A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4) (7 page)

BOOK: A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4)
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“Is that him?  I can call the police.”

“No, he’s fine.  That’s our friend,” Kenley said as Mike approached.  Friend?  Well he wouldn’t hurt them in any case, which is what the cashier seemed concerned about.  And it’s not like he was a random stranger off the street.

Mike raised his eyebrows without comment and immediately grabbed Lexi’s wrist, taking her pulse.  Kenley knew that all of the guys on the SEAL team had some medical training, out of necessity, but she imagined that was more for life or death situations in battle, not women going into shock.  She imagined him stopping profuse bleeding and applying tourniquets to injured men, maybe even slinging some guy over his shoulder and running to a waiting helicopter.  But rushing into stores and assisting distraught women?  Not exactly.

Mike eyed his watch as he waited and seemed to be timing her pulse.  Nodding with satisfaction when he was finished, he ducked lower to look into Lexi’s eyes.  “Lexi, are you okay, sweetheart?” he asked.

An unexpected surge of jealousy washed over Kenley at Mike’s term of endearment.  He was just being nice to her; obviously they all knew she was with Christopher.  So what was with her instant resentment?  He was here to help her best friend.  Kenley suddenly had an odd longing to know what Mike would call her in a situation like that.  Sweetheart?  Baby?  Something else entirely?

Lexi nodded, her violet eyes watery.

“I called Christopher, and he’s on his way back right now,” Mike continued.  “I’ll drive you both back to his apartment.”

“But that guy—”

“Wasn’t the kidnapper,” Mike finished.  “I know you’re frightened, but that wasn’t him.”

“Are you okay to leave?” Kenley asked.  “Let’s forget the restaurant.  We’ll pick up some food on the way home.”

“Yeah.  I just want to get out of here.”

Mike put his arm around Lexi’s shoulders and guided her to the front door, glancing back over his shoulder to make sure Kenley was with them.  Her heart pounded furiously as his blue gaze met hers.  He hadn’t bothered to shave this morning, and the scruff on his jaw made him look harder than ever.  Not to mention hotter than hell.

Kenley had to admit that she liked how he controlled the situation.  He’d come to get them, helped Lexi, made sure Kenley was taken care of as well.  She still had no idea why Christopher hadn’t rushed over himself, even if he had been putting boxes in storage, but she could respect the fact that his SEAL team looked out for one another.  It hadn’t even been a question if Mike would come help them—he’d just immediately said he’d be there, and he was.

They exited the store, and once on the sidewalk, Kenley gestured the other way.  “I parked down there.”

“I’ll drive us all back together,” Mike said.  “I can drop you at your car later on.”

“Oh, I can just—”

Mike nailed her with a gaze, tilting his head toward Lexi, who still looked really shaken up.  Maybe it would be best if she rode with them.  It would probably help calm Lexi down.  But that meant she’d have to be alone in the car with Mike later on.  Hopefully World War III wouldn’t erupt when they were left alone together.  Still, he was being nothing but a perfect gentleman right now.

“Yeah, let’s do it,” she agreed.

They walked down the block to Mike’s large black SUV, and Mike helped Lexi into the passenger seat.  Kenley watched as he fastened her seatbelt, and she felt a sudden surge of warmth wash over her.  As aggressive as Mike and the rest of those guys were, they also seemed to have a caring side.  A need to protect and care for others.  Mike had rushed over here at a moment’s notice to help her and Lexi.  How could she begrudge someone as selfless as that?

“She probably needs some food,” Kenley said as Mike shut the door.

“Agreed.  We’ll pick up something on the way back.”

“All right.”  She turned to get into the backseat of the SUV, and Mike’s large hand came to a rest on the small of her back, guiding her.  His searing touch burned into her skin like a bolt of lightning and sent heat and awareness surging through her body.  Even when he removed his hand to open the door for her, she felt the imprint of it there, like he’d marked her.

She climbed in and tucked her legs into the back of the vehicle but didn’t miss the flash of interest in Mike’s eyes as she glanced up at him.  He simply nodded and shut the door, but the expression on his face sent lust and longing racing through her system.  Maybe he had simply been trying to do the right thing all those weeks ago when he’d scared her out of her mind. 
.  Still.  They’d go back to the apartment, he’d give her a ride to get her car, and that would be that.  No sense on dwelling on these crazy feelings she was suddenly having.  Or imagining part two of their kiss at the pool.

“Where was this guy anyway?” he asked as he climbed into the driver’s seat.

“That SUV right over there,” Kenley said, pointing across the street.

Mike gripped the steering wheel, his gaze focused on the black SUV just down the block.  His spicy scent filled the interior of the vehicle, and Kenley nervously swallowed.  He sat so large, looming right in front of her.  But she felt safe.  Sheltered.  Even though logically she knew the man they’d seen wasn’t Lexi’s kidnapper, who was behind bars, she had to admit that it felt good to have someone take care of them.  To take care of her.  Her own parents were never around, and this man she barely knew, who was friends with Lexi’s fiancé, had rushed to their aid without a second thought.  How ironic since her own family didn’t seem to see things that way.

“I know I freaked out over nothing, but I swear it looked just like him,” Lexi said.

“That asshole is behind bars,” Mike said, swinging his glance over to her.  “But I swear to God, Lexi, none of us will let anything happen to you again.  If you’re ever frightened, and Christopher’s not around, you can give any of us a call.  We’ll be there immediately.”

Mike pulled his cell phone from his pocket.  “What’s your cell number?” he asked Lexi.

She recited it, and Mike punched it in and sent her a text.  “Now you have my number.  Save it in your contact list,” he instructed.  “Kenley, tell me your number, too.”

Startled, Kenley recited her cell number.  She felt strangely excited about Mike knowing how to reach her.  Obviously he wanted it for safety measures—for emergencies.  But the thought that he could now call her at any time had her heart racing.  She tucked her phone back into her purse after she added Mike to her contacts, telling herself she was being silly.  If something happened and they needed help, it made sense to be able to contact some of the guys.  That was all this was about.

Mike started the engine and pulled into the street, heading the opposite way of her car and the restaurant and toward Christopher’s apartment.  His heated blue gaze met hers in the rearview mirror, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.  Maybe riding alone with him wasn’t such a good idea—at the moment, she had the craziest desire to give in to her urges.  To pull him close and kiss him, inhaling all of his soap and spice.  To give in to whatever he wanted, letting him command and control her body as easily as he had yesterday.  To allow him just one night.

She swallowed nervously, immediately quashing that idea.  Mike was being nice now, yes, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t act like a jerk again when the mood struck.  His cocky, holier-than-thou attitude wasn’t something she needed or wanted.  His rush off to save the world lifestyle wasn’t something that would offer her any safety or stability.  She’d lived that life as a kid, having family that was never around, and when she did eventually find a man she wanted to spend her life with, he’d be there for her one hundred percent of the time.  No questions asked.

She glanced out the window, watching the restaurants and hotels go by.  She wouldn’t even be in town much longer to pursue something if she’d wanted to.  She’d go her way, and Mike would go his.  Life moved on, and a guy like him would never be a permanent fixture in hers.

Chapter 7


“Is she okay?” Patrick asked half an hour later, his brow furrowing.

They’d all gathered back in Christopher’s apartment, and Mike glanced over to where Lexi stood in the kitchen with Kenley and Christopher.  They each had an arm around her, and Christopher was rubbing her back in a soothing motion.  “Yeah, I think she just got spooked.  They saw some guy that looked like the jackass who kidnapped her.”

Patrick stiffened and clenched his fists.  “That shit is messed up.  I wish they would’ve let us deal with him our own way; I would’ve beaten that son of a bitch within an inch of his life.”

Mike nodded grimly.  “Not if Christopher had anything to say about it.  He would’ve killed him with his bare hands.”

“There’s something fucked up about guys who harm women and children.  I swear to God, if anything had happened to Rebecca when that stalker was after her, I never would’ve been able to live with myself.”

“I hear you,” Mike said, glancing over at Kenley again.  She looked petite and fragile in the short, loose dress she had on.  It skimmed her curves and left plenty to the imagination, but there was something sexy as hell about it.  A lightweight cardigan covered her slender arms, but those gorgeous bare legs were on full display again.  When the weather turned cooler in a few weeks, he was going to miss all the peeks of skin.  Those shorts from the other night, this dress….  Hell, especially that killer bikini she’d had on.  What he wouldn’t give to spend a night exploring all of her womanly curves.  Kissing every inch of her body.  Finding out what she liked, what made her cry out his name.  His groin tightened, and she glanced over his way, almost as if she knew he was watching her.

A cascade of brown curls framed her delicate face, and her cheeks flushed slightly when she met his gaze.  He barely knew the woman, but somehow he felt protective toward her.  Possessive.  He didn’t want her to return to Arlington and fall into the arms of another man—he wanted her here.  Now.  In his arms and in his bed.  Hell, if no one else had been around, he had half a mind to march over there, pull her into his arms, and kiss her until they both admitted there was something brewing between them.  That it hadn’t just been one intense kiss yesterday that had them both stirred up.

Mike and all the men on his SEAL team had been trained to read people—and even if she was throwing up walls like she was building a damn fortress, he was certain she was interested.  He’d seen the way she looked at him.  Felt the ways her eyes caressed his body when she thought he was unaware.  And there was no hiding her excitement when he’d kissed her yesterday in the pool.  Those little gasps and pants along with the desperate way she clung to him gave him half a mind to chase after her and never let her go.

The fact that she wanted him too made him harder than hell.  What would it take to convince her to give in to temptation once more?  To prove that yesterday hadn’t been a mistake and that he deserved a chance?

“Christopher just about lost his shit when you called us,” Patrick said.

“I can imagine.  Is there more stuff to move or are we all set for the day?”

“We moved all the boxes to the storage unit, so we’re good.  I’ll probably head out if things are under control.  We’ve got training early tomorrow, and I want to spend some time with the kids.”

“Kids, huh?” Mike asked with a smirk.

“Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it,” Patrick said, punching him in the arm.

“Thanks again guys for helping today,” Christopher said, walking over.  “I think Lexi just needs some time alone now.”

“Yeah, we’re gonna head out,” Mike said.  “Unless you need help with anything else.”

“I think we’re set,” Christopher said.  “Sorry about missing the end of the game.”

“Don’t sweat it,” Patrick said.  “Family comes first.”

“I guess I should get going, too,” Kenley said as she joined them.  Mike’s gaze flicked back to the kitchen, where Lexi had sunk down into a chair and was sipping some tea, looking completely exhausted.

“I’ll drop you back at your car,” Mike said, meeting Kenley’s gaze.  She nodded uncertainly, and his gut clenched.  Hell, was she afraid to be alone with him?  What was it going to take to convince her he was a decent guy?  Staying the hell away from her was seeming like less and less of an option.

Patrick glanced between the two of them, noticing the tension. “I can drop you off if you like,” he said.

“Um, thanks, but I’m okay.  I can get a ride with Mike.”

Patrick raised his eyebrows, and Mike felt a swell of male pride surging through his chest.  Even if Kenley was uncertain, the fact that she’d just agreed to be alone with him had to be a good sign.

“Then let’s get going.  Should we say goodbye to Lexi?”

“No,” Christopher said.  “Just let her rest.  I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

They exchanged goodbyes, and then Mike, Patrick, and Kenley walked outside to the parking lot.  Mike clicked the remote to his SUV and opened the passenger door for Kenley.  He tried not to groan as she ducked into the vehicle.  Hell.  That dress was getting his imagination all sorts of worked up.  What he wouldn’t give to bend her over the nearest surface, flip up that flimsy little dress, and sink straight into heaven.

No doubt that would freak her the hell out, he thought with a smirk.  He could be patient.  Mike had the distinct impression that Kenley would be well worth the wait.  He was impressed with the way she’d handled herself during the few weeks he’d known her.  She’d rushed down from Northern Virginia when her best friend was in trouble.  She’d handled
after he’d eventually released her at the condo.  Maybe physically she hadn’t been able to fend him off when he thought she was one of the kidnappers, but verbally?  Damn.  She’d given him a tongue lashing he’d never forget once she’d gotten her wits about her.

And she was sweet.  Sensitive.  All her soft curves up against his male hardness was just about damn near perfection.  Her body fit against his she’d been made just for him and him alone.  And what he wouldn’t give to learn all the other ways their bodies perfectly aligned—to sweep his tongue inside her sweet mouth.  To bury his cock so deep inside her tight walls that neither of them knew where he stopped and she began.  To thrust into her again and again, driving her skyward until she screamed out his name.

Hell.  He had to get his mind off getting her into his bed and onto driving her back.  His pants had already grown uncomfortably tight.

“You didn’t eat much,” Mike said as he eased into the driver’s seat.  “Want me to take you to get some food?”

“Oh.  I was just worried about Lexi, I guess.”

He started the engine and glanced over at her.  “It’s normal to have some trauma after a situation like that.  It’ll take her a while to get readjusted, but she’s actually doing great.”

“You seem pretty confident,” Kenley commented.

Mike shrugged.  He glanced back over his shoulder and backed out of the space.  Patrick was already pulling out onto the road.  “I’ve had medical training.  We have to know how to treat men who are in shock if they’re injured in battle.”

“Do all the guys have medical training?”

“Yeah, to some extent.  Theirs is more basic though.  Every man on the team has to have a particular skill set—Christopher’s the IT guru, as you probably already know.  Patrick is our team leader.  I’m the medic in the group.  That’s how I got my nickname.”

“Patch, right?”

“Yeah, because I patch people up.”

Kenley laughed, and a sudden feeling of warmth filled his chest.  She sure didn’t laugh much around him, and hell if he didn’t wish that wasn’t the case.  Her whole face lit up when she smiled, and her eyes shone brightly.  Not to mention that rosy hue that crossed her cheeks, which is what Mike liked to imagine she might look like when she came—panting and screaming his name in ecstasy.

“When did you get that nickname?”

“Not until my first op.  Some guys get theirs in BUD/S—that’s the training we have to do to become a SEAL.  But I was, uh, attending to a guy who’d gotten a bullet wound in the leg.  He was ready to keep on fighting and was screaming at me to patch him up so he could get back into battle.”

“Was it one of the guys on your SEAL team now?”

“No, I was originally with a different unit.  This one’s the best though.”

He glanced over to see Kenley smirking.  “Modest as always, I see.”

Mike chuffed out a laugh.  “Hey, I’ll admit I can be cocky some of the time—hell, maybe even a lot of the time.  But when it comes to my guys, I’m not just blowing smoke up your ass.  Uh, sorry.  I just mean we’re the best of the best.  Not even a question.”

Mike pulled onto the road that made up the main drag of Virginia Beach.  It was dotted with hotels, restaurants, and souvenir shops.  Not to mention plenty of tourists and locals who’d been enjoying a lazy Sunday down by the water.  “So listen, I know we got off to a bad start a few weeks ago.  And with the whole jumping into the pool thing yesterday.  Let me buy you dinner—make up for it.”


“Yeah, that meal people eat at the end of the day.”

“I know what dinner is,” Kenley said, rolling her eyes.  “I just don’t know why you think us going to dinner together is a good idea.”

“It’s an apology.  And it’s just dinner—I promise I won’t make any moves on you.”

Kenley blushed as Mike raised his eyebrows.  It was too damn easy to get a rise out of her.  The ways she reacted to everything he said was priceless.  “That is, unless you want me to.  I sure didn’t mind kissing you in the pool.”  He winked, watching her turn an even deeper shade of red.  Hell yeah, this was going to be a good night.

BOOK: A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4)
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