. ‘Loads of people.'

‘Really? Such as?' Millie invited.

‘You wouldn't know them.' Sloane picked up her plate and stalked off to sit at another table.

‘You know she's lying.' Millie shook her head. ‘I'm sure she doesn't know anyone.'

‘Give her a chance, Millie,' Alice-Miranda replied. ‘She's just trying to fit in.'

Towards the end of the meal, Miss Reedy stood up from her seat and moved to the podium.

‘Ahem,' she cleared her throat. ‘Girls, I just wanted to remind you all that auditions will commence tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm in the Great Hall. The schedule has been posted on the noticeboard. Please take note of the time you have been allocated and don't be late as we have a lot to get through.'

‘That's so exciting,' Alice-Miranda gasped when Miss Reedy finished her speech.

‘Yes, let's just hope that “you know who” doesn't get the main role.' Jacinta nodded her head towards Sloane, who had taken her dessert off to yet another table. ‘Her head's big enough already.'

Alice-Miranda came to Sloane's defence. ‘If she does, she'll have earned it. You know Miss Reedy doesn't play favourites.'

The girls finished their butterscotch puddings and raced off to check the time of their auditions. Millie ran her finger down the list, finding Alice-Miranda at 2.30 pm, Jacinta at 2.45 pm and her own name at 3.00 pm.

‘I'd better let Mummy know to tell Aunt Charlotte not to come until afternoon tea time so we can all be finished,' Alice-Miranda said, as the three girls skipped back to Grimthorpe House and an early night.

BOOK: Alice-Miranda Takes the Lead
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