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Authors: Melissa A. Hanson

A Healing Heart (7 page)

BOOK: A Healing Heart
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We reached Collin’s car, and Mia and Natasha climbed in the cramped backseat. I moved the passenger seat up a bit to try to give them more room.

I’d say that’s almost not even an actual seat.” I shot a smile back to them while buckling my seat belt.

Thank goodness we’re not going far. Who can sit back here anyways?” Mia asked.

Collin chuckled, “It’s a way for the auto company to call it a four-seat vehicle so that the insurance rates aren’t so high.”

Figures,” Natasha added. “Still a cool car though, Collin, even with no room back here.”

Collin started the car, and we moved slowly through the traffic jam of cars leaving campus for lunch.

Glad you guys could join us for lunch. I’m a lucky guy to be taking three cute girls out.”

Mia, always the confident one responded, “Yes, you are.”

By the time we parked, the place was already packed. We placed our order, and Collin paid for our lunch. Mia and Natasha were both impressed and were giving me thumbs-ups when he wasn’t looking. Collin caught the flush in my face and, of course, had to comment on it, which made it worse. I wanted to die on the spot. I would get them both back later.

We found a corner booth and sat down. Collin waited until we were all seated before he slid in next to me, his arm brushing mine, just enough for my hair to stand on end and the goose bumps to shiver across me.

Are you cold?” he asked.

No, I’m fine,” I lied. There was no way I was going to confess what the real issue was.

While waiting for our food to arrive, the conversation was light and casual, and within minutes Collin had totally charmed my friends. He had a good sense of humor and was easygoing.

Lunch slipped by quickly, much too fast for my liking, and we were on our way back to campus. Collin parked, and we climbed out. I had to practically pull Natasha out of her seat behind me while she giggled the entire time. Her laughter was contagious, and she soon had me giggling, making the process to extract her even harder.

Thanks for lunch, Collin.”

You’re welcome, Natasha.”

Yeah, thanks,” Mia added

Thanks for taking us. I guess I’ll see you around later?” I questioned.

I’ve got work this afternoon, but I’ll call you later, if that’s okay.”

Yes.” Smiling, I turned and walked toward P.E. class with my friends. Looking back over my shoulder after walking a bit, I could see Collin still watching me. I waved, and he nodded his head slightly in acknowledgment.

Damn, girl, you are luuuucky!”

Yeah, I’d say. Not only is he cute, but he’s fun, and a gentleman to boot. Geez, you never find guys like that,” Mia complained.

It’s only been a couple of days, guys. Who knows if he’s really interested or just having fun right now.”

Mia and Natasha exchanged looks and then pulled me to a stop in front of them.

Are you blind?” Natasha demanded.

Mia responded like I wasn’t even standing there, “She’s blind. There is no other logical explanation.”

What are you guys talking about?”

Good grief, Bailey, any sane person can see how he looks at you. He’s totally wrapped up in you right now, head over heels.” Mia’s brown eyes were serious. Today she had her blond hair loose around her face and she kept trying to push her bangs out of her eyes.

Come on, there’s no way… Really? Do you think so?”

Yes. For sure!” Natasha added.

This gave me a small ray of hope; just maybe, the feelings and emotions that were stirring inside me were mutual. The thought was exhilarating. “Come on, guys, we better hurry, or we’re going to be late!”

* * *

The week passed almost in a blur. Collin would meet me in the morning at school and take us girls to lunch. After school I would baby-sit Riley, and Collin had work. The couple of days he didn’t work, he would bring Lacey and meet Riley and me at the park. Lacey and Riley were becoming best buddies, and it was fun to watch them interact with each other. In the evenings, he would either call me, or we would spend the night texting while trying to study for our classes. The biggest change of all for me was that I had a week of no nightmares. The dark shadows under my eyes vanished. My aunt and Riley’s mom both had commented on it.

* * *

Spring break had officially begun. It was Friday night, and Mia and Natasha were packing to go on their trip to Mammoth. They would be gone most of the first week of our two weeks off of school. They would be back for the second week. I walked over to my window and opened it to let in the cool night air. The sweet smell of orange blossoms from a nearby grove wafted in with the breeze. The moon was bright tonight, lighting up the front yard and street. The deep rumble of a car turning the corner brought a smile to my face. I was pretty sure it was Collin; we were headed out to a movie. Surprisingly, he had chosen a romantic comedy instead of the newest thriller that had just been released. The white Camaro turned down our street, and I left my room to meet him.

Downstairs, my aunt and uncle were sprawled out on the couch watching a movie with their big bowl of popcorn between them. Saying goodnight, I walked to the front door just as the doorbell rang. Opening the door, Collin stood waiting for me with a beautiful bouquet of purple tulips in his hands.

Oh, how pretty! I love tulips!”

Wow, you look stunning tonight.”

Thank you.” I had chosen a jean mini skirt tonight, with a black long-sleeved shirt and a pair of black flats. Spending a little extra time getting ready, I had curled my hair and pinned back my bangs so that they’d stay out of my eyes.

Come in. I want to put these in water before we leave. You can meet my uncle too.” I grinned at Collin’s look of slight discomfort.


Entering the kitchen, my tulips immediately caught my aunt’s eye, and she was up in a flash to inspect them and help me find a vase.

These are beautiful. You know that tulips are Bailey’s favorite, right?”

Really? I let Lacey help with the selection. Although I have to admit that her favorite color is purple, so that probably influenced her.”

Uncle Eli, this is Collin McKenna. Collin, Eli Corbit, and you met my aunt Rachelle the other day.”

My uncle got up from the couch, and stepped over to the kitchen to shake hands with Collin.

Hi, Collin, nice to meet you. You take good care of my niece, she’s very special to us.”

Yes, sir. I will.”

After placing the flowers in the glass vase my aunt had pulled out of the cabinet, I was ready to leave. “Okay, let’s get going so we’re not late.”

Nice to meet you, Mr. Corbit. Good to see you again, Mrs. Corbit.”

Please just call us Eli and Rachelle. Have fun tonight,” my aunt responded.

We walked out to the car and were off to the theater downtown. Once in the car, Collin turned down the radio so I could actually hear him talk.

So tulips are really your favorite flower?”

Looking at his strong profile made my stomach flutter. “Yeah. They are so simple, yet so elegant. I love all flowers, so if you ever feel the desire to give me flowers again, don’t think I’ll only enjoy tulips.”

His eyes turned in my direction. “Ah, I can take a hint when it’s given. Haven’t you gotten lots of flowers from special admirers?” Those are the first ones I’ve ever gotten from someone not related to me.”

Are you serious? You've never gotten any type of flowers? No single rose, nothing?”

Nope. I told you, no one’s ever really asked me out before. I’ve just had friends where we’ve all gone out as a group.”

I guess I’m just still surprised. I have to say, though, I’m happy to have been the first.”

* * *


Arriving at the packed theater, Collin parked the car after circling through the parking lot several times, and we walked toward the ticket booth. By the time we found our seats, we had a big bucket of popcorn, drinks, and my favorite movie food, a box of Red Vines. Choosing seats up at the top of the theater, we moved into the middle of the aisle. The lights went down just as we were sitting in our seats, and the previews started.

Collin had the popcorn propped up on his left knee so that it was between us. He had left the armrest up, and my right shoulder would brush his when I would reach into the bucket. The times when our hands made contact left my arm tingling. Halfway through the movie, we had almost completely devoured the popcorn and the Red Vines.

I tried to follow the movie on the screen, but Collin’s close proximity made it hard to focus. My hands were folded in my lap when I felt Collin’s left hand casually pull my right hand into his, linking his fingers with mine. I could feel a shiver move across my body. I cringed, hoping that Collin wouldn’t notice. My heart was pounding. I wondered if he could hear it or feel it beating as the blood was coursing through my hand. He seemed calm, and completely in control, while I felt like I was about to shatter in a million pieces.

The movie ended, and I was surprised but thrilled that Collin didn’t let my hand drop from his. Instead, he led me out of the theater with our fingers intertwined. Walking back to his car, we talked about the movie and the things we enjoyed, thought were funny, and found interesting. It was only when he opened the door for me that he let go of my hand. He walked around and got in the driver’s side. After starting the car, his hand searched for mine, and he pulled it over to lay on the console between us. I was secretly glad his car wasn’t a stick. As we drove through the streets headed to the edge of town, I was pretty sure he was driving to the lookout where he had taken me last week.

When we arrived at the lookout, I was glad there was no one else there. Collin stopped the car, reached in his backseat, and pulled out his jacket.

Will you be too cold if we sit out there? Or would you rather stay in the car? You can have my jacket if you’d like.”

I’ll be okay with your jacket. The view outside with the lights and stars is so much better.” Taking his jacket as he handed it over, I put it on.

We sat down on the bench. I leaned against the back and stared at the dark, sparkling sky above, wondering if I might be lucky and catch a glimmer of a falling star.

What are you looking at?”

Looking for a falling star.”

So, what are you going to wish for if you do find one?”

Umm...I’m not sure yet, but I’ll come up with something.”

He laughed, “I’m sure you will.”

There were crickets chirping nearby, and the breeze rustled the leaves in the trees. It was so peaceful, relaxing, or would have been relaxing if the electricity wasn’t flowing through my veins. I was excited and felt alive; anticipation of what might come next was keeping me on pins and needles.

His jacket was big, the arms extending well past my hands. I had tried to push the sleeves up, but it was useless; they just fell back down.

Look! Did you see that?” I had found my falling star, so I quickly closed my eyes and made my wish. When I opened my eyes, I was staring right into the deep, tranquil blue of Collin’s.

No, guess I missed that one. So, what did you wish for?”

I can’t tell you or it won’t come true. Don’t you know any of the rules?” I teased him.

Can’t say I’ve ever had a class on the proper protocol for what you are and aren’t supposed to do with falling stars.”

Well, then, I guess I’ll let you off the hook. But I still can’t tell you.”

What if I guess?”

Nope, still no good.”

Our faces had moved closer together, and then Collin’s fingers lightly touched my cheeks, so gently. I could feel him pulling me closer. Instinctively, my eyes closed and his lips softly touched mine. My hands found their way to his chest, the beating of his heart noticeable under my right palm. Feeling like fireworks were going off above us, I was almost out of breath like I’d run miles when he pulled back. His hands still holding my face between them, he leaned his forehead against mine, our noses just touching.

Did I guess right?” His voice was husky, almost at a whisper. I could feel the warmth from his breath.

Huh?” My brain was not thinking clearly. This was my very first real kiss, and I wanted to imprint the entire thing on my memory so I’d never forget.

Your wish. Did I guess right?”

Oh, that. Um, maybe.”

Chuckling, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Pulling back, he wrapped his arms around me, turning slightly so we were now sitting sideways on the bench, my back leaning against his chest, his head resting on the top of mine, his arms around me, his fingers laced with mine.

Hmm...this feels just right.”

I simply sighed in agreement. Yes, it did feel right, absolutely perfect. Then a shudder of fear slithered up my spine, and I wondered, could I really be so lucky to have found someone so special? Pushing those thoughts away, I was going to enjoy the moment, and for now that was enough.

BOOK: A Healing Heart
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