Read A Child of a CRACKHEAD II Online

Authors: Shameek Speight

A Child of a CRACKHEAD II (7 page)

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“Guns don’t bother me, Rachel. I’m from Brooklyn. I know how to use them but never thought I had too.”

“Girl, if you call me Rachel one more time.”

“Ok mom,” Envy said with a smile on her face.

“I got one more than for you Envy. This is a 3.57 sub nose magnum with strap holsters. You put this on your thigh under your jeans or dress. I know how much you love you some fashion and I don’t want you to mess up none of your pretty outfits, but I don’t want you trying to carry the other two around, but Envy I want you to carry this all the time. I see it in my dreams you need this child.”

“Mom, we’re going to be okay. You need to stop this you’re just having bad dreams.”

“Michael, I am not going to keep telling you. God shown me signs in my dreams. I’ll pray for you two.”

Michael looked at his mother then kissed her on her forehead and grabbed the two melt cases.

“Boy, listen to me the devil is coming. Be ready and watch out for that boy. There’s something about him.”

“With that note we’re leaving. Envy, come on. Love you, mom,” Michael said as he walked up the basement stairs and seen Mike talking to Janet and laughing. “Come on Mike, we’re going home now.”

“Okay,” Mike replied and said bye to Janet as they made their way to the car.

On the ride home Envy had so many questions she wanted to ask Michael, but knew it wasn’t the time. As they pulled up in front of their brownstone house on Gates Avenue in Brooklyn, they saw a brown skin woman in a gray suit standing there. “That’s Ms. Green. She’s going to take me anyway!” Mike yelled and was looking around for ways to escape.

“No Mike, I spoke to her this morning. She said you can stay, but she has to check out our house to make sure it’s safe and sit and talk with us.

That’s all Mike,” Envy stated.

“You swear,” Mike replied.

“Yes baby, that’s all.”

The three of them got out of the car.

Michael and Envy began to unload all the bags from the trunk. “Hey Ms. Green, nice to meet you. I’m Envy Kartel and this is Michael Ice, Jr. We spoke earlier.”

“Yes, nice to meet you to Miss Kartel.”

“Oh just call me Envy, Ms. Green. Come on in,” Envy replied as they walked into the house and Mike followed nervously and scared that he would be taken away.

“I’ll put up the bags,” Michael stated. Envy sat down on the couch and Ms. Green did the same.

“Okay, from your files I see you go to school for fashion and work with mental patients and that Michael Ice, Jr. is the owner of the community center in Brownsville that also gets funded by the state.”

“Yes Ms. Green, you have everything right.

Okay, so Mike can stay here. You and Michael have to sign some paper and finish showing me around.”

“Not a problem Ms. Green.” Envy took Ms.

Green around the house and she was more than impressed. The house was decorated with the best things money could buy.

“Who decorated the house?” Ms. Green asked.

“Please girl, you know it was me. It takes a man to buy a house, but a woman to make it a home.” Envy replied.

“I hear that girl. I love your place. You have great taste. Now all I need is for you and Michael to sign here.” Ms. Green said as she pulled out some papers. Michael came down the stairs and signed the papers. “Ok Michael and Envy, we’re all done. I have to come by once a month to visit the house and I’ll bring you the rest of the paper work you need on Mike.”

“Ok Ms. Green it was nice meeting you and we look forward to your next visit.” Michael said while shaking her hand.

“Bye Envy and girl you have to take me shopping with you one day or help me pick out nice things for my place.”

“I got you, Ms. Green. You have a good day,” Envy replied.

“I guess everything went our way baby,”

Michael said while wrapping his arms around Envy.

“You should have known it would. We make a great team in and everyone loves you and loves my fashion style.”

“Yea they do baby.” Michael replied while slowly kissing her lips and making her wet as each kiss was deeper than the last. There tongue danced in each other’s mouth.

Mike walked into the living room. “So am I staying?” Mike asked causing Envy and Michael to break their embrace.

“See we can’t be doing that now. We have a child around,” Envy said walking away very seductively.

“Damn something about a woman in heels is so sexy,” Michael said out loud to himself. “Yea, you’re going to stay Mike. We worked everything out. You’ll be with me and Miss Envy for now on and we’re going to take good care of you.”

“Really?” Mike said with a cheesy smile on his face.

“Yes really, now go try on some of those new clothes Envy picked out for you.”

The door bell rang and Michael walked to it,

“Who is it?”

“It’s Detective Roy and Tommy. May we speak with Michael?” Michael opened up the door.

“Are you Michael Ice, Jr.?” a short white detective asked. He had on a grey suit and had blond hair and next to him was his partner who was overweight with black hair.

“Yes, I am sir. What is this about?” Michael asked.

“May we come in, sir?”

“Yes, come in,” Michael replied and led them to the living room where they all sat down.

“Okay Michael, like I said, I’m detective Roy and this is my partner, Detective Tommy. I have to ask you a few things. Where were you last night around 9pm?

“I was home with my girl. Why?” Michael replied.

“There was a shootout in the parking lot of the project in Brownsville right next to the community center that you own. Do you know anything about it?

“No, Detective Roy, I don’t,” Michael replied.

“Listen, Michael or Evil, yes I know what they call you on the streets.” Detective Roy said with a smirk on his face. “I know who your father is, Black Ice. My father spent his whole career chasing him and lost his partner just like you, Michael or Evil. I am a junior my father was Detective Roy, Sr. and my father wasn’t able to get your father, but I will and if I can’t fucking get him, I’ll get you. There have been bodies in the last ten years popping up with missing body parts -- your father’s style, but I don’t think it’s him. I believe it was you.”

“It sounds like you have a problem, Detective Roy. I’m not like my father and if you feel like you must follow your father’s footsteps go ahead, asshole. I work with the state and have friends in high places and more than the Chief of Police, who will love how you been questioning me, someone who’s trying to better the community and slow down the drug rate in Brooklyn.” Michael stated with his devilish grin on his face.

“You’re just like him. I’ll fucking prove it somehow and will put your ass away behind bars where you belong just like your father,” Detective Roy shouted.

“I think you need to leave my house, now,”

Michael replied.

Detective Roy and Tommy got up and left.

“We will be seeing you again.” Detective Roy said as he walked out the door.

“And you will be losing your job,” Michael stated then laughed and shut the door.

Detective Roy and Tommy jumped into the car. “I know he knows something, Tommy. And it’s a matter of time before we get him.”

“I hope your right, Roy, because he does know people in high places. I seen the pictures of him with the police chief even the DA.”

“Fuck that black, mother fucker, I doubt they do anything to help him and did you see how nice the inside of his house was? We work hard and we’re still not living that good,” Detective Roy replied.

“But Roy, he does help women and children.”

“I don’t care. Do you like him or something, Tommy?”

“No Roy, I’m just stating the fact.”

“I don’t want to hear the facts. He’s a monster that’s all there is to it,” Detective Roy said as he drove off.

Michael dialed a number and the person picked up on the first ring. “Hey Michael, what’s going on? What can I do for you?”

“I have an issue. It’s a Detective Roy. I think he’s going to be a problem for me.”

“Oh don’t worry, Michael, I’ll take care of it.”

“Thank you,” Michael replied and hung up.

“I’m about to cook,” Envy said as she walked in, “Who was you talking to baby?” she asked.

“I’ll tell you all about it. So, can me and Mike help you cook?” Michael replied.

“Sure why not?”

Chapter 10

Pooky lay on the bed still in pain. He now had a bag strapped to his thigh. There was tube in it that was connected to his bladder for him to urine in. He felt his ear and noticed for the first time a big piece was cut off the top of it. “Shit not only am I deaf in that ear, it’s also cut up. I’m going to kill Evil and that little fucking boy!!” Pooky yelled out in anger as the older man with long dreads walked into the room and looked at him lying on the bed. “I messed up man. I almost had him if it wasn’t for that little boy.”

“Don’t worry, Pooky. We will get another chance and we will kill off them both,” the older man replied, “By the way, why do you want Evil dead?”

“I have my reasons, but you never told me yours. You just came to me with a plan to kill him and I was down with it. I hated him for years.”

Ceaser looked back down at Pooky, “It’s not Evil I want. It’s Black Ice. I hope you kill Evil and you help me kill Black Ice. Ten years ago, I worked for Black Ice and he took everything from my woman, Roxy, my son, and my place in this world and he thought he took my life.” Ceaser said as his mind flashed back to him sitting in that tight, dark barrel with his son’s head and arms on his lap as he sunk to the bottom of Coney Island Ocean.

“And I would have died if it wasn’t for the police in a boat in the middle of the ocean that seen Black Ice dump the barrel in the ocean. When they sent four divers to get the barrel not knowing what was inside and was shocked when they opened it and found me halfway dead, passed out, and covered in my son’s blood and body parts. I kept on living in hiding for ten years. I’ve been waiting for the day to get my chance to have my revenge on Black Ice, but he hasn’t shown his face yet. And with all the kidnapping and more crack heads popping up in Brooklyn, I just know it’s him behind it. Somehow and when we kill Evil he will show his face and will be next. The sins of the father will be paid by the son,” Ceaser stated as him and Pooky both smiled as they thought of Evil and Black Ice dying.

Tiffany looked at Black Ice go to the steel door and punch in the code. The door popped open and he walked out and it shut behind him. She knew it was Friday and Black Ice was having a meeting with his henchman and also to go out and grab more women and girls from off the street.

‘This is my night I can feel it. I know I can pull it off and get away,’ she thought to herself as she quickly jumped out of the bed and stumbled a little.

Her legs were weak and her pussy was sore from the beating Black Ice did to it. She made her way to the shower and hopped in and washed up as fast as she could and put on an all black sweat suit. I’ll wait for an hour until I feel him and his henchmen are out.

Across town in Brownville Brooklyn, two black vans pulled up on a dark block on Howard Avenue. Four men dressed in black jumped out of both vans than opened the back door in each van.

There were six women wearing only white dirty T-shirts and looked to be only eighty pounds each, scared, and shaking for their life. A few of the girls had fat stomachs, not from being pregnant. The first henchmen spoke, “Listen, you remember what you’ve been told if any of you say a word about what happened to you or where you have been. We will find you and if you think the last few months of your fucking life have been hell, you don’t know what the fuck we will do next to you. Now get the hell out of here. You’re free,” the henchmen yelled while the other guys grabbed the women and pulled them out of the van then handed them each crack the size of an eight ball. The women looked around with fear then slowly walked off like zombies.

Some sat right there on the sidewalk and pulled out there crack pipe, filled it up, and began to smoke.

Black Ice smirked and was more than pleased as the vans pulled off.

Two women got off the train from work and were heading home. Two men jumped out of a black van and grabbed them from behind and pressed knives to their throats. They screamed and kicked, but it was no use as the strong men tossed them in to the back of the van crying.

Three sixteen year old girls were leaving from a party then were knocked out with small baseball bat and dragged into the van.

Tiffany’s instincts told her it was now or never. She knew Black Ice and most of his men will be out in the street kidnapping more women or making drugs sales. She walked to the door and punched in the code 5, 17, 32, 7. “Yes I got it right,” she said out loud as the door opened and she looked both ways sticking her head out of the door making sure there were no guards there. She crept down the hallway making sure to stay close to the wall so the cameras wouldn’t see her. She stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the basement. Once in the basement, she slowly headed down the hall to the third big steel door. In her heart she knew there were a few guards around, but she couldn’t leave without Star and Yasmin. There were no henchmen guarding the big steel door to the room where all the other women were kept. She knew it wouldn’t be because all the men were getting a new women or fresh meat as Black Ice would tell her. She punched in the code she seen Black Ice use. The door popped open a cloud of white smoke rushed out and hit her face. “Shit, what the fuck am I doing?” she said out loud as the crack called to her and made her want to smoke.

She walked into a large room and had to wait until her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She looked around and saw there were only a few women chained to the wall. “Good that means Black Ice and his men are setting some of the women free, but kidnapping more,” she said to herself as she used her hand to fan some of the smoke out of her face.

She could see her best friend sitting on the floor rocking back and forth. “Star, it’s me!” Tiffany said bending down next to her.

Star stopped rocking and looked up at Tiffany. “I did what you said and stopped smoking until you came, but the voices in my head kept telling me to smoke and my body hurts and calls for the crack. I didn’t know how long I could fight it.”

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