9781618851666FindingHisSomethingSpicyLabelle (5 page)

BOOK: 9781618851666FindingHisSomethingSpicyLabelle
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“I am on a mission, a fact that
I’ve stated to
, and he seems okay with it. I
have no doubt the man could get anyone he chooses to, but it’s different this
time. He wants to settle down with someone who will accept him for who he is
lifestyle choices and all,
his relationship
with me and Nathan. We had a club we used to go to in Port Jervis it was pretty
close to our apartments and we frequented there quite often. There were
memories at Drink Nights I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.” Heidi smiled
dreamily thinking of the night Nathan proposed there, and continued, “
I’d love to check out The Rendezvous, maybe we could all
go together sometime?”

“You, me, and your two gorgeous
men, hell yeah that sounds like a plan.”

“Good, now what would you say if
I told you I wanted you to be our fourth?” Heidi held up her hand to keep
from interrupting her. “Please just hear me out.
You’re beautiful, inside and out. I’ve known you since I can remember, you’re
my closest childhood friend, my best ‘girl’ friend, and we’ve been through so
much together. Okay we lost touch a bit when I moved to Port Jervis, but you’ve
got to admit that we’re as close as ever. You’re single, someone I trust with
my life, and someone I’m attracted to and value. You’d be perfect for us.
will love you.”

“I don’t know, Heidi. Your
situation, although untraditional is fine with me. Hell, I’ll even admit it
intrigues me a little. I love you and Nathan, and
seem amazing, but I’m just not sure I can leap into this.”

“Why not?”

“Because what if it didn’t work
out? One, I’d hate to lose our friendship, and
not sure how I would fit in. Quite frankly, I’m a little nervous even thinking
about being in a four way.”

Heidi giggled, as
expressed herself with her hands as she spoke. “I’m
sorry, I know this isn’t funny but you’re adorable. We could go as fast or as
slow as you would like. Some alone time between you and
would be the most important especially in the beginning anyway, and only when
you’re ready would Nathan and I join the two of you. I mean who knows this may
not even work out. All I’m asking is that you hang around us more often to give
it a chance.
is a great guy, he needs to feel
loved and find someone to settle down with so he doesn’t feel left out, and
Nathan and I love him enough to help him find that someone special. Whether we like
it or not,
needs more than what we have and I’m
trying to give him the happiness he needs. That’s what you’re supposed to do
when you love someone isn’t it? Look
, the last
thing I want is for you to be uncomfortable, but I had to try. You’d be doing
us a huge favor. Will you at least think about it?”

stood silent, and bit her bottom
lip as she thought about it, and Heidi hadn’t realized she was holding her
breath until
nodded yes and a gush of air released
from her lungs in relief.

“I’ll give it a try, but I’m not
making any promises.”
smiled shyly and reached
out to squeeze Heidi’s hand.

“Thank you,
I can’t picture sharing them with anyone else.”


* * * *


“Well, what do we have here?”
Nathan and
followed the delicious aromas of
dinner being prepared as soon as they entered the house. Nathan spent the
afternoon playing tour guide for
knowing that
Heidi had other plans. Coming up behind her he wrapped his arms around Heidi’s waist
and leaned in for a kiss.

Heidi turned around and smiled
at Nathan and
. She pecked Nathan on the lips and
then moved to do the same to
. “Nathan,
, you remember my good friend
don’t you?” She suppressed a smile at seeing
blush, and continued, “She’ll be joining us tonight.”

“Will she?” Both men chorused
with mischievous grins on their faces that suggested all kinds of naughtiness.

“I will, for dinner—I’ll be
joining you for dinner.”

cleared her throat and blushed
again as
blurted out “a pity” and feigned a

“Be good,” Heidi teased, and then
pointed towards the dining room. “Now out, dinner will be ready in a minute.”
The last thing she wanted was to scare
off. She
knew how virile and appealing both men where and it could be quite intimidating
if you weren’t used to all the attention. Both men chuckled as they obliged,
leaving them to have a minute before they joined them at the dinner table.

“You okay?” She approached
who was still blushing and rubbed her back.

exhaled loudly as if she had been holding her breath. “I just wish you hadn’t
told me you wanted to set me up as your fourth. I’d be far less nervous about
it.” She smiled shyly. “I mean God, I remembered they were gorgeous but my
memory didn’t do them justice. It’s a little intimidating.”

“I understand. Hey…” Heidi
brushed the side of her face so she’d look up from preparing the salad. “This
will go as fast or as slow as you want it to. Tonight you’re here as a friend
for me, it doesn’t have to be any more.”

“I know, and I’m sorry.”
smiled. “Do they always flirt like that?”

“Oh yeah.”
Heidi giggled. “Those two are
both sex on legs.”

“Sex on legs, huh?”
giggled with her. “Oh, man
I in trouble?” she teased, grabbing the salad bowl to take with her to the
dining room. “Let’s get this started shall we.”

Heidi smiled wide, before putting
her arm around
shoulders and gave her a peck
on the cheek. “We shall, let’s go.”


* * * *


“Man, look at them in there.”
Nathan nudged
as both men sat at the table and
watched the two women only a few feet away. “
pretty hot don’t you think?”

“They both are.”
smiled. “Too bad we don’t get to play with both.”

Nathan laughed out loud. “You do
realize that Heidi has a plan, right? She’s been friends with
since childhood, and I’m pretty sure she’s the one
Heidi hopes you’ll end up with.
cool, and
although she may seem a little shy, I know she’d be okay with our relationship
as it is. Hell, she’d be perfect for you.”

“She is beautiful, and seems to
be nice but I’m not going to jump into anything. I love that you and Heidi care
enough to make me happy, and I certainly have no plans to go anywhere. Ideally,
the woman I end up with needs to be just like Heidi. Hell, I wish there were
two of her but I’m willing to see where this goes. There’s no doubt Heidi likes
her, and I can’t deny that I’d like to see Ms.
naked and writhing for me so what the hell.”

“That a boy.” Nathan smiled. “I’m
a lucky man. I can’t deny it. I love Heidi so much it hurts, and I’m glad we’ve
found you. We do want you to be happy,
. We want
you in our lives for the long haul. I’m rooting for you man, and
is a beautiful woman. It certainly wouldn’t be a chore
having her in our bed or our lives. Good luck, I hope it all works out.”

“We’ll see.”
cleared his throat and stood as the ladies approached with the food. “Is there
anything I can help you with?”

“No thanks.” Heidi smiled as she
placed everything and took her place beside Nathan leaving
the spot next to
. “We’re good. Dig in.”

nodded and sat again as everyone
began to eat. There was no pressure and
more comfortable around them as the night progressed. They laughed, talked,
drank wine, and even flirted a little. Heidi couldn’t be more pleased. Her plan
was now in action, so far so good, and as the hours passed it was time for a
little push.

They all sat on the couch now
cozy by the fireplace. She was nestled in Nathan’s embrace feeling content and
then stretched with a yawn. “Nathan honey, I think it’s time the two of us
headed to bed.” She stood and reached her hand out to him for him to follow.

“Good idea.” He chuckled shaking
his head. “You, me and a bed, how can I refuse?” He winked at
who smiled at them.

Once Nathan stood, Heidi bent
over to kiss first
and then
quickly goodnight.
“Good night you two.”


* * * *


“I’m sorry.”
sighed and shook her head. “It’s getting late isn’t it? Maybe I should get
going too.” She stood to leave but stopped as
hand halted her movement.

“Please stay. I’m enjoying your

“Me too.”
She smiled as she sat down
beside him again. “But it would be so much easier if I wasn’t so nervous.”

“Why are you nervous?”
reached out to touch her again as he gently caressed
the side of her face. He couldn’t help himself. She was beautiful and as the
night went on he found that he liked having her around. She was one of them he
could see that clearly now. Not only did she have a great relationship with
Heidi, she laughed, joked, and fit in so nicely tonight. He wanted to learn
more about her, and he began to think maybe he did luck out. She was clearly
something special and it intrigued him enough to want to get to know her

“Okay, I’m just going to blurt
this out before I lose my nerve, so here goes.” She lifted her gaze to his,
blue eyes meeting his dark ones with uncertainty. “Heidi and I have been
friends since I can remember, and when she married Nathan I couldn’t be more
thrilled for her, and then
you. They both care
about you so much, and I think what you have is great, but Heidi told me about
you wanting to find your someone spicy and I think she wants that someone to be
me. How can I not be nervous when truthfully I’m not sure if you’re even
interested in me, or where I’d fit into this whole foursome scene. I’m very
attracted to you and definitely not a virgin, but I’ve never been a part of anything
so kinky in my life.”

“I already figured out Heidi’s
plans pretty much as soon as we walked in.” He chuckled. “Gotta love her
though, she’s got spectacular taste, especially in women.” He winked, allowing
his fingers to still linger against her as his thumb stroked back and forth
against her cheek. “But it’s my time to be honest. I can’t deny that I’m no
virgin either, as you put it, and I have a lot of experience. I love sex,
, I always have and I forever will. There is nothing
more satisfying than bringing the one you choose to be with such an intimate
pleasure and knowing it was you who gave them that sort of ecstasy, but I’m
also ready to settle down. Heidi and Nathan have taught me so much, and I envy
the love that they share. You should also know that I love them both, and I’m
not willing to leave what we have for the time being, and honestly if ever.
They make me happy and I’m hoping to find someone who will learn to love me for
me, kinkiness and all because Nathan, Heidi, and I are a package deal.”

“I understand,” she whispered,
and he nearly groaned as she zeroed in on his lips with her eyes.

“Good, because I need you to,” he
whispered, “and it should also be said that I’m very interested. You’re
, you’re kind, and loving,
and I love how well we all get along. You’re already
one of us, honey, and I’d like to get to know you. What do you
you want to give it a try?”

“I’d love to,
she whispered as he closed the distance between them. Her lips were just too
delectable and he had to have a taste right then. Her breath against his lips
as she whispered her assent made him moan. Their soft plump lips pressed
against each other and he was already addicted, needing more. He moved his body
as close as he could get. Her firm breasts teasing him as they pressed against
his chest and it already felt like heaven to him. She moaned with him, just as
eager. His tongue coaxed her lips open right then to meet with her own, the wet
silky glide of them touching as they tangled together while he made love to her

They were both panting when the
kiss slowed down. “Oh,
, I want you so bad right
now. I can’t stop thinking about the ecstasy you spoke about earlier. Is that
bad? I’ve never wanted to sleep with someone so fast before. Oh God, Nathan and
Heidi are upstairs and—” She flopped backwards on the couch and covered her
blushing face with her hands. “I should just go.”

BOOK: 9781618851666FindingHisSomethingSpicyLabelle
12.99Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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