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Authors: Ella Morris

After Class (5 page)

BOOK: After Class
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The two sit in silence for a moment. Janessa thoughts bring a smile to her face. “Or you could blow his brains out and make him forget all about it.”

Taylor does not take the joke too kindly and she storms off, tears streaming down her face.

Janessa wants to run after her and apologize, but holds true to her statement. She sits on the bench, smiling to herself. “I know I’d do it.”







A metallic black, perfectly polished, brand new BMW coupe whips around the corner in a swank part of town. Each of the houses in this area line up perfectly and although brand new, they all have a sense of nostalgia about them. The car continues whipping around corners. A few more twists and turns and the black BMW drives up a driveway to a spectacular home. It is modest in size yet the landscaping out front and the brick detail gives this house the million-dollar appearance that every homeowner in this area strives for. Mr. Zakarak steps out of the car. He reaches inside and pulls his suit jacket and briefcase from the backseat. He walks up towards his front door, while pushing the lock and car alarm function on his keypad.

Mr. Zakarak enters the home and sets his briefcase down on the floor. “Honey, I’m home!” He sets his suit jacket on a nearby sitting bench and places his keys in a small bowl designated for keys and other trinkets. After no response from his wife, he continues walking through the entrance to the home. He enters the kitchen and sees no one. He peeks his head outside and still can’t find his wife. While loosening up his tie, he walks upstairs towards the master bedroom. He opens the door and his jaw drops simultaneously.

On the bed in the master bedroom lies his wife, in the most seductive pose imaginable. She is adorned in the finest lingerie that hugs her body in all the right places. A bustier fits her snug and shows off her curves and luscious breasts. Stockings and garters add the finishing touch making her look sexier than Mr. Zakarak has ever seen. Her short brown hair contours her face perfectly and her lips are plumped up with a dark red shade of color. “I’ve been waiting here for you,” she sighs.

All he can do is stare at her. He cannot find any words nor does he really want to. The attraction to her is there but the willingness to act upon her advances is not titillating him in any way. A few moments pass and he finally finds his voice. “You look great, Tiffany.”

She becomes offended and covers up under the shield of the sheets. Expecting him to pounce on her with unadulterated desire and not receiving the response she was looking for, she lies on the bed, disappointed. Tears start to well in her eyes and her face flushes red. “I’m trying here James. I’m trying my damndest to make this marriage work, but I can’t do it on my own. You need to put in some effort. I don’t see you for the whole weekend and when I come home, I get this. How am I supposed to feel?”

He stands before her a broken man with no options. “I am trying. I’m trying as hard as I can but you know how busy I am with work. All I want to do when I come home is sleep and eat and that is if I even have the time.”

“So, I don’t see you for a few days and this is what I get? How does that make any sense, James?” Tears start to stream down her face and her heart is breaking into a million pieces in her chest. He can see it all happening right before his eyes. He walks over to her and sits on the bed. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been going through a lot right now but don’t you ever think for a second that I don’t love you. I want this marriage to work and I want to be with you”, he says as he brushes the tears from her eyes. “I love you, Tiff”. He kisses her deeply.

All at once, the anger dissipates the moments their lips touch. It’s like they both forgot the power of a passionate kiss and how it can bring the two of them together. While their emotions are high, they both just want to be closer together and figure that it will help to ease the problems. The sexual tension starts to rise and James flings the sheets off of his wife. He studies her body in the lingerie and it turns him on. He wants her. He needs her. He loves her. The two continue kissing passionately, tears still streaming down Tiffany’s face. Finally, she feels the love from her husband that she has been looking for and yearning so desperately for.

As things heat up and articles of clothing are shed from his body, his thoughts are immediately interrupted with thoughts of Taylor. Instead of his wife lying scantily clad beneath him, he visualizes Taylor before him. He pictures her golden blonde hair intertwined in his fingers. He pictures her supple breasts spilling out of the top of the bustier. He pictures her body quivering underneath his. Despite trying to neglect these images, he can’t help himself. Receiving that email from Taylor caused something to erupt in him. All day, he found himself thinking of her and the more he thinks about her, the more attracted to her he becomes. It lights a fire deep inside of him, all which he takes out on his wife. The whole time the two make love, all he can think about is Taylor.

He gets lost thinking about her youthful frame underneath his matured yet sculpted body. He thinks about how soft her skin must be to the touch and how beautiful she must look with a sex glow on her body. He thinks about the warmth of the breath of her skin on the nape of his neck, when his body is on top of hers. He thinks about how good her tight pussy must feel, and envisions himself entering two fingers into her body to tease her before he thrusts in his hard cock. He pictures her biting on his neck. He fantasizes about her nails clawing into his skin. He thinks about the way she smells, the way she tastes and how her breath gets caught in her throat when she climaxes.

This all results in a very powerful orgasm, perhaps one of the strongest of his life. After both of their bodies are composed, they lie on the bed together, her head on his chest. He strokes his fingers through his wife’s hair and his mind races. He doesn’t want to feel this way but he can’t help it, no matter how hard he tries. Taylor has taken him and he doesn’t know what to do about it.







After walking as fast as her legs could possibly carry her, Taylor is finally back in the safety of her dorm room. She slams the door behind her and allows her breathing to return to normal before she dares to take another step. When she is strong enough to walk, she heads straight for her desk. She sits for a long moment, thinking about what she did on Friday and the message she sent to Mr. Zakarak. The more she thinks about it, the more embarrassed she becomes. A vibrating comes from Taylor’s backpack. She reaches for it and sees that Chad is on the other line. She quells her nerves and answers the call, not wanting to hint to him that anything is wrong. “Hey babe, how are you?”

“Hey love, I’m good. Just had a free moment and figured I’d check in. How are you holding up? Feeling better than the last time we spoke?” he asks with comfort in his voice.

Taylor wants to tell him but she knows she shouldn’t. She doesn’t need any more issues to arise at this point in time. The last thing she needs is for her relationship to fall apart. She takes a deep breath and puts on her best acting performance. “Yeah, I’m much better. I had a really good weekend, got a lot of stuff done and now I’m feeling back on track! Feeling like myself again.” When the lies escape her teeth, she bites her bottom lip. She hates lying to Chad but knows she has no other choice. He would be devastated. She is his whole world.

“Good! I’m glad! I just want to make sure that you are happy. That’s all that matters to me.”

“I’m good. Really. I am. So how’s school? Doesn’t football camp start up soon?” Taylor asks into the phone.

“Things are going well. Our exams don’t happen for another month so it’s pretty low key over here. Football camp is in two weeks and I’m a little nervous about that. Anyways, I actually have a pretty quiet week coming up so I was thinking of flying over to see you for a few days. How does that sound?” he asks with a sense of hope.

Relief mixed with a touch of panic comes over Taylor. After not seeing Chad for months, she’d give anything to be held in his arms. On the other hand, exams are approaching hard and fast and she needs the time to study. Plus, this new tiff with Mr. Zakarak and the odd tension between the two of them is weighing down on her. She thinks about it and realizes that seeing him might be just what she needs. “Yes, I’d love it! I miss you so much. I would love to see you.”

“And you can still study and everything. I’ll keep myself busy while I’m there but I just want to spend a little time with my girl.”

Taylor smiles into the phone as she speaks. “And I want to see you.”

“Okay good. Listen, I gotta head back to class so I’ll talk to you later okay? I love you,” he says as he smiles back with his voice.

“I love you too. Bye.”

Taylor locks her phone and places it on the desk. Guilt comes over her and weighs down on her shoulders like a ton of bricks. The balance of school and a relationship is proving to be too much for her. She wants to see Chad next week, but she looks at her calendar and realizes that he is possibly arriving at the worst time. Exams will be weighing down on her soon and that is typically when she locks herself in her dorm for a few days and shuts out the world. Thinking of him does bring her a sense of relief and seeing him might even help to calm her further. She realizes that it is a good thing and an important thing for him to come and visit. They need to spend that time together if they expect their relationship to last. She could use his strong arms wrapped around her body to keep her safe.

The door to the girls’ room slams open and Nicole comes inside. She is upset and crying. Tears stream down her face. The motions interrupt Taylor’s train of thought immediately. It startles her.

“Nicole, what’s wrong hun?” Taylor asks concerned. Nicole falls onto her bed and is bawling. Taylor walks over to her to offer her some comfort. “What happened?”

“He cheated on me! That bastard!” Nicole shouts in her pillow, muffling the sound of her voice although it is still audible. “He fucking cheated!”

Taylor thinks hard and can’t remember whom Nicole was dating, if she were dating anyone at all. Through Nicole’s random encounters with many men, Taylor shuffles through her memory, trying to keep track of whom she might be talking about. She realizes that Nicole is talking about the guy in their room and the one from the party. “The guy from last week?”

Nicole screams into her pillow. “He’s such an asshole!”

Taylor rubs her back and offers her some comfort. “Everything will be okay sweetie. I promise. You’ll find someone new.”

Nicole sits upright in the bed, her mascara runs down her face and snot fills her nostrils. Taylor reaches over for a nearby box of tissue and offers her friend a sheet. Nicole wipes away her tears and cleans up her nose. “Stupid men. I thought we had something special. You’re so lucky to have Chad. He would never do anything like this to you. He’s so perfect.”

The tears start to well in Nicole’s eyes again and Taylor tries to deflect the conversation to something else. “Want to hear something that will cheer you up?”

Nicole stares down at the ball of used tissues in her hand, tears stream down her face. “You can try but I doubt it will work.”

“I guess on Friday night when we were royally hammered, I emailed my English prof and basically asked him if we could sleep together so I could get an A+.”

Nicole snaps out of her sad funk immediately. She stares at Taylor. Her face is shocked. She moves her mouth to try to get the words to come out, but fails miserably. All she can do is stare.

Taylor bites her bottom lip and exhales deeply. “Pretty fucked right?”

Nicole starts smiling and eventually starts laughing. “Tay! What the hell? What happened? Did he say something? Did you bang? Oh my god! Who are you now?”

Taylor can’t help but smile and giggle at the situation. She lies down on the bed in front of Nicole and places her backhand on her brow. “I have no idea. He talked to me after class and now everything is so awkward. I’m just thankful I’m not expelled.”

“Well of course you wouldn’t be expelled. I bet he wants to.”

The words punctuate Taylor’s thoughts. Her heart rate increases and her stomach goes into a knot. That familiar lump forms into her throat again. “Do you think so?” She catches herself and tries to change her thoughts. “I mean, no. That would never happen.”

“Oh totally, a hot piece of meat like you. Meow! I bet he’s jerking it to you right now.”

“You’re so gross.” Taylor playfully slaps Nicole, smiling. For a moment, she thinks of Mr. Zakarak differently. A sense of giddiness and excitement falls over her. He is a very attractive man and someone that could bring a lot of security to her life. Despite their age difference, he still carries a sense of youthfulness with him. She remembers the way that his shirt tightened and she can only fantasize about what else is underneath those clothes. Then, she is reminded of Chad. “Oh, and Chad wants to visit me in a week. Would that be okay with you?”

Nicole shakes her head in agreement. “Yeah, that’s totally fine. He’s more than welcome to stay here and I can keep him busy so Mr. Zakarak doesn’t find out that you are banging someone behind his back.” Nicole gets off of the bed and heads over to her desk to start working. “Thanks for cheering me up Tay. I was not expecting that.”

Taylor stares up at the ceiling, thinking of Chad and Mr. Zakarak. Nerves start to come over her again and stress. “Yeah, glad I could help”, she says sarcastically. 


BOOK: After Class
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