Read A Bestiary of Unnatural Women Online

Authors: Ashley Zacharias

Tags: #erotica, #bdsm, #bondage, #masochism

A Bestiary of Unnatural Women (2 page)

BOOK: A Bestiary of Unnatural Women
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Each plate was appointed with a half dozen
baby carrots, a scoop of mashed potatoes, already dressed with
gravy, a slice of roast beef with a spoonful of horseradish next to
it, and a large spoonful of cole slaw. Simple, hearty food that was
easy to cook and easy to eat.

Roy noted that she had not opened or served
the wine that he had brought, nor had she offered drinks of any
kind except for the glass of ice water that had already been set at
each place.

As soon as the men began eating, Felicity
began to speak. “Gentlemen, welcome to my home. I know that you are
feeling a little confused right now, so let me explain myself. The
situation is simple enough. I recently met each of you and was
strongly attracted to you. I would like to spend the rest of the
evening making love with one of you. This is unusual for me. For
the most part, I have had a fairly average sex life. Tonight,
though, you will find me rather adventuresome in bed. No reasonable
consensual sexual act is off limits, except for group sex. I will
be available to only one of you. It's now six o'clock. There's an
alarm clock in the living room that's set to ring at seven o'clock.
If there is only one man in my apartment when the alarm sounds, I
will give him a night that we will both long remember. If there is
more than one man here, then I will ask you all to leave and I will
spend the night alone and disappointed. That's it. Oh, except for
one other thing. I will absolutely not make the decision about
which man will spend the night here. In fact, I will not contribute
to the decision in any way, direct or indirectly. It is entirely up
to you to decide which one of you gets me and which two will leave
empty handed. I don't care how you make your decision, only that
you decide before seven. The clock is ticking, gentlemen, so I
suggest you get to work.” She fell silent and began eating her

The three men sitting at the table looked at
each other in shock, the implications of her rules slowly sinking

After a minute, Roy looked at Felicity with
amusement. He had come prepared to seduce her. Undoubtedly, the
other two men had come with exactly the same intention. But, under
her rules, seduction was irrelevant; no one had to convince her of
anything. She had presented herself as nothing but a passive prize,
leaving it up to the men to devise their own game and honor their
own rules.

Felicity broke the silence. “Eat up,
gentlemen. I hope you like the food because this is all that I have
prepared. Dessert won't be served until seven. That will be me and
only one of you can partake. But I will do my best to make sure
that I'll be the most enjoyable desert that one of you ever

The men ate their food in silence, each
thinking about how he might win the prize from the other two.

Roy appreciated the woman's wisdom of not
serving alcohol with the meal. A drunken brawl at this point would
be a stupendously bad idea.

The meal did not last long. Maybe five
minutes, tops. When Felicity began clearing the table, Timothy
stood up as well and said, “Okay. This is pretty clear to me. We
clear the furniture out of the living room and get to it. Last man
standing gets the girl.”

Stan replied, flatly, “And you're sure that
you're going to be the last man standing.”

“I can press two fifty.”

“You think you can take both of us together?”
Roy asked.

“One at a time would be more reasonable, but
I'd give odds that I could take both of you weenies at the same
time in a fair fight,” Timothy sneered.

“But can you take on four cops?” Roy asked.
“They don't fight fair. They use nightsticks and tasers and


“You assault one of us and the other one is
going to call nine one one. The cops will have you out of here
before you can blink and that will give Stan and me lots of time to
flip a coin for the girl.”

Timothy flushed with anger. “You pussy. Only
an asshole would call the cops on a fair fight.”

“Whatever. Just put the whole free-for-all
brawl idea out to pasture. It's not going to happen. The first guy
to throw a punch will be the first guy out the door.” Roy glanced
at Felicity. Her face was flushed and her eyes were sparkling. Then
he glanced at Stan. He was smiling confidently.

There was a minute of silence, then Stan
said, “If it's up to us, we can make a rather different decision
than the one that she gave us.” He spoke as though Felicity were
not in the room; or maybe as though she were an object with no
volition of her own. Which was exactly how she had presented
herself. “Her rules don't have to be binding. There's nothing to
stop us from deciding to stay and share equally. The only question
is who gets which hole first. I think a couple of coin flips will
decide that.”

“Oh, no,” Felicity said quickly. “I made that
clear. Only one guy gets dessert. The other two get nothing.”

Timothy looked back at her with flat,
reptilian eyes. “You don't get to set all the rules, lady. You've
had your fun; now we're going to have our own kind of game.”

Stan nodded. “It'll be your word against
ours. And, considering that you invited three strange men to your
apartment all at the same time, your word won't carry much

Felicity smiled enigmatically. “It's not
about my word, it's simple physics.” She stood and stepped back
from the table to give all three men a clear view. To their
surprise and joy, she unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off. As
Roy and the others had already realized, she was not wearing a bra.
Her breasts, full and round underneath the silk, proved to be
wonderfully nubile when exposed to view. He heard Timothy gasp and
Stan chuckle softly.

Roy waited for the hammer to fall. She wasn't
offering herself to them without a plan.

Her plan was revealed when she unbuttoned,
unzipped, and then dropped her miniskirt to her ankles. As Roy had
noted, her stockings were supported by a black garter belt. But he
had not guessed what she would be wearing in place of panties. He
laughed. Felicity was no fool.

“Is that metal panties?” Timothy's voice
sounded confused.

“It's a chastity belt,” Roy replied. “Nobody
gets into the lady until she unlocks it.”

“Who's got the key?” Stan's calm demeanor had
taken a sudden turn to the nasty.

“She's got it herself,” Roy replied.
“Contrary to popular myth, medieval ladies were not locked up by
their husbands against their will for long periods of time. They
locked themselves into the belts during dangerous moments to keep
from being raped. They were free to unlock themselves any time they
wanted to make love. She's using her chastity belt exactly as
intended – to protect herself from violent rape.”

Felicity smiled. “To make this perfectly
clear. If there's only one man in the apartment at seven o'clock,
then I'll give him the key and he can unlock my treasure.” She
gestured to the small radial lock that was set into the front of
the belt. “If you haven't made a decision by then, the belt stays
on until everyone is gone and I can go to bed alone.”

There was another minute of silence while the
men thought about the implications of this latest development.
Again, it was Stan who broke the spell. This time he addressed the
half-naked woman directly. “What if you decide that you don't want
any of us and welch on the deal? If only one of us is here at
seven, there's nothing to stop you from keeping yourself locked up.
Any time you've decided that you've had enough fun for tonight, you
can slip away and leave us here with our dicks in our hands. In
fact, that was probably your plan from the beginning.”

“I gave you my word that one of you will have
me. If you can decide which one, then that one will get the

“Like you said, yourself, words don't count
as much as physics.”

She smiled again. “Okay. I'll give you a
little more physics to make my promise irrevocable. Come on, boys.”
She walked through the arch into the living room. The men followed.
Roy looked at the metal strip that passed between her buttocks. It
would chafe if she tried to walk too far because it was wide enough
to ensure that nobody used her back door without the key. The only
orifice that was available was her mouth and that was guarded by
her lovely white teeth. He did not doubt that she would Bobbit the
man who tried to take her mouth against her will.

In the living room, Felicity walked to the
mantel and picked up a light silver chain with a key attached. She
draped it around her neck so that the key hung down between her
breasts. Then she walked to the couch where there was a pile of
chain and leather waiting.

She buckled one wide leather cuff about each
wrist, threading a metal loop through the straps near the buckle.
She threaded the hasp of an open padlock through one end of the
short chain. “If one of you gentlemen would be so kind as to lock
the chain to my cuffs.”

Stan took the lock and threaded the hasp
through the two loops. When he snapped the lock closed, her wrists
were locked into the cuffs in front of her and the cuffs were
locked together at the end of the chain.

She walked to the far corner of the room.
“Now, if one of you would like to hook the last link of the chain
to the ceiling.”

Roy looked up and saw that there was a heavy
hook screwed into the ceiling above her head. He would bet that a
hanging plant was sitting in a spare room right now. Looking down,
he saw a two-step stool next to the wall. She had thought of
everything, but the stool was overkill. Timothy was tall enough to
reach the ceiling without the stool. When he took the end of the
chain, she obligingly raised her arms over her head so that he
could reach up and snap the last link over the hook. When she was
secured, her hands were held loosely together over her head, elbows
bent slightly and breasts pulled upward in a most fetching way.

She looked down at the key that was hanging
between her breasts, rising and falling with every breath. With the
chain and leather cuffs keeping her hands above her head, there was
no way for her to reach it herself. It was almost cruel that she
had made herself wear the means of her release where she could see
and feel it but not reach it.

Timothy took the opportunity to caress the
perfect curves of her tits. Despite his eagerness to brawl with the
other men, he touched the woman with surprising gentleness, giving
the impression that he genuinely cared about her feelings. She
closed her eyes and moaned softly at his touch, giving every man in
the room the impression that she was looking forward to an evening
of hot sex.

Roy noted that the hook in the ceiling had a
spring-loaded safety latch on it that prevented the chain from
slipping back off unless the latch was held open. Felicity was not
tall enough to reach the latch herself. It would be impossible for
her to pull the chain off the hook. She was trapped until someone
released her.

Stan kicked the step-stool away just to be
certain that she could not hook it with her foot and pull it

“The key to the padlock is on my necklace,”
she said. “I trust that the winner will release me after I tell you
where to find the key to the chastity belt.”

There was no question that Roy would unlock
her. She would be a lot more fun lying on her back or bent over a
table than standing in the corner with her arms stretched over her
head. The other two men had undoubtedly already reached exactly the
same conclusion because they both nodded eagerly.

“Okay, guys, let's get down to business,”
Stan said. “How are we going to decide who spends the night with
the maiden and who goes home frustrated as hell?”

“Draw lots,” Roy said.

“Nah,” Stan replied quickly. “I don't want to
leave it up to pure chance.”

“Me neither,” Timothy replied.

Roy knew what they were thinking. Stan didn't
like the one-in-three odds. He wanted a sure thing. Timothy wanted
to lobby for some kind of physical game so that he would have the

“Then what?” Roy asked.

Predictably, Timothy said, “Let's arm wrestle
for her. That's what real men would do.”

Roy and Stan replied, simultaneously,

Timothy laughed. “Wimps.” He turned to the
woman hanging in the corner. “You really want to spend the night
with one of these chickenshits?”

She smiled but said nothing. It was clear
that she was a spectator now. She had finished her part in the game
and intended to spend the next hour just watching the fun.

Stan gestured toward the couch and easy
chairs. “Let's sit down and discuss this in comfort.”

The three men sat but none of them felt

“So how about a game of poker. Winner take
all.” He gestured toward the half naked women. “She's

The three men looked at the beautiful siren,
each feeling more lust than they had ever before felt in their
entire lives. The woman was practically in their hands. In one of
their hands.

The object of their lust looked back at the
men impassively, apparently content just to wait and see which one
would claim her in the end. Roy had the impression that she had
specifically chosen men who were equally attractive to her so that
she would have no preference for one over the other.

“I don't know how to play poker,” Timothy
said, keeping his eyes on Felicity's lovely breasts.

“Wimp,” Stan replied, turning back to look at
the other men and laughing. “It's easy. We'll keep it simple. Five
card draw. I can teach you in a couple of minutes.”

Roy shook his head. “We have only about a
half an hour left to decide. If we only play a couple of hands,
winning will come down to luck. We'd be no better off than drawing
lots. If we try to play a proper game, we won't be finished until
ten at the earliest. I've got nothing against playing a game for
her, but it'll have to be a game that doesn't take longer than half
an hour.”

BOOK: A Bestiary of Unnatural Women
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