Read A New Day Online

Authors: Ben Winston

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Alien Invasion, #First Contact, #Military, #Space Fleet

A New Day (5 page)

BOOK: A New Day
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Ben guided the Emperor and his party into the same ready room that he had taken Jance and her team into. "Again Majesty, please forgive the rather primitive facilities here. We never knew we would be honored by a personal visit from you."

Hjoolous waved it off. "Not an issue, Prime Council. We completely understand. We put you on the spot on rather short notice. Besides, we see nothing wrong with any of this; in fact, it is all very functional. This was designed as a military base originally was it not?"

"Yes, Majesty. Before what we termed 'The Fall', which is the war that made the planet’s surface hostile to life, this was the primary planetary military installation. This base is quite large and has many levels to it. However, if any of you find that you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask one of us and we will do what we can to provide it for you," Ben said. After the group took seats in the briefing area, Ben quietly asked Jance if Ranger Hyroan had made it back up here yet.

"Yes, he made it, but not before the ship began landing," she replied.

Ben smiled. "Thank you, could you ask him if he would please come to the briefing room? I'm about to introduce Mother, and I would like to reassure our guests as to her validity."

Jance grinned. "Good plan. Just so you know, the senate will not support this becoming your home world; they would feel it would be too much power and wealth being given to humans too quickly."

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks," Ben said nodding.

"Before I begin, I would like to introduce one more very important entity to you. She is very important to us at least. Our AI, Mother. She is responsible for gathering much of the data you will be seeing, as well as assisting the Rangers and our own people in the dissemination of it. Mother, please greet our guests," Ben said.

"It is a very great honor to be of service, Imperial Majesty and honored guests. I will be happy to answer any of your questions to the best of my ability," Mother intoned.

"You have your own AI?" Hjoolous said. "Impressive, I did not think humans had progressed that far when we discovered your people. There were no reports of AI on the ships."

"With respect, Majesty. I was designed and built during the war. At the time it was not possible to install one of my kind on any of the ships. I take up a considerable amount of room, and it was decided that space for refugees was more important. At the time, the commanders had also not heard from any of the refugees that had departed, so they had no idea what they would encounter. They did not want AI technology to fall into enemy hands," Mother replied. "That being said, the ships did have a limited form of AI in order to function properly. Imperial Majesty, Prime Council, Hyclarion Ranger Hyroan is requesting entry; the Prime Councilor asked for him to attend."

Hjoolous nodded. "Please let him in, AI Mother."

Hyroan took one step into the room and dropped to his knee and saluted the Emperor. "Majesty, as requested, I have come."

"Please rise, Ranger Hyroan. I believe the Prime Council asked for you," Hjoolous replied.

Ben nodded. "Indeed, I did. Ranger Hyroan, I asked you here to verify, in person, your findings about our AI."

"I understand, Prime Council." Hyroan replied, but it was clear he was very nervous.

"Imperial Majesty, as my duty to you and the Empire, one of my skills is that of Master level Computer Engineering. In that capacity, Commander Halst asked me to validate the AI so we would know data from this source could be trusted and relied upon.

"While she is of a vastly different design, I do understand how she functions and can safely verify and validate her function as well as the data she provides. As with any and all AI, she can withhold information, but cannot knowingly lie or falsify information. I would like to add, that while she is a more primitive design, Mother is far more powerful than our modern AI in that she can process more data, faster than most modern AI. She is a very interesting machine," he finished.

Hjoolous nodded. "Thank you for your testimony, Ranger Hyroan. You have done very well, would you care to join us in the event we have further questions for you?" he indicated the seats around him.

Again, Hyroan bowed. "As you command Majesty." He moved to a seat behind the Emperor and his party. Admiral Yolinar smiled and nodded to the man.

"Now, with your permission, Majesty, I will have Mother give you and your party a full briefing," Ben asked. While Hyroan had been testifying, Janet took care of the refreshments for their guests. Ben thought to himself that she needed a raise.

"Please proceed, Prime Council," Hjoolous said.

With that, Mother dimmed the lights and activated the large holographic projector. Ben took a seat near the Emperor so he could answer any questions and just be available to him.


Terran Marine Base Alpha

26 Apr. 10266 CE (AD)

Sector 34871 - Great Inland Sea

Earth, Sol system



The briefing took a couple of hours and included some details that Ben had not been aware of. Mother explained that some of the data had been from the Rangers and had not been available to Ben and his people as it was an ongoing Ranger investigation. It painted the Duke in a very bad light, but Mother made sure to point out that the ultimate purpose for the troops and the 'Marines' being stationed in the system was still unknown and could be in error, the belief was that it was for an attack on the planet with the sole purpose of destroying the Rangers.

One of the items shocked Ben; it was the discovery by a Ranger patrol ship of a fleet of lizard super-destroyer class ships in hiding in the Vega Nebula. Captain Elrond had been correct in his assumption.

Once Mother had finished, and before the Emperor could say anything, Commander Halst stepped before the ruler and knelt. "Majesty, although seemingly unrelated, there is a group of humans sequestered here that the Duke was using to commit crimes on this planet in order to justify the buildup of troops. We have discovered proof of this from their ship's computer systems.

"Some of the information we needed in our investigations came from these people. Although lives have been lost, I do not believe it was the intent of these people as they took what steps they could in order to prevent it and still follow the Duke's orders. My team and I have examined all parts of the case against them. It is our belief they were never willing participants in these crimes. We ask that you pardon them as they may yet be helpful in the current situation. They know this planet better than any of us."

"How many people are we talking about here, Commander?" Hjoolous asked.

"Majesty, forty-three individuals were directly involved in the crimes and voluntarily surrendered to us when we arrived here. They did have their families with them, which made it difficult to believe coercion was a factor. However, we have seen that it was indeed the case. The Duke withheld their families as hostage against their behavior until it was too late for them to run. The entire sad story is available for your review, Majesty. However, we wanted you to know that, while it’’s not our place to render judgment, we do believe that they were used by the Duke to further his coup attempt and would not have performed these acts on their own," Halst replied.

"The intentional destruction of an Aerie can hardly be seen as unintentional, Commander," Glandril said.

Jance nodded to the Senator. "Madam Senator, records from the Aerie prior to its destruction indicate the power core was not installed correctly. One of the men sent on that mission was a master technician with experience in Aerie power systems. While I will admit that argument could be used for both sides, since he would know how to set the reactor to explode, we felt it unlikely he would do so while he was still standing beside it. The Aerie was ordered to evacuate, which was ignored. The 'pirates' set charges to scare and rock the Aerie in order to get the occupants to evacuate. Once that was accomplished the plan had been to shut down the reactor, then use conventional explosives to destroy the Aerie. Captain Elrond believes that the reactor detonated during the shutdown procedure. He tells me he lost fourteen very close friends in that debacle.

"Every event told to us by the pirates, and there were far more than we had been aware of, has been independently corroborated except for the destruction of the Aerie. However, the very fact that these people not only confessed to more crimes than we knew of, and never lied or tried to hide evidence, leads us to believe they are telling the truth as far as they know it in regards to the Aerie."

Hjoolous held up a hand to stop the forming debate. "AI Mother, it is a little known fact that most humans give off indications when they are being dishonest or misleading. Have you been present during the interviews with the accused?"

"I have, Majesty," Mother replied. "Most of those interviewed were nervous or scared and that will affect the results of which you speak. However, to the best of my knowledge, none of them have lied to this point."

Hjoolous nodded. "Thank you, Mother. I would review the evidence before making a decision on this. Normally, I would refuse and let the courts handle this, and I still might. However, if I agree with the Rangers after reviewing the information, then I will intercede on their behalf. Thank you, Ranger Commander," he said, dismissing her.

Jance bowed and retook her seat. Hjoolous turned to Ben. "Prime Council, the evidence against the Duke is very compelling. That he has broken many laws is clear to us. Although I tend to agree that he is planning my death as well as taking control of the Empire, I'm afraid that the Senate will need more proof."

"With respect Majesty, not even the Senate could argue the truth of the evidence presented here today," Glandril injected. "However, we would debate the humans claiming this world as their own."

"You're still hung up on that?" Hjoolous asked turning to her. "What more proof would you need?"

"Please pardon the interruption, Majesty, Madam Senator. Would you like to hear the survivor's history? I have managed to piece together what I believe is a very accurate timeline based on the records here as well as what could be found on the DataNet and from the files in the salvaged skipper of Citizen Addson Dee," Mother offered. "Ranger T'Gree has also been investigating our claim to this planet. Perhaps you could speak to him as well."

"That would be very helpful, AI Mother," Hjoolous said, but looked to Glandril to see if she agreed. "I would hear the history. After all, the AI has been certified."

Ben stopped them before Mother could begin. "One moment if you would, Majesty. I have an idea to speak to you about, to assist the Rangers and hopefully slow the Duke."

"Oh? That would be most helpful, Prime Council," Admiral Yolinar said, speaking for the first time.

"I have asked my Council for permission to have mother and her fellow AI take over the computer systems on the planet. In this way, we would know what the Duke is doing and also be in position to intercede if needed. The Admiral would be welcome to monitor the situation from our main control room. That would give him access to not only the communications suite, but also to all the data of the planet." Ben suggested. "He could also oversee the deployment of our defenses if the need arises. General Greenwold can brief you on what little defenses we do have."

"This is more your area, Admiral," Hjoolous said, turning to look at his commander. "What do you think?"

"I would like to have at least one fleet here, as well as more troops, but if there is anything these remarkable people can do to assist us, I do not see any reason not to take advantage of it, Majesty," the Admiral replied.

Hjoolous nodded. "Then I will agree. Please go with General Greenwold and do what needs to be done to protect our Empire."

Ben looked at Gail. "Do your best, Gail, we're all counting on you. If you need me for anything, let me know right away."

"Prime Council, with the agreement of the Emperor, the Council has also agreed to allow a cyber-attack on this planet. I have been asked to tell you that they understand what that means and have given permission for our forces to take their lead from Admiral Yolinar," Mother replied.

Ben nodded. "That makes it official, then. Good luck Admiral, General."

Both Yolinar and Gail bowed to the Emperor before they left the room. As they left, Ben heard Gail assuring the very tall Yolinar that the ceiling in the control room was much higher.

"We could very well be restarting the war this day. That is not a prospect I enjoy contemplating," Hjoolous said, thoughtfully.

"No Majesty, in that we can very much agree. Considering our position, spatially, it is something we really don't want to happen. But, we can't move the planet," Ben said. "Before you make your final decision as to our status, Majesty, there is also some classified information you will need to be made aware of. When it is appropriate, Commander Halst, Rangers T'Gree and Sc'ellese, as well as Admiral Yolinar, General Greenwold and myself will need to brief you."

Hjoolous looked at him thoughtfully for a moment. "You pretty much know what my decision about you is already, Prime Council. Is this really that important?"

"In the interest of fairness and full disclosure, yes Majesty, it is important. We feel you need to be fully aware of our technology and advancements before you make an official decision. We would like to try to avoid any misunderstandings that might arise in the future," Ben explained.

BOOK: A New Day
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