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Authors: Cat Schield

A Win-Win Proposition (16 page)

BOOK: A Win-Win Proposition
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“Just one spin of the wheel.” She smiled at him. “For old time's sake? Please.”

“One spin.” Sebastian followed her to the roulette table and changed a hundred dollar bill for chips. “Black or red?”

Missy took the chips and put them on red. As the silver ball spun round, she leaned against Sebastian and for a second it was only them.

“Fifteen black,” the dealer called.

“I lost?” She couldn't believe it.

“Lucky at cards, unlucky at love.” Sebastian drew her away from the table. “Looks like your luck has changed.”

“It has indeed,” she said, snuggling against his side as they headed upstairs to start their honeymoon. “And I couldn't be happier.”

ISBN: 978-1-4592-1420-0


Copyright © 2011 by Catherine Schield

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BOOK: A Win-Win Proposition
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