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Authors: Ava Novak

Afflicted (10 page)

BOOK: Afflicted
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“We are right behind you,” Kaden replied.

Adam waved at them, urging them to pick up their pace, and yelled at them to hurry up. Victoria and Kaden walked a bit faster to catch up, their hands still connected.

“Come on. Tell me, what made you come here of all places?”

Victoria shrugged her shoulders.

“Nothing, I just came.”

“You just came, to Collins of all places, a town in the middle of nowhere,” Kaden said as he shook his hand from side to side. He wanted to know why she came here. “Come on spill the beans.”

“I needed it.”

“Sorry I don’t follow.”

Victoria sighed heavily and rolled her eyes. “It’s a long story.”

“I get it.  You don’t have to tell me about your life as an assassin.”

“Yes, because I don’t want to have to kill you after telling you about my double life,” Victoria said through fits of laughter.  Kaden was beginning to enjoy the sound of her laugh.

Hmmm, okay Rick might have been right. Damn it, the old man was fucking right.

A content like smile formed on Kaden’s lips as they continued to walk along the hiking trail. His smile quickly disappeared as he remembered Victoria was no longer going to stay in Collins.

Why didn’t I fully think about this? Shit!

Hell, he was going to be leaving before the summer was over. He was fucked from the start. No, the moment he decided to walk into that bank. If he knew his mate was going to be there, he probably would have got the fuck out of Collins like a bat out of hell.

Still can’t believe I have a human who is my mate.

Is she worth the sacrifice? Could I really convince her to stay by my side?  So many questions ran through his mind at once.

Damn this is not the time to start being indecisive. I either try to make her mine or I don’t!

























Chapter Ten




he found the untamed elements of the green wooded area to be enchanting. Victoria was happy Kaden had taken her on this hiking trip. She was never going to forget this experience. It made her want to do it again sometime soon. Victoria couldn’t believe she’d stayed cooped up in that cabin all this time.

“Water,” Kaden said as he handed over the bottle he’d retrieved from the backpack.

She muttered a thank you as she took the bottle he offered.  Kaden pulled another water bottle from the backpack. She smiled at him as she put a little distance between them. Victoria had to get away from the heat radiating from him. She was thankful they weren’t alone. Victoria was certain if he’d kissed her by now she would have encouraged it to go beyond that. She strolled over to a tree stump and sat down.

Damn my feet are killing me.
They’d only been hiking for twenty minutes. She wasn’t expecting to get a workout in the process or having to cross over huge tree limbs, walking up and down as if she was walking up a mountain and then going down one. Her thighs were burning. And according to Kaden there wasn’t much left but a good ten minutes to go to get to a certain area he and Adam were keeping a secret. 

“So, how long have you known Kaden?

Victoria turned her head to the right and looked up at Melody.

“Not long. How about you,” she asked.

“I just met him today. It was good to meet someone else that Adam knows.”

Melody hesitated to speak as she glanced over in Adam and Kaden’s direction.

“Do you like him?”

Victoria frowned at being asked that question. Was Melody looking to get her hands on him? Suddenly Victoria felt territorial. How could she not when he was after her? When he made it known that he desired her and wanted her? Victoria pushed the feeling aside. She wasn’t the type to fight over a man that wasn’t even hers.

Simmer down Vic. You aren’t even in a relationship with the guy. Plus Melody is with Adam. So chill!

She could kick herself for even feeling remotely jealous. The man wasn’t even hers. Even if he’d already made it clear he wanted her she had no right to feel like she did. Besides Melody was only asking a question.

Then make him yours.
Victoria shook her head at the thought. It would be pointless to start something when she was moving out of state. And a long distance relationship was not ideal at the moment.

“He is a nice fella,” she said nonchalantly. Victoria wasn’t about to admit her true feelings and not here in the open to someone she hardly even knew. Melody’s lips twisted upwards. She seemed to be drawing her own conclusions.

“But do you like him, is there an attraction, you can’t shake the feeling that this man was meant to be yours,” Melody said with a chuckle. “Like you can’t really describe it but you just kind of know?”

Okay what is up with the third degree? Is it written on my face that I want to have sex with the guy and maybe just maybe I would like a relationship with him!

“Uh no,” Victoria said with a nervous laugh. “Why are you asking me this?”

“I’m sorry I don’t mean to pry. Forgive me.”

“No, it’s okay,” Victoria said while shifting uncomfortable on the tree stump.

Melody nodded, glancing back over at Kaden and Adam, both deeply involved in their own conversation. Melody sighed as she drunk from her own water bottle.

“He is really,” Victoria tried to think of how to say it before she just came out with what she really thought. “Kaden is really sexy. I’m not blind.”

Yes, I can see exactly how good looking the damned man is!

She tried not to moan as she observed Kaden. He was one of the sexist men she’d ever met. Kaden had been the star of her explicit hardcore fantasies from last night. Just thinking about her vibrator and one of her well thought out sex scenes made her clench her thighs together. Kaden chose that moment to glance in her direction.

Oh God don’t give me that look.

Victoria quickly averted her eyes. She turned around to face Melody. Victoria could still feel his eyes on her. She wanted to look and see if he was still giving her that look.

“Yeah I’m not blind at all.”

“You know this reminds of me of when I first met Adam. There was this instant connection. Like that,” Melody said dreamily, snapping her fingers. “And now I am wondering why in the hell was I fighting something that just felt so damned right.”

“How did the two of you meet,” Victoria asked.

She took the time to repair her ponytail as she listened to Melody explain how she and Adam had met. Victoria’s eyes went wide at the mention of a mountain lion. She jumped up and started to walk away. Melody stopped her.

“Okay I didn’t know mountain’s lions were here.”

Victoria’s eyes darted everywhere, searching for the dangerous animal.

“Don’t worry. We are safe,” Melody said, chuckling as she continued on with her story. Victoria crossed her arms as she listened. She knew his eyes were on her again, so she avoided turning her head to check.

“I am going to guess you gave him that thank you kiss he requested,” Victoria said with a smile on her face. She glanced over her shoulder at the two men. Kaden wasn’t looking at her anymore.

“No, I did not. I screamed at him to get the hell away from me actually,” Melody stated.

“Why,” Victoria asked, as she ceased ogling Kaden.

“Oh, um because I was in shock,” Melody said while rubbed the back of her neck.

“I would have been too if I was about to lose my life. I’m sure he understood.”

“Well, long story short here we are now together.”

“And how did that happen?”

“Acceptance,” Melody said with a smile on her face.

Melody and Victoria stood there talking finishing off the five minute break they had before they restarted their journey on the hiking trail. The two women got along well. Victoria chose to not look ignore every time she felt Kaden’s eyes on her back.

Damn it there was a connection. Well there still is one. And he wants me. Oh enough of that.

Victoria learned that Melody was an outdoors type of person, worked on her father’s farm, and most of all she was happily in love with Adam. Before the five minutes were up Melody asked Victoria to take a picture of her standing up on the tree stump. Victoria had the camera in place, was waiting for Melody to get into position, when suddenly on her way up Melody stumbled while attempting to stand up on the tree stump.

Now, why didn’t I offer her a hand?

It happened so fast. The only thing Victoria could do was gasp and run to Victoria’s aid. She cringed at the way Melody had fallen. Adam rushed over to Melody’s side. She refused to let go of her right ankle.

“I’m alright,” she mumbled. Melody slapped Adam’s hand away. “You are doing it again Adam.”

Victoria frowned at that last statement Melody made. She didn’t get it. What was he doing again? All he was doing was making sure she was okay.

“Then let me see Mel.”

“I think it’s just a sprain,” Melody said, as Adam examined her ankle. She attempted to not wince when Adam touched her ankle. 

“Come on, let’s start heading back and putting some ice on that ankle.”

With little effort Adam lifted Melody off the ground and had her fitted in his arms.

At the urging done by Melody, Victoria and Kaden continued on with the hike. Victoria and Kaden were a good distance away from the couple, when she realized she was still in possession of Melody’s camera. Kaden promised her he would make sure Melody received the camera back.





He was torn. The plan had been simple. Kaden had played around with the idea, but now, he wasn’t sure he wanted to see it through. He’d brought it up to Adam during their brief break. Adam thought Kaden was crazy, but then, he said he understood Kaden’s reason. Now that he was alone with Victoria he wasn’t sure if he should proceed. Adam and Melody were gone. He couldn’t shift here alone with just her.

I have lost my damned mind. Shit, things would have been easier if she just wasn’t human.

Kaden pushed the growl rising up down. He was frustrated. The truth couldn’t be ignored or
. This would have been much easier if Victoria wasn’t a human. Sooner than later he was going to have to reveal he was a shifter. The man who wanted her was part animal, but nothing to be feared. Her voice pulled him away from his troubled thoughts.

“I really hope Melody is okay.”

“Adam will make sure of it.”

“Yeah I am sure he will,” Victoria said, as a smile slowly broke out on her face. Kaden frowned and wondered what the cause of that smile was.

“What are you over there smiling about,” Kaden inquired.

“Adam and Melody, you can tell they really care about each other.”

Kaden nodded his head in agreement. “Yeah, you can definitely see that.”

I can’t do it now. Not while we are alone.

“What is that sound?”

Victoria came to a halt. Kaden stopped too and turned to face her. He chuckled and grabbed her hand urging her to keep walking. Kaden hadn’t been to this area in so long.

“Oh my god,” Victoria said as she came to a stop again. “It’s beautiful. I didn’t know one was here and so close.”

From a safe distance Victoria and Kaden eyed the raging waterfall.

“I knew you’d like it.”

Kaden strolled behind her as she walked closer to get a better look.

“I can only wonder how many other women you have brought here, Mr. Wright.”

“Plenty,” Kaden said casually as he stuffed a hand in the back pocket of his jeans.

“Figures,” Victoria said, as she looked at from over her shoulder. Kaden let out a throaty chuckle and shook his head.

“Nah, I haven’t brought any women up here before. I used to come here alone from time to time.”

“When you say it like that you sound sad as if this place has bad memories.”

“I do,” Kaden inquired as he took a step in her direction.

Hell, it did but she didn’t need to know that right now.  She didn’t need to know this is where he spent some of his nights after being locked out or kicked out by Morgan over the littlest thing. This place was his little piece of heaven back then.

“Yeah you do. I wonder what it is.”

“Like I told you earlier get to know me.”

Why are my hands so fucking sweaty? I’m a fucking alpha and I am nervous. Christ! Get it together man.

“Do you have any water left? My throat is a bit dry.”

Kaden retrieved a water bottle and handed it over. Victoria mumbled a thank you as she reached for the bottle.

“I can’t believe I wasted all my time in that cabin.”

“Why did you?”

“Well, it wasn’t like I knew anyone here. Plus after the widow Mrs. Bell left to move down to Florida for retirement, leaving a behind a job opening that I immediately went after, but it was just something to keep me busy. I was a depressed mess. I don’t think I would have been good company.”

“What do you mean depressed?”

“You don’t want to know,” Victoria said with the roll of her eyes.

“Yes I do. Come on. I really want to know.”

Victoria laughed and took a sip of water.

“Alright, I had a broken heart, and coming here was just me pretty much running away from it all. And running just made me look a very sad individual. I just couldn’t handle the betrayal.”

“He didn’t deserve you.”

“No, he didn’t, and neither did my so called best friend. She wasn’t really a friend. No, she was willing sleep to with my fiancé. Friends don’t cross lines like that.”

“I’m kind of glad she fucking did.”

“What,” Victoria squealed.

“Yeah, I mean you wouldn’t be here right now. Here with me. So, I could kiss the hell out of fate right now for making sure you got to me.”

“Stop it Kaden and stop looking at me like that.”

Kaden chuckled.
Oh this devour you look, but it’s really more of an I-really-want-to-fuck the-shit-out-of-you kind of look. And it’s been hard as hell not to taste her lips again.

Victoria turned away from him and drunk from the water bottle. Kaden couldn’t resist a minute longer. He slowly strolled closer.


“What,” Kaden asked, as he stopped at her back. Victoria hesitated before taking a step forward.

“Um, thanks for showing me…well bringing me here. It’s beautiful here.”

“Not as beautiful as you Victoria.”

“Kaden it’s just a waterfall.”

Kaden took another step to reclose the gap between them.

“And I don’t want a waterfall,” he said while linking his arm around her waist.

I want you.

BOOK: Afflicted
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