A Bitch In Time (Marina: Part One: Naughty Nookie Series) (10 page)

BOOK: A Bitch In Time (Marina: Part One: Naughty Nookie Series)
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Coming Soon…

Just A Woman


Part 2


is no stranger to Marina Denison, but that doesn’t mean it sits well on her

she goes, whatever she does, death shadows her, tails her and those who
surround her.  She has to break the pattern, break free from the vicious
cycle her life has become and the answers lie in the Blue Ridge Ranch back in
Montana.  Her home.

she must face her past, accept her present and all so that she can finally
enjoy her future.  

But is she strong enough to confront
the years that formed her into the woman she is today?   

out in
Just a Woman…


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Other works by Serena Akeroyd…


Nookie Series


Part One: Fall Into Love

When Simone
Barranquet meets Zane Matthews on a night out with her friends, little does she
know that her life is about to change.

Crashing into
Zane, her mundane existence is teetering on the edge. A whole new world of
sexual exploration awaits her, if she's willing to take a leap of faith in a
man she doesn't know who leads a life she can't understand.


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Part Two: Crazy Little Thing Called Lust

After the
revelations that sprang forth after her one night stand, Simone feels both
betrayed and guilty as hell in the aftermath. When Zane calls her, looking to
take her out again, what can she say apart from, ‘Get real! And while you’re at
it, get lost!’

But when Zane
refuses to take her rejection and forces her to listen to his unorthodox tale,
he sets Simone on to a path she never imagined impossible.

With her life
changing about her, only her friends can keep her grounded.

But does she
want to have her feet planted firmly on the ground?

Or is she
ready for adventure?

Even if that
adventure means her becoming something that goes against her every principle.


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Part Three: All That Glitters...

With Mona
gradually realizing that life is a fickle mistress, she knows she has choices
to make. Choices that will change her future forever. And regardless of the
chaotic tangle of her affair with Zane, she still wants and needs him to be a
part of her present.

But with news
of their affair having hit the gossip columns, Mona knows there’s little to no
chance of that happening. Where once the future was bright, now it’s bleak
until the remarkable occurs. A stranger who’s not so strange turns up at her
door and offers her an alternative path.

To Mona,
being a kept woman was as unorthodox as could be, but what Zane’s husband, Jake
Harris, suggests makes less sense than Martians taking over NYC. In fact, he
might as well propose that she turn green.

But for Zane,
is she willing to do the unthinkable?

Is she
willing to take on sex god no. 2 to retain no. 1?


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Simone: Part
Four: …Can Be Gold

The Simone of
old no longer exists. She has transmogrified into a woman with whom she can’t
reconcile but who she must eventually come to accept. This new Mona is
stronger, sexier and with an innate power that she’s only just beginning to

For Zane, she
has put her very soul on the line. She has dragged herself to the outer limits
of her principles and has entered uncharted territory. All for the man who
helped form this new creature that calls herself Simone Barranquet.

But was it
worth it? Is he worthy of her sacrifice?

And what of
Jake? Is he manipulating her or does he really share the same aspirations? When
two enemies unite and become allies, the man at the center of the battle is

But will Zane
concur? Is he strong enough to accept them both, to have what he’s never known
he’s always wanted?


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BOOK: A Bitch In Time (Marina: Part One: Naughty Nookie Series)
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