Adams, Eve - Patience is Their Virtue [Brides of Bachelor Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: Adams, Eve - Patience is Their Virtue [Brides of Bachelor Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“All the doors are locked,” he explained, sensing her tension.

“And the staff do not work on Sundays,” Raven added. He moved ahead of them, hurrying up the stairs, his cock almost purple and bobbing in front of him. He opened the first door on the left and disappeared inside.

Adam carried her into the room and laid her down on the bed beside Raven, where he’d already stretched out. He rolled over and took her lips with his in a hot, destructive kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moved to her side to meet his mouth.

When Adam lay down behind her, she shivered. She felt them, their strength, their bond with each other, and how that bond was about to extend to her.

“Turn and look at me, Patti.”

She did, staring into eyes so dark they were almost black. They sparkled as he smiled, making her smile in return. She then whimpered when she felt Raven’s hands on her backside, caressing her, spreading her. Adam kissed her deeply just as she felt the flick of Raven’s tongue across her back hole.

“Know that everything we do is for you. Only for you. You are my wife now.” He kissed her again.

Raven licked her backside, flicking and dancing his tongue, concentrating on the hole. And then, without warning, he pushed through the barrier with that wicked tongue of his.

She screamed into Adam’s mouth. The sensation of Raven’s mouth playing with her most forbidden hole, along with the realization that she, Patience Evelyn Weber, was being loved by two men, brought a new sense of urgency to the surface. She went wild, clawing at Adam as she pressed against Raven’s tongue, begging for more penetration.

“I think she’s ready,” Adam groaned and bit at her lips. “Patti, sweetheart, look at me.”

She did.

“We are going to love you together. Always together. Do you understand?”

She didn’t understand at all, but none of that mattered. Behind her, Raven drove his tongue deeper into her rear and had her panting. “Oh, please, don’t stop.”

But he did. Adam flattened out on his back and pulled her on top of him. “Spread your legs. One on either side of me. That’s it. This is going to burn, baby. But I promise you, you’ll never want us any other way.”

She felt the head of something blunt and entirely too large press against her back hole. Tensing, she widened her eyes as she looked at Adam.

“I’m frightened.”

“I know, sweetheart. I’m here. I’m right here. Always.” His lips covered hers as Raven’s cock pushed through her rear hole in a slow, steady drive. It burned, oh, dear God, how it burned. But it felt better than she could have ever imagined.

She clawed at Adam as Raven worked his erection into her. Adam reached down and fingered the dewy folds of her pussy. She wanted to scream at the pressure of having Raven’s heavy cock filling her back entrance without abandon, retreating and then thrusting back in slow, deliberate strokes.

“Oh, God, oh, Adam, oh, Raven,” she cried and reached for her husband. “Adam, hold me. Oh, please. Just hold me. Don’t ever let me go.”

“Patti, my sweet, lovely wife.” Adam rocked his hips up, and the head of his cock nudged against the entrance to her pussy.

Patience went still. She couldn’t take both of them at the same time. They’d surely rip her in two. “Adam, it’s too much.”

He didn’t slow as he pushed into her, stretching her flesh until she cried out as the pleasure that bordered pain took over.

“That’s it, my baby. Take me. Take us both. Let us love you.” Adam’s eyes dilated until his blackened gaze disappeared behind his lids. Raven rubbed his calloused hands along her hips as he continued to keep a deliberate pace with slow, steady strokes.

Raven groaned behind her, his hips working back and forth as he stroked inside her backside, out, and then back in again, just a little deeper. “Patti, you are perfect. Absolutely perfect.”

They increased their tempo in perfect unison, one an extension of the other, and the intense spiral consuming her, twisting inside her, curled tighter and tighter, driving her higher and higher.

Adam thrust in deep and she exploded. Her pussy clamped down, and she threw her head back, screaming in unbridled ecstasy. She pumped her hips, riding the waves of her orgasm, and screamed again as both men drove into her hard and fast in coordinated strokes that had all three crying out in their combined drive for release.

Raven shouted as he drove his life into her. At the same time, Adam stared deep into her eyes as he climaxed, spurting his hot semen deep inside her, his flesh dissolving into hers as they became one.

* * * *

Raven made no noise as he slipped into the darkened study, but Adam felt him enter. It had to be the full Indian in him to be able to slip in and out of rooms without notice. Adam never did inherit that trait from their father.

Swirling the amber liquid in his glass, Adam stared at the way the fire danced against the whiskey, illuminating it in his hand. He lifted it and took a long pull.

“Is she asleep?”

“Yes.” Raven silently sat down in the chair opposite Adam’s and stared at the fire. “If you would have stayed in the room, you would have known that.”

Adam ignored the jab of guilt. He should have, damn it. She was his wife, not just another one of their lovers. She was the woman he’d be spending the rest of his life with.

He took another drink off his whiskey and watched the fire lick and consume the logs, much in the same manner they did with Patience only hours ago.

“Why do you do this?” Raven stared at him, shaking his head.

“I’ll thank you to not judge me.”

“To hell with that. You aren’t in public, so drop the goddamn propriety act.”

Adam sighed and stared at the shadows dancing on the ceiling, his imagination conjuring up images of him and Patience wrapped in each other’s arms, both sound asleep, dreaming of the rest of their lives together.

He’d never regretted not staying with a lover of theirs until tonight.

“She’s going to be beside herself if she wakes up alone,” Raven pointed out.

Adam stood and threw the rest of his whiskey back, swallowing over and over as the burn damn near brought tears to his eyes. He set his glass down on the table and turned to leave. “So lay with her. Do what you always do and take care of our lover. I’ll do what I always do and transform back into the ruthless man everyone loves to loathe.”

Raven stood as well, his dark brow furrowed in obvious disapproval. “She isn’t just another lover, and you very well know that. She is your wife, Adam.”

“I’m sorry,” he muttered, more to Patience than to his brother, who wouldn’t give a damn about his apology. The protection he’d built around his heart stacked back up, brick by brick. He couldn’t allow himself to get close to Patience. It hurt too damn bad.

Son of a bitch. He hated that he couldn’t have a lover without the memory of his late wife invading his senses. The fear of experiencing that pain again, a pain so deep it nearly destroyed him, always held him back.

“She isn’t her.”

“This has nothing to do with that,” Adam lied.

“The hell it doesn’t. Mina is gone, brother. Do not allow her ghost to haunt you now.”

“I loved her, Raven.”

“As did I. But she is no longer of this world. You have a new wife now. Mina would approve of her.”

“Perhaps.” It hurt to talk about her, even now, almost ten years after the fever took her. “I must retire. I have too much on my mind.”

“You should have only one thing on your mind, brother, and that is being with your new bride. Do you have any idea how frightened she must be?”

“Frightened? Ha! That one? She may be many things, but she is hardly frightened.”

Raven approached and his expression softened. “She is in a foreign house, married to a man she barely knows.”

“She’s fine. After what we shared tonight, she knows she’s safe here.”

“Bullshit. We satisfied a physical need tonight. You think fucking her somehow put her at ease? If anything, it only increased her unease. You’d be wise to find your way back into her bed before she stirs and finds herself alone. Take her, my brother, let her know that she is safe in your arms.”

Adam shook his head. He would never allow anyone to rely on him for safety, not ever again. He snapped his brow into a frown and glared down at the floor.

“Adam, please.”

He looked at his brother, and the vision of the horrors they’d faced as children came flooding back. Raven had done what he could to protect them, but as a full Sioux, he could only do so much. He would have taken on the entire world to protect his little brother. No one wanted the half-breed. Not accepted by his mother’s family. Not accepted by his father’s tribe. Not accepted at all.

Adam had learned over the years to distance himself from everything and everyone just to protect himself and ultimately, to protect Raven. His mother had died giving birth to him, which should have been his first indication of what his life would be like. His father never forgave him for that, not even with his last breath.

After they lost their father, everything changed. At twelve, he barely knew what it meant to be a man, yet as both his worlds rejected him, he had no choice but to learn and learn fast.

As adults, Adam reversed their roles and took care of his big brother since society’s bias against the Indians only grew as they did. Luckily, Adam inherited his light complexion from his mother. It would take a keen eye, such as Hattie Red’s, to see any Indian in him.

He closed his eyes and attempted to conjure up Mina’s image. Ah, Mina. A full Sioux, she was the only one aside from his brother who truly accepted him. It troubled him that he couldn’t see her in his memories. Instead he saw a lovely woman with pale gray-blue eyes and striking red waves. He opened his eyes.

“What would you have me do?”

“Release her memory.”

“I can’t, Raven. I–I just can’t.”

“If that is your decision,” Raven said with reluctance. “But I refuse to allow a memory to rule my actions. Patti is real, Adam, and she’s here. She is your wife, and I see love growing in her eyes. I pray you finally bury Mina and start to live again. Good night.”

The thought of Raven curling up with Patience Steele clawed at Adam’s gut like a feral beast. And yet he couldn’t bring himself to go to her. He could be her lover, her provider, and would never stray from her bed.

But having her rely on him for anything more than that scared the living shit out of him. He couldn’t save his first wife when the fever hit. He’d let her down and couldn’t do a damn thing as he stood by and allowed that fever to slowly rob her of life.

If he let Patience down, he’d never survive. If she looked at him with even a hint of the disapproval everyone else in his life looked at him with, it would surely kill him.


Chapter 6

Patience’s Journal, Monday, April 3, 1865

Port Steele, Washington Territory

I woke up alone this morning and am so furious with both Adam and Raven that my hands are shaking as I write this. How dare they do this to me after what we shared! Is this what I agreed to when I married Adam? A life of loneliness outside of the bedroom? I have not one but two men who devote their efforts to me, but clearly only on their terms. I suppose I should have expected as much. I am a wife once again, and I have certain obligations to my husband, obligations I intend to follow through with...

BOOK: Adams, Eve - Patience is Their Virtue [Brides of Bachelor Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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