A Little Bit of Hot (Out of Uniform) (4 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Hot (Out of Uniform)
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Jackson slid his hands into the pockets of his faded Levis. “So, you’re doing some work for Tom and Sarah?”

“Yep. But the job’s all done, actually. Sarah didn’t want anything fancy, so it didn’t take long to finish everything up.”

He hid his disappointment. He’d been hoping she’d only just begun and that he’d get to see her again, but as usual, luck wasn’t on his side.

Looked like he’d have to make his move now.

He extended his hand. “I’m Jackson Ramsey, by the way. I live next door.”

“Mia Weldrick. And I’d shake your hand but mine is all covered with dirt.”

“I don’t mind getting dirty every now and then.” With a crooked grin, he stepped forward and took her hand, giving it a light shake.

She arched her delicate eyebrows. “Was that a line?”

“Was what a line?”

“You know, the whole ‘I like it dirty’ thing. Was that supposed to get me all tingly and weak-kneed?”

Jackson had to laugh. “I didn’t say I liked it dirty. I said I didn’t mind it. And no, it wasn’t a line.” He tipped his head to the side. “Why, did it get you tingly and weak-kneed?”

Her green eyes sparkled. “Nope.”

She took a step away and he experienced a tiny jolt of distress. He didn’t want her to go yet.

“Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?” he burst out, lacking all finesse and sounding far too eager.

Mia sighed. “Oh boy.”

“‘Oh boy?’” Another grin sprung to his lips. “Is that how you respond to all your dinner invitations?”

“No. But that’s because I don’t get a lot of them,” she said frankly. “I never go out, which means I don’t meet a lot of guys. Honestly, I’m unprepared for this.”

“Doesn’t require much prep, sugar,” he teased. “A yes or no would do the trick.”

Another “Oh boy” escaped her perfect lips, which made him shake his head in bewilderment. Normally he was dang good at reading women, but he seriously had no clue what was going on in this one’s head.

“Okay, I’m going to lay it all on the line,” she declared. “You’re wicked hot, and I’m totally digging the height thing. It makes me feel dainty.”

He choked out a laugh. “All right…”

“But I don’t want to have dinner with you.”

A rush of disappointment filled his chest. “I see.”

“It’s nothing personal,” she said quickly. “I bet you’re a really awesome guy, and that Southern drawl is definitely a bonus, but I don’t have time to go out on dates. I have a gazillion jobs and a teenage boy to raise.”

“Your parents aren’t in the picture?”

“Nope, it’s just Danny and me. Which is why dating is the last thing on my mind right now, and probably won’t be until Danny graduates. So even though I’m flattered, I’m gonna have to pass.”

He was about to tap into his innate Southern charm to twist her arm, but she was already walking toward her truck. “It was nice meeting you,” she said with a genuine smile. “But I’ve got to skedaddle now.”

A minute later, she was gone, leaving him staring at her taillights in dismay.

Chapter Five

Jackson back strode into the house, his frustration levels at an all-time high. He couldn’t believe Mia had just taken off like that. The first woman he’d felt a real connection to in forever, and he wouldn’t get to see her again.

He stalked into his small living room, then stood there for a moment at a total loss. What now? Did he put on a movie and kill time until he had to go to Seth’s for dinner? Did he take a nap? Play some Call of Duty?

After a beat, he dismissed each of those options and headed for his bedroom instead. Fuck it. There was only one way to release all this pent-up frustration, and that was jacking off until he couldn’t frickin’ see straight.

Lord, he hadn’t had sex in ages. At least not since before the team’s stint in the desert. That he couldn’t remember exactly how long it had been made him feel like a pathetic chump. All his buddies had once been major manwhores, but although they’d all settled down, they still got action like nobody’s business. Even when they were abroad, for fuck’s sake. As much as he wanted to, Jackson would probably never be able to erase the memory of walking in on Seth’s naked Skype session with Miranda during their deployment.

He stretched out on the bed and unbuckled his belt, pulling out his semi-erect cock and wishing like hell that it wasn’t his own hand doing it, but a warm female one. Like Mia’s. Christ, having her hand on his dick would probably feel like heaven. The lady must have a dang good grip, seeing as how she worked with her hands every day.

A moan lodged in his throat as he circled his fingers around his shaft. He was aching. Edgy. Primed for sex. Rough, kinky, dirty sex—and therein lay the problem. The women he’d been with hadn’t felt comfortable taking things where he wanted them to go, which was why he took it slow nowadays, getting to know a woman in order to gauge her sexual attitudes before he slept with her.

And, if he were being honest, that was also the reason he’d declined all those threesome invitations in the past. He didn’t want his friends knowing just how far he liked to push the limits.

He grasped his cock in his fist and gave it a sharp pump. His brain conjured up the image of the pretty gardener, her sexy green eyes, those pouty lips. Fuck, she had total blowjob lips. The kind you wanted wrapped around your cock, sucking you dry.

His thumb grazed his engorged head, sliding over the precome pooling at his tip. Closing his eyes, he pictured Mia’s mouth surrounding his cock and a shudder overtook him. He imagined the hot suction of her mouth, the graze of her teeth, the warmth of her palm as she squeezed his balls hard.

Heat surged through his blood, pulsing in his sac, which had drawn up tight. He jerked his cock in a fast, hard rhythm, his breathing becoming labored as pleasure gathered in his groin.

In his mind, Mia was sucking him harder now, taking him deep in her throat. His cock tunneled in and out of her lush mouth as he fucked it.

His fist tightened around his erection, wet from the clear drops oozing from his tip and dripping down his shaft.

The release came without warning, an explosion of heat and ecstasy that started in his balls before shooting out in all directions, turning his muscles into limp noodles and making him gasp for air.

Strands of semen coated his palm and splashed the bottom of his shirt, but he didn’t give a shit about making a mess. Fuck, he’d needed that.

But it wasn’t enough. He wanted more. Needed more.

As he slid up into a sitting position and reached for the box of tissues on the nightstand, Jackson wondered if maybe it was time to give in and take one of those navy groupies for a ride. Maybe a night of wild, no-strings sex would be enough to tide him over for a while.

But he knew it wouldn’t. He’d only leave the encounter feeling even more unsatisfied. Sadly, he wasn’t cut out for random hook-ups or anonymous sex. Never had been, never would be.

Just like that, the edginess returned, the same old tension he’d been riddled with for months now.

He thought of Mia again, her pretty face and outgoing personality and contagious laughter.

I don’t want to have dinner with you

Her rejection echoed in his head, but it wasn’t enough to curb the determination that jolted through him. She hadn’t said she wasn’t interested in
. Nope, she’d all but admitted that she found him attractive.

Which meant that all wasn’t lost yet. He still had a shot to win her over.

After he’d quickly cleaned himself up, Jackson fished his phone out of his pocket and pulled up Seth’s number. An idea was forming in his head, and he suddenly knew exactly how he was going to convince his feisty gardener to give him a chance.

I don’t want to have dinner with you

A chuckle slipped out of his mouth, followed by a soft murmur that hung in his bedroom.

“We’ll see about that, sugar.”


The End



To read more about Jackson and Mia, pick up Elle Kennedy’s next scorching novel,
As Hot as it Gets

About the Author

A RITA-award-nominated author, Elle Kennedy grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, and holds a BA in English from York University. From an early age, she knew she wanted to be a writer and actively began pursuing that dream when she was a teenager. She loves strong heroines and sexy alpha heroes, and just enough heat and danger to keep things interesting!

Elle loves to hear from her readers. Visit her website
or send her a note at
[email protected]
. You can also find her on
or follow her on

Look for these titles by Elle Kennedy

Now Available:


Bad Moon Rising

Dance of Seduction

Midnight Encounters

Going for It

Red Hot Summer

Hot Summer Nights

Hidden Desires


Out of Uniform

Heat of the Moment

Heat of Passion

Heat of the Storm

Heat It Up

Heat of the Night

The Heat Is On

Hot and Bothered (print anthology)

Feeling Hot

Getting Hotter

Hot and Heavy (print anthology)

Hotter Than Ever


Welcome to Paradise

Welcome to Paradise

Take Me Home Tonight

Born to be Wild

Since You’ve Been Gone


Coming Soon:


As Hot as it Gets

Sea, air, land, the bedroom...this SEAL is always in command.


As Hot as it Gets

© 2014 Elle Kennedy


Out of Uniform S

After watching his teammates settle down one by one, Navy SEAL Jackson Ramsey is ready to say goodbye to the single life. He’s even met a woman who intrigues him, challenges him, and turns him right on—Mia Weldrick, the funny and beautiful gardener he can’t wait to get to know better.

Except Mia isn’t interested in dating him, which means it’s time for Jackson to unleash his Texas charm and do some serious wooing.

With a teenage brother to raise, two jobs, and, frankly, a complete disinterest in sex, Mia has no room in her busy life for a six-foot-five SEAL with a naughty streak a mile wide. But one hot kiss from Jackson has her imagining all the dirty ways she could fit him in.

It isn’t long before their no-string fling transforms into something more. As desire unearths emotions and deeply buried secrets, Mia has to decide whether to give love a chance to grow, or let it slip it away.

Warning: This Southern gentleman is wickedly
gentlemanly in the bedroom. He likes it rough and kinky, and he’s not afraid to make his sexual demands known. Anal, spanking, voyeurism, and other surprises await you in this last and dirtiest
Out of Uniform


Enjoy the following excerpt for
As Hot as it Gets:

“Yup. I want to go out with you again. You’re being difficult. So here’s what I propose.”

“Gee, I can’t wait to hear this.”

He ignored the sarcasm and swept his tongue over his bottom lip, an act so sexy she shivered.

“I’m goin’ to kiss you.”

Her breath hitched. “What?”

“I’m goin’ to kiss you,” he repeated. “And if you like it, then you have to agree to see me again.”

Damned if her heart didn’t start pounding. The heat in his whiskey-colored eyes seared right through her clothing and sizzled her flesh, making her feel hot and dizzy.

“You’re nuts,” she stammered.

“Maybe, but that’s the deal, sugar. You claim that nothin’ gets you goin’, not even a kiss. You also said you had a good time tonight, did you not?”

“I did, but—”

“The reason you don’t want to pursue this is because you think I’ll never be able to turn you on—”

She felt herself blush. “That’s not what I—”

“—so it stands to reason that if I can prove to you I’ve got the moves, you’ll have no choice but to give this a shot.”

Mia’s mouth closed. His reasoning was certifiably wacky, but she couldn’t seem to argue with it.

“Do we have a deal?” he prompted, shooting her an adorably crooked smile.

It was sheer curiosity that had her nodding.

“Good. Then here goes—prepare to have your world rocked.”

The laugh that flew out was cut short by the feel of Jackson’s mouth on her neck.

BOOK: A Little Bit of Hot (Out of Uniform)
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