Read After School Activities Online

Authors: Dirk Hunter

Tags: #Gay Romance, #Contemporary Romance, #dreamspinner press

After School Activities (6 page)

BOOK: After School Activities
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make me hard, remembering the things we’d done and imagining what

else I’d like to do.


After School Activities

The truth was, I wanted to tell Mel what was happening. Only, I

wasn’t entirely sure what it was myself. Almost every night, Kai would

come to my house, or I to his, the clothes would come off, and the sexual

Olympics would resume. I’d given Kai more blow jobs than I could

count—that’s a lie: the answer was eight, and I could vividly recall each

and every one—but the most Kai ever did for me was a quick hand job.

Occasionally he would let me rub my dick between his ass cheeks until I

came. We never kissed. Never slept together, as in actual sleep. And at

school, things kept getting more and more awkward. I’d just sit there with

this ache in my gut, unable to look at him without wanting to jump him

right there in front of everyone—and I couldn’t help but feel that Kai

didn’t want anyone to know, even Mel.

Maybe especially Mel.

However, all this week, in strange juxtaposition to the strain in

my relationship with Kai, Adam and I were becoming almost friends.

Which isn’t to say we were being nice to each other, quite the opposite

actually. If anything, there were even
insults yelled down the hall, or dramatic showdowns in the lunchroom. Only now, they had been

sapped of all malice. Adam never called me a faggot anymore, though

several iterations of “fairy” did make a routine appearance, there was

never a threat of violence, and more often than not we walked away

laughing at some clever thing the other had said. We had become

almost playful.

I hadn’t seen Adam outside of school this week, though. It was

possible he’d shown up at the auditorium looking for me, but I hadn’t ever

been there to find out. Kai and I had been rushing off right after school,

not even bothering to wait with Mel for her parents to pick her up.

“Kai,” I whispered. He grunted acknowledgement but didn’t even

glance at me. “We’re not fighting, are we?”

He did look up then, briefly. “No. What makes you think that?”

“Nothing, it’s just….” But he was already back to his doodles.

After school, Kai seemed to be in an unusual hurry to get back to his

car. I lagged behind a bit. I guess I wanted to see if Kai would stop, wait

up, maybe ask me what was wrong. As the day had gone by, with Kai still

distant, I had started to have a lot of misgivings about this… thing we had

together. Sure, I had been gaining the Kai of my dreams, but I’d begun to


Dirk Hunter

worry it was at the expense of Kai-my-best-friend. And I wasn’t sure I

wanted that. I wasn’t sure what I wanted, really.

“Yo, fairy boy.” I jumped, surprised. I hadn’t noticed Adam’s car

pull up alongside me. Adam laughed. “Are all fairies that scared of a real

man?” “I don’t know. When I meet a real man, I’ll let you know.” I was

smiling despite myself. Adam was cheering me up when Kai had got me

down. Was the whole world backward?

“You free tonight?” Adam asked. “I was thinking we could….”

Kai appeared out of nowhere and slung his arm around my shoulder

protectively. “He’s busy. We’ve got plans.”

Adam looked at me. His eyes were hard, almost penetrating. Before I

could answer, however, Adam drove off.

“That was close,” Kai said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me the

last fifteen feet or so to his car. Despite everything, I found I was

disappointed when he let go.

We drove in silence for a while. I wasn’t certain how to articulate

what I was feeling. Kai was the first to break the silence.

“I feel like I need to apologize,” he said.


“Mel was right. Things have been weird at school. It’s just… I can’t

stop thinking about….”

“About what?” I asked. I mean, I knew perfectly well what he

couldn’t stop thinking about. I wanted to hear him say what he thought

this was, between him and me.

“About this.” He grabbed my hand and put it on his crotch. I could

feel him, rock hard, straining against his jeans.

Okay, so it wasn’t quite the heart-to-heart I had been hoping for, but

I still felt better. At least now I knew his awkwardness at school wasn’t

some sign of a growing divide between us. I guess, just like me, he was

too caught up in sexual fantasy to function quite right at school. Smiling, I unbuttoned his jeans and slipped my hand under the waistband of his

boxers. Kai grabbed my leg, fingers digging into my thigh.

God, I could put up with any amount of awkwardness for this.

Unfortunately, Kai didn’t live too far from school, so we didn’t get a

chance to get very creative. Or maybe that was a good thing. Kai was

, after all. I can just imagine the look on the cop’s face, unable to 30

After School Activities

pull our dead bodies from the wreckage ’cause our hands were too far

down each other’s pants—it would make an
obituary. Kai had to shove himself back into his jeans, which proved to be a lot harder than it

was to get him out. Trying to look casual as we held our backpacks in

front of our crotches, we ran inside. Kai did a quick snoop around his

house to make sure his mom wasn’t home. He still locked the door to his

bedroom however.

I was anxious to start. We usually began with me giving Kai a blow

job, but Kai didn’t rush to take his clothes off. Instead, he reached under

his bed, and pulled out a brown paper bag. Then he tore off his clothes,

threw himself on his bed, and started jacking off, watching me intently.

“Take off your clothes,” he commanded. As he said it, he plunged a

finger into his ass.

I ripped the seams of my shirt in my haste to get it off. Kai thrust his

finger in and out. I tore off my pants, and Kai added a second finger. God,

it was hot. I fell to the floor in front of him, taking his cock deep into my mouth.

“Finger me,” he said. I found his prostate and stroked it with my finger.

“More,” he moaned, and I added another finger until he was gasping. “More,”

he cried, and with three fingers, I fucked his hole.

He grabbed my head, pulling me off his cock. “Open the bag,” he

said. I continued to fuck him with one hand. With the other, I upended the

brown paper bag, spilling its contents onto the bed. It had been filled with

condoms and lube.

“I want you to fuck me.”

I faltered for a second, unable to believe my ears. “Fuck me,” he said

again. I got to my feet, ripped open a condom and put it on. Kai watched

me, running his hands over his chest, his abs, his cock. I covered my hands

in lube. I had no idea how much to use, and I didn’t want to hurt Kai. I

smeared lube onto his hole with one hand and my dick with the other.

Satisfied we were slippery enough, I pressed the head of my cock right

against Kai.

Our eyes met. We were both breathing heavily and, up till then, had

been moving almost frantically. But in that moment, time seemed to slow.

Kai bit his lip. He looked worried, like he didn’t know if it would hurt, but in his eyes I thought I saw a need. The same need I felt.


Dirk Hunter

Slowly, I pushed in. I heard Kai gasp, felt him tense around my

cock, eliciting a shout of pleasure from me. He relaxed, and I slid all the

way in. The feeling was intense, indescribable. Kai’s face was contorted

into a grimace—whether of pleasure or pain, I could not tell.

“Are you okay?” I asked him.

“Don’t stop” was all he said.

I pulled out, then thrust back in. Slowly at first, but then faster and

faster. I settled into a steady rhythm, hips pumping, Kai’s room filling

with the sounds of flesh smacking into flesh, my grunts, and Kai’s shouts

of pleasure. I leaned over Kai, staring deep into his eyes. I grabbed his

cock, stroking in counterpoint to my thrusts. He reached up and grabbed

my chest, nails digging into my pecs. With each thrust my pleasure

intensified. Nothing existed except me and Kai, our bodies, together.

“Oh God!” Kai yelled and came, filling my hand and covering his

chest with his cum. Suddenly the dam broke, and I was spraying my own

seed deep inside him. With each wave of his orgasm, I could feel the

muscles of his ass tighten around my cock, milking it dry. Finally spent, I

pulled out and collapsed, exhausted, on top of Kai.

For a while I just lay there, reveling in our closeness, the feel of his

entire body beneath mine. Even with everything that had been happening,

I had never expected my relationship with Kai would go to this level. I

gradually began to wonder what it meant.

“I never thought a straight guy would ever let someone fuck him.” I

said, with special emphasis on
straight guy
. I found myself hoping he would say he had realized he wasn’t straight, that all he wanted was to

stay this close to me forever.

Instead he said, “It’s actually not that uncommon, according to the

Internet. Granted, I’m pretty sure it is usually a girl with a strap-on, but I figured I should give the real thing a try, you know?”

A try? I floundered for something to say. “Why did we use a

condom? I don’t have anything. You can’t get pregnant or whatever.

Right? Ha-ha….” I was rambling, trying to cover my hurt and


“Gross, dude. I don’t want your semen in me. Good thing too, ’cause

you definitely didn’t pull out, which, rude, by the way.” He shoved me off

him and stood up. “I’m going to take a shower. I am, you know, covered.”

He unlocked the door and left.


After School Activities

After a minute, I joined him. But it was quick, almost businesslike.

Kai stepped out of the shower before I had even finished soaping up.

Telling me to hurry, that his mom would be home soon, he went back to his

room to get dressed.


Dirk Hunter


I STAYED home from school the next day. It was a Friday. There were no

tests or anything, so it wasn’t like I was missing anything. Except soul-

crushing awkwardness, that is. Kai had driven me home pretty much

immediately after I had gotten out of the shower. My parents could tell

that something was bothering me, but they had the good sense not to pry

too hard. I’d gone to my room, skipped dinner, and I’d been in there ever

since. If there had ever been a day for nothing but Netflix and video

games, anything to keep me from dwelling, this was definitely it.

Someone knocked on my door. “Come in,” I called.

My dad poked his head in. “How are you feeling?” he asked. I

shrugged. “I take it you’re not going to want to come down for dinner

again tonight?” I shrugged again. “I thought not. Which is why I took the

liberty of bringing some up to you.” He pushed open the door and came

into my room carrying a tray, which he set down on the bed next to me.

The tray had a bowl of chicken noodle soup, a grilled-cheese

sandwich, and a box of tissues. Dad had to know I wasn’t really sick—the

man was way too smart, and I hadn’t even bothered to fake a cough—but

it still made me feel better to get babied a little, as if I really was sick. I thanked my dad. He left, came back about an hour later for my dishes, and

left again without a word.

Night fell, and I had just turned off the TV and was about to go to

bed when I heard another knock. Only this time it came from the window.

My bedroom was on the first floor, so it wasn’t like it was impossible, but

I was still surprised. I slipped out of bed, crossed to the window, and

opened it.

“Adam? What are you doing here?” I shivered at the blast of cold

air. I
only wearing my pajama pants, after all.

“You weren’t at school” was his reply. He fidgeted, hands in his


“I was sick.”


After School Activities

“Oh.” More fidgeting. “Can I come in?”

“Oh yeah, sure. Why not? Why don’t I let you in the front door, and

we can explain to my parents together what some strange guy is doing

showing up to their gay son’s bedroom in the middle of the night. What

you doing here?”

“I kind of meant through the window.”

“There’s a screen. You can’t just….” But Adam reached up and

effortlessly popped the screen off the window.

“They’re designed to come off. You know, in case of a fire,” he

explained. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah, I guess.” Adam climbed through the window. “But you

better—” Adam popped the screen expertly back in. “—do that. Huh. I

should really learn how that works.” Adam leaned back against the wall,

arms folded, looking around my room. It wasn’t much—a TV on the

dresser, a few framed pictures of me and Mel and Kai hanging on the wall,

a desk covered in books. I wondered how Adam had known which

window was for my room. Could he possibly remember that from my

birthday party all those years ago?

“So, what’s up?” I asked. Adam looked at me for a second, then

looked away. Come to think of it, he had been avoiding looking at me

from the minute I opened the window, looking every which way except

right at me. What was going on?

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