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Authors: Abbie Adams

A Little Training (6 page)

BOOK: A Little Training
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Tommy washed my face, for which I was quite thankful. It is odd the little
things you can come to take pleasure in. And then he started to talk while he
rubbed my back and hugged me. No matter how hard I tried I could not stop from
crying and relaxing against him. It is crazy how these things work and how a
spanking wears you out both physically and emotionally. As much as I wanted to
resist that meanie, I fell asleep.

wish I could tell you that from then on the days just melded into each other
and went by quickly. That I had learned my lesson and things had gotten easier.

I couldn’t do that because I had just been taught not to lie.


Chapter 4


that day, after naptime, we were allowed our first really fun activity. Daddy
let us go swimming in the pool. I love to swim and Erin does too. Down in the shallow
end there are benches under the water that wrap around the side of the pool so
you could just sit and watch. That is pretty much all Sara and Caity wanted to

pool room is amazing. When you first walk in the pool spreads out left to right
in front of you. Across on the other side are all windows and doors facing
outside and at the patio. I assume if you wanted to have a barbeque you could
just open it right up and it would be like the pool is out there.

there is a hot tub too, just to the left when you walk in, and all kinds of
fancy stonework. A fountain flows from the hot tub down into the shallow side
of the pool. We weren’t allowed in there, the hot tub I mean. Daddy said it was
too hot and it would burn freshly spanked butts.

course, you didn’t have to tell me that twice. The pool felt nice and cool on
my bottom.
The deep side of the
pool was my favorite. It was actually twelve feet deep. I didn’t know they
could make indoor pools go that far down. And there was a small diving board. I
think that was Erin’s favorite part.

surprised me was that Daddy and Uncle Chris played with us. There were these
colorful weighted sticks and we would race to find them. I can swim really well,
so I even beat Daddy a couple times. Erin can swim well too, but she has a hard
time going deep enough. Oh, it was so much fun!

those snot face brats Sara and Caity kept complaining they were cold. I was
cold too… but I was having fun and it was so much better than sitting around
bored or getting in trouble!

really didn’t want to stop playing in the water, I guess. She begged for a
little more time but Daddy used a firm voice with her and she got out. I know
she was upset but she did get out and was walking by the edge.

was faced away from the pool drying me off with a towel. I couldn’t really see
because he was blocking my view but we heard a splash. Daddy let go of the
towel and jumped to action. Uncle Chris must have been toweling Caity or
something, but Sara was right where I had last seen Erin, by the edge of the

wanted one last turn,” Sara shrugged her shoulders and walked toward Uncle
Chris as if nothing was amiss.

head bobbed to the surface just as Daddy asked Sara, “She just jumped back in?”

I was just coming to get my towel and she dove right in front of me. Please can
we go? I am freezing. This is so boring.” She pouted almost prettily.

knew something was the matter. Erin was sputtering and she shook her head, I
expected her to deny it and say that Sara pushed her or something, but she
didn’t. She just sat there bobbing in the water looking sad and guilty as

out of the water right now, little girl.” Daddy walked over to the side of the
pool and she swam to the ladder but she didn’t get time to climb up before Daddy
lifted her right out. “Like it or not, you must listen to Daddy.” He sat down
in a chair and put her right over his lap.

was almost folded right in half. When he started laying his hand to her
backside it was the loudest most awful sound I have ever heard. I don’t know if
the slapping was exaggerated because her butt was wet or if it was echoing
around the huge open room. It was wet, loud and probably excruciating. Poor
Erin started crying right away.

scared Daddy, I didn’t know if you were hurt or drowning!” He started to talk
right along with the crisp smacks he was laying on her little bottom. “You will
learn that you can’t have your way whenever you want it.”

was wiggling so like a fish, like a wet fish flopping around out of water. I don’t
know how he could keep spanking her. She was wiggling all over the place but it
didn’t seem to bother him. He just kept her wet wriggling body bent right over
his leg locked into place and his big hand covered both of her rounded cheeks
with each swat. He didn’t even have to alternate where he was swatting her. I
briefly wondered if it was the same with my butt.

made me finally realize I was standing there staring at them. My face began to
feel hot. I looked around and my stomach twisted into a massive coil or fury.
Sara was smirking cruelly. Uncle Chris was behind her having just finished
toweling her he pushed her to the door, not seeing anything.

snapped my focus back to Erin. She was begging in between yelping and crying.
Her bottom was a deep dark red.

I jumped at them and grabbed for Daddy’s arm. “She didn’t do it.”

don’t think he even heard my cry. All I succeeded in doing was pausing the
spanking. He grabbed my arm and smacked my bottom one hard time telling me I
could not get in the way of a spanking. Uncle Chris was right there then and
picked me up. I thought he was going to beat me. But Daddy told him to put me
in the corner and that is what he did.

took me into the front room and put me in a corner. “
you can’t get yourself into trouble like that. When the men make a decision you
have to accept it.” I stood there crying, I could still hear Daddy and Erin—the
dang door had been left open.

hated Sara.
Oh, I really hated her!

had the hardest time forcing my dinner down. I ate the tiniest bites imaginable
just so that I was always eating if someone looked at me. I didn’t want to get
in trouble. But, I could not eat. Thankfully Uncle Jeremy took pity on me and
took my plate once everyone had left the table.

hadn’t come to the table at all. Daddy had put her straight to bed. I wanted to
go to her. I don’t know why, I just couldn’t stop myself. Someone had to comfort
her. I waited until nobody saw me and I snuck in. She was curled up on her side
facing me, the stuffed elephant she’d brought from home curled in her arms. I
wished then that I had listened and brought something of my own. I had thought
it silly at the time.

thought perhaps she was sleeping but then I heard her muffled cry. I went over
and sat on the edge of her bed. She jumped at first and her face rose from
where she had it hidden in her stuffed friend. Her blue eyes were puffy and red
from crying.

,” I rubbed her back. “It will be ok.” How I wished I
knew that it would. I felt like a liar.

-o be-fore you
get in

didn’t you tell him the truth?”

…don …no… was ‘
–of her too…”

could someone want sweet, little Erin to be hurt like this? It just enraged me.
She seemed so fragile… so angelic. We were the same size but somehow she seemed
smaller, more delicate. I quickly determined that I was going to have to take
care of her. I was just about to lie down next to her and rub her back until
she slept but Uncle Tommy swept into the room.

, come out of there.” He grabbed my hand and pulled
me out into the hall. “Do you need to be spanked to help you listen and worry
about your own business?” He was standing over me with his dark angry eyebrows
drawn together.

was quickly shaking my head no. I might add that my hands were behind me
covering my bottom to reinforce my decision in case he didn’t believe me.

go in the family room and color or read a book with the other girls.”

soon as he said “the other girls” I knew that was not where I wanted to be. If
I went in there I might start a fight. I needed a quiet place to think.

walked toward the family room as he had suggested and he let me go. But, I
didn’t go there I turned up the stairs and stopped at the window on the
landing. It was such a peaceful place. I wish I could open the window and feel
the breeze.

watched as a butterfly floated by and landed on a purple flower I didn’t know
the name to. I was deep in thought. I know I was still thinking about Erin and
Sara. I was trying to come up with some way to get Daddy to know the truth. I
am sure you can imagine, someone came up behind me and I turned to see Daddy sit
on the first stairs to the upper side. I quickly turned back to the
It was tense because he
didn’t speak right away. I felt like he was staring at me.

is exactly what you want, I tell you, to be kneeling looking out the window and
have a man behind you staring at you. It was unnerving. I was shaking inside.
But, at the same time I was thinking. Maybe I could explain to him what had
really happened!

are you doing, Baby Girl?”

don’t know where it came from but something inside of me puddled in my tummy at
his words… or maybe it was the low tone he spoke. I wanted to curl up in his
arms and stay there forever.

thinking,” I said.
I was shaking so
bad I could hardly figure out what I had said. I felt his hand on my arm above
my shoulder gently tugging me to stand in front of him.

was that, Pumpkin?” he tipped my chin up so I had to look at him too.

thinking…” I tried to make my voice a little louder and it squeaked.

he didn’t make me stand there in front of him any longer but lifted me to his
lap. He had pulled me backwards so my back was against his chest. It was a tad
uncomfortable because my sore bottom was against his rough denim jeans. But, it
was nice because I didn’t have to look at his face. He ran his fingers down
through my hair, smoothing it over my arm.

you tell me why you are afraid?”

don’t know how he could tell. Heck, I didn’t even know that I knew I was

I think back, I wonder that he was showing me that special attention. I wonder
if he sought out the other girls and did so with each of them. That is what I
should have been thinking.

I want to tell you something that will make you angry, and I don’t want to get
in more trouble.” I squeezed my fists together my fingernails biting hard into
my palms. “I’m so mad at you!” I turned just as I said the last part. I
couldn’t contain it any longer. I could see his face then and I thought he was
going to laugh at me!

his face got very serious and he moved me to his thigh and turned me to cup my
chin in his hand and stare down into my eyes. “You are allowed to be
You can always tell me too, as
long as you are not disrespectful. You will not get in trouble if you are
careful to be respectful.”

took me a minute to absorb what he said. When his hand relaxed on my chin I
pulled it from his grasp and he allowed it, so scooted out of his lap too. I
started to pace back and forth on the six by ten foot landing. Finally, I
stopped in front of him again and gave it my best. I had decided that this was
my only chance. And it was a pretty good one. I just had to be able to moderate
my anger.

didn’t even give Erin a chance to answer. Sara pushed her and
, and you beat Erin for nothing. She
is afraid of Sara anyway, so maybe she wouldn’t have said much, but you weren’t
fair you didn’t even think about it! You—”

He caught me pulled me closer and put a finger to my lips. “Slow down before
you go too far. Why would Sara push Erin, one good reason?”

she is evil.”

snorted. “
, do you want me to listen to you or

yesterday she said something to me about Erin was the only one left to get
I don’t know why, but she
wanted her to and she just decided she didn’t like Erin and I.”

wouldn’t Erin say something then? I have a hard time believing she would not

told you, you didn’t even give Erin a chance! But she is afraid of Sara too.
Haven’t you noticed how sweet and quiet Erin is? She shakes when someone else
is getting spanked.”

that is enough. I will think about it what you have said and check into it.
This does not mean that you are allowed
sass me like that.”

BOOK: A Little Training
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